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为了提高区域创新质量、改善区域创新环境、实现区域创新能力的提升,以中国27省为研究对象,构建了包含创新资源要素(知识基础与人力资本)、创新经济要素(地区经济水平与对外开放度)与创新政策要素(政府支持与政府竞争)3个维度、6个条件变量的创新要素群落,应用模糊定性比较分析法,探索了区域科技创新高绩效组态。研究发现:1)区域科技创新高效率路径归结为独立开放型和全面驱动型;2)对外开放、无政府间竞争是实现区域创新高效率的关键要素,区域科技高创新效率一定离不开高对外开放度;3)组态视角下政府支持对实现区域科技创新高效率的作用相对较低。研究成果在一定程度上丰富并扩展了区域科技创新效率的研究情境,对各地区开展区域创新活动具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Building on macroeconomic research on technology searches in response to diminishing technological opportunities, we develop an industry-level search theoretic model of productivity, knowledge sources, and innovation. We argue that increasing the use of science in technology development increases the novelty of ideas in the innovation search distribution and thus increases the likelihood of finding productivity improvements. We also propose that this relationship will hold outside the traditional science-based industries (pharmaceuticals, chemicals), and that there is no similar relationship between productivity and non-science patents. Random effect analyses of 32 US manufacturing industries during 1985–1997 support these hypotheses.  相似文献   

贾佳 《工业技术经济》2017,36(11):133-138
本文以自主创新的财政政策绩效评价为研究对象,在分析财政经费、税收优惠、政府采购等现行主要财政政策对自主创新影响的基础上,通过选取适当的财政政策投入指标和自主创新产出指标,以我国 2008~2015 年的时间序列数据为基础,实证测算并分析了我国财政政策支持自主创新的政策绩效。根据研究结论,从进一步完善政府采购制度、提高政府财政科技投入水平和管理制度、加强面向科技型中小企业的税收优惠、发挥财政科技支出投入社会资本杠杆效应等方面提出了进一步优化财政和税收支持的政策建议。  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years, telecommunications policy worldwide has been dominated by the privatisation of former government-owned firms, the pursuit of increasing competition as well as the delegation of day-to-day operations of industry decision-making and oversight from core governments to autonomous regulators sitting at arms-length from political decision-making. One of the most (apparently) dramatic reversals of this trend has occurred in Australia where the federal government has set up a state-owned company (NBN Co) to fully replace and upgrade the fixed-line infrastructure for voice and broadband communications for the entire country. Some argued that the NBN heralded a reversal of a “failed, neoliberal” deregulation and pro-competition policy agenda in Australia, and a return to “social democratic” values. The NBN has attracted interest as a possible model for other governments looking to fund broadband infrastructure.The NBN Co's network is nearing completion. It has proved disappointing in many ways, with costs escalations, missed deadlines and a downscaling of the original full-fibre footprint to a mixed technology model (MTM). It has also proved politically divisive, with some claiming the MTM changes represent the reassertion of a neoliberal political agenda. In this paper, we trace the evolution of the fixed-line telecommunications industry in Australia from the 1980s to the present along the dimensions of privatisation, deregulation and competition in voice, broadband and policy settings. We find that contrary to popular political rhetoric, the Australian industry reforms have been characterised by only a partial and inconsistent progression towards the international policy objectives. In particular, ongoing government ownership of the incumbent created perverse incentives for both regulatory and industry actors and ensured political involvement in import network investment and operations decisions which in other jurisdictions are delegated to private-sector owners and regulators at arms-length from political influence. We contend that the NBN was not a social democratic response to failed neoliberal policies, nor was the MTM a neoliberal reassertion. Rather, the politicisation of the NBN is a function of the inability to decentralise ownership and control of the industry away from the government. These issues will continue to dominate the Australian debate, as the statutory context requires the privatisation of the NBN within five years of its projected 2021 completion. Extreme caution is warranted for jurisdictions looking to the NBN model for guidance.  相似文献   

东北地区优势产业在经济转型升级、提高竞争能力过程中,面临着自主创新能力薄弱、缺乏有效创新机制和自主创新品牌等问题.不仅阻碍了区域优势产业的后续发展、老工业基地的振兴,而且还影响人民生活水平的提高.造成这种状况的原因在于:经济增长方式粗放、自主创新投入不足、创新人才缺乏和体制机制障碍.因此,调整政府创新扶持策略、增加企业研发经费投入、完善创新人才激励机制、转变企业自主创新实现方式,是提升东北地区优势产业竞争能力的关键所在.  相似文献   

Both internal knowledge – investment in internal R&D and information and communication technologies (ICT) as well as external knowledge – knowledge spillovers and active collaboration with partners are rapidly fostering firm productivity and innovation. In this study, we investigate the role of internal and external knowledge in firm productivity and innovation. In addition, we test interactions between investment in R&D and ICT as well as between knowledge spillovers and knowledge collaboration in their association to firm innovation and productivity. We use a recombinant innovation approach and four samples for firms in manufacturing, creative, ICT and science, and professional services industries during 2002–2014 and for pre-and post-crisis periods to perform our analysis. In addition to innovation and productivity, we also examine the role of internal and external knowledge as a conduit to the development of innovation internally and the co-creation of innovation with external partners. Our results lead to managerial and policy implications.  相似文献   

This paper sets forth a model of knowledge-based regional development conceived as a set of multi-linear dynamics, based on alternative technological paradigms. Utilizing longitudinal data from a Swedish region, and international comparisons, four stages of development are identified: Inception, Implementation, Consolidation and Renewal. Innovation policy is created 'bottom-up' as an outcome of 'collective entrepreneurship' through collaboration among business, government and academic actors – the 'triple helix'. The key event is the creation of an entrepreneurial university, whether from an existing academic base or a new foundation, which takes initiatives together with government and industry to create a support structure for firm formation and regional growth. The result of these initiatives is a self-sustaining dynamic in which the role of academia and government appears to recede as industrial actors come to the fore and a lineage of firms is created. Nevertheless, as one technological paradigm is exhausted and another one is needed as the base for new economic activity, the role of academia and government comes to the fore again in creating the conditions for the next wave of innovation.  相似文献   

This paper will explore recent Canadian federal experience in developing S&T foresight and creating knowledge sharing networks aimed at creating integrative capacities and convergent domains that involve fusions of several disciplines. More specifically, the paper will report on the experience of the Office of Technology Foresight (OTF) at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and its federal partners (science based departments and agencies – SBDAs) as they carried out a major S&T Foresight Pilot Project (STFPP) to elaborate prospective R&D opportunities and challenges in preparation for contingencies that may have to be confronted in the 10–20 year time horizon of 2015–2025. STFPP reports are posted at: http://www.techforesight.ca  相似文献   

Firms’ collaboration with academic institutions expands their range of expertise and can support the development of business innovations in several industries. For technological as well as structural reasons, university–industry collaborations are especially important in the case of the food industry. This paper aims at assessing the drivers of knowledge transfer from academic departments to industry. We analyse the dynamics of private funding of university research activities and investigate the drivers of university knowledge transfer from food science university departments, identifying how they differ from drivers in other areas of science. The empirical investigation is based on the econometric analysis of financial data on the whole population of university departments in Italy. We provide some implications for policy, highlighting whether and how university food science departments differ from university departments engaged in other areas of science, and how their interactions with industry can be increased.  相似文献   

This study compares how government research and development (R&D) subsidy and knowledge transfer from universities and public research institutions stimulate a firm's new product development. More importantly, we emphasize that the effects of these governmental R&D policies on new product development can be achieved not only directly, but also via a mediating role – a firm's innovation capability. Furthermore, we test how other external knowledge sources (such as knowledge from universities and public research institutions) interact with government R&D support to stimulate new product development. The results, based on an investigation of 270 Chinese firms, suggest that both government R&D subsidy and knowledge transfer from universities and public research institutions enhance new product development. The results also show that although government R&D subsidy and knowledge transfer from universities and public research institutions has a direct impact on new product development, innovation capability does mediate the above relationships. Moreover, unlike the findings that other external knowledge sources have a direct influence on new product development as indicated by the previous literature, our findings suggest that external knowledge sources substitute with the government R&D subsidies and complement with knowledge transfer from universities and public research institutions. The results confirm the old sayings that teaching to fish (knowledge transfer from universities and public research institutions can complement with other external knowledge sources) is much better than giving fish (government R&D subsidies substitute other external knowledge sources). This paper enriches current literature of government R&D support policies to firm new product development by providing empirical evidences.  相似文献   

Statistics on Japanese R & D reveal various problems of policy and implementation. Some difficulties of Japanese technological development and possibilities for overcoming them are discussed. Among others a fundamental problem is the generation of technology with less reliance on Western support. The relationship between the need for self-generated technology and the fact of excessive reliance on technology imports is discussed in regard to superiority, inferiority and appropriateness of Japanese technology. Innovation in the Japanese automobile and iron and steel industries is characterized as integrative or combinatory innovation associated with managerial innovation. The conditions under which integrative innovation is effective are identified, and these conditions are expected to be valid for many other sectors. Finally, the mechanism of government–industry cooperation in Japan is identified as an informational control system in contrast to the financial control system in Western countries, and the major medium of control by the Japanese government is identified as technological forecasting information.
These characteristics of Japanese technology management can be held up as valuable lessons for other countries given certain conditions which are expected to hold in many fields.  相似文献   

创新资源是支撑社会发展的战略资源,创新资源协同主体的行为对创新资源协同起到重要作用,在对政府、企业、高校及科研院所、科技中介机构之间的关系和协同方式进行分析的基础上,运用演化博弈理论,分析企业、高校及科研院所作为博弈主体在有无其他协同主体作用情况下的动态演化过程,并找出在各个主体参与下影响两方长期协同稳定的因素,据此提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

产业集群的创新过程是集群中的创新行为主体在政府政策引导与支持下,通过彼此深度合作,实现知识创造的过程,也是知识在整个产业集群中的转移、共享、吸收与利用的过程。创新行为主体间的知识共享是集群创新的关键。分析了产业集群中创新行为主体知识共享的内涵,运用演化博弈理论,构建产业集群中企业、高校与科研机构、政府在知识共享策略中的复制动态博弈模型,分析了企业、高校与科研机构在政府监管条件下采取知识共享策略的动态演化过程,并对博弈结果进行分析。  相似文献   

Business model fashion and the academic spinout firm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies indicate that most European new, technology–based firms (NTBFs) have been founded by relatively senior, highly–educated personnel coming from existing companies. These founders already have strong, industry and market links. A relatively small proportion have spun out of university or other public research facilities. However, this latter group has attracted particular attention from several interested groups, including governments and the scientific establishment. For governments, this has appeared to offer a means whereby public policy could have a direct and significant impact on economic development. Hence substantial public resources are increasingly being committed to support these developments in most industrialised countries. The founders of HEI spinouts are often academics aiming to commercialise nascent technologies and they face challenges which are less likely to arise for the founder with an industry background. The emerging technologies often commercialised in academic spinouts may have many potential applications. At the outset founders must make critical strategic choices of applications to develop, if they are to attract the substantial resources often needed for the risky development process. Some of these choices need an understanding of changing fashions in business models and investors' current preferences for particular industries. It is a difficult challenge for academic founders with little prior market knowledge and linkages, and no previous experience of professional investors and their requirements, to select the applications and business models which will support successful venture creation. This paper explores a number of key issues which surround these decisions and their relation to the changing business environment. It is concluded that the acceptability of novel technologies and products is mediated by systemic interactions which are ill–understood by industry and government.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role which federal, state and local governments can play as large buyers in influencing the behavior of sellers in markets. While the available data make it impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions, the evidence is consistent with the possibility that theAustralian Commonwealth (federal) Government has used its market position as a large buyer to encourage competitive behavior, especially in highly concentrated industries. The local preference buying policies of state and local governments, however, may have augmented the effects of market power. The results suggest strongly that omission of variables representing the buying side of markets will lead to misspecification of structure-performance models, and indicate that government purchases could at appropriate times be used in addition to antitrust action, in order to improve market performance.  相似文献   

The gap between science park aspiration and accomplishment is conceptualized as ‘innovation incommensurability,’ the persisting dilemma of a physical structure oriented innovation mechanism. A typology of science park impetuses and growth–analyzing critical elements, goals/ends and paths/means–suggests an appropriate balance between ‘exogenous’ and ‘endogenous’ innovation strategies in various regional circumstances. Alternative strategies of science park development are a ‘strategic research site’ to evaluate the roles of a university–industry–government triple helix in developing the science park model. Innovation incommensurability can be overcome by a longer-term endogenous strategy combined with significant public investment. Ambitious science park projects, which were either early failures or later lost support, may succeed once a triple helix base is built to achieve an innovation eco-system.  相似文献   

Federal lab commercialization is explored: (1) by analyzing US government patents and (2) in a qualitative analysis of one NASA lab's patents. Tests apply to three distinct sets of patents, 1963–94: NASA, all other US government, and a random sample of all US inventors' patents. The federal patenting rate plummeted in the 1970s. Consistent with increasing commercialization, both NASA's and other federal agencies' rates recovered in the 1980s. The case study finds citations to be a valid but noisy measure of technology spillovers. Excluding 'spurious' cites, two-thirds of cites to patents of NASA-Lewis' Electro-Physics Branch were evaluated as involving spillovers.  相似文献   

Marketing can be profitable to governments. As for all marketing efforts, a knowledge of what, when, and why the government customer buys is mandatory to corporate success. These can be learned by studying the customer's planning, programming, and budgeting activities. This article presents a schematic of the federal planning and budgeting system and recommends that the industrial marketer invest in an effort to determine the specific system for the government agency of interest.  相似文献   

基于中国东部、中部、西部以及全国2007~2016年高技术产业的省级面板数据,以科技经费投入和技术人力投入作为投入指标,以专利数量和新产品的产值作为产出指标,首先使用DEA方法计算了不同地区高技术产业的创新效率。以企业自主创新投入、政府支持、科技信贷和风投支持作为科技金融指标,使用面板模型实证分析了科技金融对于高技术产业创新效率的影响。结果表明,考察期内,中国不同地区高技术产业的创新效率均有所提升;科技金融的发展在一定程度上提升了高技术产业的创新效率,但是外商直接投资对于创新效率产生了一定的抑制作用。最后针对本文结论提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

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