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The German high‐skills/high value‐added economy has long been the Mecca for supporters of the European social model. So long as Model Deutschland was thriving the notion of Social Europe was a plausible political project. But Germany is facing a range of economic problems—the aftershock of reunification, high unemployment and internal and external pressures to reform its stakeholder system of economic organisation. Some of these developments strike at core assumptions of the German model. This article reviews the extent to which the German model is in danger and teases out the implications for the wider European economy.  相似文献   

Is the ‘social dimension’ of the European Community the ‘socialist dimension’? Dr Martin Holmes, of Oxford University, argues that there is a real danger to Britain's prosperity from the Common External tariff and the CAP, in addition to the collectivism of the ‘Social Charter’.  相似文献   

Political systems provide the framework for organizational and technological change. Democratic systems are in some respects more open to economic and social adjustment than non-democratic systems; but the conflicting demands of entrenched interests and competition among parties for votes themselves create obstacles to adaptation.Britain's political system is the most stable in Western Europe, but it is also (after Italy) the one which is showing most signs of strain. How far is political stability a source of strength or of weakness under conditions of rapid economic and technological change? What aspects of Britain's current political difficulties are common to all democracies (as Sam Brittan argued in a classic study), or to all European social welfare economies, and what aspects are peculiar to our system alone? After five years of the most self-consciously radical government which Britain has had since 1945, how successful has our current government been in promoting economic and social change, while resisting any changes in our political system?It is argued that there has been a negative interaction between repeated efforts to transform Britain's industrial structure, and industrial relations, for example, and the obstacles to change posed by a restricted and centralised political system. Other illustrations of the interaction between political structure and policy output are taken from the evolution of Britain's relations with the European Community, from the management of industrial collaboration with other governments, and from attempts to reform the finances of local government. Britain's experience is compared and contrasted with those of the United States, France, Germany and Japan.  相似文献   

Trade liberalisation and CAP reform in the EU   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《Economic Outlook》2006,30(1):10-23
Europe has underperformed relative to its peers and to its own previous performance over the last two decades. That underperformance reflects a range of factors, from structural rigidities in labour and capital markets, to inappropriate macroeconomic policy. But one set of policy measures that could contribute to improved economic performance in the future is trade liberalisation and reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This article examines the benefits that could accrue to the UK, EU and global economies from the liberalisation of trade in goods and from the replacement of the current CAP with other, more productive forms of spending. It finds that the current barriers to trade in the EU, and the resources dedicated to the maintenance of the CAP, are set to cost the EU some 2% of GDP by 2015 if they remain in place. Moreover, this cost falls disproportionately on the poorer members of society.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this article: The UK Labour Market–Comparative Aspects and Institutional Developments Ray Barrell, Editor Willing Slaves? British Workers under Human Resource Management Andrew Scott Managing Managers Snape, E., Redman, T. and Bamber, G. J. Management in Western Europe–Society, Culture and Organization in Twelve Nations D. J. Hickson, Editor Human Resource Management in Europe: Perspectives for the 1990s Paul Kirkbride, Editor The Social Dimension: Employment Policy in the European Community Michael Gold, Editor The Social Dimension of the European Community Ruth Nielsen and Erika Szyszczak  相似文献   

Community Advisory Panels (CAPs) are currently being sponsored by the American chemical industry as a way to repair lost trust. Over 200 CAPs are currently in operation. Their goals, composition and impact vary. Like governmental advisory committees they run the risk of being vehicles of persuasion as opposed to bodies which bring about organisational or health and safety changes. This article reviews the evidence we have to date about CAP operations and sets an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) survives despite unprecedented popular opposition in all countries, Linda Whetstone (above), of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, suggests drastic liberalization would bring political reward.  相似文献   

The communist misappropriation of words for political purposes still makes people in Eastern Europe struggle to find unambiguous language of political and economic thought. This paper discusses the problem of language that distorts reality and focuses on traps that hinder communication between people from the West and people from the post-communist Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

德国城市建设中的公众参与   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
公众参与作为德国法律和政治制度在城市建设领域的重要体现,贯穿于德国城市建设的每一个环节,其中最集中体现在城市规划和城镇更新中.通过对德国城市规划法律法规的研究,系统地介绍了德国城市规划公众参与的工作阶段和工作方法,以及在城镇更新中的公众参与措施和社会规划.  相似文献   

Looking at the economic development and importance of German companies in Europe, one might expect that an important aspect of a good economic performance is a well‐functioning HR system. Although a number of scholars claim this, the empirical evidence seems to point to the opposite. Several comparative studies have found that HRM in German companies is less strategically integrated and proactive than that of comparable firms in other countries. This article argues that the empirical results reported fail to grasp the essence of HRM in German firms. This lacuna is partly due to the co‐determination structure. HRM in large German firms has to be evaluated within the co‐determination structure, with the Betriebsrat (works council) being an important actor. For German firms co‐determination might even be a strategic resource. By examining this issue within such a framework, a more favourable picture of HR integration in German firms emerges.  相似文献   

The European single market is underpinned by Community law, which is supreme and directly applicable in national courts. But the UK loses out because of disparities between national legal systems, and because Community law is interpreted to serve the political objective of European unity. There are several possible intermediates between full EU membership and complete withdrawal.
There is no legal barrier to the UK's exit from the EU should it wish to take that step.  相似文献   

What kind of Europe do we want - a free zone of independent nations or a European superstate? Russell Lewis, a distinguished supporter of the European Community, argues the case for a ‘union des patries’ united by free trade.  相似文献   

How strong is the case against the Poll Tax? Patrick Minford argues that the Community Charge has much to commend it. Opponents underestimate the political maturity of the electorate.  相似文献   

This article analyses the drivers of support for authoritarian populist parties in Europe. Such parties claim to represent the interests of ordinary people against greedy and out‐of‐touch elites. Simultaneously, they reject conventional constraints on democratic policymaking. In recent years, such parties on the political left and right have been gaining influence in countries across Europe. Using a panel data set from 1980–2016, we use semiparametric Tobit models with country fixed effects to explain support for authoritarian populists. We find that large vote shares of right‐wing – but not left‐wing – authoritarian populists are associated closely to corruption. Other commonly cited explanations such as unemployment, inequality and immigration perform poorly in predicting support for populist political platforms on the political right. While a full theoretical explanation of the link between corruption and right‐wing populism remains beyond the scope of this article, we suggest that the mechanism involves political trust. Corruption weakens trust in political institutions, which populists exploit. Curbing the rise of right‐wing authoritarian populism in Europe will thus require restoring trust in the integrity of politics.  相似文献   

In theAntibes in September, Mr. Laws on perplexed and irritated his fellow European finance ministers by proposing a scheme for allowing currencies to compete one against the other in Europe. It perplexed them because it was presented as a basis for proceeding towards monetary union within the European Community in accordance with the resolve of European Heads of State at the Madrid Summit, whereas it appeared as a recipe for monetary confusion, not fusion. It irritated them because it appeared to them to be yet another British manoeuvre to derail agreed progress towards greater economic and monetary integration in Europe. It especially annoyed the potential allies of the UK on this issue who regard the French and Commission attempts to push rapidly towards monetary union as ill-advised, and who saw the Chancellor's ill-thought out proposal as playing into their hands. Some political commentators have suggested that Mr. Lawson was seeking to play a clever hand. He is known to favour UK entry to the Exchange Rate Mechanism of the European Monetary System, and on this is at odds with Mrs. Thatcher. Professor Alan Walters, adviser to the Prime Minister, is said to favour the idea of competing currencies in Europe. It may be that the Chancellor was not displeased to have this idea knocked down in the Antibes, leaving a strengthened EMS as the only realistic alternative to full monetary union in Europe. Whatever the truth of this, it seems inevitable that UK opposition to ambitious proposals for European Monetary Union will be met with less sympathy in future as a result of the Antibes meeting. This is a pity. For as we suggested in the June Economic Viewpoint, there is a serious case yet to be made in favour of the idea of competing currencies. This idea need not be in conflict with the objective of exchange rate stability, so that it is not incompatible with the EMS. Competition between currencies need not mean exchange rate instability. Rather it may mean competition over responsible monetary policies, encouraging their spread within Europe. An implication is that full monetary union may not be desirable. If the UK advanced this position in Europe, it may well carry the day. In this Viewpoint, we develop this argument about the direction for further monetary integration in Europe.  相似文献   

Existing studies suggest that reforms that reduce the generosity of the unemployment benefits should lower unemployment. Despite the large number of such reforms implemented in Europe in the past decades, evidence from various data sources shows very little correlation with the evolution of unemployment. This paper suggests that the scant success of these labour market reforms can be explained by the interactions between unemployment insurance and other social assistance programmes. Evidence from the European Community Household Panel shows that recipients of unemployment insurance who are also eligible for other welfare schemes are indeed less sensitive to changes in the level and the duration of their benefits.  相似文献   

Part-time employment is a theme of major significance in political and corporate debate in the European Community. This article extends the debate to the Canadian experience and concludes that even with government intervention there has been no significant improvement in the status of part-time workers over the last decade.  相似文献   

This article outlines the economic consequences of the CAP, including the high level of protection, the burdens on consumers, taxpayers and the EU budget, environmental damage, the harm to international trading relations, and the failure to raise farmers' incomes. The numerous unsuccessful attempts at reform from 1968 to 1999 are described. Finally, some of the lessons of the reform attempts are drawn, including the apparent political impossibility of reducing farm support and bureaucratic intervention once it is in place.  相似文献   

李斌 《价值工程》2010,29(26):236-238
建党伊始,与波兰的其他政党相比,波兰工人党的政治力量状况暂时还显得薄弱,政治影响力也有限。这其中的原因比较复杂。但波兰罗马天主教会的因素,战前波兰共产党的"遗产",共产国际和苏联的影响,德国法西斯和波兰流亡政府的破坏却是不可忽视的因素。  相似文献   

This editorial introduces a virtual special issue of Spatial Economic Analysis compiled to mark the keynote lecture at the 46th Annual Conference of the Regional Science Association International—British and Irish Section in Cornwall by Professor Jacques Poot of the National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis, University of Waikato. Professor Poot's lecture on migration, which is also the theme of this virtual special issue, could not be more topical. Migration is a central issue in public discourse in Europe and the United States, and is setting the agenda for political debate throughout the developed world. The ongoing refugee crisis in Europe, the associated rise in populist, nationalist political movements in Europe and the United States, and the recent vote by the UK to leave the European Union all have migration at their centre.  相似文献   

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