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中小企业营销人员绩效管理中存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强对营销人员的绩效控制是中小企业发展的关键,当前我国中小企业营销人员绩效管理中存在着绩效管理与企业战略相脱节、绩效管理实施主体错位、缺乏绩效沟通、绩效考核指标体系设计不合理、绩效评价方式不科学等问题。企业营销是营销人员、客户、营销主管三者共同协作、互动沟通的工作,为此,应合理、科学地建立绩效指标体系、构建以战略为导向的绩效管理体系、营造无缝隙沟通的文化氛围、运用科学的绩效评价方式等相应的对策,最终实现企业的战略目标。  相似文献   

张光灿 《商场现代化》2006,(32):103-104
PDCA循环模型是全面质量管理所应遵循的科学程序,是对管理活动目标控制的一般方法和原则。因此,也适用于营销模式的实施过程和绩效控制。对于以产品为核心营销模式实施中的“营销绩效控制”问题,只要依据PDCA循环模式,遵循相应的实施步骤,控制在实施过程中可能出现问题和影响因素,采取有效的应对措施就能够达到预期的营销目标。  相似文献   

鲁媛 《现代商业》2013,(19):73-73
新世纪以来,我国通信行业在转型和升级中高速发展。但是,通信企业营销成本控制存在不少问题,如成本效益观念缺失、成本责任不明、过度重视完成业绩指标等。因此,必须树立"成本-收益"意识,调整优化营销模式,促进销售渠道转型升级,重视营销方案效果跟踪,建立后评估,实现通信企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

由于关系型营销渠道的构建和运营往往涉及到营销链上的诸多企业,因而传统的、只着眼于单一企业内部营销绩效评估的营销渠道绩效评价模式已经无法适应关系型营销渠道的绩效评估要求。本文通过对关系型营销渠道绩效评价指标体系的设计,将关系型营销的绩效评估指标设计区分为结果性和过程性指标,并细分为六大类进行设计,并通过科学的权重设计方法集成营销链上不同企业的营销绩效指标评估值,从而形成对整体关系型营销渠道系统的绩效评估结果,方便企业对关系型营销的成效进行科学地评价。  相似文献   

内部控制是实现企业经营活动经济性、效率性和效果性的重要保障,内部控制质量的高低影响企业的整体利益,期望绩效反馈指企业实际绩效与期望绩效之间的差距,是企业进行资源配置的重要依据,影响内部控制的资源投入,直接影响内部控制质量,也可能会触发例如战略调整等企业行为,间接影响企业内部控制质量。本文以我国沪深A股制造业上市企业为研究样本,研究了期望绩效反馈对内控质量变化的影响。研究结果表明,期望绩效反馈落差会促进企业内部控制质量的提升,抑制内部控制质量的下降;期望绩效反馈顺差会抑制企业内部控制质量提升、加剧内部控制质量下降。  相似文献   

李巍 《财经论丛》2015,(7):92-99
本文在动态能力观与权变理论框架下,探讨出口企业营销动态能力提升出口绩效的作用机制,利用我国238家出口企业数据实证分析后发现营销动态能力显著提升出口绩效,关键权变因素影响营销动态能力与出口绩效的作用关系,文化智力和文化距离正向调节营销动态能力与出口绩效的关系,风险倾向和制度距离负向调节营销动态能力与出口绩效的关系。这一结论为出口企业培育营销动态能力,并在不同的内外部环境条件下运用营销动态能力提升出口绩效提供有益的管理启示。  相似文献   

经济社会的不断发展,企业面临的市场竞争愈加激烈,在发展中很多企业也认识到了绩效管理的重要意义,如何提升自身的绩效管理也是现代企业在发展中需要重视解决的问题,绩效管理质量水平会受到多方面因素的影响。文章从成本控制的角度分析,并结合我国企业绩效管理的现状,分析其成因,对企业绩效管理措施进行分析,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在企业内部建立健全完善的内部控制体系,对于企业财务绩效的整体提升也具有非常重要的作用。本文针对企业内部控制管理与财务绩效,首先分析了企业内部控制与财务绩效的概念内涵,进而深入分析了企业内部控制对财务绩效之的具体影响,并就优化企业的内部控制管理,提高企业的财务管理绩效水平,提出了几项建议措施。  相似文献   

刘芬 《商》2014,(17):85-85
随着市场经济的发展以及市场营销活动中的许多问题,电网企业必须通过营销控制和营销评价的手段来解决营销活动出现的问题,使企业营销的管理和绩效水平提高,而这个目的是通过企业进行营销审计实现的。电网企业通过营销审计,控制和评估企业的营销活动,解决营销问题,以达到不错的营销效果。因此,电网企业营销审计的研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化趋势的加强以及我国社会主义市场经济体制的确立,企业面临的市场挑战越来越大,也越来越重视绩效管理的作用,如何加强自身的绩效管理,是企业必须要面对和解决的难题,这对企业整体绩效水平的提高都具有重要的推动作用。本文主要从成本控制的视角出发,对我国企业绩效管理存在的问题进行了分析,并对企业绩效管理体系的相关内容进行了探讨,以期能够对我国企业绩效管理体系提供一定的参考意见。  相似文献   

本文选取了2004年底在深市和沪市上市交易的238家民营公司作为样本,通过层层追溯控制链辨认了我国民营上市公司的最终控制股东,考察了最终控制股东拥有的控制权与现金流权及其偏离的程度,并进行了实证分析。结果发现在我国民营上市公司中,最终控制股东控制权的集中程度较高,并且其现金流权与控制权存在着偏离。最终控制股东的现金流权与公司业绩显著正相关,控制权与现金流权的偏离程度与公司业绩显著负相关  相似文献   

This paper addresses an important and underresearched issue in the economics and marketing literatures: what are the managerial and social consequences when firms use business models that are based on the dissemination of free samples? We develop an analytical model of free samples for both digital and physical goods that addresses three fundamental managerial and social questions. First, what is the effect of different market structures (i.e., monopoly and oligopoly) and cost structures on optimal marketing policy and prices? Second, what is the effect of different behavioral modes on prices and free samples? Third, how do different market structures and behavioral modes affect social welfare?The main conclusion is that a number of standard results do not hold when firms have the option of selling products and of distributing free samples. For example, the optimal strategy for oligopolists who produce homogeneous goods and coordinate their marketing policies is to increase - not decrease - the quantity of sold output. Similarly, under well-defined cost and demand conditions, monopoly can lead to a socially inferior outcome to competition. From a policy viewpoint, the managerial and social welfare implications of free samples depend on the type of market structure (monopoly or oligopoly) and the behavioral modes chosen by the firms in an industry (e.g., whether to coordinate their free sample policies or to behave non-cooperatively).  相似文献   

While case-based research, books by insiders, and anecdotalevidence suggests marketing often has a marginal role in productdevelopment in many successful high-tech firms, there has beenlittle systematic comparison across high-tech firms which identifiesfactors leading to this limited role. This paper draws on tapedand transcribed interviews with marketing and/or R and Dmanagers in thirty-four high tech firms and argues that threefactors contribute to marketings limited role in many high-techfirms: (1) the need for technical expertise to understand businessopportunities, (2) the development of technology-oriented organizationalcultures, and (3) the way in which marketing is defined in manyhigh-tech firms. The paper then assesses key contributions thatpeople in marketing and product management can play and developspropositions concerning antecedents and consequences of the degreeof marketings role in product development decisions.  相似文献   

Issues which Impact upon Marketing in the Small Firm   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Defining the small firm is somewhat arbitrary as criteria used to classify entities as such include size, number of employees, sales volume, asset size, type of customer, capital requirements and market share. There is, however, general agreement that smallness and newness create specific difficulties for business. Furthermore, there is widespread acceptance of the notion that small firms typically possess certain characteristics, which serve to differentiate them from larger organisations. These characteristics include inherent weaknesses with respect to capitalisation and marketing awareness and practice. Small firms are perceived as vulnerable yet valuable entities, important both economically and socially. High failure rates of small firms are largely attributed to weaknesses in financial management and marketing. Many classical management concepts are unsuitable for application in a small firm context, with research suggesting non-implementation of theoretically based marketing practice is the rule rather than the exception in the small firm. This paper reviews issues pertaining to marketing practice in the small firm. It examines the absence of agreed definitions of "the small firm" and "success" or "failure" of such entities, offers definitions for these terms, acknowledges the importance of small firms to the economy, reviews small firm characteristics, acknowledges inherent weaknesses with regard to finance and marketing in small firms, reviews marketing practice in the context of small firm characteristics, and considers the roles of marketing educators and owner/managers in improving small firm's marketing practice.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between market performance and marketing control systems used by early-growth electronic component and instrument manufacturers. Essentially, “marketing control” means keeping things on track. Long pushed aside by the excitement of planning and organizing business ventures, controlling operations, particularly marketing operations, has received little attention. This is regrettable because control is the only mechanism which ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and that strategic objectives are met. Also, for the early-growth high tech company, which is already in a state of flux, developing an appropriate marketing control system is essential to its ability to meet and respond to the recurring challenges brought about by the pace at which change is occurring.In this article the author examines the issue of marketing control from a theoretical as well as an empirical perspective. First, the author presents a framework for evaluating the marketing control system within a company. The core of the framework presents the essential elements of marketing control: feedback and corrective action. Bounding the core is:
1. 1. The Formal Marketing Organization. Delimits the company's capability to enact the control processes.
2. 2. Marketing Culture. The subjective, interpretive aspect of organizational life, which determines what control components and marketing structure are valued in the company.
The framework is used to analyze the marketing control systems of 20 early-growth high tech manufacturing companies. Four hierarchical configurations of the control system elements are identified and the companies assigned to one of the following configurations:
1. I. seeking some sales.
2. II. making good on sales.
3. III. seeking profitable sales.
4. IV. making profitable sales.
Four companies possessed none of the elements of control. There were merely operations which produced results. As a consequence the companies were judged to be generally unsuccessful in focusing their resources on the markets that they wished to serve. In addition, the market performances of these firms, relative to others in the sample, were poor. Ten Stage II companies, in their attempts to expand sales and to remedy logistical problems associated with making deliveries on sales, had developed formal sales departments. Unlike the four companies which were placed in Stage III, these companies put little emphasis on the financial accountability of sales and marketing. Consequently, their abilities to evaluate or steer profit performances mitigated against their achieving high levels of market performance. Only two companies were judged sufficiently different from other companies to warrant placement in Stage IV. These companies focused on developing marketing structures and reporting procedures which provided real time feedback on market performances. Because of this, they appeared able to identify market opportunities that were defensible in the long run and in which they could exercise control over profits.In conclusion, the findings indicate that greater control of marketing operations correlates with stronger market performances. When performance is measured in terms of absolute sales, sales growth. cumulative cashflow and profitability, companies with more evolved marketing control systems perform noticeably better than do others in the sample.  相似文献   

With this paper, we contribute to the literature of configuration and coordination in international firms. While previous literature emphasized that headquarters decide upon the configuration and coordination of their foreign subsidiaries, we suggest that the configuration–coordination decision takes place at the level of activities. With a focus on international marketing activities, our study on German firms from the automotive industry comes up with the following major findings: (1) With respect to configuration, firms tend to centralize the planning and the control of marketing activities, but to decentralize the implementation of marketing activities. (2) For the coordination of marketing activities, direct personal supervision and informal communication are preferred to other approaches, such as socialization or formal bureaucratic coordination. (3) When combining configuration and coordination of marketing activities, we identified distinct clusters. Firms that have a high decentralization of marketing activities and that use a high level of coordination yield better coordination results than firms from other configuration–coordination clusters.  相似文献   


Amidst the forceful public demand for organisational transparency, there is an ambition to explore the limits of openness. What kind of information could and should firms keep secret and under which conditions? In this paper, we explore the limits of transparency in the marketing domain and develop a conceptual model of secrecy in marketing. We describe three modes of ‘secretive’ relations: between the brand and customers who know the brand secret (insiders), between the brand and customers from whom the secret is hidden (outsiders), and between insiders and outsiders. The effects of secrecy in marketing extend along with these three modes. First, secrecy creates value for insiders by reinforcing their connection to the brand. Second, it provokes outsiders’ curiosity, especially when the secret is related to a prominent brand. Finally, secrecy establishes insiders as an aspirational reference group for outsiders.  相似文献   

This paper uses a comparative study to explore entrepreneurial marketing orientation in small software technology firms, in relation to firm growth. Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) acknowledges the interface between entrepreneurship, marketing and innovation and, pursuance of customer value. Researchers acknowledge that firms adopting other strategic orientations combined with a market orientation are more likely to outperform their competitors. Currently, there are few comparative studies of knowledge-intensive technology firms and no comparative cross-country studies, which consider firm growth and orientation from the EM perspective. This paper addresses these issues by using an entrepreneurial marketing orientation qualitative framework that consists of 15 dimensions, which allow investigation of entrepreneur and employee activities, attitudes and behaviors in such firms. Using a UK and US sample of firms, this research enables assessment of how and why entrepreneurial marketing orientation may lead to sustainable growth for firms in challenging markets and provides a comparison in two different country contexts.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates the influence of an economic recession in the domestic market on the export marketing behavior of firms. The thesis of the paper is that firms intesify their export marketing efforts in order to overcome domestic adversity, a notion for which there is, at present, very little conclusive evidence. The paper presents findings from an empirical study, involving United States exporters during the 1980-82 recession, that suggest that a domestic recession is a significant export stimulant. Firms which are adversely affected by a recession are more likely than unaffected firms to intensify their exports. The paper also concludes that firms which intensify their exports in response to a recession are likely to exhibit a pronounced emphasis on more tactical and short-term export marketing activities. Finally, contrary to our expectation, the perceived benefits of export intensification during the recession were found to be inversely related to firms' export involvement.  相似文献   

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