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公司法人人格否认制度是为了防范恶意股东滥用公司法人独立地位而设立的,但是在实践中,该制度却也极易成为被滥用的对象,威胁到公司法人的独立地位及整个公司制度的有效运行。因此,本文主张应审慎适用公司法人人格否认制度。 相似文献
王勇旗 《中小企业管理与科技》2011,(7)
我国的新<公司法>在第20条、第64条中明确规定了公司法人人格否认制度.什么是公司法人人格否认制度,它与英美法系国家所称的揭开公司面纱有着怎样的联系与区别,实际从渊源上来说,该制度正是根源于英美法系的揭开公司面纱'理论.本文主要阐述公司法人人格否认制度与揭开公司面纱规则之间的关系,并介绍这一制度在美国、英国、德国、日本近百年来的发展概况,进而引出了我国法学界现阶段关于公司法人人格否认制度的主要学说.最后针对我国公司法人人格否认制度的特点及缺陷,对于完善相关立法体系提出了自己的看法与见解. 相似文献
公司法人制度的缺陷性使得公司法人人格否认制度的出现成为必然。由于该制度渊源于法理,主要以公平正义作为衡量标准,所以,应对其使用要件加以明确。我国虽在2005年通过的新《公司法》中明确了此制度,但涉及的条文较少,对适用要件和适用情形没有具体规定,缺乏可操作性。除了修改〈公司法》,最高人民法院应尽快对该制度作出司法解释,保证这一制度效力的正常发挥。 相似文献
我国的新《公司法》在第20条、第64条中明确规定了公司法人人格否认制度。什么是公司法人人格否认制度?它与英美法系国家所称的“揭开公司面纱”有着怎样的联系与区别?实际从渊源上来说,该制度正是根源于英美法系的“揭开公司面纱“理论。本文主要阐述公司法人人格否认制度与“揭开公司面纱“规则之间的关系,并介绍这一制度在美国、英国、德国、日本近百年来的发展概况,进而引出了我国法学界现阶段关于公司法人人格否认制度的主要学说。最后针对我国公司法人人格否认制度的特点及缺陷,对于完善相关立法体系提出了自己的看法与见解。 相似文献
2005年我国《公司法》引入国外的法人人格否认制度,并正式运用于我国的司法实践当中。然而,由于该制度引入我国的时间较短,在适用上明显经验不足,许多具体适用的要件在具体案件的审理过程中很难找到统一的标准,使其适用效果未能令人满意。笔者从法人人格否认制度本身出发,研究该制度的本质特征及其适用要件,分析资本制度改革后法人人格否认制度的适用及存在的问题,进而提出对该制度的完善构想。 相似文献
股东滥用公司法人人格以损害公司和债权人利益现象接踵而至,各国立法或实践纷纷引入公司法人人格否认法理,对公司人格独立制度和股东有限责任制度加以修正和补充,以平衡公司与股东的权利和股东与债权人的风险。 相似文献
随着市场经济的发展和法人形式运用的广泛与深入,公司法人的人格特性在实际经济活动中出现了种种异化,严重损害了社会公众尤其是法人企业的债权人利益。公司法人人格否认并不是对法人独立人格全面的永久的剥夺,相反却是对法人制度必要的和有益的补充。我国完善法人人格否认制度,既包括在司法审判中运用判例,也包括从立法上作出规定,同时还要从法律的基本原则上来加以补充完善,从而使公平原则得以落实。 相似文献
公司法人人格否认,又称"刺破公司的面纱"。我国现行《公司法》虽然确立了该项制度,但因规定比较原则,缺乏可操作性,随意性也较大,因此在适用过程中问题比较突出。本文重点探析该制度的责任主体,并分析其内涵和分类,归纳责任主体的构成要件,以期对我国司法实践中适用公司法人人格否认制度有所帮助。 相似文献
中华民族一向重视诚实信用这一伦理标准,"忠厚传家久,诗书继世长"是中国人民自古以来的一个道德信条."童叟无欺"、"缺一罚十"、"买卖公平"更是路人皆知的商业惯例.到了现代社会,世界各国不约而同地将诚实信用原则规定为民商法的一条基本原则.<合同法>第六条就明确规定:"当事人行使权利、履行义务应当遵循诚实信用原则."诚实信用原则遂成为企业经营的法律基础. 相似文献
笔者认为我国现行的《企业法人营业执照》同时确认了企业法人资格和经营资格的登记管理制度是不科学的,在实践中已暴露出司法实践的不统一、不规范和行政管理上的矛盾与混乱等诸多弊端,需要对其改革,建立两套相对独立的管理体制,分别核发《企业法人执照》与《企业营业执照》,分别作为企业法人资格和经营资格的证明,并分别进行管理。 相似文献
案例1: 上海市某企业与某员工于2003年5月10日签订劳动合同,但合同中没有解除劳动合同赔偿金的条款.该企业于2004年10月在职代会上通过了一系列的企业内部规章制度,其中一条规定:"大学毕业的职工辞职需赔偿企业5万元".2005年2月,有名员工因故辞职,该企业按照相关规定要求其支付5万元违约金,那名员工不同意,该企业遂起诉至法院. 相似文献
为贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记关于树立社会主义荣辱观的重要讲话精神,推动企业形成良好的道德风尚,促进企业文化建设的进一步深化,4月25日,中外企业文化杂志社与中宣部中国思想政治工作研究会政工研究动态杂志社共同举办了“树立和践行社会主义荣辱观”研讨会。中宣部中国思想政治工作研究会秘书长荆惠民、副秘书长董耀鹏,中共北京市委宣传部副部长宋贵伦,北京市企业文化建设协会常务副会长史秋秋、副会长周欣出席会议。与会的宣传理论界、企业界、教育界人士就如何树立和践行社会主义荣辱观展开了热烈的研讨,其中关于社会主义荣辱观的时代背景、… 相似文献
C. Joe Ueng 《Journal of Economics and Finance》2016,40(3):514-523
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the quality of corporate governance policy and the firm financial performance and. Data were collected from Corporate Library. A sample of 3,068 firms from the database of 2010 Corporate Library was analyzed. Logistic regression models were employed and SPSS statistical package was utilized to perform the analysis. Our results show that when firms have better corporate governance policies, they are more likely to perform better. Specifically, when firms have a better board rating, compensation policy, takeover defense strategy, accounting practice, and a formal governance policy, they are more likely to perform better than their counterparts without such quality corporate governance policies. 相似文献
《Economic Systems》2002,26(3):203-229
Proportions of equity held by institutional investors—pension funds, insurance companies and mutual funds—are rising across all OECD countries. Meanwhile institutions are becoming more influential in corporate governance, even in bank-dominated countries, inter alia due to international investment, pension reform and EMU. We provide two forms of evidence on the effects of institutional corporate governance on corporate performance. First we offer a literature survey on micro evidence, the outcome of which is mixed, but on balance suggesting a positive effect on equity returns. We contend that these micro studies face a difficulty that they cannot capture effects of governance initiatives whose effects go wider than “target firms”. Accordingly, we present results for the reduced form empirical relationship between institutional share holding and corporate sector performance at an economy-wide level. These are consistent with significant effects which differ between “Anglo-Saxon” and “relationship banking” countries. For example, institutions appear to accompany lower investment and higher dividends in the former. 相似文献
Saumitra N. Bhaduri 《Journal of Economics and Finance》2002,26(2):200-215
In contrast to previous empirical work on capital structure, which is mainly confined to the United States and a few other
advanced countries, this paper attempts to study the capital structure choice of developing countries through a case study
of the Indian corporate sector. The paper shows that the optimal capital structure choice is influenced by factors such as
growth, cash flow, size, and product and industry characteristics. 相似文献
Knowledge-based view of corporate strategy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper discusses a framework of the strategy-making process for executing and continuing both the building of a new, ongoing market position and the acquisition of new capabilities so that a corporation could achieve innovation in the future. This paper describes the case of high-tech corporations in the field of Information and Communication Technology which is undergoing intense change in Japan. This paper also would like to present a new viewpoint on knowledge-based theory of the firm based on data obtained from qualitative research into the time series strategy-making process over the past 11 years. These corporations successfully introduced new products and services to the market through a spiraling knowledge integrating approach through networked knowledge communities as a dynamic view of strategy aimed at deliberately and continually creating new markets. 相似文献
This paper examines several approaches to corporate strategic planning in the context of their relationship to the microeconomic theory of the firm, and discusses the implications of that theory for corporate strategy in general. Specifically, three types of analytical tools are discussed: (1) analytical portfolio models; (2) business simulation models; and (3) optimization models. Examples of how the three types of tools are used in corporate decision-making are given, and certain limitations are cited. The limitations include, for example, the inability of some of the models to deal with interdependencies across business units in production resources or output demand. Finally, the paper examines the approach to strategic planning known as the ‘strategy matrix’, which explicitly allows for interdependices across business units. The use of the strategy matrix by a major petroleum company is discussed in some detail. 相似文献