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今年是全面建成小康社会目标实现之年,是全面打赢脱贫攻坚战收官之年。当前,疫情防控不容松懈,脱贫攻坚最后堡垒也必须攻克。在"防疫阻击战"和"脱贫攻坚战"相互叠加的过程中,金融机构科学应对,精准发力,防疫扶贫两手抓,集中力量攻坚尚未摘帽贫困地区,以必胜的信心决战决胜脱贫攻坚。  相似文献   

罗春坪  李西 《金融论坛》2002,7(2):57-60
本文以地处三峡腹地的重庆市万州区为样本,从贫困山区自然地理条件及区域经济特征入手,剖析了金融业面临的资金外流、银行呆坏账及社区金融风险;着力分析了由于三峡库区移民搬迁、社会重组、企业关闭破产所带来的银行贷款呆坏账集中显现的问题.有针对性地提出防范金融风险的政策建议,即:抓住三峡库区区域经济重组机遇,加快基础设施建设,推进产业结构优化和企业改革;依靠政府和法律权威,健全社会信用体系,加强金融同业合作,联合制裁企业逃废债行为;提高商业银行集约化经营管理水平,完善呆账准备金制度,防范金融风险;采取投资、金融、财政、对口支援优惠政策,缩小贫困山区金融业与发达地区的差距.  相似文献   

This paper presents new data on poverty, inequality, and growthin those developing countries of the world for which the requisitestatistics are available. Eco-nomic growth is found generallybut not always to reduce poverty. Growth, however, is foundto have very little to do with income inequality. Thus the "economiclaws" linking the rate of growth and the distribution of benefitsreceive only very tenuous empirical support here.   相似文献   

黑田东彦已经正式就任亚行第八任行长,他呼吁全行员工振奋精神,迎接亚洲这个全球最具活力的地区给亚行业务运作带来的挑战。“亚太地区今后有能力快速实现可持续的经济发展和消除贫困。”黑田东彦对亚行2000余名员工讲道,“这是因为亚太地区的人民有着巨大的潜力。”在履新的第  相似文献   

唐珂  刘淼 《中国金融家》2020,(2):103-104
面对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,人民银行长春中心支行践行为民初心,指导吉林全省人民银行系统和金融机构开辟专项资金和外汇业务绿色通道,切实保障全社会现金供应,创造平安征信服务环境,全力维护金融消费者合法权益和金融秩序,助力打赢疫情防控阻击战。  相似文献   

This pisper explores the potential application of ABC in a situation of rapid change - the introduction of markets for health care in the UK. This changing environment places pressures on hospital units to refine their costing methods for product costing, budget construction and the pursuit of efficiency. These are areas of management accounting for which activity-based costing (ABC) has been proposed as a refinement to traditional costings. The merits of the ABC approach were examined by conducting four case studies of acute hospitatls. The results cast doubt on the benefits to be gained from ABC in product costing, but revealed potential applications in its wider roles of cost reduction and budget construction.  相似文献   

周萃 《中国金融家》2012,(10):55-56
不良贷款率降至1.0%以下,核心资本充足率达到10.4%以上——十年间,构建这样一个强大而稳健的银行体系,离不开银行业自身艰苦努力,也离不开中国银监会科学有效的监管。  相似文献   

中华儿女举全国之力驰援前线,湖北人民以英雄精神守护家园,众志成城凝聚起战胜疫情的强大合力。“稳住了湖北疫情,就稳定了全国大局”。在湖北保卫战全面总攻阶段,湖北金融业不退缩、不犹豫,用奉献传递大爱,用坚守成就坚强,用服务保障抗疫,书写了一曲曲战胜疫情的金融之歌。  相似文献   

The view that macroeconomic adjustment disproportionately hurtsthe poor in Africa has become commonplace. The popular mediaand the nongovernmental aid community frequently express thisview in critiques of Bankfunded economic reform programs. Yetthe evidence on which the claim has been based is flimsy andanecdotal. The emergence of more convincing data, from detailedhousehold surveys in Africa, provides an opportunity to setthe record straight. The evidence from six African countries reviewed in this articledemonstrates that poverty was more likely to decline in thosethat improved their macroeconomic balances than in those thatdid not. The critical factor is economic growth: the economygrew more rapidly and poverty declined faster in countries thatimproved macroeconomic balances, depreciating the real effectiveexchange rate. Changes in the real exchange rate also immediatelyand favorably affected rural incomes, benefiting the poor bothdirectly and indirectly. But the findings also highlighted threecauses for policy concern. First, many African governments haveyet to display a real commitment to macroeconomic reform; second,the poorest of the poor have not benefited from recent growthin some countries; and, third, the prospects for the poor arenot rosy unless there is more investment in human capital andbetter targeting of social spending.   相似文献   

创新和竞争是促进金融机构发展的两驾马车。缺乏创新和竞争,金融机构就失去发展的动力和压力。通过创新寻找蓝海市场,是金融机构在竞争中立于不败之地的根本所在。因此,创新是金融业发展的灵魂。  相似文献   

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