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Without sustainable competitive advantage firms have limited economic reasons to exist and will decline. Competitive advantage concerns the factors which provide competitive strength. This paper is based upon the resource-based view which considers firm resources to be heterogeneous and which believes that firms only have a small bundle of core resources irrespective of their overall performance. This research establishes the role of 36 intangible resources for 49 Asian airlines across three business models: network airlines; low-cost subsidiaries from network airlines; and low-cost carriers. It uses the VRIN framework which examines whether resources are valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable. Research participants distribute points between their chosen seven resources according to their perceived role in firm performance. Resources which meet all four requirements of VRIN are considered core competences and sources of sustained advantage. Across all 49 Asian airlines, the top-three most important resources of advantage are slots, brand, and product/service reputation. While these core resources are predictable, they have not previously been proven within the context of airlines, let alone geographically and by airline model. Results show that the core bundle of resources vary for each model, which helps to explain the difference in performance across models, and that some resources which were expected to be high-ranking, such as organisational culture and customer focus, were not.  相似文献   

The general aim of this paper is to discuss the apparently irreconcilable tensions that exist between policies for air transport liberalization in the European Union (EU), those directed at environmental sustainability, and the inadequacy of plans for additional airport capacity and modal shift to meet projected growth in air transport. The paper analyses the contradictory responses of the major stakeholders in the air transport industry to these problems, concentrating in particular on the environmentally incompatible strategies adopted by airlines in the competitive market-place. It concludes that environmentally driven capacity constraints at airports will effectively determine air transport's development within the EU, and that current laissez-faire attitudes of airlines and their regulators are unlikely to prevail as 'polluter pays' principles are more firmly implemented.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the causes of the Asian financial crisis,the implications for tourism, and identifies salient lessons that may be employed in dealing with future crises. Written just after the conclusion of the financial crisis, the paper finds that the crisis did not have as great an impact on tourism in East Asia as first feared and observes that tourism may be more resilient to crises than previously anticipated. The paper also notes that the tourism literature has been largely silent on the impact of the crisis and discusses the need for greater analysis of economic issues.  相似文献   

Most airlines have overcome the immediate effects of the recent global aviation crisis partly because of economic upturn and partly because of massive restructuring. Legacy network carriers had to take on the challenge of low-cost carriers, and regain competitiveness in short- and mid-haul business through considerable cost cutting and more flexible pricing models and are now profitable. On the other hand, many airlines do not make a reasonable profit, and the majority of carriers do not earn their capital cost. Airlines claim that they are still squeezed between their neighbors in the aviation value chain that leverage local monopolies (such as airports) or oligopolies (such as aircraft equipment manufacturers). Many legacy carriers, however, have not properly prepared for an era of deregulated and changing markets. They have not yet taken appropriate steps to escape from there positions between the few successful premium carriers and low-cost carriers. This middle position has little differentiation potential, an unsatisfactory growth perspective, and poor profitability prospects. Further, despite ongoing liberalization, the regulatory framework still does not enforce far-reaching consolidation, leaving the industry in a fragmented status with massive overcapacities. Consequently, the industry needs to further leverage external deregulation as well as internal restructuring to establish more efficient and competitive business models. Aside from basic cost cutting, innovation may become the decisive driver of progress, comprising advanced business models, customer segmentation, and technologies (Franke, M., 2006. Innovation: the winning formula to regain profitability in aviation? Speech at the Hamburg Aviation Conference, Hamburg).  相似文献   

A productivity comparison of the world's major airlines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper measures and compares productivity and unit cost of the world's 23 major airlines using yearly panel data (1986–1993). An extensive effort was expended to put together a reliable database. These data are then used to accomplish the following: first, unit cost per unit of aggregate output is measured and compared. The effect of input price changes on the unit costs are also examined. Second, the ‘gross’ Total Factor Productivity (TFP) is measured and compared. In order to compare true productive efficiency across airlines and over time, a ‘residual’ TFP index is computed after removing effects of the variables beyond managerial control such as average stage length and composition of outputs. Log-linear TFP level, and TFP growth rate regressions are used to accomplish this task. Our results show that:
1. (a) during the sample period (1986–1993), the major European carriers and the carriers in newly industrialized countries in Asia have achieved significantly higher productivity growth than their North American counterparts;
2. (b) as a result, the productivity gap between North American and other carriers have diminished significantly;
3. (c) however, on average, the North American carriers still enjoy higher productive efficiency than the carriers in Asian NICs and European carriers, but the gap is closing very rapidly; and
4. (d) it is observed that, over time, the productive efficiency of carriers competing in the same markets tends to converge.
Finally, Asian NIC carriers clearly enjoy unit cost advantages over other major carriers. Our results show that European aviation liberalization which began in 1987 appears to have produced substantial productivity gains.  相似文献   

We are interested in how airlines make decisions on aircraft size and service frequency in a competitive environment. We apply three game-theoretic models to analyze airlines’ choices in duopoly markets: one short-haul market and one long-haul market. We study how airlines’ choices in a competitive environment may vary with flight distance, and also do sensitivity analysis to explore how the equilibrium results may change when air travel demand is higher, as it may happen in the future.Our research considers the competition factor in airlines’ decisions on both aircraft size and service frequency, and the impact of these decisions on both the cost and demand sides of airlines’ business. Different from previous studies, our research is based on cost, market share and demand models derived from empirical studies.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to examine the developments in the Greek domestic air transport market which have most recently been affected by the liberalization process in the EU towards the single aviation market. Liberalization of the Greek domestic market was profound, ending 35 years of Olympic Airways complete monopoly on all air transport activities. Developments include new privately owned airlines, inter-regional routes, lower fares in real terms on routes with competition, innovation, improved services and wider consumer choice. Increased competition stimulated demand in the domestic market that reached record levels achieved in the mid-1980s. Market consolidation started in late 1999.  相似文献   

Despite the explosive growth of the Chinese aviation sector and the major industry reforms undertaken in recent decades, the Chinese domestic market remains highly concentrated with a significant element of regulation and governmental control in areas such as market entry and airline fleet planning. In this study, we investigate the frequency strategies and aircraft choices of airlines operating in this concentrated growth market. Our empirical investigation suggests that airlines mainly accommodate rapid traffic growth by flying more frequently, although increased aircraft size also contributes to market expansion. We also find a negative relationship between market concentration and flight frequency. Due to the more balanced market structure resulting from mergers among leading airlines since 2002, there has been a moderate reduction in market concentration at route level, contributing to a 3.7% increase in traffic volume from 2002 to 2008. The results of our study suggest that Chinese travelers have yet to fully enjoy the benefits of market liberalization, and airports should prioritize increasing capacity related to aircraft movements over the accommodation of larger aircraft.  相似文献   

The airline industry contributes largely to the economic development of a region. At the same time, the fortunes of the industry can also be affected by regional economic change. This paper uses geographically weighted correlation analysis to investigate the spatial heterogeneity and temporal change of this interdependence as seen in China over the years from 2005 to 2016. The results show that the interdependence between the airline industry and provincial economies is non-stationary, generally with a spatial variation along the east-west axis across China's provinces. Further, the temporal change in the interdependence was affected by specific economic changes, such as the global crisis of 2008, when it weakened. Specifically, air passenger activities in the eastern provinces were more sensitive to some economic changes of 2012, while air freight activities in the western and central provinces were more sensitive to the global economic crisis of 2008. The size of urban agglomeration and regional GDP also influence the spatial heterogeneity of this interdependence with weaker links as GDP increases. It is possible that liberalization of the airline industry could enhance the interdependence in advanced regions. Thus, our results provide significant policy implications for a joint focus on the development of the regional economy and the airline industry.  相似文献   

Although liberalization in European air transport business was formally completed with the implementation of the third package of the EU, today the free market effects of abandoning the bilateral system are not yet very manifest. The experiences in the United States indicate that it can last for over a decade before more or less stable competitive positions are set according to liberalized market conditions. The Amsterdam-London route was among the first routes which was liberalized on a bilateral basis. The development of airline competition on this route gives a rather good insight in what might be expected on other European routes the following years. In the ATRG paper, emphasis is laid upon the following competition characteristics: the number of airlines serving the London routes; the frequency offered by these airlines; the average aircraft size; the air fares charged. Special attention is paid to the relative attractiveness of the various airports in the Londen Area. Also the entrance of start-up carriers that offer no frills, no thrills services is covered.  相似文献   

Against a context of international crisis in the air transport industry, this paper examines the implications of the ways in which strategies developed by key air transport stakeholders, as well as the contemporary dynamics of the globalized, liberalized market place, impact directly on sustainability issues. More specifically, the paper has two objectives. First, it discusses the policy ramifications of the interrelationships between the concepts of globalization, liberalization, and sustainability within the air transport industry. Second, the paper explores the import of these interrelationships as they interconnect with stakeholder strategies in the differing geopolitical contexts of the US and EU. Particular attention is given to airline network and frequency strategies. The paper concludes that while the financial sustainability of the airline industry is the overwhelming concern today, if this is essentially the short-term crisis that the airline industry claims it to be, the longer-term predictions of air transport growth will again bring environmental sustainability issues to the fore.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the geography of seat capacity at Spanish airports between 2001 and 2008. Concentration and deconcentration patterns for different markets have been identified. For this purpose, we use the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), the Concentration Ratio (CR) and the Lorenz curve. From our analysis, we conclude that seat capacity follows a deconcentration pattern due to the growth of low-cost carriers at small- and medium-sized Spanish airports. This is in line with earlier studies for Europe as a whole. Intercontinental seat capacity still remains very much concentrated in Madrid and, to a lesser extent, in Barcelona. However, new strategies by long-haul airlines bypassing the primary European hubs foster the deconcentration of seat capacity in the Asian and North American markets. In the case of Spain, the recent liberalization of the EU-US market may become an important enabler of such network strategies, e.g., Delta has operated a route from Valencia to New York-JFK since 2009. In other intercontinental markets, capacity is more and more concentrated in Madrid. We highlight the restructuring of Iberia’s network as an important factor behind the increasing dominance of Madrid in intercontinental markets.  相似文献   

Thisstudy examines the impact of the recent Asian financial crisis on Las Vegas casino drops of baccarat and pai gow, two games favoured and mainly played by Asians. The findings of the study lead to the conclusion that the crisis has had a severe impact on Asianplayers' gaming propensity for the two games. The negative impact of the financial crisis on baccarat, the more popular game for Asian players, was much greater than its impact on the relatively less popular pai gow game. The impact of the crisis on the two games' drops was much worse than it appeared to be in an over-time comparison of the actual drops. The unexpected lower baccarat drop, as indicated by the negative gap between its real drop and the predicted drop, reveals that the impact of the crisis on Las Vegas casinos was much worse than indicated by the revenue gap in a previous study. This study suggests that efficient marketing and promotion campaigns should be launched during Asia's recovery if Las Vegas strip casinos want to quickly bring the two games' drops back to normal.  相似文献   

This paper asks whether the economic success of low cost carriers (LCCs) has been achieved through optimizations of network structures to liberalized market conditions. By examining the network structures of six successful LCCs, the paper moves away from the idea of a “low cost carrier model” and instead highlights the range of spatial strategies employed by budget airlines in liberalized marketplaces. Findings show that significantly different spatial models are employed by the six carriers examined in this study. Unlike previous studies on the networks structures of LCCs, this paper moves beyond any one specific region and looks at the networks of budget airlines in Asia, Europe, and North America. Fundamental differences in the network structures of LCCs on these three continents indicate that liberalization has allowed for the utilization of a variety of spatial operating models rather than a singular optimal model.  相似文献   

The regional airline sector is one of the most dynamically growing sectors of the European Union's newly liberalized Single Aviation Market. The paper explores the relationships between regional airlines, liberalization and the concurrent globalization of the air transport industry. It seeks to define the roles of regional carriers in this rapidly changing regulatory and business environment, one that is being further transformed by important technological innovations in regional aircraft. The paper then examines the varying nature of the strategies that link the EU's regional carriers and major airlines into increasingly integrated structures. Finally, the discussion examines the changing network operations of the regionals as they seek to define and maintain their roles within the wider—and still very fluid—liberalized and globalized contexts in which they increasingly operate.  相似文献   

Hub-and-spoke networks have become very popular in the airline industry. In this paper we study the potential hub candidates in the South-Atlantic market if a future process of liberalization creates a common air market area between South America and Europe. The analysis is based on the principal operating strategies that airlines consider when they choose their network configuration: central location in the market, local traffic at the hub cities and airport facilities. Traffic levels, great circle distances between the airports and other variables are used to analyze possible differences among airports. Other implications concerning the agents involved like gains in frequencies, time penalties and burden of capacity are also explored. Results of the analysis are used to extract some policy considerations and to stimulate discussion by government officials, air industry analysts and academics, about the necessity of the introduction of more liberalized measures in emergent markets.  相似文献   

The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on the demand for air transport. One passenger segment that has received relatively little attention is ageing passengers (defined as aged 65+), in spite of the fact that this group has been disproportionately affected by COVID-19, and in recent years has been viewed as a potential growth market. Therefore, the aim of this brief paper is to analyse the attitudes of ageing passengers by assessing air travel plans in the next 12 months, examining the factors influencing future flying decisions, and investigating the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on perceived risks and experiences associated with flying. The findings show that over 60% of ageing passengers are planning to travel by air in the next 12 months, although the nature of their trips may change. Factors such as flexible ticket booking and quarantine rules do not appear to be key drivers affecting travel decisions and within the different stages of the air journey, getting to/from the airport is perceived as the safest stage. The findings suggest that there are various COVID-19 implications for airlines and airports serving this market segment, ranging from the use of self-service technology, the generation of commercial/ancillary revenues and the design of surface access policies.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the airline productivity change by applying a modified global Malmquist productivity index (GMPI) model, incorporating both CO2 emissions and flight delays. Statistical inference is also performed on the GMPI results using the bootstrapping method. Empirical research was conducted on 15 international airlines during 2011-2017. The obtained results showed that the productivity of all airlines had been fluctuating and experienced a slight increase over 2011–2017. Most of these 15 airlines made more progress in managing punctuality than CO2 emissions. High punctuality policy may not be the best choice for all airlines when considering financial constraints, while airlines in more liberalized aviation markets are more likely to improve productivity by reducing flight delays. Efficiency change and technological change were the major driving factors for the growth of airline productivity. European and US airlines benefitted more from superior technology, while most Asian and Oceanian airlines still benefitted from the advantage of efficiency. Based on the findings, specific management advice was given.  相似文献   

This paper assesses government support measures to the air transport sector following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic from two points of view. First, it explores the factors that shape governments’ willingness to support airlines. This is followed by a discussion on the various types of support that may be provided and how country-specific parameters influence the choice of measures. Second, it analyses the implications of government support in three dimensions relevant to air transport policy: competition and liberalisation, airline ownership and control, and environmental sustainability. The analysis suggests that most governments give a high priority to maintaining air transport connectivity in order to protect economic activity and jobs, in aviation itself and in related sectors such as tourism. The trade-off between ensuring connectivity and maintaining competition after the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge with several political and economic dimensions. The re-orientation of public policy in the aftermath of the pandemic may limit the relative importance of the policy priorities that shaped the evolution of the air transport sector before the crisis, especially those related to climate change and the environment. The role of government and public authorities at all levels – especially the type and duration of measures affecting transport operations – will be crucial for the future development of the aviation industry.  相似文献   

Many air carriers have challenged each other's financing arrangements, each asserting that the other benefits from substantial subsidies. We argue that the ‘subsidy’ classification is a distraction. Firstly, subsidies are quite difficult to define. Secondly, subsidies are little different in their economic effects to many other policy actions, and should be evaluated by policymakers similarly to these other measures. An economic approach would be to assess whether, in overall cost-benefit terms, a country is harmed by subsidies received by another country's airlines. Even if home airlines lose out, home passengers will gain, and the balance will often be positive. The paper outlines the circumstances under which a country would gain or lose from a subsidy to a foreign airline.  相似文献   

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