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邱文华 《中国经贸》2008,(20):48-49
本文首先探讨了农村政策性金融的内涵,其次,总结了国际上农村政策性金融支农的经验,最后指出了中国欠发达地区农村政策性金融的定位。  相似文献   

胡善良 《湖南经济》2002,(12):50-51
随着农村产业结构不断调整,农业经济市场化程度不断提高,农村经济发生了深刻的变化, 农村经济和农村金融的博弈也日益激烈,农村经济发展对金融服务特别是信贷资金的广阔的市场需求和农村金融资源相对短缺矛盾突出,已成为制约农村经济发展的“瓶颈”。农村经济发展所面临的金融障碍障碍之一:县域经济发展面临的资金匮乏与农村资金大量外流的矛盾十分突出,制约了农村经济的发展。随着国有商业银行信贷业务向大中城市的转移,县域经济中乡镇企业、民营企业的融资渠道被基本上堵死了,在国有商业银行“抓大放小”信贷政策的背后,伴随而…  相似文献   

文章在对经济欠发达典型地区——甘肃省具有代表性的8个地区的85家农村中小企业和508户农户进行实地调查,发现目前甘肃省农村非正规金融为满足农户、农村中小企业的资金需求起到主要作用,并深入剖析其面临的问题.文章指出,规范农村非正规金融运行体系、拓宽农村民间投资渠道、建立监控民间借贷利率制度和加强监管等是促进经济欠发达地区农村非正规金融健康发展的重要措施.  相似文献   

卢德刚 《中国经贸》2011,(14):147-148
政策性金融不是市场机制的异己,而是市场机制失灵或不足的产物,政策性金融高度顺应并遵循市场机制及其主导性地位,补充和完善商业性金融机制中的某些“缺陷”或“不足”。因此,政策性金融机制并不是完全同市场机制相反的行政机制。它具有财政“无偿拨付”和金融“有偿借贷”的双重性,是两者的巧妙结合而不是简单加总。  相似文献   

欠发达地区农村金融担保的调查及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田琰 《老区建设》2008,(18):29-30
为推进农村金融机构服务“三农”的覆盖面,打破传统观念和传统模式的束缚,引入新型担保方式成为从根本上破解农户贷款难的关键。通过对江西省抚州市农村金融担保抵押发展情况进行调查,显示农村金融机构在拓展新型担保方式上有所突破,但“蛋糕”却总做不大,创新中不可避免地蕴含着风险,农村金融担保的创新效应还有待提高。为此,作者提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

加大农村政策性金融对河南现代农业支持的路径分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何凤霞 《改革与战略》2009,25(6):111-113
农村政策性金融在现代农业发展中起到积极诱导和示范功能及逆向选择与补充辅助功能作用。文章分析了河南在现代农业发展中面临的问题及对农村政策性金融的需求,最后提出应从健全农村政策性金融体系、建立财政补偿机制、明确重点支持领域、增加有效信贷资金、加大农村政策性金融对河南现代农业诱导性支持保障力度的对策。  相似文献   

欠发达地区的农村经济在总体经济发展中占有较大比例 ,尽管改革开放二十多年 ,农村经济已经有了较大改观 ,但比较沿海发达地区来讲 ,仍存有较大差距。甚至在个别地方仍未起步 ,即使在大部分地区 ,思想、观念、行为方式也远远落伍于发达地区的农民主体。其中突出表现在市场化进程的程度上 ,如何使欠发达地区农村经济尽快走向市场、大力发展市场农业 ,这是当前摆在欠发达地区农村、农民面前最急迫的难题。当前困扰欠发达地区农村经济走向市场的症结 :欠发达地区农村经济在改革开放之初 ,曾因率先实行承包责任制、植棉致富 ,红火几年 ,农民也过…  相似文献   

一、引言 所谓农业政策性金融就是政府集中提供的政策金融。农业政策性金融最大的优势是在短时间内能够有效地达到某些政策目标。长期以来由于中国农村经济发展不平衡,农业政策性金融如何将金融资源进行有效合理配置,发挥最大的效率,这对继续深化我国农村金融改革有力地支持农村经济发展具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The problems discussed in this paper are essentially the influence of various factors which underlie the present low levels of agricultural production and the constraints to development of the less developed rural areas of Southern Africa.

The nature, intensity and output of small‐scale farming systems are dependent upon the interactions between and within five groups of factors: physical and ecological; the agri‐milieu; institutional and operational; the human potential; and technology.

This paper discusses previous and present development trends, and reviews the interrelated problems of use of physical resources, the agri‐milieu, human resources, institutional problems and technology.

Suggestions are made for a co‐ordinated strategy at national and local level aimed at removing some of the present barriers and constraints to agricultural and rural development.  相似文献   

十六大报告对非公有制经济的社会地位、作用都给予了充分肯定,尤其是对民营经济的发展更是十分重视。认为民营经济是社会主义经济的重要组成部分,大力发展民营经济,有利于扩大经济总量,优化资源配置,增加社会就业,提高人民群众的生活水平因此,我们要动员一切社会力量,支持和参与民营经济发展,鼓励各类人才创办、领办和从事民营经济。  相似文献   

西南、西北作为我国的欠发达地区,其与国内其他地区的差异主要体现在以经济为中心的社会综合发展指标上。因此,区域经济发展是欠发达地区地方社会建设与发展的核心主题。在市场经济、知识经济、全球化加速推进的新条件下,如何重新审视与界定地方性高校在区域经济发展中的角色与地位,对区域发展与地方性高校之间的相互关系与作用进行了新的阐释,无疑有着重要的理论价值。  相似文献   

A systems approach is used in analysing the physical, institutional, technological and human constraints to agricultural production and development in less developed areas. Suggestions are made for policy considerations, strengthening research and extension linkages, selection of target groups and key factors necessary to improve the effectiveness of agricultural extension.  相似文献   

Rural development as an ideology and a practice has not achieved its goals in most less developed countries. A situation analysis is essential for successful rural development.The analysis should include physical and human resources, economic activities and institutional factors within an integrated framework, aimed at diagnosing development constraints as a basis for future planning.  相似文献   

郭敏  柴武斌 《特区经济》2006,(2):359-360
当前土地征用的矛盾十分尖锐与突出,已成为我国当前社会稳定中的“焦点”问题,引起了各级党委和政府以及社会各界的高度关注,而对于土地以承担着农民的生存保障功能为主的欠发达地区来说,这个问题更应引起重视。本文以W区为个案分析了土地征用成为农村社会不稳定因素的原因,并在此基础上提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   

An attempt is made in this paper to analyse the experience of Sri Lanka during 1951–1976, particularly in relation to its financial sector development. It is shown that the interventionist regime held the key to the pace and pattern of the economy's development. Whether it was the skimpy growth of the financial system, the faltering progression of GNP, the precarious foreign exchange position, or the persistence of inflationary pressure, they were all traceable to the impact on the financial system of a particular set of policies pursued. The year 1977, however, marked a watershed in Sri Lanka's long quest for economic development. The Government began to unwind the entire paraphernalia of administered controls on consumption, investment and foreign exchange. Most of the price controls were removed, subsidies phased out and public corporations were allowed greater autonomy in their pricing and distribution policies. It is necessary to contrast this situation with what existed prior to 1977 in order to assess its impact on the real economy of Sri Lanka. Only then can the cost of financial retardation be measured.  相似文献   

Transnational enterprises continue to invest in manufacturing in the less developed countries. Even where they do not, less developed countries are likely to deal with them in the acquisition of technology or markets. The prices for what transnationals sell are not immutable but are the result of bargaining. One can expect more vigorous and more effective bargaining by host countries in the manufacturing, as well as the more frequently discussed resource, sector in future. Success will vary over industries and over time but is least likely in export-oriented manufacturing.  相似文献   

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