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Project-based learning (PBL) is a well-known method for imparting thinking competencies and creating flexible learning environments. Advancing low-achieving pupils is an on-going challenge for educational systems. Routing low-achievers into low-learning tracks creates a vicious circle. In order to extract pupils and their teachers from the on-going cycle of failure, and to promote pupils cognitively and emotionally, four steps were taken: defining significant goals for the pupils as well as for the teachers, changing the learning environment, carrying out original projects taking advantage of the pupils' special skills and abilities, and changing assessment methods for project-based learning activities in a computerized environment. This paper presents a continuous field research that has used qualitative and quantitative tools for exploring pupils' progress in the affective and the cognitive domains. The research tools were: Analysis of pupils' portfolios, observations of class activities, interviews with pupils, teachers and school management, achievements in the matriculation examinations, and assessment of pupils' projects. The findings indicate that scientific-technological PBL elevated pupils' motivation and self-image at all levels and achieved significant affective learning. The activities over three years are summarized and show an increase in the number of students achieving the college admittance requirements. Most of the low-achieving pupils succeeded with distinction in the same matriculation exams that the high-achievers did in the same school. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the similarities and differences in the academic education of software engineers and architects. The rationale for this work stems from our observation, each from the perspective of her or his own discipline, that these two professional design and development processes share some similarities. A pilot study was performed, in which 24 practitioners (12 software engineers and 12 architects) were interviewed concerning the main characteristics of the two professions. The characteristics were classified according to four categories: discipline-related characteristics, professional skills, characteristics of typical problems and processes, and characteristics of a typical product. Data analysis indicates that according to the practitioners, while the professional skills required of professionals in the two disciplines are mostly common, the difference between the two disciplines is reflected most significantly in the features of the product created in the two professional processes. Based on this observation, some conclusions are outlined with respect to the academic education in the two fields.  相似文献   

Issues of Learning and Knowledge in Technology Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines issues that arise from learning and knowledge in technology education. The issues examined are, first, the definition of technological knowledge and what the nature of that knowledge should be, where the concern is with how we define and think about that knowledge, especially in the context of how students learn and use knowledge in technology education. Second, the relationship between learning and knowledge in particular the inter-relationship between learning and knowledge, focusing on a situated view of learning. The third issue sees learning related to the context within which the learning takes place.This paper will explore these three inter-related issues in four sections. First, an outline of a view of learning that privileges context. Second, there will be a consideration of types of knowledge, namely, procedural and conceptual knowledge. These two types will be elaborated upon through research done at the Open University, particularly on problem solving and design. In discussing conceptual knowledge empirical work in mathematics and science education will be drawn on, along with work on the use of mathematics and science in technology education. Third, it will be argued that qualitative knowledge should become a part of teaching and learning in technology education because it both reflects a view of knowledge stemming from situated learning, and the tasks of technology. The article will end with a research agenda for what we have yet to understand, drawing on the earlier arguments.  相似文献   

The increasing number of homeless people is one of the most burning problems of nowadays world. Society has to find the way to fight against it and provide help to those people that have no place to stay. For short-term interventions, the application of the mobile dwelling units seems to be the only possible solution. However, existing mobile dwelling units are rather limited to specific areas of application. A group of students faced this problem and decided to develop an alternative, more universal mobile dwelling unit that will fulfil a wide range of different technical and social requirements at a reasonable price. The paper describes a systematic approach to development of the mobile dwelling unit, which was performed as a part of the education process at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor. The project presented is interdisciplinary. In addition to the educational aspect that is emphasized in this paper, technical, economic and social aspects of the project have also a very important role. From educational point of view, the project was concluded successfully. Moreover, we believe our proposal for a mobile dwelling unit is both novel and suitable for general application. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以实例概述了技术标准在油井管工程发展方面所起的作用,剖析了国内外油井管标准化的现状及差异,指出了我国油井管标准化存在的问题,提出了油井管标准化发展战略。最后明确了市场经济条件下,企业标准在油田生产中的重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper briefly examines the literature on (a) problem-based learning (PBL), including constructivism and problem solving, and (b) learning in context, including mediation, embodiment, distribution, and situatedness. We use this literature, our previous research [Hill & Smith Journal of Technology Education 9(1), 29–41 (1998)], and some initial findings from our present research as a basis for a theory that we call authentic learning. The Theory of Authentic Learning provides a theoretical framework on which to scaffold purpose and value for the study of technology in secondary school curriculum. Initial results from Year One of our present three-year study contribute to the refinement of our Theory of Authentic Learning. First, we present some relevant literature, then we illustrate the Theory of Authentic Learning, and finally we conclude with some preliminary findings from our present research.  相似文献   

通过对系统整体性的分析,本文提出了工程设计中的“加和性设计”和“非加和性设计”(整体性分解方法),并对这两种类型的设计方法在工程实践中的作用做了具体分析。  相似文献   

河北省是我国华北地区最为重要的工业基地之一,处于“环京津、环渤海”的特殊区域,其工业发展模式及生态环境不仅对北京的生态形象有直接的影响,而且也影响河北省自身的生态形象。文章系统分析了河北省工业企业环境保护及实施生态工程的现状与存在的主要问题,结合河北省工业发展的政策方针,探讨了河北省工业企业发展循环经济实施生态工程的政策与措施。  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the relationship between the acquisition of design knowledge by novice design students and the quality of their designs. Design learning is typically based on action and reflection. Knowledge of solution processes, being part of this reflection, is found to be crucial in monitoring and controlling the design process and in reaching an optimal, creative result. The studies described in this article suggest a close relationship between the amount of process knowledge – knowledge of managing and monitoring the solution finding process – reported by novice designers, and the creativity of the designed product.  相似文献   

通过研究独立学院服装设计与工程专业人才培养目标,探讨了从明确专业建设发展方向、完善师资队伍建设、优化教学体系与教学方法、强化实践教学内容、健全教学质量保障体系等方面进行改革,以培养具有较强实践能力和创新精神,具有就业竞争优势与可持续发展基础的应用型高级专门人才;提出了适应广东特别是珠三角经济社会发展需要的应用型本科人才培养模式和课程体系,为独立学院的发展能更好地适应地方经济社会发展的需要提供参考。  相似文献   

The paper introduces the highly problematic nature of modelling in design and technology education and examines the relationship between cognitive and concrete modelling. Its aim is to gain insight into what learners do, rather than what others say they ought to do in their learning activities. The variety of purposes that educators have for learners’ modelling are discussed through examining the contested curriculum justification for design and technology education itself. The paper proposes that learners’ modelling cannot be extracted from the social milieu in which they act and it provides some insights of these social influences through the analysis of two case studies. Their settings are a girls’ secondary school and a college of higher education. Each case study is presented independently but organised with a common format to consider a) the impact of assessment on learning intentions and outcomes; b) cultural influences on learning and modelling; c) social influences on learning and modelling. A discussion of the emergent themes considers implications for teachers. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

海洋石油工程设计的质量管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了质量管理在海洋石油工程设计中的地位与作用,以及海洋石油工程设计全过程全方位的质量管理。针对质量管理中存在的问题进行了思考。  相似文献   

介绍了华北油田分公司第三采油厂创新工程监督管理模式的主要内容及做法,分析了产生的效果,对目前中国石油各企业推行和深化精细管理具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

We have investigated collaborative problem solving in a teaching experiment, which was organised for 34 eighth-grade pupils in a control technology learning environment. The participating teacher was trained by us and pupils had available kits, interfaces and computers equipped with a novel icon oriented programming tool, Empirica Control. Pupil activities were video recorded and the analysis proceeded through writing video protocols, edited into episodes and then classified into categories. Categories were mainly derived empirically. In the analysis, we used concepts such as collaboration and problem solving, in accordance with social constructivism. The data showed that typical learning processes were collaborative (62% of all episodes) as well as dynamic problem-solving processes, in several stages. Pupils worked quite independently of the teacher, as they learned to use the programming tool autonomously in their technology projects. It appears, however, that more teacher support, such as introducing handbooks, planning tools and advanced programming skills, would have been an advantage. Some ideas about further development of study processes in modern learning environments are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

通过对我国包装工程专业高等教育发展现状的调研,结合青岛科技大学包装工程专业设置,对新形势下包装工程专业的基础理论课程设置、专业课程设置、实践环节设置进行分析研究,以期建立符合行业需要的包装工程专业高等教育体系,为国内包装工程专业高等教育发展和高素质创新型人才培养提供新思路。  相似文献   

分析了石家庄市生态环境的突出问题,运用环境生态学的观点和方法探讨了民心河工程对石家庄市环境质量的影响,并对加强民心河工程建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

当前纺织类高职人才与企业的要求还有一定的差距,因此对于人才的培养模式需要改进,"工学结合"的模式是一条有效的途径。本文以南通纺织职业技术学院纺织系与南通大生集团合作的"大生班"为例,对"工学结合"模式下纺织类高职人才培养问题予以分析和研究。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a novel approach taken by the author to the teaching of an Internet programming course targeted at final year diploma and second year degree students. The uniqueness of engineers and their identity is discussed, as is the self-constructed world and ways of knowing in which humankind operates. The novel approach to teaching a software-coding course, and this course’s underlying philosophies of learning, the approach taken in class-contact time, and the methods of interaction with the students are presented, along with the conventional structure, quantitative measures, outline, and assessment of the course. The effects and observations of approaches employed are discussed, and the quantitative outputs achieved are presented alongside the unquantifiable impressions, comments and positive feedback.  相似文献   

为了更有效地开采"三低"(低压、低渗、低产)油田,在地面工艺优化简化的基础上,在现有的技术条件下,长庆油田一直在寻求一种加快建设进度、缩短建设周期、控制地面建设投资的新的地面建设方式。通过不断探索,长庆油田提出了"标准化设计、模块化建设"的理念,并对"标准化设计、模块化建设"提出的背景、应用的过程及实施后达到的效果进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Design and technology education aims to prepare young people for living in a rapidly changing technological society which will involve them in making many value judgements, some with complex ethical dimensions. Key aspects of the ethical judgements in relation to genetic engineering are examined: the hidden assumptions, the inevitable unpredictability when dealing with living processes highly interactive with the surroundings, the commercial and political pressures, and the underlying `world-views' and values. It is argued that responsible judgements therefore require wide consultation, sensitivity to social, cultural and moral issues, acknowledgement of the political and economic context, and above all, critical reflection on the beliefs and commitments that are shaping the vision and the drive.Teaching and learning strategies are needed that highlight the social and environmental context of technological activity, that encourage pupils to consider what determines the quality of their own lives and those of others, and that stimulates reflection on the values and beliefs which influence the priorities when value judgements are being made.  相似文献   

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