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This paper examines the impact of a broker's perceived use of power – position (i.e., coercive, reward and legitimate) and personal (i.e., expert, information and referent) – on strength of ties between network members and new product development (NPD) project outcomes. Our sample consists of 100 individuals drawn from 42 organizations that were involved in different innovation-driven horizontal networks. The results of structural equation modeling suggest that the perceived use of both personal power bases and position power bases by the broker are positively related to the strength of ties between members. Strength of ties, on the other hand, is positively related to NPD project outcomes of design performance and development time. Finally, results show that the relationships between a broker's use of different power bases and NPD project outcomes are fully mediated by the strength of ties between networks members. Implications for research, theory, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


Most innovation-oriented studies use measures such as patent activity or research expenditures, likely ignoring the role of more home-grown upgrades or opportunity-recognizing activity common in businesses across the U.S. This study develops a broader ‘innovation index’ using a new survey of businesses that provides a wide lens for capturing innovative practices. The index is used in a series of regressions testing the relationship between innovation and both firm and regional-level economic outcomes. Results from the firm-level regressions show that the innovation index has a positive and significant relationship with wages paid to employees and product market growth. The regional analysis demonstrates that innovation is correlated with several regional economic variables, including median household income, and that spatial spillovers from innovation exist in some instances.  相似文献   

In networked or open innovation processes, so-called innovation communities have been identified in the innovation champion literature, in which innovation champions from different levels in the innovation system supposedly act as a team. It has however not been studied in detail to what extent and how different champions in innovation communities complement each other and act as a team. Applying the concept of innovation network orchestration to analyze the role and position of different kinds of champions as brokers in innovation networks, the purpose of this paper is to unravel the interaction between champions and what this entails in terms of role complementarities and conflicts as regards innovation network orchestration. This is done by using an explorative multiple case study approach in which three innovation journeys are analyzed. The results indicate that a distinction can be made between primary innovation communities, who act as aggregated orchestrators of the overall innovation network, and who in turn orchestrate secondary innovation communities in certain sub-networks. Here different kinds of champions complement each other and act as a team, but these complementarities are not a given: they are negotiated over time in interaction, and lack of reflection on each other’s roles may result in role conflicts. The main conclusion is that an oversimplified notion of innovation communities as a unified team of champions should be avoided: innovation communities themselves need a form of orchestration.  相似文献   

We explore how a standardization effort (i.e., when a firm pursues standards to further innovation) involves different search processes for knowledge and innovation outcomes. Using an inductive case study of Vanke, a leading Chinese property developer, we show how varying degrees of knowledge complexity and codification combine to produce a typology of four types of search process: active, integrative, decentralized and passive, resulting in four types of innovation outcome: modular, radical, incremental and architectural. We argue that when the standardization effort in a firm involves highly codified knowledge, incremental and architectural innovation outcomes are fostered, while modular and radical innovations are hindered. We discuss how standardization efforts can result in a second-order innovation capability, and conclude by calling for comparative research in other settings to understand how standardization efforts can be suited to different types of search process in different industry contexts.  相似文献   

Building on knowledge management and innovation capability theories, this paper aims to reveal the mechanisms of collaborative innovation processes by investigating the complex relationships among critical factors influencing firm's innovation performance in supply chain networks. Using hierarchical Multiple Regression (MR) and Moderated Multiple Regression (MMR) methods, results from a survey of 236 firms in China indicated that there are significant positive relationships between collaborative innovation activities, knowledge sharing, collaborative innovation capability, and firm's innovation performance. Moreover, it is expected that knowledge sharing plays a partial mediating role in the relationships between collaborative innovation activities and firm's innovation performance. Collaborative innovation capability exhibited a moderating effect on collaborative innovation activities - innovation performance relationship. These results contribute to collaborative innovation process management by offering a nuanced conceptualization of the collaborative innovation - performance relationship in supply chain networks.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(4):100835
Using novel firm-level micro-panel data in China from 2000 to 2009 and data on institutional factors, we study which funding sources effectively finance firm innovation activities in China and how the effectiveness of funding sources varies according to the quality of institutions. We show that institutional factors impact the effectiveness of each funding source in different ways. First, when property rights are better protected against the risk of expropriation by the government, internal financing from net profit—namely, the reinvestment of profit—is more important in financing firm innovation activities. Second, as contracts are enforced more reliably, trade credit finance and bank finance play larger roles in financing firm innovation activities.  相似文献   

众筹是整合社会分散财力资源从而实现筹资投资双方获得便利目的的一种有效的新型融资投资模式,属于互联网金融的一种形式.本文针对众筹过程中两大参与主体筹资方和投资方各自特征,依据成本收益理论,建立激励效用模型,考虑创新项目质量和报酬率两大因素的变化对众筹双方的期望效用的影响作用.研究结果表明:在三种不同的假设条件下,项目质量和报酬率两大因素影响众筹双方期望效用,进而可以激励双方主体,并且提出了众筹双方效用最优化状态的存在性.  相似文献   

运用创新网络理论和企业集群理论,分析了中关村高新技术企业集群创新力的现状和问题。提出了完善中关村高新技术企业集群创新网络的对策建议:发挥政府主导作用,在高新技术企业、高校和科研院所、中介组织、金融机构等各个行为主体之间建设显性或隐性的联接,从而带动创新网络的形成和创新成果的诞生。  相似文献   

Only since the early 1990s, when unemployment rates in Switzerland soared to unprecedented levels, has federal technology and innovation policy begun to design their activities with regard to employment and the establishment of new firms. Now, all across the country, private as well as public incubator facilities, technology and innovation centres have begun to spring up. This paper starts by describing the theoretical and methodological background of a survey of incubator, technology and innovation (ITI) centres. In a first step, all cantonal offices for economic promotion were asked to report and to describe incubator facilities, technology and innovation centres within their realm. In a second step a selection of centres were analysed in depth. The key findings are that: (1) ITI centres are most commonly established by a combination of public and private initiatives; (2) the main motive for the creation of ITI centres is to promote startups and the innovative potential; (3) most ITI centres offer space to rent and make available joint amenities; (4) ITI centres are predominantly in manufacturing, services, and development activities; their level of technology input is high or very high; and (5) the spatial reach of most of the ITI centre is on the region. Together with selected foreign experiences, some conclusions and recommendations for the operation of such centres are formulated.  相似文献   

Public clients’ decisions on the procurement and contracting of civil engineering projects have far-reaching effects on the development and implementation of innovations. Two decades ago, a trend towards the use of integrated contracts started to improve constructability and stimulate innovations. However, for radical innovations, the unilateral allocation of innovation risks to the main contractor is undesirable since most of the associated innovation risks are difficult to assess and manage due to the inherent uncertainties. An in-depth case study was used to investigate the development and application of an alternative public-client-led approach to realizing a radical innovation in a civil engineering project. This study shows that: (1) government championship, through a proactive participation of the public client in the initiation, development and implementation of the project and the willingness to bear innovation risks; (2) the application of innovation risk management strategies and the availability of a fall back option; (3) the establishing of favourable organizational and relational conditions, were determinative factors for the successful development and implementation of the intended radical innovation. Furthermore, seven propositions have been derived that together provide instruments through which public clients can actively promote the development and implementation of radical innovations in civil engineering projects.Subject classification codesManaging Project Risk; Managing Project Innovation; Contract Procurement and Tendering  相似文献   

Slavo  Marat   《Technovation》2009,29(10):645-656
The paper analyses the role of technoparks as instruments of innovation promotion in Kazakhstan using data from a firm survey and interviews. It explores three specific issues: first, the overall effectiveness of technoparks in promoting innovation development in Kazakhstan, second, the underlying innovation model in Kazakhstan technoparks, and third, whether technoparks can compensate for missing elements in the technology-based infrastructure and environment. Our conclusions are that technopark firms are no more innovative than other firms. They are oriented largely towards the local market, and operate in traditional sectors; the frequency and intensity of their external links are more developed than are their internal links. The key motivations for relocating to a technopark seem to be lower rents and the possibility of accessing finance. Overall, Kazakh technoparks seem to be successful in terms of facilitating business incubation, but much less so in terms of innovation promotion and diversification of the economy. Focusing on technoparks as the main mechanism to diversify the economy seems to be an ineffective and uncertain policy option at this stage of the country's economic development. However, there seems to be significant scope for supporting business incubation. The conclusions of this study are of relevance to other emerging economies.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an exploratory study of factors affecting the degree of voluntary information sharing by dealers in a distribution network. The dealer network of a manufacturer of materials for the construction and manufacturing industries provided the setting for the study. Results suggest that information sharing behaviour is shaped by mixed motives. Resource flows and dealer perceptions of the manufacturer's role performance emerged as the most important predictors of information sharing by dealers. Intrachannel competition was also negatively related to the flow of information from dealers. Implications for interorganizational theory and channel management are discussed in a concluding section.  相似文献   

Research and development laboratories in universities and firms around the world try to maximize innovation with a limited set of resources. However, questions remain about the influence of resource constraints on idea generation in early-stage product design. Multiple embedded case studies were conducted with engineering students and faculty at two university campuses in Mexico. Students developed sketches for products that would satisfy an open-ended design problem in a constrained-resource setting, where the variables were the timing of when information about these constraints was revealed, and the regular prototyping environment of the student. The evidence suggests that the timing of awareness of constraints can have an impact on design outcomes, but that this effect varies depending on the designer's regular prototyping resource environment.  相似文献   

This work extends knowledge concerning the relationships among open innovation, innovative performance and government support for innovation within Brazilian firms. Data were obtained from two different firm samples (Sample A, on incremental innovation, and Sample B, on radical innovation). The main research results are as follows. First, in considering government support for innovation, Sample B, based on radical innovation, played a superior and stronger role than Sample A. Secondly, for both samples, the cooperation of external firms has a positive effect on firms’ innovative performance, which was positively controlled by the size of the firms. Thirdly, in general, radical innovation requires synergy and a more intense focus regarding the constructs considered therein. This work also adds value in methodological terms, as this is the first research to have tested different models of samples with different levels of radicalism in innovation.  相似文献   

Facing the challenge of climate change, innovations that imply environmental benefits create business opportunities for entrepreneurs. This paper analyzes innovation capabilities of startups in Cleantech and how the innovation outcomes of those startups develop over time. Based on the Mannheim Foundation Panel and applying propensity score matching, a cohort of 567 Cleantech startups is analyzed and compared with a control cohort of non‐Cleantech startups. We find that startups in Cleantech have, on average, higher technological capabilities compared with all other startups. Our econometric evidence shows that Cleantech startups are more likely to combine existing technology in a novel way. Finally, we find that Cleantech startups develop more market novelties in subsequent years when compared with their control group peers.  相似文献   

Scholars have yet to address why and how open innovation model can be applied effectively within industries while diminishing its potential cost and challenges. In this paper, we extend open innovation model both theoretically and practically by identifying a) the boundary conditions that motivate firms within resource-based industries to apply the model and b) the approaches that have been implemented in practice in applying the model. In this multiple-case study, we explore why and how firms within the upstream Canadian oil industry have evolved to apply open innovation model over time to deal with the industry's challenges. First, our findings show that institutional forces, both normative and coercive—such as social and environmental pressures, were the primary drivers for adopting open innovation. Second, by building on the taxonomy of meta-organizations, we demonstrate that an industry-founded and not-for-profit innovation intermediary, as a meta-organization, is a necessary tool to address problems of adopting open innovation. We argue that the experiments of the upstream oil industry to develop a suitable organizational design for such innovation intermediaries suggest that a moderate level of stratification accompanying either close or open membership is the most suitable design. The findings from this study can be helpful to other industries, particularly other resource- based industries, which seek to effectively employ the open innovation model through innovation intermediaries.  相似文献   

2011年1月17日,纽约时报广场的户外大屏幕上《中国国家形象片--人物篇》,在全球首次正式与公众见面.一些海外媒体把它称作为中国“国家公关”时代的来临.在全球化的背景下作为软实力之一的国家形象在新世纪凸现了其无可替代的重要性,良好的国家形象有利于国家全球地位的提升、国家利益的维护以及国家目标的实现.如何做好中国国家形象传播管理的大文章,我们需要关注“中国崛起”形象表述语的定位、“和谐世界”价值观的推广、世界公民素质的培育、企业品牌的锻造以及拥有国际话语权主流媒体的构建等关键要素的研究与探索,因为这些方面对中国国家形象的塑造与传播是至关重要的.  相似文献   

Supplier involvement is essential to a new venture seeking to develop a radical innovation. Despite this, prior literature has not adequately addressed supplier involvement in radical innovation, nor what the antecedents to increased supplier involvement are. We build and test a conceptual model of the antecedents and new product performance outcomes of supplier involvement in the development of radical innovation by new ventures. Antecedent variables (supplier's specific investments and the new venture's qualification of the supplier's abilities) are drawn from the transaction cost analysis literature. We include new venture's relative power and new venture's level of commitment to the supplier as contingency conditions. We develop a set of hypotheses relating supplier involvement to radical innovation performance, relating the antecedent variables to supplier involvement, and also testing the interaction effects of the two contingency conditions. We gather data from both new ventures and their major suppliers for 173 recent radical innovation projects, and use hierarchical regression analysis to test our hypotheses. We find that the contingency conditions moderate achieved levels of supplier involvement, and also find a direct relationship between achieved level of involvement and performance. We conclude with theoretical contributions and managerial implications.  相似文献   

In R&;D organizations of high tech firms, multiple R&;D projects are executed concurrently and timeliness of project completion - i.e., developing the right products at the right times - is a matter of serious concern. Given that the priority of R&;D projects and the interdependencies between the projects in a high tech firm change dynamically, high tech R&;D project management is a complex and challenging endeavor. To improve the understanding and management of high tech R&;D projects, this paper reports the findings of a field study where we, first, develop and empirically estimate a model that relates project priority over time with the generative mechanisms of market pull and technical challenge associated with R&;D projects. Next, we develop and demonstrate the application of a process model within which the time-varying project priority model is embedded. The process model makes it possible to allocate fixed resources among competing projects with time-varying interdependencies, thereby improving the timeliness of project completion. This research was conducted in collaboration with a major U.S. high tech firm. The corporate R&;D center of the firm served as the research setting for the field study. We present an application of the process model to delineate the evolution of the R&;D organization with the merger of its (technology driven) parent firm with another (market driven) high tech manufacturing firm. The application of the process model generates theoretical insights that are used to develop testable propositions. Implications of the study findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research into the clustering effect on firms has moved away from a simplistic view to a more complex approach. More realistic and complex causal relationships are now considered when analysing these territorial networks. Specifically, this paper attempts to analyse how cluster connectedness moderates the relationship of a firm's innovation effort and the results obtained from this effort. We want to question the commonly accepted direct and positive impact of R&D effort, and moreover, we suggest the existence of a saturation effect and that the level of cluster's inter-connectedness in the cluster moderates this effect. We have developed our empirical study focusing on the Spanish textile industrial cluster. This is a complex manufacturing industry that uses relatively low-technology manufacturing and R&D. Our findings suggest that the degree to which a firm is involved with, or connected to, other firms in the cluster can moderate the effect of the R&D effort on its innovation results. More generally, we aim to contribute to the discussion on the degree to which firms should be involved in the cluster network in order to operate efficiently and gain the maximum competitive advantages. Our findings have implications both in recent cluster and network literature as well for institutional policy.  相似文献   

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