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This paper discusses why mathematical economists of the early Cold War period favored formal-axiomatic over behavioral choice theories. One reason was that formal-axiomatic theories allowed mathematical economists to improve the conceptual and theoretical foundations of economics and thereby to increase its scientific status. Furthermore, the separation between mathematical economics and other behavioral sciences was not as clear-cut as often argued. While economists did not modify their behavioral assumptions, some acknowledged the empirical shortcomings of their models. The paper reveals the multifaceted nature of rational choice theories reflected in the changing interpretations and roles of the theories in those early years.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to highlight the importance of the concept of choice. To do so, a synopsis of the most important contributions to this topic—featuring an eclectic set of scholars across disciplines—is provided. As central to the argument, John von Neumann’s contributions, game theory and simulation techniques on von Neumann machines, are identified. Innovation (economic and theoretic) as the driving force behind human evolution seems to head for a new scientific paradigm based on von Neumann’s ideas.
Hardy HanappiEmail:

My purpose is to appraise the recent critique of theoretical economics by applying the methodological perspective. Therefore, I start by identifying the main lines of criticism raised against theoretical economics in the aftermath of the post-2008 global economic crisis: namely, the voices criticizing economics for its unrealistic models, excessive mathematization, and overconfidence in its theoretical claims. First, I show that these issues are interconnected and should be jointly analyzed. Next, I investigate these lines of critique from the perspective provided by the latest achievements in the philosophy of economics (e.g., studies on the epistemic role of economic models). Taking this perspective reinforces some allegations against economics (e.g., these voices accusing economists of treating economic laws as universal laws of nature) and makes some criticisms more nuanced (e.g., the issue of unrealistic assumptions). I conclude by stating that such a methodological perspective is necessary in critically apprising the recent critique of economics.  相似文献   

Neuroeconomics draws attention to motive forces that are ignored in the standard framework of economic theory. The present paper develops a conceptual approach that, similar to Pennings et al. (Journal of Bioeconomics 7: 113–127, 2005), tackles the issues at the systemic level by analyzing and modeling the brain processes that decide on behavior. It takes as the basic unit of analysis potential stimulus-response actions which—when selected—become actual behavior. The objective of these potential stimulus-response actions is to increase utility. At any moment of time, several of these potential actions compete with each other for the privilege of becoming actual behavior. This competition can be modeled on the basis of economic principles. The behavior that materializes may cover the range from the rational to the foolish, depending on which of the potential responses gathers the greatest emotional strength. The emotional strength of a potential response, in turn, is determined by the individual’s past experience and her capacity for rational action. Given that the objective is always to increase utility, it can normally be expected that the more or less rational dominates the foolish, but this need not always be the case. Which potential actions become behavior in a concrete instance is decided by a mechanism implemented by the basal ganglia, a structure in the brain serving as the action selection mechanism. The insights provided by this approach afford coherent explanations of behaviors that are not readily explicable by the standard approach of economic theory.   相似文献   

The last 30 years have witnessed a dramatic change in the distribution of income, with the wage share falling in all major industrialized countries. Main-stream analyses, including New Keynesian ones, which retain the notion of factor substitution leading to a “factor intensity” inversely related to its rate of return, have encountered some difficulties in the interpretation of this change. Nonmainstream approaches present an advantage in the explanation of the phenomenon, consisting in the fact that they entail no a priori connections between the changes in distribution and the changes factor proportions. Hence if a change in institutions or in the bargaining strength of the parties affects distribution, income shares may vary significantly (i.e., changes in wages need not be accompanied by changes in labor to output ratio in the opposite direction as in mainstream analyses). Yet empirical observation may question also some of the analyses that have been advanced outside the mainstream. The article will explore the ways in which nonmainstream approaches have interpreted the described changes in distribution, and assess them from an analytical viewpoint and with reference to U.S. data. The purpose is that of pointing at some open questions and problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, the concept of System Functions of Innovation Systems is applied to provide an explanation of the success or failure of an emerging technology, i.e. biomass gasification, with empirical data on the evolution of this technology in the Netherlands during 1980-2004. A new list of System Functions has been developed lately and is used to identify the most relevant events in the evolution of the Biomass Gasification Innovation System. We show that a structural misalignment occurred between the institutional framework within which the technology could have been developed and the technical requirements of the technology. Finally, the absence of System Functions such as the guidance of the search, resource allocation and advocacy coalition explains the failure of this technology over time.  相似文献   

:以“一带一路”上的中华风景园林文化艺术展现为 题,探索中国风景园林建设之路。以歌曲“草原之夜”原生地 新疆可克达拉地域为背景,以“可克达拉市伊犁河滨水景观带 规划设计”建成项目为例,展开从理论到实践的阐述、分析、 探讨:项目的自然山水城市背景分析;项目作为城市纪念地、 发生地、交流地的风景园林文化艺术定位;项目作为中国固有 领土的历史表现与文化传承;保家卫国、屯垦戍边的景观纪 念;以及项目体现的“一带一路”上的中华风景园林的现代价 值。阐述了该项目的理论及应用:人居环境三元论;景观“旷 奥三性”理论应用;生态绿色支撑与风景园林小气候营造,以 及具体方案规划设计的要点。  相似文献   

在对传统叠山理水艺术进行深入研究的基础上,借鉴往届世园会园区以及多个中国经典山水园林案例,从世园会项目的本质入手,总结山形水系营造理法。方案依托延庆优良的山水格局,充分利用园区的现状竖向条件、植被和水文地质资源,提出了北京世园会园区竖向规划的总体理念和原则,确定了园区的山水格局,着重论述了主山主湖营造的过程,并且结合园艺,形成具有独特意境的山水景观,通过中国园林叠山理水向世界诠释“园艺”。  相似文献   

This essay addresses the historical and institutional aspects of Schumpeter's thought. It suggests that Schumpeter prepared a pluralist research agenda, formulated in accordance with the conceptual perspective of the German Historical School, as presented by major scholars such as Schmoller, Sombart, Spiethoff and Max Weber. Schumpeter's notion of development, with its emphasis on the correspondence of economic and socio-cultural evolution, is therefore to be viewed in the context of the comprehensive Schmollerian approach. Moreover the ethical-evolutionary components of Schmoller's ideas point at the vital role of the German Historical School in the elaboration of a modern evolutionary economics in Schumpeterian terms. The essay concludes that the Schmollerprogramm is going to inspire further developments in Schumpeterian economics, as the integration of theory and history continuously marks the research agenda of evolutionary approaches to economic development.  相似文献   

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