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The main purpose of the study is to determine the savings potential of urban and rural households in India and in the process determine the possible savings and consumption functions separately for urban and rural areas. Four different possible functions have been used for determining the savings behaviour of the households both at the aggregate level and at the per capita level. The rural households, according to the results, have an extremely low rate of saving with income elasticity of saving of less than unity. For the urban households on the other hand, the income elasticity of saving is high enough to suggest the possibilities of considerably high savings potential. To understand the consumption behaviour of these households, the long-run and the short-run marginal propensities to consume and the marginal propensities to consume out of‘permanent’ or ‘normal’ income and ‘transitory’ income have been worked out. For the urban sector none of these give encouraging enough results and the analysis has been extended to examine whether other factors like prices and household assets are of any significance. Whereas for the rural sector, Milton Friedman's theory of ‘permanent’ or ‘normal’ income is somewhat substantiated, other factors like ‘transitory’ income, prices and assets appear to inthence urban consumption behaviour though no single one of them substantially enough. A negligible effect of ‘permanent’ income on urban consumption behaviour is, on the other hand, very clearly suggested by the results. Household consumption and savings have next been projected using the above results to determine the possible levels for the next three years. The results suggest that the rate of domestic savings likely to be achieved by the end of the Third Five Year Plan (1965–66) falls short of the targets laid down.  相似文献   

The author considers the potential for a link between the recent pattern of demographic transition and intertemporal and inter-country variations in savings rates. Fertility, infant mortality, life expectancy, and levels of female and child labor force participation are among the various demographic factors which affect national savings rates through their effects upon age structure, age-specific individual savings behavior, and their general equilibrium effects upon interest rates, wage rates, and income distribution. The author establishes a simple discrete time life cycle model of savings, explains the issues related to age structure, and discusses the effect of age-specific savings functions, the general equilibrium effects of demographic factors, the effects of life expectancies and child mortalities, and the nature of social security coverages in less developed countries, as well as issues which are especially important for less developed countries. A new strategy for empirically evaluating demographic policies is proposed. That is, one can estimate the age profile of earnings, saving and fertility rates from household survey data. The life tables can then be used to compute the aggregate savings rate and population size. Any demographic policy which affects the fertility rate, life expectancy, and investment in the quality of children will change the aggregate saving and population growth rates. These two aggregate effects could be compared to evaluate demographic policies. The author stresses, however, that changes in different demographic factors will have different short-run and long-run effects upon the savings rate which will also depend upon whether such changes are transitory or permanent.  相似文献   

Dynamic analysis of British demand for tourism abroad   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates how preference endogeneity, in the form of habit persistence, can affect short-run and long-run tourism expenditure decisions. The proposed model is applied to British quarterly data over the period 1979–91 and the empirical results suggest that preference endogeneity appears to have an important effect. This has policy implications for countries competing for British tourist arrivals. The differences between the short-run and long-run price and budget elasticities which are implied by habit persistence are also investigated.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, there has been increasing disparity in savings across regions and income groupings globally. In this paper, we investigate whether the quality of institutions explains the saving disparities in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Utilizing comprehensive panel data and spanning the period 1980–2015, we estimate a savings model using the two-step instrumental variable generalized method of moment (2SIV-GMM) estimator. Our results show that the impact of institutions on savings behaviour differs across regions and income groupings, and in SSA, in aggregate. We find that the level and growth of per capita income and terms of trade enhance savings whereas government consumption expenditure, financial sector development and the elderly dependency rate are savings impeding. The findings are robust to alternative model specification and highlight the importance of institutions in influencing savings behaviour in SSA.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effect of alternative ownership structures, stock versus mutual, on the cost of production of Spanish depository institutions. By introducing a stochastic frontier analysis in estimating the best–practiced expense–preference behaviour, the empirical approach adjusts for the possibility that the two sectors of the banking industry employ different production technologies and finds evidence that is consistent with expense–preference behaviour by the mutual savings banks.  相似文献   

The authors develop and estimate a model of post-war Australian migration which highlights an endogenous treatment of government policy and includes three equations explaining the emigration rate, the Government's Immigration Programme rate, and the immigration rate. The model permits the separate identification of long-run population growth influences vis-à-vis short-run economic considerations in explaining migration. Short-run labour market conditions are found to be more important in explaining government behaviour than are long-run population considerations. Immigrant behaviour appears to be affected by both short-run and long-run influences. Very little unexplained variation remains in the estimated regressions.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine whether partisan influence on social expenditure in the OECD has decreased over the past three decades. We analyze whether a reduced partisan influence is due to more trade openness, larger budget deficits or the creation of new supranational institutions. Our empirical approach distinguishes between the effects on the long-run growth of social expenditures and its short-run adjustment to violations of the long-run equilibrium linking social spending with macroeconomic and demographic trends. We find that partisan motives, indeed, play an important role in the explanation of short-run dynamics in social spending. Left-wing parties are found to spend significantly more than their right-wing counterparts and parties spend more before elections. However, the partisan influence has changed over time. While ideology has lost some of its influence, the electoral cycle has become more important to explain changes in social expenditure. This result should be addressed to a general institutional change that took place in the early 1990s and continued over that decade. While changes in trade openness, indebtedness and budget deficits have not changed the partisan influence on social spending, they are particularly important to explain the short-run dynamics of social spending.  相似文献   

We study the effect of national culture on economic decisions, focusing on GLOBE cultural dimensions of uncertainty avoidance and future orientation. Specifically, we study the effect of divergence between cultural values and practices (societal aspirations), on the aggregate savings decision. Using the life-cycle model of savings as our basic model, we find that societal aspirations are important in explaining national savings behavior. In particular, we show that societal aspirations relating to future orientation and uncertainty avoidance have a positive effect on the rate of savings. We interpret our findings to indicate that such societal aspirations lead to mistrust in the societal arrangements and institutions, and induce savings as a means of securing the future and reducing uncertainty. To substantiate this interpretation, we utilize the microfinance industry; showing that high societal aspirations are associated with preference for savings through member-owned microfinance institutions (MFIs) over savings through non-member-owned MFIs.  相似文献   

The analysis is focused on possible time-related changes in the cyclical behaviour of production using a set of individual production series. Disaggregate data are used to analyse whether short-run fluctuations have actually become less extreme or erratic in time and whether the tendency of shocks to have permanent or transitory effects has changed between the pre-war and post-war eras. A third aspect of cyclical trends examined concerns the correlation of short-term changes across sectors. The main finding of the paper is that there has been little change in the behaviour of the individual series over time in fluctuation size, persistence and frequency. Thus, a reduction in variability appears also to be due to a problem of statistical measurement. Rather then suggesting, as the standard literature does, that demand shocks were unimportant in the post-war period – which implies that supply shocks were more important – an estimate of the Italian experience gives evidence of the importance of both causes.  相似文献   

This study explores whether the economic consequences of earthquakes affect the policy interest rate set by the central bank. The direction of this effect is not immediately clear beforehand since earthquakes create a classic monetary policy dilemma: how to accommodate the real shock in the short-run with the objective of anchoring inflation when these two competing objectives demand opposite policy actions. One can therefore argue that the question of whether, and if so, in which direction natural disasters influence monetary policy is ultimately an empirical one. For this purpose, I estimate a dynamic panel model including about 400 major earthquakes from about 85 countries that occurred between 1960 and 2015. The key findings of this study clearly point out that on average the short-run policy interest rate falls in the first year after the earthquake. This result implies that monetary authorities prioritize short-run economic recovery above price stability. However, this interest rate effect is not the same across countries. It turns out that central banks that have a specific policy target, such as a fixed exchange rate, are more likely to raise the interest rate in the period following a disaster to fight the inflationary pressure. In turn, monetary authorities that have much freedom in their policy decisions are more inclined to lower the interest rate to stimulate economic recovery.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the post 1963 debate on public investment criteria stemming largely from Marglin's work. At issue here, are the two main propositions of Marglin, namely, that the social marginal rate of time preference is the appropriate social rate of discount (SRD) for public projects, and that the social opportunity cost (SOC) of capital raised to facilitate public investment is, in general, in excess of the money cost of such investment. Both supported and challenged by different writers, this debate does not provide any clear consensus as to the current status of these propositions. The central purpose of this paper is to put the series of apparent claims and counterclaims found in the literature to an analytical test, and draw the appropriate conclusions. This we do by explicitly considering the technology, fiscal policy and savings reinvestment behavior in a simple model of maximizing the present discounted value of the marginal net consumption stream generated by the public project. We argue that given Marglin's assumptions, the criterion that the marginal social rate of time preference be the SRD is valid as has already been demonstrated by Diamond (1968) and McFadden (1972). His other conclusion that the SOC should generally exceed unit v is seen to be correct only in special cases.  相似文献   

Using multivariate cointegration tests for nonstationary data and vector error correction models, this article examines the determinants of trade balance (TB) for Argentina over the last forty to fifty years taking into account that the short-run impacts of currency depreciation on the TB behaviour may differ from the long-run effects. Our investigation confirms the existence of long-run relationships among TB, real exchange rate (RER) and foreign and domestic incomes for Argentina during different RER management policies. Based on the estimations, the Marshall-Lerner condition is checked and, by means of impulse response functions, we trace the effect of a one-time shock to the RER on the TB not finding support for a J-curve pattern in the short-run.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the welfare impact of a borrowing constraint that does not allow children to borrow against future income. In an overlapping-generations model with altruistic parents, the inability to borrow increases children’s savings and parental transfers, raising children’s welfare as well as average welfare in the short-run and in the long-run.Additionally, the borrowing constraint raises aggregate savings and, hence, physical capital. Consequently, when prices are flexible, the positive welfare impact of the constraint is higher.  相似文献   

Two-Stage Exponential (TSE) discounting, the model developed here, generalises exponential discounting in a parsimonious way. It can be seen as an extension of Quasi-Hyperbolic discounting to continuous time. A TSE discounter has a constant rate of time preference before and after some threshold time; the switch point. If the switch point is expressed in calendar time, TSE discounting captures time consistent behaviour. If it is expressed in waiting time, TSE discounting captures time invariant behaviour. We provide preference foundations for all cases, showing how the switch point is derived endogenously from behaviour. We apply each case to Rubinstein's infinite-horizon, alternating-offers bargaining model.  相似文献   

This paper develops a Keynesian model of the Portuguese economy in which the prices of the sectors of final demand are derived from input-output relationships. This model is used for short-run simulation analysis of the Portuguese economy through 1977. It is seen that Portugal cannot simply rely on world demand for its exports to improve its balance of payments and to generate an export-led recovery. Simulation of a policy package which includes a devaluation and fiscal restraint indicates that this policy will improve the external current account and raise domestic savings.  相似文献   

The strong correlation between food prices and energy prices has gained much attention in the public debate. In this article, we focus on the so-called excess co-movement, which is the correlation between crude oil price and the prices of food commodities after controlling for economic activity. We use a frequency domain Granger causality test to analyse short-run and long-run relationships between crude oil prices and prices of food commodities. For important biofuel inputs like maize, soybeans, rapeseed and EU sugar, we find evidence for long-run Granger causality in particular for the period after 2007. This supports the hypothesis that the increasing biofuel production creates the link between the prices of crude oil and food commodities. However, we also find short-run Granger causality for various food commodities. This result is more in line with herd behaviour or speculation in commodity markets.  相似文献   

This papei examines the dynamic responses of prices to wage and productivity changes and distinguishes between short-run and long-run effects. The long-run solution of the dynamic specification is consistent with the hypothesis of markup pricing over unit labour costs. The restrictions implied by this long-run behaviour are not rejected.by U.S. data. In addition, the evidence supports the view that the short-run wage effects are significantly stronger than productivity effects.  相似文献   

It has been suggested recently that, in the presence of non-zero entry costs and where there is sluggish adjustment, 'over-shooting' of the real exchange rate and 'short-termist' behaviour by firms may exacerbate hysteresis effects in trade and the real exchange rate. The purpose of this paper is to show that, in special circumstances, hysteresis effects may in fact be reduced in these circumstances. In other words, short-run volatility of the real exchange rate and short-sighted behaviour may actually dampen trade and exchange rate hysteresis. Furthermore, by pre-announcing policy, governments may actually worsen hysteresis effects in trade and the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

Using a nonparametric panel data model, this paper estimates the degree of time‐varying and province‐specific capital mobility in China during 1970–2006. We estimate the savings–investment association, that is, the savings retention rate à la Feldstein and Horioka, as a measure of capital mobility. We also split the total savings (investment) into private and government savings (investment) to explore the role of government in improving capital mobility. Over time, we find an improvement in capital mobility after the mid‐1990s. Across provinces, we observe higher capital mobility in eastern/coastal regions. From the 1990s, the government is found to play a less important role in promoting capital mobility. Across provinces, the government is found to be more important in either the municipalities (Shanghai and Beijing) or the less developed inland provinces.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2014,68(3):214-221
This study examines the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on Korea׳s trade with the U.S. by taking the roles of exchange rate volatility and third country effects into account. An autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration is applied to estimate bilateral exports and imports of disaggregating 10 industries between Korea and the U.S. We find that Korea׳s major export industries are highly responsive to the bilateral exchange rate, volatility and third country effects in both the long- and short-run, whereas Korea׳s imports are mostly insensitive to changes in those three factors. It is also found that income in both countries plays an important role in influencing the bilateral trade flows in both the long- and short-run.  相似文献   

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