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中国城市外向型经济发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取出口总额、实际利用外资、人均出口总额、人均实际利用外资、出口依存度、资本依存度等6个指标,采用主成分分析法,对中国35个中心城市外向型经济发展水平进行综合评价。根据综合评价值的大小,将城市划分为4种类型:外向型经济发达城市、外向型经济较发达城市、外向型经济不发达城市、外向型经济最不发达城市。从地域差异来看,中国城市外向型经济发展很不均衡,东部中心城市外向型经济发展水平大大高于中部和西部中心城市。  相似文献   

作为正式协议和制度安排的重要补充,缔结国际友好城市关系加强了中外城市之间的信任和深层次交流,成为国际经济合作的重要催化剂和助推器。本文从外贸高质量发展视角切入,基于2002—2015年287个中国城市与136个国家或地区的匹配对数据,考察了国际友好城市形成的“朋友圈”是否以及如何影响城市间的出口贸易。研究发现:(1)缔结国际友好城市协议使得中国城市出口量和出口额分别提高了100%和116%。(2)国际友好城市的贸易促进效应更多源于贸易创造而非贸易转移。(3)除了影响出口集约边际,国际友好城市还从产品种类数和高技术行业所占比例等方面促进了出口扩展边际。(4)以非典和全球金融危机作为事件冲击,国际友好城市协议在一定程度上增强了中国城市出口的风险抵抗能力。(5)异质性分析结果表明,国际友好城市协议对非“一带一路”倡议国家与地理邻近国家或地区的出口促进效应更明显。以上结果得到了一系列稳健性检验的支持。本文的研究有助于全面认识国际友好城市的经济内涵以及探讨外贸高质量发展的新路径。  相似文献   

本文采用空间计量模型,以我国长三角地区41个地级市 2006—2015 年的面板数据为研究样本,实证分析研究了数字经济对城市出口产品质量的影响。结果表明,城市间出口产品质量总体上存在空间正相关性,数字经济会显著提升城市出口产品质量,该结论在稳健性检验中仍成立。机制检验表明,数字经济通过促进技术创新,提高进口中间品质量,推动出口产品结构高端化,进而提升城市出口产品质量。异质性分析表明,数字经济对非私营企业出口产品质量有显著提升作用;相对于其他城市而言,数字经济对特大及以上城市出口产品质量的提升作用更明显。  相似文献   

贺灿飞  潘峰华 《经济地理》2006,26(5):780-785
在转型经济中,城市经济活力和竞争力源于多种经济类型并存的所有制结构。渐进式市场化改革推动了中国工业所有制结构的多元化,改变了城市工业所有制结构。沿海城市和省会城市所有制结构较为复杂,多元化程度高;内陆中小城市、矿业城市和重工业城市的所有制相对简单。统计分析表明,企业、产业与区位特定因素决定了城市所有制结构多元化程度。历史时期国有企业比重越高,企业数量越少,工业企业平均规模越大,则城市工业所有制结构就越简单;发达的第三产业将推动所有制结构多元化,而依托资源的工业经济将阻碍多种所有制经济的发展;城市经济规模大、人口密度高、交通网络发达以及沿海区位等有利于促进所有制结构的多元化,这也表明集聚效应能够吸引市场导向型企业向城市聚集。  相似文献   

出口固定成本融资约束与企业出口行为   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文以企业的应收账款相对比例作为度量企业面临融资约束的代理变量,研究融资约束对企业出口行为的影响。本文得到的基本结论是:中国企业出口固定成本受到融资约束的影响,制约了企业的出口能力。出口退税政策是我国促进出口的主要政策,可以认为出口退税降低了企业的出口变动成本。而本文的研究表明出口固定成本同样对企业的出口行为有重要影响,为政府制定出口政策提供了新的思路和依据。本文的分析表明针对出口固定成本的出口促进政策相对于针对出口变动成本的出口促进政策,在福利效应和政策成本两个方面都具有优越性。  相似文献   

We show that the development of city commercial banks (CCBs) across China has alleviated the constraints from China’s domestic financial-market inefficiency on the export activity of domestic private firms. Considering the export behavior of 260 cities between 1997 and 2012, we confirm the well-established under-performance of domestic private firms in financially more vulnerable sectors compared to foreign affiliates in China. We show that a greater number of CCB branches raises domestic private-firm exports disproportionately more in financially-dependent sectors, which is in line with improved financing conditions for these companies. This improvement in export performance appears to result from both an increase in the number of destination countries and a decline in prices. CCB development is moreover associated with a reduction in the systematic disadvantage of domestic private firms relative to foreign-owned firms in export markets resulting from their greater financial exclusion. We, however, also find that private-firm export performance has deteriorated relative to that of state-owned firms, casting doubt on the ability of CCBs to end the systematic bias of lending in favor of the state sector.  相似文献   

房价过快上涨会对整个社会经济带来全方位的影响。学术界和政府决策者虽然都已经认识到了房价上涨对生产性投资、企业创新、企业家行为和企业融资的影响,但对房价上涨与企业出口之间的内在关联却没有加以足够重视。那么,房价上涨与企业出口表现之间的关系又如何呢?文章利用35个大中城市的出口企业数据,运用 Heckman两阶段模型估计房价上涨对企业出口表现的影响。结果发现:(1)房价上涨增加了企业出口数量,但不利于出口产品种类的增加、技术复杂度的提升以及出口市场的拓展,总体上降低了企业出口金额;(2)房价上涨对不同类型企业具有异质性影响,其对中小企业、民营企业和加工贸易企业的负面影响更为突出;(3)房价上涨影响企业出口的内在机制是,房价上涨通过影响企业用工成本、融资约束、研发投入和劳动力流动性挤压了企业的出口能量。文章为我们更加全面地认识房价上涨的社会影响提供了启示,也为政府应对当下的企业出口困境提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

技术性贸易措施下出口企业被动创新效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术性贸易措施虽然对出口国有显著负面影响,但同时也会迫使出口企业投资研发,产生被动创新效应。当创新的预期收益大于创新研发的一次性投入时,出口企业就会以研发投资的创新来应对国外技术性贸易措施。进口国技术性贸易措施越不苛刻,同时出口企业初始产品质量越好,出口企业定价能力越强,出口企业越倾向于选择被动性创新投资策略。  相似文献   

服务贸易出口、知识产权保护与经济增长   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文首先基于知识产权保护这一视角从理论上研究了服务贸易出口驱动经济增长的作用机理,并且认为,知识产权保护强化了服务业出口部门对其他部门所产生的外部经济溢出效应以及由此分解而来的要素配置效应和技术溢出效应。随后基于90个国家1998—2007年面板数据的经验研究表明:(1)技术与知识密集型服务业出口部门比劳动密集型、资本密集型服务业出口部门更加能够通过要素配置效应和技术溢出效应来促进经济增长;(2)相比于劳动密集型、资本密集型服务业出口部门而言,知识产权保护更加易于强化技术与知识密集型服务业出口部门的要素配置效应,但由于发展中国家的知识产权保护制度不够完善,这些国家服务贸易出口的要素配置效应未能得到强化;(3)不管对于发达国家还是对于发展中国家而言,知识产权保护均强化了劳动密集型、资本密集型、技术与知识密集型服务业出口部门的技术溢出效应。  相似文献   


The economic situation in Germany 16 years after reunification is marked by the fading out of the adjustment process between East and West. This paper refers to this context analyzing the export behavior comparing firms in West and East Germany. Our estimates confirm a strong relationship between innovations and export performance as well as structural differences between East and West German firms. East German firms are less likely to export than firms in the West. Besides, West German medium technology firms are comparable in their export behavior to high tech firms while East German firms are more similar to the low technology sector. Labor productivity turns out to be more important in East Germany. We interpret these findings as a specialization of West German firms towards technologically-driven high-quality markets, whereas East German companies are faced with higher sunk costs and seem to operate more often in less dynamic, price-sensitive markets.  相似文献   

近年来,皖江城市带的优势产业在出口贸易中取得了重大的进展,但是与其他省市相比,支柱出口产业在规模、结构及其对经济增长的贡献方面却呈现出低水平态势。在中部加速崛起和皖江城市带承接产业转移的背景之下,新一轮产业结构的调整必将为皖江乃至安徽的出口产业发展带来新的契机。在对皖江城市带的典型出口产业进行实证分析的基础上,指出皖江城市带出口产业结构存在外贸规模较小、出口商品结构不合理、加工贸易发展滞后等问题,并提出优化产业布局、优化出口商品结构及整合产业结构等具体对策。  相似文献   

This article uses a tailor-made newly available data set for enterprises from manufacturing industries in Germany to investigate for the first time the links between export diversification over destination countries and goods on the one hand and the profitability of the exporting firms on the other hand. We find that profits tend to be larger in firms with less diversified export sales over goods and in firms with more diversified export sales over destination countries.  相似文献   

人民币实际汇率错位对出口贸易影响的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕剑 《当代财经》2006,(9):89-94
本文在既有文献的基础上,通过结合我国经济转型的特点,研究了人民币实际汇率错位对出口贸易的影响。文中提出了更加合理的模型,引入关税(出口退税额)、政府支出、贸易条件等变量,通过Johansen协整检验、误差修正模型、格兰杰因果检验、脉冲响应函数和预测方差分解等计量方法进行了实证检验,结果表明,1978 ̄2005年,人民币实际汇率错位对出口贸易产生负面影响。其后,运用二元离散选择模型(Logit模型)进一步对二者关系进行了考察,得出了人民币实际汇率错位幅度与净出口呈负相关的结论,即汇率错位幅度越小,越有利于出口,从而出现贸易顺差。  相似文献   

以计算机、集成电路、船舶和汽车等出口机电产品涉及的产业作为研究对象,分析上海出口机电产品的产业现状及存在问题,并有针对性地提出相应的产业政策建议.这对于提高上海出口机电产品整体发展水平具有重要意义,同时对于相关省市的机电产品发展以及全国的出门机电产品发展具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Development is a process of transforming a country's economic structure towards the production and export of more complex products. We use Hidalgo and Hausmann's (2009) method of reflections to compute measures of product and country complexity, and rank 5107 products and 124 countries. We find that: (i) the most complex products are in machinery, chemicals, and metals, while the least complex products are raw materials and commodities, wood, textiles, and agricultural products; (ii) the most complex economies in the world are Japan, Germany, and Sweden, and the least complex, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, and Nigeria; (iii) the major exporters of the more complex products are the high-income countries, while the major exporters of the less complex products are the low-income countries; and (iv) export shares of the more complex products increase with income, while export shares of the less complex products decrease with income.  相似文献   

根据2008年全球互联网地图,利用网络分析方法,计算了城市节点的整体可达性和最短距离可达性,并结合总带宽和连线数据,对世界互联网城市进行了等级划分。研究表明:影响世界互联网城市节点整体可达性和最短距离可达性的关键因素略有不同;世界互联网城市等级体系是建立在原世界城市体系上的一种新等级,其受节点网络功能、世界金融中心地位、国际航空交通运量,以及GDP和综合竞争力等因素影响。  相似文献   

George Clarke  Yue Li 《Applied economics》2016,48(33):3088-3103
This article looks at how economic agglomeration and the business environment affect job creation. The results suggest that economic agglomeration is strongly linked to job growth. Modern telecommunications, access to export markets, concentration of economic activity in large cities and capacity agglomeration, in particular, are important. In contrast, many areas of the business environment, including corruption, macroeconomic stability and infrastructure are not robustly linked to job growth. The main exception to this is that areas of the business environment directly related to labour markets are more consistently linked to job growth than other areas of the business environment.  相似文献   

A robust finding in the firm‐level literature is that exporting firms pay higher wages. Using South African data this paper investigates the relationship between export destination and wages at a worker level. South Africa, a middle‐income country, has two distinct main export markets—a regional market where per capita incomes are lower than at home, and an international market with higher per capita incomes. Our estimates show that workers in firms that export to the region earn less than those that produce for the domestic market. Those in firms that export outside the region earn more than either domestic producers or region‐only exporters. Much of this difference in wages can be explained by the premium the different types of exporters pay for skills. These results support previous studies which suggest that export destination is related to product quality which in turn is related to worker quality and therefore wages.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the effect of export expansion on the health of children under the age of 6 years in China. Using the CHNS survey, we exploit trade exposure variation among regions after China's entry into the WTO to construct a difference-in-differences and instrumental variable identification. We show that 1% increase in export expansion over GDP share exacerbates child' illness rates by 0.6%, and the effect is more pronounced for less educated parents. The increasing workloads and having less time to look after the child account for the increasing illness rates, especially for mothers.  相似文献   

Processing export plays a significant role in international trade. In this paper, focusing on firm-level dynamics, we show that firms learn from their processing export experience to improve their subsequent ordinary export outcomes. Using transaction-level trade data and firm-level production data, we show that firms’ ordinary export performance, at both extensive and intensive margins, is enhanced by their own processing experience. Firms also export products with improved quality after engaging in processing exports of similar products. Furthermore, we investigate potential channels through which firms learn from processing experience. We find that firms potentially learn from processing experience to enhance production efficiency, to better understand how to improve product appeal to cater to specific markets, and to gain better and easier access to inputs. Moreover, we find that exporters benefit more from processing experience for larger markets with fiercer competition. Similarly, stronger learning effects are also observed when processing experience is associated with products that embody less diffused knowledge and are more differentiated. Also, firms learn more from processing experience when they are more actively engaged in processing imports. Lastly, we verify the economic significance and quantify the importance of these potential channels.  相似文献   

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