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Summary The Austrian Input-Output Table for 1970 (32×32, current, purchaser prices) was estimated on the basis of the official 1964 table (55×55), using a slightly modified version ofC. Almon's rejuvenating procedure. This biproportional algorithm permits the introduction of information on intermediate deliveries for the target year as well as the explicit consideration of different degrees of reliability attached to this kind of information. In addition, an import matrix for 1970 was used to define lower boundaries for the elements of the updated Input-Output Table. The results of the updating procedure were tested for plausibility in successive steps and a number of restrictions was imposed on elements or sums of elements to ascertain a good updating performance.Besides methodological aspects of updating the article concentrates on statistical problems connected with the estimation of margins (gross production, value added and final demand by Input-Output sectors) and intermediate deliveries in Austria for 1970.  相似文献   

This paper models an agent in a three-period setting who does not update according to Bayes' Rule and who is self-aware and anticipates her updating behaviour when formulating plans. Gul and Pesendorfer's theory of temptation and self-control is a key building block. The main result is a representation theorem that generalizes (the dynamic version of) Anscombe–Aumann's theorem so that both the prior and the way in which it is updated are subjective. The model can accommodate updating biases analogous to those observed by psychologists.  相似文献   

A significant part of the literature on input-output (IO) analysis is dedicated to the development and application of methodologies forecasting and updating technology coefficients and multipliers. Prominent among such techniques is the RAS method, while more information demanding econometric methods, as well as other less promising ones, have been proposed. However, there has been little interest expressed in the use of more modern and often more innovative methods, such as neural networks in IO analysis in general. This study constructs, proposes and applies a Backpropagation Neural Network (BPN) with the purpose of forecasting IO technology coefficients and subsequently multipliers. The RAS method is also applied on the same set of UK IO tables, and the discussion of results of both methods is accompanied by a comparative analysis. The results show that the BPN offers a valid alternative way of IO technology forecasting and many forecasts were more accurate using this method. Overall, however, the RAS method outperformed the BPN but the difference is rather small to be systematic and there are further ways to improve the performance of the BPN.  相似文献   

We used 1995–2000–2005 linked input–output (IO) tables for Japan to examine estimation errors of updated IO tables and the resulting prediction errors in computable general equilibrium (CGE) analysis developed with updated IO tables. As we usually have no true IO tables for the target year and therefore need to estimate them, we cannot evaluate estimation errors of updated IO tables without comparing the updated ones with the true ones. However, using the linked IO tables covering three different years enables us to make this comparison. Our experiments showed that IO tables estimated with more detailed and recent data contained smaller estimation errors and led to smaller quantitative prediction errors in CGE analysis. Despite the quantitative prediction errors, prediction was found to be qualitatively correct. As for the performance of updating techniques of IO tables, a cross-entropy method often outperformed a least-squares method in IO estimation with only aggregate data for the target year but did not necessarily outperform the least-squares method in CGE prediction.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a general empirical strategy to estimate willingness-to-pay (WTP) for exogenous risk mitigation when environmental risks are endogenous in protective actions and consumers are imperfectly informed about the ambient risk levels. The strategy consists of a set of survey techniques and the dummy endogenous variable model (Heckman, 1978) to control for correlation in unobserved errors that enter the WTP equation and the protection-decision equation. The method is applied to the non-market valuation survey data on arsenic contamination in drinking water. Our results indicate that the estimated WTPs are significantly higher for households without self-protective action. Our approach thus offers not only the correct welfare estimate for exogenous reduction of environmental risks, but also yields policy implications qualitatively much different from the conventional approach. We also estimate the welfare value of the policy to inform and educate the public about the arsenic risk simultaneously with public risk mitigation. The estimated welfare value is similar to, though slightly higher than, that of risk mitigation without information component. This occurs due to the competing effects of information dissemination and risk mitigation efforts.  相似文献   

We analyze three rules for updating neo-additive capacities. Only for Generalized Bayesian Updating is relative optimism the same for both updated and unconditional capacities. For updates of the other two, either the updated capacity is fully optimistic or fully pessimistic.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental investigation of persuasion bias, a form of bounded rationality whereby agents communicating through a social network are unable to account for repetitions in the information they receive. We find that, after repeated communication within a social network, social influence depends not only on being listened to by many others, but also on listening to many others. We show that persuasion bias can be viewed as an extreme case of a generalized boundedly rational updating rule in which agents receive more or less attention depending on how many other agents they listen to. The results indicate that behavior in the experiment is consistent with an updating rule according to which agents' social influence is proportional to their indegree.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of the first French efforts to assemble information on the assets and liabilities of the different economic agents. The estimates cover the five-year period 1972–76, with complete balance sheets for the end of 1971, 1972, and 1976. The experimental efforts showed that estimation was feasible. It was possible to bring together the varied, often dispersed, and rarely consistent existing information into an integrated body of aggregates adapted to macroeconomic analysis. The report stresses the importance of articulating the wealth accounts logically with the flow accounts, into a complete, closed, and consistent whole in which the theoretical objectives are well specified. It also points out the limitations of the approach, stemming primarily from the state of the basic statistics relating to wealth.  相似文献   

Based upon a production function with FDI representing updated technology from more developed, market‐based economies, this study tests the hypothesis that FDI contributes to the economic growth of less developed, transition economies via technology updating, using data for 30 Chinese provinces from 1985 to 2000. It is found that provinces with a higher FDI ratio experienced faster technology updating and more rapid economic growth. The study suggests that less developed, transition economies should encourage FDI from more developed, market‐based economies so as to accelerate technology updating and economic growth.  相似文献   

In a beauty contest framework, welfare can decrease with public information if the precision of private information is exogenous, whereas welfare necessarily increases with public information if the precision is endogenous with linear costs of information acquisition. The purpose of this paper is to reconcile these results by considering nonlinear costs of information acquisition. The main result of this paper is a necessary and sufficient condition for welfare to increase with public information. Using it, we show that costs of information acquisition are linear if and only if welfare necessarily increases with public information. Thus, welfare can decrease with public information for any strictly convex costs. This is because convex costs mitigate the so-called crowding-out effect of public information on private information, thereby making the social value of public information with endogenous precision closer to that with exogenous precision.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates empirically the (in)consistency of disagreement in survey forecasts with the prediction of sticky information models à la Mankiw-Reis, in which only a fraction of agents update their information sets at every period. To address this issue, a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model that features agents’ infrequent information updating as well as nominal rigidities is fit to U.S. data. We find that the survey disagreement shares two pivotal characteristics with its model-based counterparts: (i) disagreement can be predicted by agents’ average forecast revisions reflecting the arrival of shocks; and (ii) disagreement exhibits a U-shaped relationship against the deviation of output growth from its steady state. These features arise because the arrival of new information elevates disagreement among informed and uninformed agents. Our findings indicate a substantial degree of infrequent information updating in the survey disagreement. The existing literature often uses survey disagreement as a proxy for macroeconomic uncertainty, but our finding suggests that it is unlikely to be an appropriate measure.  相似文献   

The excessive volatility of prices in financial markets is one of the most pressing puzzles in social science. It has led many to question economic theory, which attributes beneficial effects to markets in the allocation of risks and the aggregation of information. In exploring its causes, we investigated to what extent excessive volatility can be observed at the individual level. Economists claim that securities prices are forecasts of future outcomes. Here, we report on a simple experiment in which participants were rewarded to make the most accurate possible forecast of a canonical financial time series. We discovered excessive volatility in individual-level forecasts, paralleling the finding at the market level. Assuming that participants updated their beliefs based on reinforcement learning, we show that excess volatility emerged because of a combination of three factors. First, we found that submitted forecasts were noisy perturbations of participants’ revealed beliefs. Second, beliefs were updated using a prediction error based on submitted forecast rather than revealed past beliefs. Third, in updating beliefs, participants maladaptively decreased learning speed with prediction risk. Our results reveal formerly undocumented features in individual-level forecasting that may be critical to understand the inherent instability of financial markets and inform regulatory policy.  相似文献   

Success in the FIFA World Cup provides countries with substantial international visibility. This paper uses this information shock associated with the World Cup to show that visibility has a significant impact on trade flows. In isolating the visibility effect, two identification problems are solved. Match outcomes in the World Cup are subject to significant uncertainty. This uncertainty, when combined with controls for economic development, makes World Cup success exogenous to exports. By contrast, hosting the World Cup is potentially endogenous owing to self‐selection issues. The paper exploits FIFA's host selection policy to construct exogenous instruments for hosting. The results show that success in the World Cup raises exports temporarily by around 5%.  相似文献   

This paper studies models where the optimal response functions under consideration are not increasing in endogenous variables, and weakly increasing in exogenous parameters. Such models include games with strategic substitutes, and include cases where additionally, some variables may be strategic complements. The main result here is that the equilibrium set in such models is a non-empty, complete lattice, if, and only if, there is a unique equilibrium. Indeed, for a given parameter value, a pair of distinct equilibria are never comparable. Therefore, with multiple equilibria, some of the established techniques for exhibiting increasing equilibria or computing equilibria that use the largest or smallest equilibrium, or that use the lattice structure of the equilibrium set do not apply to such models. Moreover, there are no ranked equilibria in such models. Additionally, the analysis here implies a new proof and a slight generalization of some existing results. It is shown that when a parameter increases, no new equilibrium is smaller than any old equilibrium. (In particular, in n-player games of strategic substitutes with real-valued action spaces, symmetric equilibria increase with the parameter.)   相似文献   

This paper investigates how households form their perceptions of consumer price inflation. Using data from the harmonized European Union consumer survey, we find that inflation perceptions are inefficient and highly heterogeneous, yet contemporaneously related to the actual rate of inflation. Consequently, we estimate how often households update their beliefs using Carroll's (2003) epidemiological model. Our results indicate that inflation perceptions are generally less responsive to new information than expectations. Unlike studies on expectations, we cannot confirm that a constant fraction of the population updates information every month. Also, the cross‐sectional heterogeneity of perceptions is higher than implied by infrequent updating alone.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of parameter estimations of a small system of demand equations for Austria. The functional form of the equations follows the log-linear specification well known as the “Rotterdam”-System. Using annual data from 1954 to 1977 we estimate the absolute price version for a rather aggregated system consisting of four sectors of consumption expenditures. Aitken estimation with and without linear restrictions is the adopted estimation method. Tests for the validity of the general linear restrictions axe performed employing the usual criteria. Relations among the test statistics are discussed. Taking into accountBeaton's [1972] argument of the appropriate use of likelihood ratio tests we present results also after iterating on the restricted error-covariance matrix. The question of negative semidefiniteness of the matrix of price coefficients is examined by inspection of its characteristic roots and the calculation of their approximated asymptotic covariance matrix. Finally, our results are confronted with such of other comparable studies.  相似文献   

制造企业互联网转型是信息经济发展的必然选择。与基于价值链攀升的转型升级不同,互联网转型具有融合性、跨越性和强烈的环境依赖性等特征。引入表观遗传经济动态理论,将制造企业互联网转型视为环境诱导下企业通过引入外部知识和技能产生快速变异,进而遗传的过程。进一步,基于生物学隐喻和组织理论逻辑,构建稳态更新、组合更新和标记更新3种理论模式并进行案例分析,从而有助于弥补制造企业互联网转型模式及机制研究的不足,推动表观遗传经济动态理论发展,对制造企业转型实践具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper studies the consequences for the monetary policy design of information shortages on the part of the private sector. We model these shortages as exogenous shocks to expected income, which through an IS curve, disturb aggregate demand. We constrain policymakers to follow Taylor‐like rules but allow them to optimise coefficients: we find that the presence of misperceptions makes the optimised Taylor rule respond more aggressively to inflation and the output gap. We also find that if the policymaker is uncertain about misperceptions, then it is less costly to assume they are pervasive when they are not than the reverse. In other words, setting policy on the basis that the private sector is subject to misperceptions is a ‘robust’ policy.  相似文献   

本文以2007—2017年我国上市公司为研究样本,利用银保监会公布的商业银行在各城市开设分支机构的数据,构造地级市区域银行竞争指标,检验了商业银行竞争程度与公司盈余管理之间的关系。研究发现,银行业竞争性的市场结构能够有效降低企业盈余管理水平。对机制的考察表明,企业会计信息质量的提高得益于银行债权人治理作用不断加强。本文选择2009年银保监会放开银行设立分支机构限制的政策作为外生事件,并通过构造工具变量等方法进一步验证了研究结论。本文的结果从债权人的角度丰富了企业会计信息质量的文献,同时对银行竞争方面的研究做出了有益补充。  相似文献   

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