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We examine whether venture capital (VC) investment enhances corporate innovation in Korea. Using a matched sample of 802 firms from 1998 to 2012, we find that after the first round of VC investment, VC-backed firms are more innovative than non-VC-backed firms. Our results suggest that the positive influence of VC investment largely comes from the ability of VC firms to reduce information asymmetry between investors and ventures: VC funds managed by independent venture capitalists significantly enhance corporate innovation, whereas those managed by governmental venture capitalists do not. Furthermore, this positive influence becomes more pronounced where there is greater information asymmetry. Finally, we show that funds with profit-based compensation structures are more likely to encourage corporate innovation than those with fee-based compensation structures.  相似文献   

Using social network analysis, we compute a firm's network position characteristics and then examine their effects on firm investment efficiency. The results show that both supply network centrality and structural holes have no significant impact on corporate overinvestment but can ease corporate underinvestment by alleviating financial constraints. The specific paths are as follows: a firm that has a high level of centrality or rich structural holes in the supply network is more likely to obtain commercial credit and bank loans; however, supply network position has no significant impact on equity financing.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - This study investigates how higher ability CEOs behave differently from lower ability CEOs in making investment decisions and, particularly, whether...  相似文献   

We examine the hypothesis that fluctuations in the aggregate supply of bank loans influence the supply of new equity capital. Using residual lending standards as a clean measure of aggregate loan supply and a VAR framework to aid identification, we find that a one-standard-deviation shock to lending standards results in 15% fewer IPOs. Shocks elicit strong responses from IPO-firms that are highly dependent on external capital and increase the number of withdrawals, strengthening the interpretation that the above is driven by changes in the supply of equity. Our results suggest that credit conditions are important to a well-functioning IPO market.  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which shareholders strategically allow a weak governance structure in response to increasing competition pressures in the product market. We treat acquisitions by rival firms as shocks that increase threats in a competitive product market. We find that firms adopt greater entrenchment provisions when there are greater competition threats. Moreover, firms with high institutional ownership – especially by dedicated investors – and​ board independence within the compensation committee are particularly aggressive, which is consistent with our theory that aggressive behavior represents a strategic decision by shareholders. Finally, we find positive relationship between the adoption of entrenchment provisions and firm’s future performance, but only for the adoption under relatively severe competitive pressures.  相似文献   

This paper uses the change in individual securities accounts as a measure of equity funding supply to examine whether the persistent timing effect on capital structure exists for the Chinese equity market. This new equity timing measure avoids previous criticisms over a timing measure not being independent of a firm's characteristics of capital structure. Our empirical results show that this new measure is an effective market timing variable for issuing equity in the Chinese equity market, and that a persistent effect of equity market timing on firm capital structure exists for more than 7 years. This paper offers evidence that the market conditions of equity funding supply play an important role in corporate financing decisions in China.  相似文献   

Investment banker human capital is valuable in mergers and acquisitions. Exploiting a unique hand-built dataset, this paper studies whether and how investment banker's education and experience impact the merger performance in China. We find that investment bankers' education credentials are positively related to the post-merger performance; however, greater investment banker experience does not. We further explore the channels and show that the education effect is stronger in deals with higher information asymmetry and acquirers with worse corporate governance. On the other hand, experience increases merger performance in deals with high information asymmetry but reduces deal performance in poorly governed firms. Our findings suggest that higher education attainment facilitates both the advisory and monitoring role of investment bankers, while more experience makes investment bankers better advisors yet worse monitors. Our findings also suggest that investment bankers' roles in value creation are highly dependent on different institutional backgrounds, and one cannot generalize the findings in the U.S. across borders.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of corporate sexual orientation equality (CSOE) on labor investment efficiency (LIE). We find strong evidence that this effect is negative. The relationship intensifies for firms with weaker monitoring and those requiring more highly skilled labor, and is incremental to the effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance. This study adds to an emerging literature on corporate sexual orientation equality and to the literature on labor economics, as it establishes corporate sexual orientation equality as a determinant of labor investment efficiency.  相似文献   

As a highly disruptive digital technology, blockchain provides new solutions for reshaping corporate governance mechanisms and improving resource allocation. We empirically examine the relationship between blockchain and corporate investment inefficiency. We find that blockchain can help improve corporate investment efficiency, and this result is valid after a series of robustness tests. Blockchain can not only significantly restrain overinvestment but also alleviate underinvestment. Reducing financing costs and alleviating agency conflicts are the two channels through which blockchain is associated with corporate investment efficiency, and financial reporting quality is the condition on which the channels depend. When the CEO holds few shares or the trade credit environment in the region where the company is located is poor, the effect of blockchain is more prominent than it is otherwise. Investment efficiency cannot be improved by blockchain for companies providing blockchain products or services to customers, only for those promoting their own operations and management with blockchain. Ultimately, blockchain can enhance companies’ value by alleviating inefficient investment. We reveal the role of blockchain in corporate investment efficiency, furnish microeconomic evidence for the integration of digital technology and the real economy and provide implications for China to promote digital technology to drive high-quality company development.  相似文献   

Stock prices of Chinese target companies react positively to the announcement of block trades. Such a reaction is greater when publicly tradable shares (PTS) are transferred than when bidders obtain nonpublicly tradable shares (NPTS). PTS transactions also perform significantly better in the long run than do NPTS transactions. These results suggest that stock liquidity matters for corporate control rights transactions to improve target firms' management. We also find that bidders appoint a new CEO or chief director in more than half of the cases of block trades. Better stock price performance for PTS transactions comes mainly from targets with high Tobin's Q. Capital gain opportunities are likely to motivate bidders to expand target firms' businesses for capital gains.  相似文献   

This paper models investment duration in the Indian venture capital (VC) market, by industry and exit route. We examined 3416 investment and exit transactions in India during the period 2000–2017 and found that the probability of staying invested for more than ten years was 70%. Exit probabilities were low in most sectors. Investment duration was not positively associated with the investment valuation; rather, it was impossible to exit from the majority of investments because of the illiquidity of the VC market.  相似文献   

Focusing on the equity exchange traded funds (ETFs) in China, we demonstrate the significant effect of ETF flows on the informativeness of the ETF index. Following the novel approach proposed by Xu et al (2019a). to identify different driving forces for ETF flows, we explore whether the forward-looking ETF flows at a day’s closing substantially improve the index’s efficiency on the next day. The mechanism behind it is inter-market information spread: the efficiency effect of the forward-looking ETF flows strengthens when ETFs share more new information; and the forward-looking ETF flows increase the information flow to the ETF index on the next day.  相似文献   

Using a sample of Chinese firms, this study examines whether and how managers’ overseas experience affects a firm’s cost of equity capital. We document a negative association between managers’ overseas experience and the cost of equity capital. Mechanism analyses indicate that companies with returnee managers have better information quality and lower systematic risk; more institutional investors, media reports, and analysts following; and higher stock liquidity, all of which lead to a lower cost of equity capital. Further analyses show that chief executive officers (CEOs) with foreign experience have a more significant impact on the cost of capital than non-CEO managers with foreign experience and that managers’ overseas work experience has a more significant impact on the cost of capital than their overseas education. We also find that the impact of managers’ overseas experience is more pronounced when that experience is gained in common law countries compared to code law countries but weaker for state-owned enterprises and firms that are cross-listed or have foreign institutional investors. Overall, the results suggest that managers’ knowledge, skills, and ethical values imprinted from overseas experience, plus eyeball effects from media and analyst attention, can reduce the cost of equity capital.  相似文献   

How do country-level societal norms affect financial investments? We provide evidence that mutual funds managed in high social capital countries are inclined to consider environmental, social and governance filters in their portfolios, especially when acquiring new stocks and investing abroad. We argue that social capital nurtures the investment preferences of retail investors, whose demand incentivizes fund managers to respond in kind. Such impact is more pronounced in individualistic and high–power distance societies, suggesting that the social cohesion benefit of social capital complements altruistic inclinations in the former and provides mechanisms to punish unsustainable investment behaviour in the latter.  相似文献   

Using provincial data from China between 2002 and 2011, we find substantial evidence indicating a positive association between the growth of bank loans issued by commercial banks and the political pressures faced by provincial leaders. This association is particularly true for state‐owned banks, which are much more politically pressurized than others, but is relatively attenuated in provinces with a more developed banking sector. We also find that bank loans issued under greater political pressures are less commercially oriented and have lower quality. Our findings are robust to a variety of sensitivity analyses and alternative measures of political pressure. Overall, our study contribute to a growing literature emphasizing the role of the political incentives of government officials in fuelling economic growth through credit allocation.  相似文献   

We study the effect of bank governance on risk-taking in commercial lending. Banks with more effective boards are less likely to lend to riskier borrowers. This effect is restricted to periods of distress in the banking industry and is stronger at banks with board-level credit committees. Banks with more effective boards are less likely to lend to riskier borrowers right after the Russian default, which exogenously imposed distress conditions on U.S. banks. Thus, value-maximizing banks appear to ration credit to riskier borrowers precisely when such firms might be credit-constrained, suggesting that bank governance regulations may have potential unintended consequences.  相似文献   

This article studies the economic factors behind corporate default risk premia in Europe during the period 2006–2010. We employ information embedded in Credit Default Swap (CDS) contracts to quantify expected excess returns from the underlying bonds in market-wide default circumstances. We disentangle the compensation to investors for unexpected changes in the creditworthiness of the bond issuer from their remuneration for the risk that the bond's price will drop in the event of default. Our results show that the risk premia associated with systematic factors influencing default arrivals represent approximately 40% of total CDS spread (on median). These premia also exhibit a strong source of commonality; a single principal component explains approximately 88% of their joint variability. This factor significantly covaries with aggregate illiquidity and sovereign risk variables. Empirical evidence suggests a public-to-private risk transfer between sovereign credit spread and corporate risk premia. Finally, the compensation in the event of default is approximately 14 basis points of the total CDS spread, and a significant amount of jump-at-default risk may not be diversifiable.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of employee treatment on labor investment efficiency. We provide evidence that employee-friendly treatment is significantly associated with lower deviations of labor investment from the level justified by economic fundamentals, i.e., higher labor investment efficiency. The effect of employee treatment on labor investment efficiency is stronger for firms that are human-capital-intensive, with more skilled labor and knowledge capital, and those that face higher product market competition. Using the 2008–2009 financial crisis as an external shock and applying the difference-in-difference method, we also show that employee-friendly firms have higher labor investment efficiency in the post-financial crisis period, but experience more inefficient labor investments during the crisis. Our results are robust to placebo tests, selection bias, propensity score matching, alternative explanations, alternative proxies for both employee treatment and labor investment efficiency as well as the adjustment for using residuals as dependent variables, additional control variables, and various approaches in addressing endogeneity issues.  相似文献   

We analyze the differences in lending policies across banks characterized by different types of ownership, using micro-level data on Euro area banks during the period 1999–2011 to detect possible variations in bank lending supply responses to changes in monetary policy. Our results identify a general difference between stakeholder and shareholder banks: following a monetary policy contraction, stakeholder banks decrease their loan supply to a lesser extent than shareholder banks. A detailed analysis of the effect among stakeholder banks reveals that cooperative banks continued to smooth the impact of tighter monetary policy on their lending during the crisis period (2008–2011), whereas savings banks did not. Stakeholder banks’ propensity to smooth their lending cycles suggests that their presence in the economy has the potential to reduce credit supply volatility.  相似文献   

Theories on contextual behavior (e.g., social norm, self-identity, and legitimacy theories) suggest that the religiosity of the geographical area in which an organization operates influences its behavior. Using a sample of 91,020 VC investments in the U.S., we study whether religiosity influences VC investment decisions. Based on prior literature that finds a positive relation between religiosity and risk aversion, we posit that VCs located in more religious counties make less risky investments. We find that VCs located in more religious areas are more likely to be involved in staging and syndication and have a greater propensity to invest in later and expansion stages of portfolio companies. Taken together, our results suggest that VCs located in religious counties tend to be more risk averse.  相似文献   

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