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We decompose the accrual premium and study its components in the debt and equity markets. We show that the importance of each accrual component depends on the sample and the type of market considered. The short‐term accruals component is primarily observed in equity markets, among small and young companies, which is consistent with mispricing arguments. The long‐term accruals premium is consistently positive and significant in different samples and markets. This component reflects growth in capital expenditures, and it is counter‐cyclical and predictable, which is in line with investment‐based explanations. Finally, the financial accruals component does not generate predictability.  相似文献   

This article uses a predictive regression framework to examine the out-of-sample predictability of South Africa’s equity premium, using a host of financial and macroeconomic variables. We employ various methods of forecast combination, bootstrap aggregation (bagging), diffusion index (principal component), and Bayesian regressions to allow for a simultaneous role of the variables under consideration, besides individual predictive regressions. We assess both the statistical and economic significance of the individual predictive regressions, combination methods, bagging, principal components, and Bayesian regressions. Our results show that forecast combination methods and principal component regressions improve the predictability of the equity premium relative to the benchmark autoregressive model of order one (AR[1]). However, the Bayesian predictive regressions are found to be the standout performers with the models outperforming the individual regressions, forecast combination methods, bagging and principal component regressions, both in terms of statistical (forecasting) and economic (utility) gains.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between contrarian flows, consumption growth, and market risk premium. We construct a contrarian flows measure by summing up the capital flows to stocks that go against the total flow of the aggregate market. We show that the contrarian flows are negatively influenced by the same-quarter consumption growth. During bad times, the majority of investors who are affected by the negative shock reduce their equity exposure, and these extra supplies of risky assets are absorbed by contrarian investors who are least affected by the consumption shock. Using quarterly stock market data, we find that the contrarian flows forecast market returns at short-to-intermediate horizons. The predictability stems from the component that is explained by the consumption growth, and therefore the consumption growth contains valuable information about the market risk premium. Moreover, the predictability is stronger for growth stocks than for value stocks, and hence it negatively predicts the value premium. This is because the contrarian flows measure the market risk premium and growth stocks bear more discount rate risk than value stocks. Out-of-sample tests show that the main results are robust to data-snooping bias.  相似文献   

For a comprehensive set of 21 equity premium predictors we find extreme variation in out-of-sample predictability results depending on the choice of the sample split date. To resolve this issue we propose reporting in graphical form the out-of-sample predictability criteria for every possible sample split, and two out-of-sample tests that are invariant to the sample split choice. We provide Monte Carlo evidence that our bootstrap-based inference is valid. The in-sample, and the sample split invariant out-of-sample mean and maximum tests that we propose, are in broad agreement. Finally we demonstrate how one can construct sample split invariant out-of-sample predictability tests that simultaneously control for data mining across many variables.  相似文献   

We examine the predictable components of returns on stocks, bonds, and real estate investment trusts (REITs). We employ a multiple-beta asset pricing model and find that there are varying degrees of predictability among stocks, bonds, and REITs. Furthermore, we find that most of the predictability of returns is associated with the economic variables employed in the asset pricing model. The stock market risk premium is highly important in capturing the predictable variation in stock portfolios, and the bond market risk premiums (term and risk structure of interest rates) are important in capturing the predictable variation in bond portfolios. For REITs, however, both the stock and bond market risk premiums capture the predictable variation in returns. REITs have comparable return predictability to stock portfolios. We conclude that there is an important economic risk premium for REITs that are not captured by traditional multiple-beta asset pricing models.  相似文献   

We find that the firm-level variance risk premium has a prominent explanatory power for credit spreads in the presence of market- and firm-level control variables established in the existing literature. Such predictability complements that of the leading state variable—the leverage ratio—and strengthens significantly with a lower firm credit rating, longer credit contract maturity, and model-free implied variance. We provide further evidence that (1) the variance risk premium has a cleaner systematic component than implied variance or expected variance, (2) the cross-section of firms’ variance risk premia capture systematic variance risk in a stronger way than firms’ equity returns in capturing market return risk, and (3) a structural model with stochastic volatility can reproduce the predictability pattern of variance risk premia for credit spreads.  相似文献   

The equity premium is a key parameter in asset allocation policies. There is a vigorous debate in the literature regarding the actual measurement of the equity premium, its size and the determinants of its variation. This study aims to take stock of this literature by means of a meta-analysis. We identify how the size of the equity premium depends on the way it is measured, along with its evolution over time and its variation across regions in the world. We find that the equity premium is significantly lower if measured by ex ante methods rather than ex post, in more recent periods, and for more developed countries. In addition, looking at the underlying fundamentals, we find that larger volatility in GDP growth tends to raise the equity premium while a higher nominal interest rate has a negative impact on the equity premium.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the ability of dividend ratios to predict the equity premium. We conduct an in and out-of-sample comparative study and apply the Goyal and Welch (2003) graphical method to equity premia derived from the UK FTSE All-Share and the S&P 500 indices. Preliminary in-sample univariate regressions reveal that in both markets the equity premium contains an element of predictability. However, the considered out-of-sample models outperform the historical moving average only in the UK context. This is confirmed by the graphical diagnostic which further indicates that dividend ratios are useful predictors of UK excess returns. Our paper provides a possible explanation of why dividend ratios might be more informative in the UK market by linking these findings to the disappearing dividend phenomenon. Finally, Campbell and Shiller (1988) identities are employed to account for the time-varying properties of the dividend ratio and dividend growth processes. It is shown that by instrumenting the models with the identities, forecasting ability can be further improved.  相似文献   

This study uses recent developments in the theoretical modelling of the links between unrecorded accounting goodwill, accounting profitability and the cost of equity, together with Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) betas, to estimate the ex-ante equity risk premium in the UK. The results suggest that, over our sample period from 1968 to 1995, the premium has been in the region of 5%. Our estimate lends support to the view that the ex-ante equity risk premium is substantially less than the historical average of the excess of equity returns over the risk-free rate, and is similar to the rates applied recently by UK competition regulators.  相似文献   

我们选用在13个欧洲股市上市的证券,形成规模和动因组合.我们不仅发现规模溢价的证据,还发现8个样本市场存在重大动因收益率.这些收益率可能不构成异常现象,因为它们与不同β值的资本资产定价模型一致.我们还发现,系统风险与经济周期有关.此外,研究结果显示,虽然规模和动因收益率显著,但是难以在中、短期利用它们,因为在我们的样本...  相似文献   

In this article we derive and investigate the implications of the Fama–French and Poterba–Summers model—in which the market price of equity contains permanent and temporary components—to explain cross‐sectional differences in equity risk premia and returns. Shocks to the transitory component are regarded a Merton risk factor. We obtain estimates from a simple Kalman decomposition of the market price. The transitory component estimate is used in a conditional capital asset pricing model to test implications of the model related to predictability, cross‐sectional performance, and the existence of momentum and mean reversion.  相似文献   

An expanding literature asserts that non-US firms achieve a unique valuation premium for listing on US equity markets. In this paper we test the uniqueness of the US foreign listing premium by examining the premium achieved by foreign listings across a global set of stock exchanges. We highlight that the documented valuation premium for listing on US exchanges is not unique but common to many home and host markets including US firms that list abroad. The cross-sectional variation in the valuation premium appears to have little association with such cross-country institutional features as investor protection rules, law enforcement practice, or accounting disclosure standards. Rather the premium appears most related to variation in pre-listing valuation ratios.  相似文献   

Private equity has traditionally been thought to provide diversification benefits. However, these benefits may be lower than anticipated as we find that private equity suffers from significant exposure to the same liquidity risk factor as public equity and other alternative asset classes. The unconditional liquidity risk premium is about 3% annually and, in a four‐factor model, the inclusion of this liquidity risk premium reduces alpha to zero. In addition, we provide evidence that the link between private equity returns and overall market liquidity occurs via a funding liquidity channel.  相似文献   

We consider a pure exchange economy where the drift of aggregateconsumption is unobservable. Agents with heterogeneous beliefsand preferences act competitively on financial and goods markets.We discuss how equilibrium market prices of risk differ acrossagents, and in particular we discuss the properties of the marketprice of risk under the physical (objective) probability measure.We propose a number of specifications of risk aversions andbeliefs where the market price of risk is much higher, and theriskless rate of return lower, than in the equivalent full informationeconomy (homogeneous and heterogeneous preferences) and thuscan provide an(other) answer to the equity premium and risk-freerate puzzles. We also derive a representation of the equilibriumvolatility and numerically assess the role of heterogeneityin beliefs. We show that a high level of stock volatility canbe obtained with a low level of aggregate consumption volatilitywhen beliefs are heterogeneous. Finally, we discuss how incompleteinformation may explain the apparent predictability in stockreturns and show that in-sample predictability cannot be exploitedby the agents, as it is in fact a result of their learning processes.  相似文献   

We find that the long‐term equity premium is consistent with both GDP growth and portfolio insurance. We use a supply‐side growth model and demonstrate that the arithmetic average stock market return and the returns on corporate assets and debt depend on GDP per capita growth. The implied equity premium matches the U.S. historical average over 1926–2001. Separately, we find that the equity premium tracks the value of a put option on the S&P 500. Our theory predicts a smaller equity premium in the future, assuming that the recent regime shifts in dividend policies, interest rates, and tax rates are permanent.  相似文献   

Taxes, Leverage, and the Cost of Equity Capital   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examine the associations among leverage, corporate and investor level taxes, and the firm's implied cost of equity capital. Expanding on Modigliani and Miller [1958, 1963] , the cost of equity capital can be expressed as a function of leverage and corporate and investor level taxes. Based on this expression, we predict that the cost of equity is increasing in leverage, and that corporate taxes mitigate this leverage‐related risk premium, while the personal tax disadvantage of debt increases this premium. We empirically test these predictions using implied cost of equity estimates and proxies for the firm's corporate tax rate and the personal tax disadvantage of debt. Our results suggest that the equity risk premium associated with leverage is decreasing in the corporate tax benefit from debt. We find some evidence that the equity risk premium from leverage is increasing in the personal tax penalty associated with debt.  相似文献   

This article reexamines the duration‐based explanation of the value premium using novel estimates of the firms' equity and cash flow durations based on analyst forecasts. We show that the value premium can be explained by cross‐sectional differences in the shares' equity durations, but not by their cash flow durations. Different from the duration‐based explanation of the value premium that explains the value premium with cross‐sectional differences in the firm's cash flow timing, we find that short‐horizon stocks have lower (expected) returns than long‐horizon stocks. This result is consistent with an upward‐sloping equity yield curve.  相似文献   

Accruals correlate closely with the determinants of the conditional equity premium at both the firm and the aggregate levels. The common component of firm‐level accruals, which cannot be diversified away by aggregation, explains the positive relation between aggregate accruals and future stock market returns. The residual component, which accounts for most variation in firm‐level accruals, is responsible for the negative cross‐sectional relation between firm‐level accruals and future stock returns. Consistent with the risk‐based explanation, aggregate accruals, as a proxy for the conditional equity premium, forecast changes in aggregate economic activity. Moreover, we document a similar comovement of earnings with the conditional equity premium at both the firm and the aggregate levels, which helps explain the negative relation between changes in aggregate earnings and contemporaneous market returns.  相似文献   

We propose a conditional factor model for corporate bond returns with five factors and time-varying factor loadings. We have three main empirical findings. First, our factor model excels in describing the risks and returns of corporate bonds, improving over previously proposed models in the literature by a large margin. Second, our model recommends a systematic bond investment portfolio whose high out-of-sample Sharpe ratio suggests that the credit risk premium is notably larger than previously estimated. Third, we find closer integration between debt and equity markets than found in prior literature.  相似文献   

We seek to reconcile the debate about the price effect of risk-neutral skewness (RNS) on stocks. We document positive predictability from short-term skewness, consistent with informed-trading demand, and negative predictability from long-term skewness, consistent with skewness preference. A term spread on RNS captures different information from long- and short-term contracts, resulting in stronger predictability. The quintile portfolio with the lowest spread outperforms that with highest spread by 14.64% annually. The term structure of RNS predicts earnings surprises and price crashes. We extract the slope factor from RNS term structure, estimate its risk premium, and explore its relation with several macroeconomic variables.  相似文献   

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