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We analyze the mechanism of return and volatility spillover effects from the Chinese to the Japanese stock market. We construct a stock price index comprised of those companies that have substantial operations in China. This China-related index responds to changes in the Shanghai Composite Index more strongly than does the TOPIX (the market index of the Tokyo Stock Exchange). This result suggests that China has a large impact on Japanese stocks via China-related firms in Japan. Furthermore, we find evidence that this response has become stronger as the Chinese economy has gained importance in recent years.  相似文献   

李刚 《特区经济》2012,(10):103-105
本文探讨了四个不同地域(美国、英国、日本和中国)的资本市场在金融危机时期,其代表性的蓝筹股在除息日的价格波动行为。实证结果发现:在除息日,对于纽约和上海交易所,股票价格的下跌量等同于红利数额并且没有证据表明超额收益和短期交易的存在;对于东京交易所,股价下跌少于股息量,恰恰相反,伦敦交易所的股票下跌量超过股息额,这表明上述两个交易所的股票在除息日前后存在着异常收益和短期套利交易行为。  相似文献   

We investigate trades of wholly- or partially-owned subsidiaries between firms listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) for the years 1996–2010, to explore the economic impact in terms of strategic refocusing, stock market valuation and performance effects. By pairing both sides to each deal, we show differences in firm characteristics, returns, and subsequent performance of buying and selling firms. Unlike mergers between whole firms, most subsidiary deals straddled different industries. Most sellers were larger, more diversified and less profitable than buyers. Our event study reveals that abnormal returns were positive for buyers yet insignificantly different from zero for sellers. However, subsidiary sales in the core business earned negative returns, the more so the larger the deal. An analysis of ex-post operating results shows that the performance of sellers often declined after the trade, in particular for firms that divested a core-related subsidiary. We conclude that subsidiary trades in Japan in this period contributed importantly to strategic repositioning and a more efficient use of corporate assets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between Japanese firms’ exposure to the exchange rate risk and their risk management. Following Dominguez (1998) and others, we first estimate the firms’ exposure to the exchange rate risk by regressing their stock prices on the exchange rate and the market portfolio. We next investigate possible influences of various risk management measures on the firms’ foreign exchange exposure. Risk management variables include financial and operational hedging, the invoice currency choice, and the price revision strategy (pass-through) of 227 listed firms in 2009, which were collected from a questionnaire survey of Japanese firms listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Our main findings are as follows: First, firms with greater dependency on sales in foreign markets have greater foreign exchange exposure, judged by the market. Second, the higher the US dollar invoicing share, the greater the foreign exchange exposure is, which can be reduced by both financial and operational hedging. Third, yen invoicing reduces foreign exchange exposure. These findings indicate that Japanese firms use a combination of risk management tools to mitigate the degree of exchange rate risk.  相似文献   

There have been claims that British capital was not well deployed in Victorian Britain. There was, allegedly, a lack of support for new and dynamic companies in comparison to the situation in Germany and the US. We find no evidence to support these claims. The London Stock Exchange welcomed young, old, domestic, and foreign firms. It provided funds to firms in old, existing industries as well as patenting firms in ‘new‐tech’ industries at similar costs of capital. If investors did show a preference for older and foreign firms, it was because those firms offered investors better long‐run performance. In addition, we show some evidence that investors who worked in the same industry and lived close to the firm going public were allotted more shares in high‐quality initial public offerings.  相似文献   

This study examines the winner–loser effect using stocks listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) from 1975 to 1997. We uncover significant return reversals dominating the Japanese markets, especially over shorter periods such as 1 month. No momentum effect is observed, however. The 1-month return reversal remains significant even after adjusting for firm characteristics or risk. While the 1-month return reversal is not related to industry classification, it is partially a result of higher future returns to loser stocks with low trading volume. Our results show that investor overreaction may be a possible explanation for the 1-month return reversal in Japan.  相似文献   

张凤   《华东经济管理》2009,23(11):67-72
文章以1998-2006年连续4年以上有数据的沪深股市的上市公司为样本,实证分析现金持有过量对公司投资行为及其效率的影响。实证发现:(1)现金持有过量越多,公司的长期投资能力增强。(2)暂时性和持续性过量的公司相比,过量现金对投资行为的影响表现存在差异。(3)过量现金持有对公司业绩提升无贡献;过量现金的投资使用效率低下,普遍存在过度投资现象。  相似文献   

根据代理理论与信号理论,资质优良的公司有动力通过自愿性信息披露降低代理成本或突出自身竞争优势,因此,作为一种信号传递机制或契约安排,自愿性信息披露将对上市公司价值产生影响.以此为切入点,文章选取了沪市2004年制造业公司作为研究样本,实证检验了上市公司自愿性信息披露与公司价值之间的关系,结果发现,自愿性信息披露与公司价值之间呈现显著的正相关关系;由此,有必要进一步地加强我国上市公司的自愿性信息披露制度.  相似文献   

Guilin Jiqi is a pharmaceutical company listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1997. Possible motives for her accounting fraud in 2000 are thoroughly analyzed. Guilin Jiqi made up the accounting profit in the semi-annual report. Interestingly, the employee shares of Guilin Jiqi began to be tradable from June. After rejecting other possibilities, we find that this accounting fraud is possibly intended to help her employees, except top managers, to sell their shares at a huge profit.  相似文献   

This paper compares the price discovery processes at the opening and closing transactions for the fifty largest stocks trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Open-to-open returns are found to have a greater volatility and a more negative autocorrelation pattern than close-to-close returns, similar to the pattern we found on the New York Stock Exchange. The results are consistent with pricing over-reaction at the opening and partial price-adjustment at the close. These patterns persist over time and prevail when estimated for returns conditional on the contemporaneous market effect. Our analysis of daytime and overnight returns suggest that pricing errors at the opening are corrected over the trading day. We present a new measure of volatility — the relative dispersion of stock returns around the market return — and find that it is greater at the opening, consistent with a more noisy price discovery process.  相似文献   

By using both the individual stock prices quoted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and their price index (TOPIX), this paper examines whether the conditional variance of stock returns is characterized by the auto-regressive-conditional-heteroskedasticity (ARCH) effect or the information-based effect. The paper finds that the inclusion of the trading volume in both generalized ARCH (GARCH) and exponential GARCH (EGARCH) specifications eliminates the ARCH effect for individual stocks and the TOPIX. The paper explains the reasons for these results. The findings suggest strong support for the information-based variance model which gives a parallel explanation to the ARCH-type models.  相似文献   

本文以深圳证券交易所信息披露的考评度量上市公司的信息披露质量,采用换手率衡量上市公司股票流动性。本文的研究发现信息披露的质量越高,市场流动性越好,并且公司的规模与公司股票流动性呈负相关关系,公司的盈利能力与公司股票流动性呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

陈千里 《南方经济》2007,9(10):70-80
本文以深交所A股上市公司为样本.研究上市公司的信息披露整体质量是否影响公司股票在市场上的流动性。基于分笔高频交易数据.检验集中于流动性的两个关键方面:市场宽度和市场深度。采用稳健的非线性两阶段最小二乘法来克服信息披露的自选择特点所引起的内生性问题。实证结果显示,公司高质量的信息披露能有效提高其股票的市场流动性,这种影响主要是通过缩小市场宽度来达到.而对市场深度的影响不显著。利用市场微观结构的价差分解方法的研究发现.高质量的信息披露提高市场流动性的机制在于有效减轻市场上信息不对称程度。  相似文献   

The Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) introduced a change in its minimum tick sizes on April 13, 1998, for stocks traded at certain price ranges. We investigate the liquidity and market quality of the stocks affected by the tick size change, using a unique and comprehensive tick-by-tick data. We find that the quoted spread (effective spread) declined significantly by 20 to 50 percent (by 24 to 60 percent) after the tick size change. Reductions in spread are greater for firms with greater tick size reductions, greater trading activity, and higher transitory component in the bid–ask spread. Although investors are more aggressive in posting quotes, there is no definite evidence of an increase in trading volume. Overall, our evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that the minimum tick size creates economic rents for liquidity providers, which is lowered upon tick size reduction. J. Japanese Int. Economies 21 (2) (2007) 173–194.  相似文献   

孙力强  陈小悦 《特区经济》2008,228(1):103-104
本文以1995~2006年在上海证券交易所上市的所有A股为样本,探讨了Beta系数的均值回归特性。分组检验和截面回归两种方法共同表明,中国股票市场个股的Beta具有非常明显、迅速的均值回归特性。进而,本文发现,通过截面回归得到的均值回归模型比幼稚模型具有更好的预测精度,使用均值回归模型可以修正对未来Beta的预测。  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the long run relationship between dividends and corporate valuation with the use of panel unit root tests and panel cointegration analysis. The long run relationship is estimated using fully modified OLS for a panel consisting of 479 firms listed on the London Stock Exchange over the time period 1984–2007. The empirical results provide clear support for the hypothesis that there is a single equilibrium relation between market value, book value, earnings and dividends, and that dividends have a positive impact on corporate valuation.  相似文献   

张凤 《改革与战略》2011,27(6):71-73,87
在不同的财务背景下公司现金持有动机强弱表现是否存在差异,这是学术界近年研究的热点。文章以1998—2006年连续四年有数据的沪深上市公司为样本,通过公司规模四分位数、样本期间发生股利支付与否作为融资约束与否的判别标准,分析融资约束公司与非融资约束公司现金持有动机强弱表现差异。实证结果表明:我国上市公司融资约束与否直接影响到现金持有决策过程中动机强弱的表现。为了避免现金短缺和投资机会的丧失等情况的发生,我国上市公司在整个现金持有决策中均表现谨慎,注重现金持有的预防性动机和交易性动机作用的发挥。  相似文献   


This article examines market risk in four demutualized and self-listed stock exchanges: the Australian Stock Exchange, the Deutsche Börse, the London Stock Exchange and the Singapore Stock Exchange. Daily company and the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Index returns provide the respective asset and market portfolio data. A bivariate GARCH model is used to estimate time-varying betas for each exchange from listing until 7 June 2005. While the results indicate significant beta volatility, unit root tests show the betas to be mean-reverting. These findings are used to suggest that despite concerns that demutualized and self-listed exchanges entail new market risks that merit regulatory intervention, the betas of the exchange companies have not changed significantly since listing. However, market risk does vary considerable across the exchanges, with mean time-varying betas of 0.56 for the Deutsche Börse, 0.66 for the London Stock Exchange, 0.78 for the Singapore Stock Exchange, and 0.95 for the Australian Stock Exchange.  相似文献   

Using daily open-to-close and close-to-open stock prices, this paper examines whether there are any lead–lag relationships between the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the other G7 stock markets. In particular, this paper analyzes whether the movements of other markets in the preceding trading session can be used to formulate profitable strategies to trade in Nikkei.  相似文献   

This study examines wholesalers’ roles in manufacturers’ exports in Japan. First, it is shown that, like in the case of manufacturing sector, a productivity sorting on the overseas activities is also present in the case of wholesalers. Namely, only the most productive wholesaler firms can engage in foreign direct investment, and the next productive wholesaler firms can participate in export activities, and the least productive wholesaler firms do domestic transactions only. Second, we investigate how the wholesalers facilitate manufacturers’ export activities in the form of indirect exports. We have found that the wholesalers through which manufacturing firms indirectly export their goods are predominantly located in Tokyo or Osaka. The probability of indirect exports is negatively correlated with distance between manufacturers and wholesalers, but there are certain threshold distances at 300–500 kilometers, over which the chance of indirect exports turns null. Another notable finding is that wholesalers’ productivities have positive correlation with the chances of indirect exports whereas manufacturers’ productivities do not matter. The number of manufacturers from which a wholesaler purchases goods, is found to have a positive correlation with the probability of indirect exports, a type of economies of scope effect.  相似文献   

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