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“农家乐”的兴起带动了农庄经济的投资热潮。在城市周边地区开设一家休闲农庄,平时种地养猪,周末或假期再将农庄变成一个旅游景点,这种经营模式在北京已是风靡。  相似文献   

王莹 《乡镇经济》2008,24(10):91-94
休闲农庄在我国沿海地区发展已取得一定的成效,呈现出多样化的发展态势,文章以浙江省为例,归纳目前休闲农庄发展的主要路径及不同特征,分析不同路径下的相关群体之间的经济利益关系以及存在的主要问题,并为不同路径休闲农庄的发展与制度完善提出思路与对策。  相似文献   

农庄经济:未来农业之路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近几年来,随着我国农产品价格的放开和国外大量农产品的涌入,一些地方农村出现了耕地大量抛荒、农村财源萎缩、农民收入增长缓慢、农业税征收难度加大等问题,而目前在一些地方农村出现的农庄经济形式能较好地解决这些问题。笔通过调查研究,试就关于如何发展农庄经济问题作一初步探讨。  相似文献   

欣宣  汤亚辉 《东北之窗》2012,(12):108-109
2012年。金州新区启动了“十大旅游休闲农庄”创建工程。为此,于年初正式出台了对农庄等产业项目的奖励政策和“十大旅游休闲农庄”的创建标准,还召开了由“十大农庄”创建单位负责人参加的政策和创建标准解读座谈会。前不久,又组织“十大农庄”创建单位负责人对创建工作有示范作用的单位进行了拉练,从而更好更快地推进了创建工作的开展。位于向应街道的富美山庄的范家大院正式开业,这标志着,新区今年“十大旅游休闲农庄”创建工作已取得了阶段性成果。  相似文献   

光大农庄的功效余承铨江西上犹县光大农庄是离休干部何乐仁个人出资50余万元在社溪镇创办的一个立体开发式农庄。该农庄现有固定工人40多人,季节工200多人,1995年产值过百万元、税利20多万元,3-5年后,该农庄将完成投入100万元,实现产值1000万...  相似文献   

在浙江嘉兴市七星镇上有个农庄,庄主是周新镇,他的农庄距离嘉兴市只有十几分钟的车程,距离上海也不到100km。嘉兴和上海的不少小学都经常性地到周新镇的农庄来搞活动。  相似文献   

论生态文明伦理观下生态农庄规划创新理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申庆涛 《乡镇经济》2008,24(5):46-49
生态文明是人类对物质文明的反思,是对人与自然关系历史的总结和升华。新农村建设的目标是实现我国农村社会、经济、政治、文化全面发展。在新农村建设的系统工程中,生态农庄旅游模式是一种能够促进农村社会经济发展、文化传播和满足身心愉悦的新型旅游方式,而在生态文明理念下对生态农庄景观的科学规划和设计则是实现这一目的的硬件保证。  相似文献   

“这里有两个西红柿,一个是我们有机农庄培育的有机西红柿,个是附近农民使用杀虫剂和化肥长大的,如果花钱买,你会选择哪个?”欧阁有机农庄董事长陈丛红突然的提问让记者犹豫了。  相似文献   

孙郁婷 《新财经》2011,(12):76-79
种安全的菜,只提供给特定客户群,精准配送——这是多利农庄基本的商业模式。 “上海的蔬菜市场,1%的占有率就意味着10亿元的规模”,说这番话的人是张同贵,多利农庄“庄主”,管着3000多亩地,以种菜为生,在繁华的上海滩搞起了农业致富。  相似文献   

石灵娥 《发展》2011,(4):80-80
一、“农庄公司”的必要性 从上世纪80年代中期开始,进城从事非农性劳动成了农村家庭经济收入的重要来源,而进城人员大都是农户家中文化程度最高、最年富力强的劳动力。青壮年劳动力大量流出,使农业生产一线一只剩下儿童、妇女和老人。  相似文献   

王章华  黄丽群 《改革与战略》2012,28(4):73-75,106
新型农村社会养老保险试点中还存在部分人户分离人群难以参加新农保,个人缴费标准和基础养老金设计缺乏调整机制,政府财政补贴低,补贴机制不完善,已年满60周岁、未参保的农村户籍老年人领取基础养老金存在困难及新型农村社会养老保险与其他养老保障的配套衔接政策制度缺失的问题。文章认为,应该尽快建立统一的城乡居民社会养老保险制度;完善缴费、政府补贴机制;规范集体、其他组织、个人对参保人补助和资助行为;尽快制定全国统一的新农保与其他社会群体养老保险制度衔接办法;加大宣传力度,增强农村居民参保意识。  相似文献   

The literature on the union wage gap in South Africa is extensive, spanning a range of data sets and methodologies. There is, however, little consensus on the appropriate method to correct for the endogeneity of union membership or the size of the union wage gap. Furthermore, there are very few studies on the bargaining council wage premium in South Africa because of lack of data on the coverage of employees under these agreements. Our study, using 2005 Labour Force Survey data, firstly reconsiders the union wage gap controlling for both firm‐level and job characteristics. When correcting for the endogeneity of union status through a two‐stage selection model and including firm size, type of employment, and non‐wage benefits, we find a much lower union wage premium for African workers in the formal sector than premiums reported in some previous studies. Secondly, our study estimates bargaining council wage premiums for the private and public sectors. We find that extension procedures are present in both private and public bargaining council systems but that unions negotiate for additional gains for their members at the plant level. Furthermore, there is some evidence that unions negotiate for awards for their members in the private sector irrespective of bargaining council coverage.  相似文献   

本文论述了服务贸易原产地规则的概念、特点及FTA中服务贸易原产地规则的效应及其选择,并进一步分析了北美和东亚地区FTA的服务贸易原产地规则。  相似文献   

国内科研人员激励研究范围与热点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国科技体制改革的深入,科研人员激励问题成为社会和学术的焦点。通过对收集的文献分析,发现国内科研人员激励研究的范围与内容主要存在几个方面:一是收入分配与科研人员激励研究;二是科研人员评价研究;三是科研人员激励宏观政策研究;四是科研人员激励机制研究;五是不同类型组织中的科研人员激励研究景,这五个研究热点构成了国内科研人员激励的研究范围。这些热点不是孤立的,而是相互交叉,在研究中应侧重于系统视角。  相似文献   

通过深入北京7个山区和顺义区生态沟域进行调研,系统了解山区生态沟域建设现状、主要成效,通过案例分析的方式,总结出北京生态沟域建设的6个模式与成功经验,为北京生态沟域的发展提供借鉴.6个模式分别为传承民俗遗产之乡村主题博物馆、现代商务休闲之企业庄园度假村、游览郊野意境之山水梦幻体验园、发扬红色记忆之革命历史展示地、培育特色经济之产业发展示范区,以及游览名胜古迹之民宿酒店观景带.  相似文献   

We use microdata to calculate the gains of eliminating gender and ethnic labor market gaps in Malaysia for the period 2010–2017. We document significant gaps in terms of participation in the labor market and entrepreneurship, distinguishing between employers and self-employed. Female-male ratios are 64% for labor market participation, 82% for self-employment, and 32% for being employers. Across different age and ethnic groups, gender gaps in labor force participation are particularly pronounced for older workers and in entrepreneurship for Chinese workers. Our results indicate substantial income gains if gender and ethnic gaps were eliminated. Eliminating the entrepreneurship gender gaps increases income per capita by 6.54% in the long run. When we also include the employment gender gap, the long-run gains are 26.18%. The elimination of ethnic gaps could in the long run result in a smaller but still sizeable increase in income per capita of 11.5%.  相似文献   

中国的银两是称重计量的,最初被作为丝绸(用于远距离贸易的支付)的辅助性手段。元代发行官钞,面额以铜钱单位标示,但按银重计价。明代赋役征银后,大量银条从日本及南美流入中国,用于交换丝绸、瓷器以及茶叶,民间买卖日常必需品的一般交易也用白银结算。18世纪中叶,铜钱(乾隆通宝)供应量加大,并被用于本地货物买卖,银锭则用于远距离交易,与铜钱形成了互补性结构。不同于现代常识,铜钱与银锭不固定的关系以及本地商人过账时所用的称重虚银两单位,对本地经济起到了稳定作用,亦能对抗动荡的区际贸易。  相似文献   

This study analyses the cohort earnings differentials of full-time working men in Japan using large micro data on individuals. Log earnings differentials between two cohorts of the same age calculated from 2012 and 2017 surveys reveal a substantial earnings decline for university graduates around age 43 and senior high school graduates around age 38 in 2017. These cohorts experienced a severe deterioration of job opportunities after the bubble burst. The Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition shows that the composition effect dominates the wage structure effect. In particular, a shortened length of tenure and a decline in the share of those working in a large firm are the main causes of the earnings gap for senior high school graduates and for university graduates, respectively. While an increase in the proportion of those working in the service sector and a reduced share of regular workers are also important determinants for the earnings differentials for high school graduates, deteriorated opportunities for promotion to supervisory positions play an important role for university graduates. Extending this analysis to a longer time period and estimating the cohort earnings differential equation clarify that the observed stability of cohort earnings differentials for university graduates emerge not only from the importance of firm size differentials in determining their earning differentials, but also from the high stability of firm size differentials between cohorts for university graduates.  相似文献   

The nexus between government revenue and government expenditure has been an important topic in public economics. In this paper, we investigate evidence for cointegration and causality between government revenue and government expenditure for nine Asian countries. We use the recently developed bounds testing approach to cointegration and the conventional F-test to examine Granger causality. Our empirical results suggest that for three out of the nine countries government revenue and government expenditure are cointegrated. Our results on the direction of causation are mixed: (a) for Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka in the short-run and for Nepal in both the short- and long-run we find support for the tax-and-spend hypothesis; (b) Indonesia and Sri Lanka are in conformity with the spend-and-tax hypothesis in the long-run; and (c) for other countries there is evidence of neutrality.  相似文献   

This paper tests Wagner's law of increasing state activity using panels of Chinese provinces. The paper's main methodological contribution is in that we employ for the first time in the literature on Wagner's law a panel unit root, panel cointegration and Granger causality testing approach. Overall, we find mixed evidence in support of Wagner's law for China's central and western provinces, but no support for Wagner's law for the full panel of provinces or for the panel of China's eastern provinces.  相似文献   

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