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以2008—2018年中国制造业13个子行业1853家企业微观数据为基础,构建Translog模型,分析开放型技术双元及其不同技术组合对中国制造业全球价值链(GVC)攀升的异质性影响。结果表明,企业有效平衡与吸收开放型技术双元形成的协同效应,能够降低进口竞争引致的要素替代成本,促进中国制造业GVC攀升向高技术探索与开发组合的内生驱动转化。技术开发成为中国制造业GVC攀升的充要条件,技术探索为充分不必要条件。在竞争效应和协同效应双重作用下,内资企业高技术开发组合成为推动中国制造业价值链攀升的主要驱动力,受技术门槛和技术控制约束,技术探索只有在内资企业具有足够开发能力时才能对价值链攀升产生显著影响。异质性双元组合催生形成中国制造业GVC攀升的多元化路径。劳动密集型行业依赖进口竞争攀升的低技术双元特征;资本密集型行业较高的外资吸收效率对母国开发与跨国开发技术组合吸收更具适应性,呈现出显著的市场竞争攀升特征;技术密集型行业积极的母国探索倾向与较高的技术开发能力形成技术协同攀升特征。  相似文献   

Based on patent-based indicators, this study aims to an analyze the positions of a number of western contries in a broad spectrum of technology fields. Particular attention is focused on the Netherlands. Patent-based indicators reflect results of research and developement activities and may provide an insight into developement of possible economic interest. Earlier studies have shown a positive correlation between a country's patent position and the development of, for instance, foreign trade. We applied patent indicators to analyze a country's patenting activity in a field of technology as compared with the world average (or an average for a specific group of countries). It indicates to what extent a country ‘specializes’ in that field. Such an analysis yields a country's ‘profile’ as an ‘inventor country’. Monitoring all fields, covering the whole area of technology for an extended period of time, by patent analysis provides an insight into the technological position of a particular country relative to other countries. The results of the analysis performed in this study are represented in a specific graphical form, covering both absolute and relative (‘specializations’) technological activites. Thus a monitoring system useful for technology policy and research and developement management is constructed.  相似文献   

This article presents a global sensitivity analysis of micro determinants of life satisfaction (LS), a subjective well-being (SWB) measure of quality of life, as it relates to economic development. We test 53 micro variables using extreme bound analysis on a pooled cross-section data from the World Value Survey representing 98 countries between 1989 and 2014. Several standard variables frequently included in SWB regressions are controlled for. The test variables are broadly categorized as demographic, personal–economic, individual traits and values, social attitudes and collectivism, social relationships and perceptions of control. We find subjective health status, household income rank, family savings, religiosity, most perceptions of control and several social attitudes and collectivism measures to be universal LS determinants. Generally, the determinants of LS vary by a country’s level of economic development. In particular, we provide suggestive evidence that as countries develop, certain needs are satisfied and stop being important contributors to LS while others take their place.  相似文献   

欧盟是现代工业制造业的发源地,长期保持着工业技术的世界领先水平。欧委会根据全球高新技术日新月异的快速发展及其重要性,以及欧盟相对处于世界领先地位的技术优先领域,扬长避短确定了欧盟工业可持续发展的六大关键势能技术(KETs)。工业生物技术,作为欧盟优先确定的六大关键势能技术之一,欧盟己制定具体的优惠政策和行动举措给予重点扶持,旨在提升欧盟先进制造业的世界竞争力,促进经济增长和扩大就业。通过综合研究分析欧盟工业生物技术及产业的发展现状、研发创新、面临的挑战和未来发展趋势,旨在为我国战略性新兴技术产业的可持续发展,提供有益的路径和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Growth   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Interest in links between protection of intellectual property and growth has been revived by developments in new growth theory and by the WTO’s TRIPS Agreement. The relationship between the strength of a country’s intellectual property rights (IPRs) regime and rate of growth is ambiguous from a theoretical standpoint, reflecting the variety of channels through which technology can be acquired and their differing importance at different stages of development. We investigate the impact of IPR protection on economic growth in a panel of 79 countries using threshold regression analysis. We show that whilst the effect of IPR protection on growth depends upon the level of development, it is positively and significantly related to growth for low‐ and high‐income countries, but not for middle‐income countries. This suggests that, although IPR protection encourages innovation in high‐income countries, and technology flows to low‐income countries, middle‐income countries may have offsetting losses from reduced scope for imitation.  相似文献   

The new technological revolution has not only created the digital economy, but has also accelerated the digital transformation of global value chains (GVCs). Digital technologies have reshaped the specialization within global value chains by reducing costs, enabling industrial chains and increasing added value in exports. However, GVCs also face salient risks in the digital economy era, as reflected in their spatial layouts. The enabling effect of digital technologies has led to the shortening and reshoring of global value chains. In value chain governance, dominant countries have imposed technological embargoes on ascendant countries, depriving them of key technologies. In the distribution of value, the imbalances in the specialization within GVCs and digital divides have aggravated global economic inequities. Given the new characteristics and risks of GVCs in the era of the digital economy, as well as the “dual circulation” development paradigm, China’s industrial chains and firms moving up the GVCs need to regard data, the fifth type of production factor, as a key to the enabling effect of the digital economy on industries. These measures will advance the digital transformation of traditional industries and the development of the digital industry, as well as allow industrial chains and innovation chains to work in tandem to facilitate favorable domestic circulation. At the firm level, enterprises should further develop endogenous innovation capacity to become leaders in innovation and free themselves from dependence on foreign sources for key technologies.  相似文献   

技术进步、工资差距与人力资本形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在劳动力异质的假设下通过建立一个二元经济模型分析发展中国家技术进步与收入差距的关系,结果显示技术进步主要通过直接和间接两种途径影响收入差距:其一,通过提高相应劳动力的劳动效率,提高其工资;其二,通过收入差距的扩大,吸引劳动力进行人力资本投资,从而劳动效率的提高,影响其收入.并得也结论,不同类型的技术进步对收入差距的影响存在较大差异,而这种差异在某种程度上影响人力资本投资,因此,在城乡转化的过程中,要缩小收入差距必须选择适当的技术进步,而且还要结合长期经济发展注意保持相应的收入差别.  相似文献   

Using data from 24 OECD countries, we find that the relationship between a country's R&D investment and technological advantage in a sector (measured by the country's labor productivity of the sector relative to the rest of the world) is non-monotonic. In particular, for countries whose technology levels are much lower or higher than the rest of the world in a sector, their sectoral R&D investment declines as their advantages in the sector improve; for counties with middle technology levels, the opposite is true. Extending the Eaton and Kortum framework, we develop a static model to theoretically analyze the relationship between R&D investment and technological advantages. We show that when the research efficiency in a sector is sufficiently elastic with respect to the sectoral technological advantage, a country's R&D investment increases with its technological advantage, and vice versa.  相似文献   

The present paper explores how intellectual property rights (IPR) protection affects an economy’s status in global value chains (GVC) by introducing IPR protection into the sequential production model. We find that a suitable IPR protection system that matches the phase of economic and technological development a country has reached is the key for developing countries to upgrade their status in GVC, which are dominated by multinational firms from developed countries. Empirical analysis with multinational panel data for 55 countries from 2005 to 2015 provides evidence in support of the predictions of this model, although the GVC‐enhancing effects of IPR protection are heterogeneous for developing and developed countries. The empirical conclusions are robust after using the instrumental variable method and controlling for endogeneity.  相似文献   

Adam Smith argues that a country’s income depends on its labor productivity, which in turn hinges on the division of labor. But why are some countries able to take advantage of the division of labor and become rich, while others fail to do so and remain poor? Smith describes how the security of property rights, through a “tolerable administration of justice,” allows investment and exchange to take place, bringing about economic progress. Recent empirical work on economic development has supported Smith’s emphasis on a country’s political “institutions,” particularly the judiciary, in determining its national income.  相似文献   

Substantial decline in oil prices observed since the second half of 2014 has brought forward discussions on the impact of oil prices on the external balance. This decline is expected to shift real income from oil exporter countries to oil importer countries. In this context, we study the effect of change in oil prices on Turkey’s exports taking into account the fact that Turkey’s export to oil exporting countries has approximately one-third share in total exports, while export to oil importing countries has a share of two-thirds. At the first step, we analyse the effect of oil prices on economic growth of trade partners of Turkey, where countries are grouped according to their net oil export position. We find that the effect of oil prices on different country groups’ growth is asymmetric. In the second stage, for two groups of countries, we estimate growth-export elasticity through Turkey’s export demand function. Finally, we calculate the net effect of oil prices on exports considering different income effects caused by oil price change on each country groups. Results indicate that the net effect of oil prices on the exports is limited given the current export shares.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of the relations between technologies and economics combined with more social pressure, global competition, technological change, as well as national budget restrictions, imply new challenges for public policies. Thus, to be able to forecast the development of knowledge and technological change in some well-known trajectories could be one of the major stakes for science technology and industrial policies. It is then not surprising that recent years have brought a significant revival of public foresight activities in many countries. The purpose of the paper is precisely to propose a new foresight method in order to obtain a taxonomy of the future technologies, and consequently to provide a better understanding of industrial dynamics. We present a statistical analysis of a Delphi investigation, based on scientific and technological knowledge complementarities, in order to obtain coherent clusters, which may be looked upon as a theoretical tool for political decisions. Our methodology is then applied to French and the German sectors of life sciences, elementary particles, energy, environment and natural resources.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolution process of comparative advantage and the factors affect this process is an important topic, and for developing exporting countries, it is even more important to see what factors will promote them to export more technological complex products. In this paper, we utilise the theory of product space raised by Hausmann and others and modify the indicators of product proximity, product path and product density in this theory. We also utilise the method raised by Rodrick to calculate the product and country‐level export technological complexity. Based on a multinational panel data set, we show that if a country's exported products with higher product density or higher product path also have higher technological complexity, then in the short term, the country's overall export technological complexity tend to be increased, and in the long term, the effect of distribution of the path of technological complexity of exports is more significant.  相似文献   

This research explores the effects of distance to the pre-industrial technological frontiers on comparative economic development in the course of human history. It establishes theoretically and empirically that distance to the frontier had a persistent non-monotonic effect on a country’s pre-industrial economic development. In particular, advancing a novel measure of the travel time to the technological frontiers, the analysis establishes a robust persistent U-shaped relation between distance to the frontier and pre-industrial economic development across countries. Moreover, it demonstrates that countries, which throughout the last two millennia were relatively more distant from these frontiers, have higher contemporary levels of innovation and entrepreneurial activity, suggesting that distance from the frontier may have fostered the emergence of a culture conducive to innovation, knowledge creation, and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

We study an endogenous growth model of technology assimilation through an adaptive learning process defining the accumulation of technological knowledge among both workers and industrial clusters. The assimilation of new technology and the arrival rate of innovations are both based on the distance from the technological frontier to the current technological development level of the country. We illustrate how, even if technological innovations become immediately available to all countries, and absent educational and institutional frictions among countries, differences in technological development levels allow for the existence of poverty traps leading to the economic stagnation of technological laggards.  相似文献   

文章以内生性的专业化和分工为基础,构建了一个内生性产业集群和产业分工网络发展的一般均衡模型,分析了在经济一体化背景下产业集群、产业分工网络和专业化生产之间的内在关联和作用规律。模型的结论认为,国家(产业)间的制度效率与竞争强度之间存在着循环效应,而这种循环效应能够决定产业集群的布局和配置,决定各国在产业价值链上的位置,并最终决定经济增长的状态。尤其是,一国技术(经济)系统的制度效率的进步将会增加市场交易的需求,进而扩展产业分工的网络规模;而这又将推动产业集群的发展,扩大产业网络的范围,提升该国在产业生产价值链上的位置。  相似文献   

We present a multicountry theory of economic growth and R&D-driven technological progress in which countries are connected by a network of knowledge exchange. Technological progress in any country depends on the state of technology in the countries it exchanges knowledge with. The diffusion of knowledge throughout the world explains a period of increasing world inequality, followed by decreasing relative inequality. Knowledge diffusion through a small world network produces an extraordinary diversity of country growth performances, including the overtaking of individual countries and the replacement of the technologically leading country in the course of world development.  相似文献   

杨巨 《经济评论》2012,(3):11-19
生产力概念的深化对于马克思主义的发展非常重要,考察初次收入分配与技术进步之间的关系是一个可行的切入点。在税收收入占比保持不变的情况下,劳动收入占比的下降意味着资本收入占比的上升。劳动收入占比的下降缩小了消费市场规模而抑制技术进步(消费效应),资本收入占比的提高使得企业技术投资面临更少的融资约束而促进技术进步(融资效应),初次收入分配与技术进步之间可能呈现出无关、线性或者倒U型关系,其具体关系要视消费效应和融资效应的相对强弱而定。基于中国省际面板数据的实证分析发现,中国初次收入分配与技术进步之间的关系呈现出倒U型关系,存在一个最有利于技术进步的初次收入分配格局,意味着当前需要同时保护劳动和资本的权利。  相似文献   

根据经济增长理论及影响变化因素,结合我国经济发展实际,本文论证了技术创新促进经济增长的不同模式,提出了发展中国家促进技术创新发展的框架,技术创新是企业发展的根本动力。提高区域经济的增长速度和转变经济增长的方式是发展中国家的必由之路。在区域经济视角下研究影响企业技术创新的因素,通过政府和企业联动改善这些因素作用的效率,非常必要。论文首先根据技术创新理论,分析了不同层面的企业技术创新发展的影响因素。最后提出了区域经济视角下提高企业技术创新能力的对策,强调了政府、企业在技术创新中的不同作用。  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, China has adopted favourable economic policies to attract FDI in order to facilitate technology development. Since inward FDI induces either sector‐ or factor‐biased technical progress, the impact of FDI on the distribution of income between skilled and unskilled labour is not trivial. This paper introduces vertical product differentiation to analyze the impact of FDI on the return to skill and concludes that, for a labour abundant country, this impact depends on whether the FDI‐induced technology transfer is skill‐ or labour‐biased, regardless of which sector receives FDI. The analysis shows that FDI with relatively labour‐biased technology will decrease the wage gap while FDI with relatively skill‐biased technology will increase the profit margin of the host country’s exports as well as its wage gap. The findings provide policy insights for FDI recipient countries in balancing wage growth between skilled and unskilled workers by managing inward FDI with relatively labour‐biased and skill‐biased technologies. This is particularly important for China given the expected further increase of inward FDI following its imminent membership of the WTO. JEL classification: F23, J31, P33.  相似文献   

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