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基准利率和基准收益率曲线的内涵及关系探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国相继推出基准利率SHIBOR和银行间国债收益率曲线、央行票据收益率曲线与政策性金融债收益率曲线等三条基准收益率曲线,备受瞩目。那么,基准利率和基准收益率曲线的内涵有什么不同?二者之间是怎样的关系?搞清楚这些问题,对引导我国基准利率的选择和培育及完善基准收益率曲线的构建,提高货币当局宏观调控效率和促进我国金融市场的发展,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文对这些问题进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a dynamic risk-based model capable of jointly explaining the term structure of interest rates, returns on the aggregate market, and the risk and return characteristics of value and growth stocks. Both the term structure of interest rates and returns on value and growth stocks convey information about how the representative investor values cash flows of different maturities. We model how the representative investor perceives risks of these cash flows by specifying a parsimonious stochastic discount factor for the economy. Shocks to dividend growth, the real interest rate, and expected inflation are priced, but shocks to the price of risk are not. Given reasonable assumptions for dividends and inflation, we show that the model can simultaneously account for the behavior of aggregate stock returns, an upward-sloping yield curve, the failure of the expectations hypothesis, and the poor performance of the capital asset pricing model.  相似文献   

This paper tests the Expectations Hypothesis (EH) of the term structure of interest rates using new data for Germany. The German term structure appears to forecast future short-term interest rates surprisingly well, compared with previous studies with US data, while it has lower predictive power for long-term interest rates. However, the direction suggested by the coefficient estimates is consistent with that implied by the EH, that is when the term spread widens, long rates increase. The use of instrumental variables to deal with possible measurement errors in the data significantly improves regressions for the long rates. Moreover, re-estimation with proxy variables to account for the possibility of time-varying term premia confirms that the evolution of both short and long rates corresponds to the predictions of the EH and that most of the information is in the term spread. These results are important as they suggest that monetary policy in Germany could be guided by the slope of the term structure.  相似文献   

易纲 《金融研究》2021,495(9):1-11
利率对宏观经济均衡和资源配置有重要导向意义。央行确定政策利率要符合经济规律、宏观调控和跨周期设计需要。目前,中国的真实利率略低于经济增速,处于较为合理水平。中国已形成较为完整的市场化利率体系,主要通过货币政策工具调节银行体系流动性,释放政策利率调控信号,在利率走廊的辅助下,引导市场基准利率以政策利率为中枢运行,并通过银行体系传导至贷款利率,调节和优化资源配置,实现货币政策目标。中国具备继续实施正常货币政策的条件,将尽可能地延长正常货币政策的时间,目前不需要实施资产购买操作。在市场化利率体系中,收益率曲线非常重要,它反映利率由短及长的期限结构,可为各类金融产品和市场主体提供定价参考。收益率曲线的短端为货币市场基准利率,直接受央行货币政策操作的影响;长端则为国债收益率,主要反映市场对未来宏观经济走势的预期。经过多年发展,我国的国债收益率曲线应用日益广泛,整体趋于成熟,而在市场基础方面还有进一步提升的空间。  相似文献   

The structure of income is a foremost address within research on banks’ performance, especially with regard to effects on the resilience of banks’ earnings. Indeed, given their central position in the economy, banks shall thrive to generate sustainable earnings and control for their potential volatility. Existing studies mostly consider the weight of non‐net interest income (nonNII) as opposed to the traditional NII income source. Such aggregated nonNII is found to increase earnings risk but more granular studies conflict. We propose an original investigation of the influence of economic and financial conditions on various income types, assuming that performance may actually be driven by both the income structure and external conditions. We focus European banks, which have long been allowed to diversify beyond retail banking. Out of a straight panel framework, we question if the influence of external conditions spreads to earnings components other than credit losses and trading income and if it does allow for diversification benefits among components. We find that each component actually evolves owing to its own equation. Furthermore, effects of single variables may cumulate over different components of earnings (e.g. GDP) or provide with diversification benefits. These effects are all the more important since they are not mitigated by operating expenses. Hence, over a regarded period, banks’ performance depends upon their structure of income and upon volatilities and correlations of influential variables. Besides controlling for ex‐ante volatility, our approach shows that a given structure of income is not necessarily more resilient than others but that selected non‐banking income may support a higher stability of Earnings  相似文献   

This study proposes a no-arbitrage term structure model that can capture the volatility of interest rates without sacrificing the goodness-of-fit to the cross-section and predictive ability about the level of interest rates. The key feature of the model is the covariance matrix of changes in factors, which is specified as quadratic functions of factors. The quadratic specification can capture intense volatility even with spanned factors, which is not the case for the affine specification. Furthermore, since the quadratic specification guarantees the positive definiteness of the covariance matrix without restricting the sign of factors, it allows for a flexible specification of the physical drift as does the Gaussian term structure model, contributing also to accurate level prediction.  相似文献   

内部资金转移计价(FTP)是商业银行实施内部管理的一项重要工具.国内的大型商业银行已在实践中逐步使用FTP,而一些中小银行尚处在探索或尝试建立的过程中.本文总结了当前国内FTP应用的核心功能,包括剥离利率风险、实施分条线考核、指导定价和优化资源配置、适应利率市场化发展需要等四点主要用途,并就FTP在计价对象、曲线构建、计价方法、转移价格、定价频率、计价工具、组织推进和考核实施等八个方面比较了国内应用的异同.最后提出关于FTP实施的五点建议.  相似文献   

The great moderation of the term structure of UK interest rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The conduct of monetary policy, the term structure of interest rates and the structure of the economy in the UK have changed over the post-WWII period. We model the interaction between the macroeconomy and financial markets using a time-varying VAR augmented with the factors from the yield curve. There is evidence of a great moderation in the dynamics of the yield curve, with the factors being persistent and volatile before the introduction of inflation targeting in 1992 but becoming stable afterwards. The introduction of time-variation in the Factor Augmented VAR improves the fit of the model and results in expectation hypothesis consistent yields that are close to actual yields, even at long maturities. Monetary policy shocks had a significant impact on the volatility of inflation, output and the policy rate over the pre-inflation targeting era, but their contribution has been negligible under the current regime. Shocks to the level of the yield curve accounted for a large fraction of inflation variability only before 1992.  相似文献   

Banking market conditions and deposit interest rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper shows that the impact of market structure on bank deposit interest rates is complex. Both market size structure and multimarket bank presence have independent effects on rates. There is evidence that mid-size banks were more aggressive competitors than other banks, but that the effect of market structure on deposit rates has evolved over time, with mega-banks recently becoming more aggressive competitors. This may be related to the growth of mega-banks in many markets. These findings have implications for existing theories of deposit pricing and, by extension, antitrust policy in banking.  相似文献   

The paper presents a valuation formula for default free bonds for a certain class of tastes when the instantaneously riskfree rate of interest follows a geometric Wiener process. Properties of the resulting term structure of interest rates are studied, and an application of the analysis to the pricing of Treasury Bills is proposed.  相似文献   

利率市场化背景下商业银行利率风险管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着利率市场化的推进,我国商业银行面临的利率风险日益凸显。本文分析提出商业银行应进一步加强对利率风险的识别、度量和管理。还同时分析利率风险和信用风险之间的关系,并指出利率风险和信用风险都影响着银行的经营,应纳入银行的全面风险管理之中。  相似文献   

The paper reconsiders the role of money and banking in monetary policy analysis by including a banking sector and money in an optimizing model otherwise of a standard type. The model is implemented quantitatively, with a calibration based on US data. It is reasonably successful in providing an endogenous explanation for substantial steady-state differentials between the interbank policy rate and (i) the collateralized loan rate, (ii) the uncollateralized loan rate, (iii) the T-bill rate, (iv) the net marginal product of capital, and (v) a pure intertemporal rate. We find a differential of over 3% p.a. between (iii) and (iv), thereby contributing to resolution of the equity premium puzzle. Dynamic impulse response functions imply pro- or counter-cyclical movements in an external finance premium that can be of quantitative significance. In addition, they suggest that a central bank that fails to recognize the distinction between interbank and other short rates could miss its appropriate settings by as much as 4% p.a. Also, shocks to banking productivity or collateral effectiveness call for large responses in the policy rate.  相似文献   

本文重点探讨在利率市场化的条件下,商业银行如何构筑严密的风险管理机制,高效地进行利率风险控制,以适应国际经济、金融一体化的发展要求,成为商业银行需要认真研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodology for simultaneously computing a smooth estimator of the term structure of interest rates and economically justified bounds for it. It unifies existing estimation procedures that apply regression, smoothing and linear programming methods. Our methodology adjusts for possibly asymmetric transaction costs. Various regression and smoothing techniques have been suggested for estimating the term structure. They focus on what functional form to choose or which measure of smoothness to maximize, mostly neglecting the discussion of the appropriate measure of fit. Arbitrage theory provides insight into how small the pricing error will be and in which sense, depending on the structure of transaction costs. We prove a general result relating the minimal pricing error one incurs in pricing all bonds with one term structure to the maximal arbitrage profit one can achieve with restricted portfolios.  相似文献   

We extract two systematic economic factors from a wide array of noisy and sparsely observed macroeconomic releases, and link the dynamics and market prices of the two factors to the interest rate term structure. The two factors predict 77.9–82.1% of the daily variation in LIBOR and swap rates from one month to 10 years. Shocks on inflation-related releases have large, positive impacts on interest rates of all maturities, leading to parallel shifts of the yield curve, but shocks on output-related releases have larger impacts on the short rate than on the long rate, thus generating a slope effect.  相似文献   

利率市场化是当前我国深化金融体制改革的一项重要举措,更是深层次利益分配的一次重大变革,如何应对其所带来的机遇与挑战是当前亟需解决的重要课题,通过厘清思路,提前规划布局,对于银行、企业和地方政府做好应对处理工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Standard macroeconomic models cannot explain why stocks so greatly outperform bonds. However, this result depends on the use of aggregate consumption data. If markets are incomplete, then a representative agent might not exist and it is necessary to use consumption data at the household rather than aggregate level. In the household data, I fail to reject the Euler equation when the coefficient of relative risk aversion is as low as 2.7–3.8. This result is robust in a very general framework and I prove that many of the tests used in the literature are biased.  相似文献   

随着利率市场化进程的不断推进,银行面临利差收窄的严峻挑战。相对于国有大银行和股份制银行,城市商业银行受到的冲击更大。由于现在银行的监管环境和经营环境已经发生变化,而净利息收入仍是城市商业银行的主要收入,那么如何对利差进行管理,维持稳定的净利息收入、减缓利差下降速度将是城市商业银行需要关注的重点。  相似文献   

We use a unique dataset to analyze how Italian banking groups managed their exposure to interest rate risk during the recent financial crisis. First of all, we document that on average the interest rate risk exposure – measured by duration gap approach – has been limited and well below the alert level enforced by regulators. Second, our econometric results indicate a relation of substitutability between banks’ on-balance-sheet interest rate risk and their use of interest rate derivatives suggesting that banks used these two instruments to curb their overall interest rate risk exposure in case of an increase in interest rates. Furthermore, we also find robust evidence of a negative correlation between banks’ interest rate risk and liquidity risk.  相似文献   

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