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The paper examines efficiency, productivity and scale economies in the U.S. property-liability insurance industry. Productivity change is analyzed using Malmquist indices, and efficiency is estimated using data envelopment analysis. The results indicate that the majority of firms below median size in the industry are operating with increasing returns to scale, and the majority of firms above median size are operating with decreasing returns to scale. However, a significant number of firms in each size decile have achieved constant returns to scale. Over the sample period, the industry experienced significant gains in total factor productivity, and there is an upward trend in scale and allocative efficiency. More diversified firms and insurance groups were more likely to achieve efficiency and productivity gains. Higher technology investment is positively related to efficiency and productivity improvements.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose that investors of cross-listed firms use trading volume to revise their perception of firms’ value. We further propose that firms that cross list from low-disclosure regimes (usually from emerging economies) have higher trading volume sensitivity to returns than those that cross list from high-disclosure regimes (usually from developed economies), as those from low-disclosure regimes have relatively lax and less stringent disclosure requirements. We use a sample of foreign firms that are cross listed in the U.S. as exchange-listed American Depositary Receipts, adopted the international financial reporting standards (formerly international accounting standards), and filed Form 20-F reconciliation with the U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission during the period of 1994–2005. Using these firms and a matched-sample of U.S. firms based on exchange, industry and firm size, we document results supporting our hypotheses. Our results have implications for policy makers, regulators and academics.  相似文献   

What accounts for the diversity and limited concentration that has long characterized the organization of the advertising agency industry? This question is addressed by treating an advertising agency as a multiproduct firm. The firm's product line or service mix is defined in terms of the set of different media categories where an agency places the advertising messages that it creates on behalf of its clients. Evidence is presented indicating that the structure of demand and costs in the advertising agency industry conforms to the conditions that MacDonald and Slivinski showed were required for an industry to sustain an equilibrium with diversified firms. Building on this framework, we formulate a set of three hypotheses relating to the realization of product-specific scale and scope economies. The first two hypotheses posit that given low fixed costs and minimal entry barriers, both media-specific scale and scope economies are available and can be exploited by relatively small-size agencies. The third hypothesis suggests that large agencies may experience diseconomies of scope as a consequence of excessive diversification induced by two pervasive industry institutional phenomena: (1) “bundling” of agency services to match client demand for a mix of media advertising, and (2) “conflict policy,” which prohibits an agency from serving competing accounts and operates as a mobility constraint. Utilizing a multiproduct cost function, we estimate media-specific scale and scope economies for a cross section of 401 U.S. agencies in 1987. The results obtained support the set of three hypotheses outlined above. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for the restructuring currently underway in this industry.  相似文献   

The Korean housebuilding industry has been subject to structural changes since the 1980s. One of the key features is that housebuilding firms have become diversified into a range of businesses and as a result display multi-product structure. This paper examines the efficiency of the multi-product structure of Korean housebuilding firms. For the analysis, translog cost functions were estimated using data for 201 building firms for the 3 years 1993–1995. The empirical results indicate that medium-size building firms enjoy increasing returns to scale, whereas large firms experience constant returns to scale. Korean building firms exhibit significant economies of scope in their diversification activities. Large firms have the greatest economies of scope. These results are consistent with cost efficiency for the multi-product structure of Korean housebuilding firms. The estimated optimum scale suggests that many large firms should expand only through diversification.  相似文献   

This paper models industry location as a process of successive stages of agglomeration, dispersion, and reagglomeration. External economies lead firms to agglomerate in an industry center. Agglomeration drives up wages in the center, compelling firms to move low-skill activities to low-wage regions. A pioneer firm provides intermediation services between outlying regions and the center. The result is a regional production network: an industry center served by high-volume production sites, where pioneers are active, and low-volume production sites, where they are not. Evidence from the Mexican garment industry supports the theory.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that the measurement of technological change and economic efficiency are tightly linked. Efficiency measures may depend on carefully controlling for technological change, while tests of technological change may be sensitive to empirical model specifications. Moreover, the study underlines Solow's (1994) and Romer's (1994) admonition that econometricians should pay attention to industry and institutional evidence in building models of technological change. The empirical results presented here suggest that there has been substantial technological change in the U.S. brewing industry from 1950 to 1992. This occurred in the form of a dramatic shift in technology beginning with the introduction of super breweries in about 1972. There has also been a substantial increase in scale economies, which undoubtedly caused many inefficiently small firms to exit the industry during the 1960s and 1970s. Further results suggest that a more complete specification of technological change and the stochastic nature of the frontier production function leads to higher and more tenable estimates of efficiency.  相似文献   

This study suggests that the behavior of demand of cash by business firms can better be understood by empirical testing theory on data derived from individual units rather than making unrealistic assumptions to justify testing of aggregated data. Using data for firms in the food industry, this study shows that the rate of interest is a significant variable in explaining the demand for cash. Furthermore, the statistical results indicate that the economies of scale in the management of cash depends upon the type of goods produced by the corporations under study. Accordingly, one cannot make any generalization regarding the question of the economies of scale in the management of cash.  相似文献   

This paper has taken into account the a priori restrictions available from neoclassical cost theory in evaluating the relationship between cost and the level of output and input prices for U.S. intercity bus service. A general translog cost function is used which allows tests of the degree of returns to scale, homotheticity and non-constant elasticities of substitution among input pairs. Major empirical findings are: (i) the intercity bus service can be modeled by a homothetic production function, (ii) operators can substitute labor for capital by using vehicles more extensively, (iii) there are potential economies of scale in the provision of intercity bus service, and (iv) the Cobb-Douglas functional form used in earlier studies of the industry is inappropriate.  相似文献   

Abstract . Statistical analysis of a hitherto unpublished tabulation of the 1976 Annual Survey of Manufactures provides new evidence of the small business/ large business relationship in the U.S. economy. Small business (measured by employees) seems to have an advantage over large in that it has relatively lower wage costs. But the data prove it has a higher ratio of labor inputto unit output. Higher productivity in large firms make its wage/output relationship an advantage over small firms. Large firms pay appreciably higher wages than small where most production is by large firms. Highly skilled and hence higher paid workers may be a correlate of higher mechanization. Similarly, the role of capital intensity as an indicator of technology differences explains why capital productivity is no adequate explicator of firm industry share. These variables are closely related to profit margin. Relatively high book values in large firms are associated with low small business industry shares. Nor do large businesses have an advantage in lower prices for raw materials and parts. In the U.S. large business is centered in the capital intensive industries.  相似文献   

Examining the time path of the scale economies has not received much attention until recently. Moreover, the time path of scale economies for a given firm has not been studied in the banking literature at all. Examining scale economies, either from cross-sectional or panel data, based only on a single estimate ignores the dynamic behavior (both cost- and production-wise) of a banking firm as well as of the banking industry. We study the time-varying scale economies of commercial banking firms. We employ the Kalman-filter approach in estimating the translog cost function. The Kalman filter allows the parameters of the translog cost function and therefore the scale economies to be time dependent and varying. The estimation results indicate significant variation in inter- and within-firm scale economies over time for sample banks.  相似文献   


This study investigates whether U.S. multinational firms with subsidiaries located in offshore financial centers (OFCs) (i.e. offshore firms) are more likely to be opaque in their voluntary disclosure relative to U.S. multinationals without such subsidiaries (non-offshore firms). We use management earnings forecasts to capture corporate voluntary disclosure. Consistent with the opportunism view, but inconsistent with the efficiency argument, our results (including robustness checks) show that offshore firms are less likely to issue earnings forecasts, disclose forecasts less frequently, exhibit a stronger tendency to withhold bad news forecasts, and release less precise forecasts than non-offshore firms. Moreover, of the three distinct dimensions of OFCs’ institutional environment, namely, low taxation, lax regulation, and secrecy policy, each plays a role in negatively shaping firms’ disclosure strategy. Thus, OFCs’ institutional features exacerbate the opacity that plagues firms seeking to avoid taxes via their OFC subsidiaries. Our results are consistent with the notion that, beyond the scope of taxes, multinational firms’ use of OFCs has a corrosive effect on market information dynamics. Hence, OFCs have a much wider impact on the U.S. economy as well as other major economies than just tax avoidance or evasion.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a stochastic cost frontier for a sample of the non-life insurance industry in Thailand from 2000 to 2007. Our model explicitly considers the heteroscedasticity in the variances of the noise and inefficiency components that could affect the position of the cost frontier as well as the measurement of efficiency. Tests for double heteroscedasticity and appropriate specification for the cost frontier are performed. The chosen model is used to examine whether economies of scale and a change in technology exist. In addition, this paper calculates total factor productivity (TFP) change and decomposes it into scale effect, cost efficiency effect, technology effect, output effect, price effect, and environmental effect. Our results reveal that, on average, Thai non-life insurance firms are between 74 and 79 % efficient, that economies of scale exist, and that regress in technology shifts the cost frontier upward by 2.2 %. The regress in technology is the dominant contributor to a negative TFP growth of 1.15 %. The restructuring of the industry following the 1997 Asian financial crisis finally paid off when the industry experienced technology progress in 2005 and beyond. Between 2005 and 2007, technology progress and productivity growth occurred at a little over 2 % a year. In-depth analysis of the most and the least efficient firms reveals that most efficient firms tend to strategically select types of insurance services and underwrite average and small size sum insured per policy to diversify their risks. In addition, they tend to be savvy investors. The opposite holds for the least efficient firms which concentrate in providing labor-intensive, small sum automobile insurance policies or underwrite large coverage policies for fewer policyholders. Balancing the mix of insurance types, spreading risk across insurance types or across number of policyholders, investing in high yield assets, or developing a market niche may prove beneficial for improving cost efficiency.  相似文献   

Since many policies affect specific parts of economies differently, it is useful to decompose GDP per capita differences across countries into differences across smaller and smaller parts of economies. In this paper, we summarize recent contributions in this area and fit them together into a decomposition procedure for GDP per capita differences. The overall finding is that the U.S. is the productivity leader for the most of the economy. Moreover, international productivity differences at the aggregate level of the economies are in most cases translated into differences in the productivity of industries, at least compared to the productivity leader U.S. The variability of productivity differences at the industry level is, however, substantially higher than any differences at the aggregate or sector level. For the manufacturing sector alone the U.S. and Japan share the leadership on the industry level. In contrast, France, U.K., and Germany exhibit almost no leadership in productivity at the industry level. Hence, nation-specific factors appear to be dominant in the comparison of European countries with the U.S. Finally, mix differences do not play a very large role for big countries. For Germany, however, the mix effect can help to reconcile relative high productivity for the market economy and lower productivity at disaggregated levels.  相似文献   

Early critics of motor carrier deregulation believed that the policy was unwise because strong economies of scale would lead to harmful market concentration, particularly in the industry's LTL segment. Using two methodologies, the survivor technique and the trans‐log cost function, this study finds that economies of scale do extend across the entire spectrum of firm sizes in LTL trucking. Long‐run average cost appears to decline mildly and at a diminishing rate with increases in firm size, however, such that any cost advantage for larger firms has been insufficient to eliminate new entry and competition from smaller rivals. As a result, after the first 20 years of deregulation, the corresponding increase in market concentration has also been mild. Moreover, the consistency of results from the two methodologies gives credibility to the survivor technique as an empirical method of identifying economies of scale. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the impact of entry by Wal-Mart on competition in the supermarket industry. Using a detailed panel dataset spanning 1994–2006, we estimate the impact of Wal-Mart on firm outcomes and market structure, controlling for persistent local trends and systematic differences across markets by exploiting the detailed spatial structure of our store-level census. We find that Wal-Mart’s impact is highly localized, affecting firms only within a tight, two-mile radius of its location. Within this radius, the bulk of the impact falls on declining firms and mostly on the intensive margin. Entry of new firms is essentially unaffected. Moreover, the stores most damaged by Wal-Mart’s entry are the outlets of larger chains. This suggests that Wal-Mart’s expansion into groceries is quite distinct from its earlier experience in the discount industry, where the primary casualties were small chains and sole proprietorships that were forced to exit the market. This contrast sheds light on the role density economies play in shaping both equilibrium market structure and economic geography. In the case of grocery competition, high travel costs and the perishable nature of groceries appear to impart horizontal differentiation between firms. This differentiation in demand appears to reduce impact of scale economies advantages that Wal-Mart exploited to the detriment of far-flung competitors in the discount store industry.  相似文献   

In this article a flexible quadratic model is used to generate sales elasticity estimates for own advertising, competitor advertising and media concentration. On the basis of these estimates, moderate and declining economies of scale in advertising are indicated for firms at the highest end of the advertising per firm distribution. No advertising economies, however, are obvious for the levels of advertising common across the broad spectrum of US industry. Thus, any competitive harm due to economies of scale in advertising would seem quite minor.  相似文献   

Across manufacturing sectors, mounting regulatory pressures motivate the adoption of innovative sustainable practices to help address and improve environmental performance. Sustainable practices, however, face many challenges to minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. This study seeks to understand the effect of research and development intensity on dimensions of environmental performance in manufacturing firms. Using data from U.S. corporations over the period from 1991 through 2015, we find that sustainable practices are associated with a higher level of negative environmental ratings. In addition, the level of environmental concerns tends to decrease with firm investments in research and development intensity over time. These findings suggest that bigger firms are likely to report a higher level of environmental concerns due to their experimentation with sustainable practices. These firms are also likely to reduce negative environmental ratings over time and realize economies of scale with sustainable manufacturing.  相似文献   

This study investigates acquisition antecedents during China's transition from a planned to a market‐based economic system. Because of contextual realities such as a lack of freely tradable targets for buyers, the seller's willingness to sell is critical for acquisition occurrence in transition economies. We therefore take the seller's perspective and examine factors underlying firms' willingness to sell. We posit that selling is a decision based on the evaluation of a firm's prospects determined by its embeddedness within the planned system, organizational changes it undertook during the transition, and its ability to adjust its strategy according to the evolving strengths of the planning and marketing institutions. Data from the Chinese beer industry from 1995 to 2004 show that acquisition likelihood is high for firms founded as SOEs, low for firms having attracted more private investment or undertaken multiple changes, and has a U‐shaped relationship with firms' relative investment in marketing resources.  相似文献   

this study examines the dramatic change in production technology of the U.S. ocean liner shipping industry over the period 1971 through 1982 using panel data on 15 subsidized U.S.-flag liner firms. To estimate the changes in the production function due to the new technology, the switching regime method of Goldfeld and Quandt is applied to a translog variable profit function. Three regimes based on the proportion of the new technology reflected in a firm's fleet are identified. The constant returns to scale fleet size more than doubles across the three regimes.  相似文献   

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