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依据十七大报告,中国正在推行经济适用房制度,以解决中低收入阶层的住房和买房难的问题。然而随着经济适用房制度的推进和实施,出现了很多社会问题,究其根本原因是经济适用房区位选择不合理。在以往研究的基础上,运用ISM模型和SPSS软件,对经济适用房的区位因子进行分析,得到经济适用房区位因子的解释结构模型图,并对其进行分析研究。据此提出建议,为政府、城市规划、房地产开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Hedonic valuation of urban forest amenities tends to assume that these attributes are exogenous to sample selection, which might render the estimated results misleading. This article intends to estimate the house price differential of urban tree cover by considering the sample selection issue. The main hypothesis is that houses with high tree cover generates higher utility to consumers, and thus leads to higher house price, ceteris paribus. It may attribute to the fact that consumers self-select into purchasing houses with high- or low-density tree cover based on some unobserved systematically different characteristics. As a result, estimates from sample selection models confirm the hypothesis that purchasing a house with high-density tree cover leads to a positive price differential compared with the low-density tree cover in Napa, Los Angeles, and that buying a low-density tree cover house results in negative price differential in Napa, Los Angeles.  相似文献   

近年来,随着房价的飞涨,低收入者的住房问题成为政府民生政策的重要一环,尤其是2009年住建部《2009--2011年廉租住房保障规划》出台后,廉租房重新受到“热捧”,各地纷纷出台廉租房建设规划方案。学术界的讨论也愈加热烈,针对廉租房制度的缺陷、如何完善以及政府责任的探讨也屡见不鲜。但具体探讨中央和地方政府应该如何在廉租房建设中承担各自责任,以及如何保证廉租房制度的各级财政支持的研究还是比较欠缺的。因此,试图运用成本一收益分析、权责统一和外部性效应等方法,解释目前廉租房建设中财政资金不足的原因,理清中央和地方政府在廉租房制度中应当承担的责任,从而在财政资金上保证廉租房制度的顺利推行。  相似文献   

对地方政府保障房支出缺口的估计——来自江苏省的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
估计地方政府保障房实际支出与合理支出之间缺口的大小对于判断政府供给责任以及制定保障房建设规划具有非常重要的意义。为此,本文运用IMF较为齐全的40个国家(地区)2005-2007年的面板数据,估计了地方政府保障房的合理支出值,利用《2009年江苏省住房保障目标任务完成情况表》估算了江苏各市(县)政府保障房的实际支出值,以江苏各市(县)为例测算地方政府保障房支出缺口。估计结果表明,几乎所有地方政府均存在保障房支出的正缺口。经济发展水平居中且受到上级政府监管力度不大的苏中地区政府保障房支出缺口相对较大,苏南和苏北地区缺口相对较小。深化经济体制改革与加大监管力度双管齐下、约束地方政府非公共服务行为,有利于促使保障房的实际支出值等于或者接近合理支出值,从而缩小地方政府的保障房支出缺口。  相似文献   

This study develops a discrete choice locational equilibrium model to evaluate the benefits of the air quality improvements that occurred in the Los Angeles area following the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA). The discrete choice equilibrium approach accounts for the fact that air quality improvements brought about by the 1990 CAAA will change housing choices and prices. The study also provides new evidence for the distributional welfare impacts of the 1990 CAAA in the Los Angeles area. Findings suggest that the air quality improvements that occurred in the Los Angeles area between 1990 and 2000 provided substantial general equilibrium benefits to households. The analysis reveals noticeable differences between partial and general equilibrium welfare gains, demonstrating that ignoring equilibrium effects will likely misrepresent the benefits of large environmental changes. In addition, we find that the equilibrium welfare impacts of the 1990 CAAA in the Los Angeles area varied significantly across income groups.  相似文献   

中国经济适用房政策运行的特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近十年来,经济适用房在保障中低收入家庭基本住房需求的同时,也暴露出了严重的缺陷。文章利用省级人口普查资料和相关统计数据,对中国各省经济适用房住户特征和房价变动情况及其原因进行了描述和解释性的研究。结论显示,经济适用房房价变动存在显著的外溢性,城市居民经济适用房购买力下降的事实并不存在明显的地域差异。在经济适用房房价持续攀升的背景下,部分省市经济适用房住户特征变化明显。  相似文献   

中国城市建设进入存量提质阶段,如何提升城市品质已成为现阶段城市建设的热点议题。城市开放空间体系是城市复合空间系统中最主要的子系统之一,体现了环境保护、生态修复、文化表达、形象展示、社会交往和身心健康等综合空间价值,是提升城市活力、品位和魅力的重要抓手。针对城市品质提升建设过程中存在的问题,剖析开放空间影响城市品质的作用机制与研究优势;在总结山地城市开放空间显著特征的基础上,提出以开放空间为架构的城市品质提升研究方法及实施途径;引导城市空间沿着生态系统稳定、游憩活动丰富、文化魅力彰显的方向持续更新,从而达到全面提升城市空间品质的目的。  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖和快速城镇化背景下,城郊自然开放空间在被城市空间替代的过程中,城市绿地面积的减少引发了一系列的气候和环境问题。而构建通风廊道可以通过提升城市通风能力有效缓解热岛效应和雾霾现象,近年来已成为各领域的研究热点。作为风景园林师,从改善城市风环境角度出发,在宏观层面的空间规划中考虑通风廊道构建方案,提升城市在发展过程中应对气候变化的能力,为创造健康舒适的人居环境创造有利条件。以长株潭城市群绿心为研究对象,采用WRF模式定量分析典型天气条件下绿心空间布局变化对城市群风场产生的影响,在此基础上分析绿心的自然通风潜力并提出相应的规划策略。研究成果可为充分挖掘城市开放空间的通风性能和城市通风廊道规划提供科学指引。  相似文献   

洛杉矶的雾霾治理及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1943年美国发生了著名的"洛杉矶雾霾"事件,直到20世纪70年代,该市区还被称为"美国烟雾城"。洛杉矶雾霾夏天主要起因于臭氧,冬天主要是源于细微颗粒物等。洛杉矶在治理雾霾方面的主要做法包括立法、排污许可证制度、推广先进环保技术、建立排污交易机制和成立跨部门专门机构等,其治理工作取得了明显成效:2012年,加州达到"不健康空气"水平的日子比2000年减少了约74%。我国治理雾霾,应更加重视空气污染的长期性预测分析,引入市场机制,成立跨地区的空气污染治理机构,同时,加强中美间环保科技的国际合作。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the ongoing debate concerning the effect of various actions taken by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under CERCLA, commonly known as the Superfund Program, on housing prices. This study uses a housing transaction panel dataset encompassing the five major counties of the Los Angeles Combined Statistical Area to estimate the program’s influence on the local housing market. Using house and time-varying census tract fixed effects, I am able to avoid many of the endogeneity problems seen in previous research attempting to measure the Superfund treatment effect. An estimate of the effect on housing prices is given for each of the major events that occur under a typical Superfund remediation. After controlling for confounding correlated unobservables, I find a 7.3 % increase in sales price for houses within 3 km of a site that moves through the complete Superfund program. The analysis gives evidence of positive price appreciation for housing markets and serves as a lower bound for measuring remediation benefits.  相似文献   

研究公园开放的内涵区别于管理开放的研究视角, 依据城市空间密度变化和市民步行需求变化,从城市步行空间 视角,反思通过管理手段开放的收费公园在空间状态上并未真 正开放的现实问题,问题的出现在于收费管理模式引致的空间 模式滞后。以公园城市为理念指导、开放街区化为技术路径, 鉴别城市中心公园在城市步行网络中现有状态与应承角色之间 的差异。多尺度比较传统公园模式与“开放街区”尺度的不协 调性,理清传统公园空间模式向开放公园空间模式的转变途 径,提出以外部城市空间步行肌理重塑内部公园交通,构建公 园空间开放度评价体系(PSOA法)量化开放程度,以期定量描 述空间的开放状态,改善并解决空间的开放问题,更好地应对 城市中心地区的空间变化需求,服务城市步行体系,实现以人 为本的公园空间和管理的双重开放。  相似文献   

土地和房地产市场化背景下的公园绿地供给的公平 性研究具有重要意义。以重庆市中心城区为例,居住小区为研 究单元,从可达性、数量、面积和质量4个维度衡量不同价格 级别居住小区的公园供给的公平性。采用高德互联网地图分析 步行、公共交通2种方式下研究范围内4 663个居住小区的 公园供给的可达性、数量、面积和质量状况;非参数秩和检验 判别不同级别居住小区的公园供给差异。结果表明:不同级别 居住小区的公园供给未发现明显的不公平现象,低级别居住小 区在可达性、数量、总面积上占优势,人均公园面积低于高级 别居住小区,各级别居住小区在高质量公园的使用机会上没有 差异。本文所采用的公园绿地公平性定量评价方法,可为城市 绿色空间、公共服务设施绩效评价提供方法借鉴  相似文献   

Growth management and housing prices: the case of Portland, Oregon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Portland, Oregon, is well known for its relatively unique urban growth boundary (UGB), a very tight form of zoning designed to control sprawl. The UGB has recently been criticized for raising housing prices. From a theoretical perspective, the UGB will put upward pressure on land and thus housing prices, but the magnitude of this effect is uncertain. Increasing density should substitute for higher land prices, partially offsetting any reduction in the supply of housing. In addition, at any given moment, speculative factors influence housing price levels in bull markets such as the one Portland has been experiencing. This article presents an econometric analysis assessing these conflicting effects. We find the UGB has created upward pressure on housing prices, but the effect is relatively small in magnitude.  相似文献   

选择合适的住房保障模式是制度得以成功实施的关键.我国目前基本形成了以廉租房、公共租赁房、经济适用房为主的多层次保障性住房供应体系,虽然有一定的合理性,但也存在许多弊端,如制度内部分割形成“夹心层”、保障水平与收入水平倒置、加大地方政府管理难度等.借鉴国际经验,结合国内现实的分析结果显示公共租赁房成为我国保障性住房供应体系的核心是一种理性选择.  相似文献   

《Feminist Economics》2013,19(2):85-89
The Help for Working Parents Plan-developed by Dr. Heidi Hartmann and Dr. Barbara Bergmann in collaboration with the Economists' Policy Group for Women's Issues, which they co-chair – offers an innovative welfare reform program that encouragesjob holding, and sustains working parents and their children in decency. The HWP provides benefits to both single- and dual-parent households, to families who are under the poverty line and to those who waver along it. Increased child care and health care benefits, food stamps, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and housing assistance are the critical components of the HWP plan – elements which will afford low-wage workers the opportunity to attain an above-poverty standard of living. It also provides a low-cash fallback option to parents who do not work for pay or are unemployed. Bergmann and Hartmann estimate that 60 percent of welfare recipients would work if the HWP plan were implemented.  相似文献   

The very rapid rates of urban population growth in developing countries is placing great strain on their housing stock. Housing policies which are aiming at reducing or eliminating crowding are generally based on notions of ‘needs’ and ‘standards of adequacy’ which are more often based on arbitrarily selected criteria than on domestic economic conditions. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the willingness to pay for the additional housing space by households and the validity of target housing standards. The three methods used show consistently that — at least in Korea — the willingness to pay for additional space is less than 25 percent of the value of an extra unit of space, everything else being equal.  相似文献   

李向军  徐桥 《技术经济》2024,43(1):1-13
基于2008—2016年全国35个大中型城市的面板数据,利用Tobit模型和投入导向型的数据包络分析(DEA)方法探究城市房屋销售价格对城市全要素生产率的影响。研究发现:在整体维度城市房价与城市生产率呈现先增加后减少的倒U型曲线,且城市的房价水平超过了“房住不炒”的最高临界值,房价上升的抑制效应显著。房价对于不同人口规模城市的生产率影响具有异质性,在人口规模达到特大城市时,房价与城市生产率呈现倒U型特征,人口规模达到超大城市后,房价与城市生产率倒U型特征消失。不同类型城市房价与城市生产率之间的倒U型关系和城市的异质性特征表明,我国大中型城市应进行房价的“一城一策”精细化调节,“房住不炒”的政策定位具有坚实理论依据和现实必然。  相似文献   

绿地空间具有减缓城市热岛效应、调节微气候、 减轻噪声、改善城市居民身心健康、增加生物多样性等诸多 优点。城市绿地建设是城市可持续发展的基础,不能仅依靠 “自上而下”的上层规划来进行,同时应关注社会公平性、 经济效益、市民意愿等因素,从精细化尺度贯彻公众参与制 度,真正实现市民共建的“人民城市”。对公众参与政策的 起源与发展情况进行简要介绍,并探讨在城市绿地建设中不 同阶段的公众参与方式。以柏林、伦敦的“植树计划”政策 为例,从资金来源、公众参与方式、参与形式、参与层次、 计划成效几方面,比较分析2个城市植树计划的公众参与模式 与深度及优点与不足,以对中国绿地建设提供借鉴。最后, 针对我国公众参与绿地建设存在的问题,提出精细化构建制 度法规保障体系、精细化资金来源途径,以及搭建精细化参 与渠道三方面的启示与建议。  相似文献   

城市绿地系统规划文本是城市绿地规划及建设的重 要指导性文件。历时性的文本解读可以梳理城市绿地系统规 划脉络,厘清规划思想、规划内容、规划方法等变迁与发展 特征,了解政策法规、城市发展等因素对城市绿地系统规划 建设的影响,并为未来绿地系统规划编制提供可借鉴的方向 与思路。利用文本分析法,结合ROSTCM6软件,对重庆70 余年的13版城市绿地系统规划文本进行定性及定量解读,从 规划范围与层次、绿地分类、绿地布局、绿地指标4个方面梳 理重庆城市绿地系统规划的变迁脉络;总结出重庆城市绿地 系统规划具有“公园绿地始终为规划核心内容,系统化思维 逐渐形成,生态保护理念日趋凸显及山城特色不断被塑造” 的发展特征;探讨了政策标准、法律法规、制度改革与技术 进步在城市绿地系统规划编制发展中的推动作用;提出响应 城市发展定位、协同国土空间规划的重庆城市绿地系统规划 编制新思考。  相似文献   

Following a bivariate probit approach and using the 1990 Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) for Los Angeles County, this study shows that the employment of teenage workers depends on both the worker's participation decision as well as the employer's hiring decision. Omission of the role of participation decision from the estimation of employment probability yields misleading evidence of hiring discrimination against Blacks. This evidence, however, disappears when the participation and hiring equations are estimated jointly in a bivariate framework. The study finds no evidence of discrimination against females and Latinos. In addition, the study shows that family, household and neighbourhood characteristics play significant roles in the determination of teen employment.  相似文献   

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