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This article analyzes the effects of geographic expansion on the productivity of Spanish savings banks. The study uses data from 1992 to 2004, the period when most savings banks expanded geographically. We consider an alternative approach to most multi-stage studies, which uses nonparametric methods both to measure productivity growth and to analyze its relationship with branch office expansion. Specifically, we use nonparametric regression techniques and their natural complement, conditional density estimation. Results indicate that savings banks that expand geographically outside their natural markets achieve greater productivity gains. However, there are some firms for which this result is more moderate. In contrast, lower increases in productivity are found in savings banks that expand on a nationwide basis, or that confine their territorial expansions to their traditional markets.  相似文献   

Prior research has addressed the question of whether certain events cause a transfer of wealth between stockholders and bondholders but does not control for the events’ impacts on firms’ credit risk. This may explain why many studies fail to identify wealth transfers. By employing announcements of reductions in credit quality, we find that two types of events cause wealth transfers from bondholders to stockholders. These are unexpected increases in firm leverage, and the firms’ contemporaneous involvement in M&A. Both cases reveal positive excess stock returns and CDS premiums, which exhibit a significantly positive correlation.  相似文献   

Tit for tat in small steps: the internationalization of Swedish banks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Earlier studies of the internationalization of manufacturing firms have shown that they tend to start their foreign operations in countries that are culturally close to their own and then gradually move to more alien ground. If banks follow their customers abroad, we would expect their internationalization to assume a similar pattern. Their penetration of foreign markets could also be expected to be related to direct foreign investments and exports. An empirical test in the case of major Swedish banks did not support this hypothesis. Instead these banks tended to concentrate their internationalization efforts to important financial centres. Thus they have not only chosen to establish themselves in places where many international banks are already working, but they have also tended to follow each other in a pattern of tit for tat. The nature of this process supports the idea suggested in earlier studies that internationalization is generally a gradual process, starting with minor commitments which are developed over time.  相似文献   

就在2001年10月,有一个英国人给中国人排名,一本叫<福布斯>的杂志排了100个最有钱的人,然后就一直争论不断,有的人说排得好,有的人说排得不好.但是不管排名怎么排的,大家满意不满意,至少这100人在某种程度上代表了中国经济发展的最中坚的力量,他们每个人都有辛酸的成功故事,他们企业发展的经历对所有创业的,或者正在造就一番大事业的人都有很多值得借鉴的经验和可以和他们探讨的地方.  相似文献   

We investigate the source of risk premiums: individual risk preferences. By examining the wealth characteristics of agents of different risk preferences, we study the financial incentive of investors to demonstrate different risk preferences. To accomplish this, we model the stock market utilizing artificial adaptive agents. If investors have incentive to vary their risk preferences, or if investors of a constant risk preference vary the way they participate in the market under different market conditions, this could lead to time variation in market risk premiums. We find that agents have significant incentive to demonstrate different risk preferences under different market conditions.(JEl G12)  相似文献   

中小企业贷款困境的新出路:现有政策性银行转型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为缓解中小企业贷款困境,我国金融当局和各级政府采取了一系列措施,但都未能从根本上解决问题。由政策性银行发放中小企业贷款是一项发达国家普遍采用的措施,我国现有政策性银行转型为中小企业银行已存在一定的基础。对现有市场已经成熟的政策性银行,可以全盘转型为中小企业银行;对现有市场尚未成熟的政策性银行,可以考虑在原有业务领域内扩展其功能,加大对中小企业的扶持力度。  相似文献   

Government regulations are an increasingly important component of the environment in which firms operate. Regulations may subject firms to large costs and possibly regulatory-induced risks, both of which may have effects on stockholders' wealth. In this paper we investigate the valuation effects of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) product approvals, rejections and disciplinary decisions on the firms that operate in the food and drug industries. We find that FDA decisions have very large wealth effects. The large price changes associated with approval and rejection decisions suggest that a significant amount of uncertainty about FDA decisions is present almost up to the announcement day. These results are somewhat surprising given the lengthy period of time involved in developing and reviewing drugs and the continuous flow of information received by the market about their potential. We also find some evidence of information leaks preceding FDA announcements. With respect to disciplinary decisions, the evidence from the data suggests that stockholders experience large losses associated with FDA actions. Since these losses represent lost stream of future illegal income, it appears that ignoring FDA rules may be quite profitable for firms that are not caught.  相似文献   

本文运用2003-2013年间我国53家商业银行的面板数据,通过建立多元化风险模型,对商业银行收入结构多元化、经营绩效以及风险的关系进行了系统分析。得出结论:规模较大的银行在专业型多元化经营业务成熟的基础上,转而发展综合型多元化经营业务,有利于银行绩效提升,但必须注重对风险的把控;而规模较小的商业银行因受地域、规模等因素的限制并不适合开展综合型多元化经营业务,应在主营业务发展充分的基础上,以发展专业型多元化经营业务为主。最后,根据实证结果提出相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

额度授信是商业银行对一个企业业务总量的控制。授信不足会影响企业资金周转,影响企业发展;过度授信会增加企业财务成本,甚至危及企业生存发展。建议政府积极搭建银企合作平台,引导银行和企业双方按照实际需要和风险承受能力开展融资活动,完善个人征信与信贷管理信息系统联网共享,防止金融机构无序竞争与过度授信;银行应坚持授信有度的原则,既要掌握企业实质性承贷能力,也要把握企业实际性授信需求;企业应争取合理的资金支持,而不要过度的额度授信。  相似文献   

股市财富效应对消费的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先从理论上阐明了股市财富效应形成的机理以及股市财富效应影响消费的条件。然后,通过对中国数据的经验分析,利用相关性检验和因果检验,指出我国股市财富效应对消费存在着一定的影响;并提出了完善股市财富效应的消费传导机制的建议,以及通过调控股市来调控消费、稳定经济金融的观点。  相似文献   

The relationship of statistics and national prosperity is not a simple causal one, but some historical examples suggest a persistent association. A number of examples are considered, from the political arithmetic of the seventeenth century to the quality assurance methods of the 1950s, and a few speculative conclusions are offered.  相似文献   

商业银行业务创新探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场经济环境下的金融业竞争日益激烈,尤其在经历了金融海啸之后,商业银行要取得长足的发展,要获得强大的竞争力,必须开展业务创新.文章对国内商业银行业务创新存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了一些业务创新思路.  相似文献   

市场经济环境下的金融业竞争日益激烈,尤其在经历了金融海啸之后,商业银行要取得长足的发展,要获得强大的竞争力,必须开展业务创新。文章对国内商业银行业务创新存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了一些业务创新思路。  相似文献   

城镇居民金融资产与不动产财富效应的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城镇居民两种资产的财富效应呈现三个特点:一是住房资产的财富效应大于金融资产的财富效应;二是两种资产的财富效应差别不大;三是两种资产的财富效应较微弱。这表明:第一,住房对消费具有一定的支撑作用;第二,金融资产增值性不强和股市的波动限制财富效应的发挥;第三,较强的流动性约束制约住房资产的财富效应;第四,消费的过度敏感性使资产财富效应微弱。为了通过财富效应来促进消费,必须维持股市和房地产市场稳定的预期,大力发展金融市场,抑制住房价格的过快增长并促进住房市场平稳发展。  相似文献   

Profit efficiency is an econometric financial performance measure of how well actual profitability compares to a best-practice frontier. We compare the profit efficiency of small (under 100 million in total assets), medium, and large (over100 million in total assets), medium, and large (over 1 billion) commercial banks for the period 1995 to 2001 and examine the sources of profit efficiency for each. We also consider whether banks of different sizes attain their profit efficiency in different ways. We find that small and large banks have quite different ways of attaining high profits.  相似文献   

A bstract . In order to determine whether the distribution of wealth in American society uncovers deeper fault lines of inequality than income alone, data from the 1984 Survey of Income and Program Participation is examined. The findings indicate that: (1) aggregate shares of wealth held by households are distributed far more unevenly than income shares, with extreme concentrations at the upper levels; (2) the data on wealth shows that the condition of black America is far more precarious, marginalized, and unequal than was thought previously; (3) single and separated women hold few assets in comparison with their male from SIPP using the weights provided by the U.S. Census which approximates the U.S. population. Parallel analyses conducted on the weighted and unweighted samples showed similar results. 3. For a detailed analysis of black-white differences in wealth see Oliver and Shapiro (1989).  相似文献   

新巴塞尔协议的资本监管方法及适用性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新巴塞尔协议定于2006年实施,鉴于巴塞尔协议是针对国际活跃银行而制定的,包括我国在内的发展中国家在实施协议时应充分考虑到协议的适用性以及可能带来的不利影响。本文在分析新资本协议对监管资本影响的基础上,探讨了新协议资本监管方法的适用性以及发展中国家所面临的问题。  相似文献   

关于财富的研究涉及整个经济的基础和整个社会的经济增长方式,一般认为,财富是指经济主体在一定时点上所拥有的可以用货币单位表示的资产总额。人们的传统财富观是建立在物质基础上,认为财富的实际内容与其价格无关,无论价格为何,当物质数量不变的时候,财富的实际数量不变。这种物质财富观正在受到挑战,其原因在于财富的本质属性实际上就是其社会属性。原始的财富仅仅包括土地、黄金等物质,随着生产力的发展,又囊括了生产性资本,如厂房、机器设备等资产。由于生产的规模化和专业化,不可能只进行实物投资,同时,由于生产周期投入的累积量有限,金融资产应运而生,  相似文献   

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