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因网络自身的特点,使得电子商务合同纠纷中对于被告住所地、合同签订地以及合同履行地的确定与传统合同纠纷相比显得更加复杂和困难,本文提出在我国原有的法律框架下,寻找新的联结点来解决电子商务合同纠纷中的管辖法院的确定问题。  相似文献   

“法律冻结” 我国《涉外经济合同法》第40条规定:“在中华人民共和国境内履行、经国家批准成立的中外合资经营企业合同、中外合作经营企业合同、中外合作勘探开发自然资源合同,在法律有新的规定时,可以仍然按照合同的规定执行”。这一规定实际上是赋予合同当事人选择权;当新法对当事人不利时,当事人可以按照原合同的约定执行;当新法对当事人有利时,当事人可以适用  相似文献   

2001年最高人民法院在规定海事法院受案范围时将“船舶融资租赁合同纠纷案件”划归海事法院管辖.但在此后十余年的海事司法实践中.与船舶融资租赁相关的纠纷并不多她。近两年.天津海事法院先后受理了与船舶融资租赁相关的多起案件。每起案件都体现出以船舶为租赁物的融资租赁合同的突出特点.也在审理中发现了一些争议和难点。  相似文献   

随着我国对外开放的不断深入,外商投资企业特别是中外合资经营企业和中外合作经营企业,由外国(地区)的公司、企业或个人以及我国非外商投资企业对其承包经营的现象越来越多,较之80年代有了新的发展,而由于外商投资企业承包经营合同不完善所引发的经济纠纷也逐年增多。  相似文献   

诉讼管辖权是指确定法院间受理第一审案件的分工和权限,《中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》(下称海诉法)规定了海事法院的诉讼管辖权,包括地域管辖、专属管辖和协议管辖,在本文中笔者主要就对协议管辖谈谈自己的看法。协议管辖,是指案件的双方当事人在民事争议发生之前或发送之后,用法律认可的方式选择他们之间争议的管辖法院。《海诉法》第8条规定,  相似文献   

黄文 《国际市场》2009,(12):56-57
中国出口商与越南进口商在一份氧化锌卖买合同中约定:“This contract shall be object to, and governed by,the laws of the Republic of China and Vietnam ”,即“本合同遵守及受管辖于中国和越南法律”。在国际商事活动中.依契约自由之原则,双方当事人可自行协商争议解决时所应适用的法律,除非一国法律强制性规定必须适用其特定法律之外,如《中华人民共和国合同法》第一百二十条明确规定“中华人民共和国境内履行的中外合资经营企业合同、中外合作经营企业合同、  相似文献   

案情播放2002年3月19日,李某应聘到皇明集团任销售副总;2004年,李某在未办离职手续的情况下擅自离开了皇明集团,并随之来到了生产同类产品的江苏太阳雨太阳能有限公司,担任销售副总。2007年4月29日,以德州为大本营的皇明集团将李某起诉到德州市德城区法院。李某认为自己户籍在青岛市,案件应移送青岛审理。但德城区法院认为,本案系保密合同纠纷引起的诉讼,合同签订地为德州,德城区法院有权管辖,故裁定驳回了李某提出的管辖异议。2007年  相似文献   

企业销售合同管理存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场经济就是契约经济,合同是维持正常商品交换关系的一个重要手段。企业的利润主要是通过是销售来实现的,忽视销售合同管理易造成合同纠纷增加,使企业利益和形象严重受损。加强对销售合同管理,对于确保企业经营活动的正常开展有着十分重要的意义。本文分析了企业销售合同管理中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出建立一套科学、规范的销售合同管理体系的对策。  相似文献   

企业如何加强合同管理 规避和防范交易风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合同纠纷和合同欺诈已成为企业经营中经常遭遇的交易风险,合同管理因此成为企业管理的重要内容和职能。企业必须从做好签约前的准备、签订合同时注意问题以及合同履行中的风险防范与管理等三个环节加强合同管理,才能规避和防范交易风险,有效维护企业利益。  相似文献   

邵宗日 《商场现代化》2007,(31):299-300
我国合同法规定了合同当事人在履行合同中享有三种抗辩权,即同时履行抗辩权、后履行抗辩权和不安抗辩权,它对于保障交易安全,维护守约方利益和社会信用,分清违约责任,及时解决合同纠纷都具有重要作用。但目前在审判实践中,无论是合同当事人或法院审判人员对合同履行中抗辩权的理解、适用存在一些偏差。究其原因就是没有正确把握合同履行抗辩权的性质,明确其意义。本文从分析抗辩及抗辩权的形态入手,界定了我国合同履行中的抗辩权属行使抗辩权进行抗辩,其性质是拒绝履行义务的抗辩。并对研究、明确抗辩权性质的意义做了论述。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes which characteristics of born global firms determine their choice for international entry mode. Using a logistic regression analysis, we study 124 newly public firms in the United States that undertake 261 international joint ventures or international acquisitions within the first 6 years of their founding. We find that the market responds positively to announcements of international expansions by born global firms, and that larger, more profitable, and more liquid firms have a higher propensity to engage in joint ventures rather than acquisitions. We also find that the market favors firms that announce joint ventures, rewarding them with significantly positive abnormal returns. Furthermore, while we find that cultural similarity affects mode choice, it does not affect the market's reaction to the announcements.  相似文献   

This article examines the application of the EC Merger Regulation to service industries in the light of the 50 final decisions relating to services taken in its first two years of operation. These cases generally raised few competition concerns and only one (Accor/Wagons-Lits) has led to full proceedings. However they have raised important questions about the calculation of turnover, definition of control and treatment of joint ventures as well as uncertainties about jurisdiction. An understanding of the Commission's evolving policy will be of increasing importance as service industries internationalise, especially if thresholds for investigation are eventually lowered as the Commission has proposed.  相似文献   

This article identifies key success factors (KSFs) for Russian-foreign joint ventures. Based on case studies of two successful and two unsuccessful Russian-foreign joint ventures, four KSFs are identified. The presence of the four KSFs is then assessed in a sample of 30 Russian-foreign joint ventures. To assess the generalizability of the KSFs, discriminant analysis is then applied to the 30 joint ventures to differentiate between successful and unsuccessful joint ventures. The results show that the KSFs can explain 83.3 percent of the variance in the performance of joint ventures in the sample.  相似文献   

This article develops a principal-agent contractual model for the issue of the structure and performance of international joint ventures. From this model, hypotheses are generated relating the number of partners in a joint venture and the cross-cultural divergence of the partners with joint venture performance. These hypotheses are empirically assessed using a population of over 3,500 developed-country joint ventures.  相似文献   


This article investigates the role of international joint venture strategy of five multinational enterprises in the Russian construction market. Joint ventures play a crucial and specific role for these firms’ strategy in Russia: They serve both as an entry mode and a postentry strategy; facilitate business and guide foreign investors; increase efficiency for further strategy; and help international construction firms overcome the environmental deficiencies. Findings of the article bolster the theory by stressing the facilitating effect of joint venture upon challenges and problems that Western firms meet in emerging market in contrast with more developed economies.  相似文献   

China is showing interest in joint ventures in the oil, coal and nonferrous metals sector, in electricity generation, steel and building materials production, in the mechanical engineering, textile and electrical industries, in the transport sector and in the hotel trade. Our article gives an outline of the problems which the future joint ventures in China will encounter.  相似文献   

独资与合资方式的技术溢出效果比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对外直接投资技术溢出效应对发展中国家经济发展十分重要,跨国公司投资方式不同对技术溢出效应会有明显差异。已有的研究认为合资在东道国的技术溢出比独资好,但是本文的实证研究表明,不论短期还是长期分析,独资比合资在我国的技术溢出效果更好。中国的改革开放演进使跨国公司战略调整和东道国经济基础发展更有利于独资方式技术溢出效果的显现,这种技术溢出效果差异是通过影响技术溢出机制和渠道的作用而产生的。  相似文献   

In China one of the most effective means of attracting foreign capital to undertake its four modernizations is through the creation of joint ventures. The Chinese are striving for pragmatic results and emphasize that joint ventures should provide mutual benefits for both parties. Many joint ventures should provide mutual benefits for both parties. Many joint venture participants from the U.S.A. have become disillusioned and are frustrated by obstacles including government bureaucreatic interference, cultural differences, and a lack of managerial know-how by the Chinese. Based on a survey of 182 Chinese businessmen, 100 of whom engaged in joint ventures, it is evident that the CHinese share these concerns. Their perceptions provide guidelines for coping with these obstacles and clearly indicate the importance of "quanxi" in attaining the goals of joint ventures.  相似文献   

Many developing countries see in joint ventures a convenient means of pursuing their economic development in their own way without forgoing the benefits to be derived from foreign investment capital and know-how. The following article presents some of the findings of an empirical study by the author in the ASEAN countries. He addressed his inquiries on motivation, advantages and drawbacks of enterprises with local participation to 77 joint ventures as well as 29 fully foreign-owned firms.  相似文献   

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