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巧用远期汇率获取进口业务增值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际贸易中,汇率是处于不断的波动状态的,正是这种波动使得即期汇率与远期汇率存在一定的汇差,这一方面给进口业务带来了一定的汇率风险,比如,2002年下半年,欧元大涨,很多企业签订进口合同没有锁定汇率,导致到实际付汇时,增加了采购成本达20%以上。另一方面,这种汇差也可以给  相似文献   

世界的经济全球化直接促使进出口贸易成为各国国民经济的重要组成部分.近几年,我国已经跻身世界贸易大国行列.但进口业务中对卖方风险的规避一直都是对外贸易的重点之一.本文列举了进口业务中的卖方风险并提供了相应的规避方法.  相似文献   

世界的经济全球化直接促使进出口贸易成为各国国民经济的重要组成部分.近几年,我国已经跻身世界贸易大国行列.但进口业务中对卖方风险的规避一直都是对外贸易的重点之一.本文列举了进口业务中的卖方风险并提供了相应的规避方法.  相似文献   

中国民用航空局,总后勤部,中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石油化工集团公司、中国海洋石油总公司、中国航空油料集团公司:根据《国家发展改革委关于推进航空煤油价格市场化改革有关问题的通知》(发改价格[2011]1419号)有关精神,核定8月份航空煤油进口到岸完税价格为每吨7768元。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展以及计算机的普及,经济发展领域发生了一场大变革,电子商务的应用蓬勃发展。尤其是电子商务在进口贸易中的应用,致使传统经济发展模式逐渐改变,拓展了新的发展空间。随着电子商务的开展,国际贸易一体化的趋势加快,真正步入“信息化”时期,为其健康、顺利发展,开辟了新方式。接下来,本文将结合笔者多年相关经验,详细论述电子商务在进口业务中的应用。  相似文献   

随着我国进口规模的不断扩大,进口业务过程中的各种风险逐步显现,加强对进口业务过程的风险研究至关重要。从进口业务的准备阶段、磋商阶段、拟定合同阶段、合同履行阶段对进口业务过程中的风险进行分析,指出目前我国进口风险防范机制建设情况,从企业层面、政府层面和行业协会层面分别提出风险应对措施。  相似文献   

近年来,外贸企业在进口业务上出风险、交学费的案例时有发生,暴露出对进口业务的控制力薄弱、对风险的预防与应对能力不足。本文结合外贸企业进口业务特征分析进口业务风险点及管理中存在的问题,探讨控制风险的关键——进口业务内控流程的建立和运行。  相似文献   

In their commitment to offer innovative cuisine to their Grand Class passengers, AUSTRIAN AIRLINES have introduced new "signature meals" created by Richard Millar, Executive Chef of the ARIA Restaurant at the China World Hotel, Beijing. A member of the Shangri-La Group, the hotel is known for its excellence in hospitality and gastronomy and we are proud to have them as our partner at 36,000 feet, Please have a look at a sample menu on this page.  相似文献   

张锡昌 《国际市场》2009,(12):42-43
9月下旬,办好手续,我和老伴带着两岁的小外孙到大阪探亲。白天,女儿女婿去上班,我们就把小外孙送到附近的“保育园”。老伴忙着帮他们做“丰盛”的晚餐,我却闲着没事干了。  相似文献   

我国能源进口趋势分析及危机应对   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年6月中旬以来国际市场原油价格不断攀高,至6月21日纽约期货交易所原油期货价格逼近60美元,大有冲破新关口的势头。我国是世界能源消费大国,进口原油位居世界第二。近年来,国际市场原油价格、供需关系每出现一些细小变化,对我国来讲都是牵一发而动全身的问题。  相似文献   

New Italian airline to be established- Lufthansa Italia to offer direct connections From northern Italy to European destinations- Flights already available for booking From 99 euros.  相似文献   

On a symmetric homogeneous oligopoly market with stochastic demand, firms can either hire employees or buy their labor input on a competitive labor market. Whereas the wage of hired labor does not depend on the realization of stochastic demand, the price of ‘bought’ labor reacts positively to product demand. We derive the equilibrium price vector to define an evolutionary process, assuming that the number of hiring firms increases when they earn more than buying firms. We then derive and discuss the stationary distribution of this stochastic adaptation process.  相似文献   

Shahi Thali is a unique meal service we have created to represent the diversity and depth of Indian cuisine. Exquisite and delightful - fine Indian cuisine can now be enjoyed on Singapore Airlines flights between Singapore and cities in India. From august 2006, First Class customers will be able to savour Shahi Thali, a unique Indian meal that features  相似文献   

We are concerned with the optimal decision to sell or buy a stock in a given period with reference to the ultimate average of the stock price. More precisely, we aim to determine an optimal selling (buying) time to maximize (minimize) the expectation of the ratio of the selling (buying) price to the ultimate average price over the period. This is an optimal stopping time problem which can be formulated as a variational inequality problem. The problem gives rise to a free boundary that corresponds to the optimal selling (buying) strategy. We provide a partial differential equation approach to characterize the free boundary (or equivalently, the optimal selling (buying) region). It turns out that the optimal selling strategy is bang‐bang, which is the same as that obtained by Shiryaev, Xu, and Zhou taking the ultimate maximum of the stock price as benchmark, whereas the optimal buying strategy can be a feedback one subject to the type of averaging and parameter values. Moreover, by a thorough characterization of free boundary, we reveal that the bang‐bang optimal selling strategy heavily depends on the assumption that no time‐vesting restrictions are imposed. If a time‐vested stock is considered, then the optimal selling strategy can also be a feedback one. In terms of a similar analysis developed by the present paper, the same phenomenon can be proved when taking the ultimate maximum as benchmark.  相似文献   

State-owned power firms to raise cash on equities market Chinese state-owned power companies are being pushed to refinance on the equity market due to government concerns over the industry's high debt ratios. These companies have been influenced by two recent statements from  相似文献   

China's gasoline export to grow amid car sales boom China expects its gasoline demand this year to grow half the rate of new car sales,but refineries will quicken their pace and may have excess fuel for export, Reuters reported. Government tax incentives will continue this year to boost auto sales, which may reach a record 11.9 million  相似文献   

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