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舒咏平 《广告大观》2009,(5):101-105
现有的“广告”与“广告教育”的内涵规定,随着媒体与社会环境的变化而产生欠缺;由此,二者的内涵需要进行与时俱进的演进,其取向乃为“品牌传播”;体现在广告教育中,则应是品牌传播理念的注入、人才输送重点由广告行业到品牌传播界、课程体系与内容的相应变更、以及与包含企业在内的“品牌传播业界”互动。  相似文献   

昌荣传播:一季度中国广告市场平稳增长 近日,昌荣传播旗下市场与媒体研究中心发布《2011年一季度广告市场回顾》报告,该报告称,一季度广告市场平稳发展,预测"调整、改变"是2011年广告市场关键词。  相似文献   

2009西方广告学术研究的七大视点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"新媒体"、"金融危机"和"全球化",构成了2009年西方广告学术研究三大语境,在此影响下,西方广告学术研究的话题和话语发生着渐变与切换。"植入式广告"、"口碑传播"在新媒体环境中具有新的话题价值,"数字媒体和数字广告"的发展促使"新媒体广告规制"研究成为必然的诉求,同时也促使"广告效果"、"消费者"和"国际广告"等研究领域,迸发出更多新的话题。在它们的影响下,西方广告学术研究的视野在拓展,亚太地区,特别是中国,引起更多西方学者的关注。  相似文献   

网络广告的出现使得中国广告传播模式发生了巨大的变革:传统的显意识传播逐渐被潜意识传播所代替。潜意识广告大致有五种类型:快速切换、背景反转、植入/置入、双关、声光学处理。随着认知神经技术在广告中的应用,以FMRI为代表的技术,使得潜意识广告的效果测量成为可能,尽管存在一系列道德上的争议。  相似文献   

陈刚 《中国广告》2010,(4):85-87
2009岁末,在由中国广告杂志社发起,高铁传媒联合主办的"高铁时代与传播提速"专家研讨会上,来自国内知名院校传播与广告行业的专家教授、专业媒体调研机构负责人针对"高铁时代"与"传播提速"的话题进行讨论、分析。本刊从上期起陆续刊登各位专家学者的精彩论述。  相似文献   

王嘉瑶 《中国广告》2010,(12):70-71
陈培爱中国广告学教育史上不得不提及的人物。他参与创办了中国第一个广告教育院系,培养了无数"中国制造"的广告人才,引领中国广告学术研究的发展,被誉为中国广告界的泰斗。厦门大学新闻传播学院教授、博士生导师。曾任厦门大学人文学院副院长兼新闻传播系主任。现兼任教育部新闻学学科教学指导委员会委员,中国广告协会学术委员会主任,中国新闻史学会副会长,福建省传播学会会长。曾任中国市场学会"金鼎奖"评委,中国广告协会"中国广告学院奖"评委,2008年中国艾菲奖终审评委等。2008年3月获得"中国广告30年历史贡献奖"。  相似文献   

网络广告的病毒式营销是一种利用"口碑传播"原理,运用发挥互联网广告传媒具有的特点与优势,催生孵化信息"病毒",爆炸性的扩散传播渠道,实现广告受众间的多重互动与交叉传递,从而迅速、高效的达到品牌宣传的目的。"依云宝宝"作为网络广告病毒式营销的典型案例,分析、研究、掌握其营销技巧,对于提高网络广告的市场营销功能,具有积极的借鉴意义和推动作用。  相似文献   

孙利平 《江苏商论》2010,(7):115-116
如今的商业广告总爱拿"性"做色素来勾兑,想以此来吸引受众的眼球,增强传播效果;殊不知,这样下来不仅陷入"雷区",违反国家相关的广告法规,而且会让受众更加反感,广告商可谓"赔了夫人又折兵";对这类违规广告如何监管,需要广告学界认真思考和严肃对待。  相似文献   

跨文化广告不仅为商品经济的发展做出了贡献,而且推动了不同文化间的交流与互动。作为文化传播的一种有效途径,跨文化广告传播在跨文化传播中占据着重要的地位。但承载着文化内涵的广告在进行跨文化传播时难免会引发矛盾和冲突。本文旨在指明跨文化广告传播中引发冲突的原因和应对冲突的策略。  相似文献   

叶玲 《广告大观》2014,(11):82-83
随着互联网技术和媒体数字化的双重推动,当今世界人、机、物三者高度融合,汹涌而来的数据呈爆炸式增长,人类社会已经进入一个"大数据"时代。大数据时代的广告传播是以数据为基础,以技术为前提,针对特定受众进行的个性化传播。大数据对广告业的意义不在数据本身,而在于人。是将"人"作为传播核心价值,并运用技术来充分挖掘和实现这种价值的体现。因此,大数据所引致的广告革命己然来临。  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of Chinese viewers' perception of television advertising was conducted using a sample of sixty commercials which were viewed by 160 respondents per commercial, who selected from a list of twenty adjectives adopted from the Aaker and Bruzzone (1981) study. Results indicated great differences in viewers' perceptions: informative commercials were most frequently considered to be ‘dull’, ‘uninteresting’ and ‘informative’, while emotional commercials were described as ‘appealing’, ‘interesting’ and ‘original’. Emotional advertising scored higher on ‘liking’ and perceived brand image than informative advertising. Factor analysis was carried out across commercials and individuals.  相似文献   

Research on practitioner theories of advertising uncovered that agency practitioners not only have definite theoretical beliefs about how advertising works, they also have meta-theoretical beliefs, fundamental presuppositions about the nature and possibility of knowledge in advertising. The meta-theoretical belief in creativity and its dictum of ‘no rules’ was found to be more important than any other guiding principle in advertising work. The primacy of creativity denies the possibility of any other moderator-focused theories that would prescribe ‘rules’ for creative content. Practitioners believe that the ontological status of advertising (as a territory defined by creativity, art and tacit skill) places it mostly outside the reach of scientific modelling. While practitioners acknowledge that knowledge about advertising is ‘layered’ (i.e. certain aspects of it are more explainable by the legitimation system of science), they also insist that the creative ‘layer’ is much thicker than other layers. A further qualifying factor is practitioners’ epistemological scepticism, which questions the validity of both academic and commercial social research as applied to advertising, and suggests instead that knowledge about advertising is better understood as ‘common sense’. The study’s findings have fundamental consequences for the professional aspirations of the advertising industry as well as the academician–practitioner gap in advertising.  相似文献   

This research examines consumer attitudes towards four sub-types of interactive digital advertising: internet-based e- and email advertising, and mobile-phone-based SMS- and MMS-type advertising. The differences in attitudes among these four sub-types of interactive digital advertising are also compared. Data are collected from three universities in Taiwan. Data analysis extracts three attitudinal forms (common factors) towards interactive digital advertising, namely, ‘informative’, ‘entertaining’ and ‘irritating’. Consumer attitudinal forms towards e-advertising and MMS-type m-advertising are both similar and positive (i.e. informative and less irritating and entertaining). Their attitudinal forms towards email advertising and SMS-type m-advertising are less positive (more irritating and less informative and entertaining). Furthermore, the three attitudinal forms towards the four sub-types of interactive digital advertising are compared. Consumer ‘informative’ and ‘entertaining’ attitudinal forms towards e-advertising and MMS-type m-advertisingare similar, while their attitudinal forms towards email advertising and SMS-type m-advertising are equal and lower than towards the previous two sub-types of interactive digital advertising. As for the ‘irritating’ attitudinal form, consumers feel more ‘irritated’ towards email advertising and SMS-type m-advertising, while their attitudinal forms towards e-advertising and MMS-type m-advertising are equal and less irritated.  相似文献   

Sponsorship, the ‘soft sell’ of advertising, may well become a typically British compromise reached by Professor Alan Peacock's Home Office committee ‘to assess the effects of the introduction of advertising or sponsorship on the BBC's home services’. The author, who is one of the pioneers of British commercial television, has written this survey of television sponsorship opportunities, particularly for advertisers who are now contemplating the allocation of millions of pounds to this ‘new’ television medium.  相似文献   

As the Internet gradually diffuses throughout more sectors in society many advertisers have begun to consider the diversity in various aspects of consumer behaviour among Internet users. As Internet users' attitudes towards Internet advertising are found to influence their brand attitudes and purchase intentions, the study can contribute to the design and assessment of Internet advertising. The study identified potential lifestyle segments among Internet users and examined the relationships between lifestyle segments and their attitudes towards Internet advertising. This study surveyed 700 Internet users and employed a lifestyle segmentation approach for categorizing consumers into three distinct lifestyle groups: ‘experiencers’, ‘traditionalists’ and ‘self‐indulgents’. Statistical analyses pointed out that all three groups differed from one another in several demographic characteristics. Moreover, the lifestyle clusters were found partly to predict Internet users' attitudes towards Internet advertising. The findings of the present study provide justifications for marketers to treat Internet users as a heterogeneous group. Furthermore, advertising researchers should be aware of the diversity of the Internet population in order to assess the effectiveness of Internet advertising better.  相似文献   

One of the fastest growing sectors in China's transforming economy is advertising. Within the industry, large numbers of ‘advertising agencies’ are typically reported. This article charts growth in the industry and classifies agencies by type, in order to establish a more accurate understanding of agency numbers and growth. Advertising agencies are but one type of organization among the huge number of licensed ‘advertising practitioners’ in China, which are often erroneously referred to as agencies.  相似文献   

The UK Department of Health's consultative document on tobacco advertising (informally known as the ‘Smee Report’) occupies a curious position with respect to debates on public policy about advertising. While its conclusions have not been accepted by the UK government, they continue to be used, uncritically, elsewhere in the world as part of the ‘justification’ for bans on tobacco advertising. This article examines the basis of the Smee Report's key conclusions concerning the UK, Canada, Norway, and Finland, and argues that its claims with respect to the effectiveness of advertising bans are untrue.  相似文献   

Many countries have imposed restrictions on tobacco advertising in the belief that these will curb tobacco consumption. These beliefs rely on the ‘strong’ theory of advertising, which holds that advertising exerts a powerful persuasive influence on consumers' behaviour. However, the research examining the advertising-consumption relationship has reached contradictory conclusions and led some to argue that such bans are ineffective.

In contrast, proponents of the ‘weak’ theory of advertising suggest that advertising reinforces rather than initiates consumers' behaviour. This paper explores tobacco advertising restrictions in the context of the weak theory and suggests that the apparent failure of increased restrictions to depress either juvenile or aggregate tobacco consumption is unsurprising. The paper concludes that decisions about tobacco advertising restrictions are political and should be based on ethical principles and not on assumed behavioural consequences, which are unsupported by modern advertising theory.  相似文献   

A study conducted on Asian ethnic consumers in the UK showed ethnic origin to be a major segmentation variable in differentiating ethnic and white intergroup responses to four different executions of advertising copy incorporating different levels of ethnic appeal. The ethnic group gave consistently more favourable responses than white consumers, implying that they would respond more favourably to the visual ‘picture’ component in advertising copy. On an intragroup basis it was found that ‘all-ethnic’ copy with higher levels of ethnic content would be more effective in targeting ethnic groups because it provides a cultural framework with greater staying power in terms of its visual, nonverbal presentation in comparison to ‘all-white’ appeals. ‘Integrated’ panel layouts incorporating both ethnic and white appeals in the same advertising copy format did not evoke significantly more positive feelings among either Asian ethnic or white viewers in comparison to ‘all-ethnic’ copy. Advertisers should note therefore that integrated advertisements cannot be expected to radically influence either ethnic or white consumer attitudes towards promoted products. It was also found that as a compromise strategy, ‘product-only’ advertisements might well be the best answer to targeting ethnic as well as white viewers.  相似文献   

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