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社会化媒体是信息传播的新形式,相关人员要深入调动社会化媒体中的各类资源,进一步推动公共管理的细化和发展。公共管理在发展的过程中面临很大的挑战,但同时面临很大的发展机遇,能够促进其更好地发展。在社会化媒体时代,公共管理部门要积极推进开放创新,特别是资源整合和宣传方面的发展,这对公共管理的开放式创新具有积极意义。  相似文献   

当今社会已经进入了社会化媒体时代,人人都有手机,人们随时随地都能利用网络传播个人信息与观点。企业成为了一座时时刻刻被人们用放大镜围观的孤岛。因此,传统的危机公关正面临严峻的挑战。论文详细分析并总结了社会化媒体背景下运用传统的公关危机方法处理企业品牌危机存在的不足,并针对社会化媒体背景的特点提出了企业品牌危机处理的新思路。  相似文献   

Building on social movement theory, this study assesses the influence of social media activism on the stock market performance of targeted firms. We focus on information published on Twitter by two critical stakeholders: consumer associations and trade unions. To the extent that social media represent a valid medium to mobilize stakeholders' activism, protests on Twitter may damage firm reputation, leading to capital market reactions. Using a corpus of over 1.5 million tweets referring to Spanish listed banks, we study the impact of activism by looking at targeted firms' abnormal variations in price and trading volume. Our findings suggest that the Twitter activism of key stakeholders has a significant impact on investors' decisions. Further, our empirical analyses indicate that the mechanisms affecting investors' behavior differ depending on the characteristics of the stakeholder group. Hence, this study contributes to understanding how social movements influence corporate behavior via social media. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This case study explores the experience of a company in a controversial industry sector and its efforts to act in a socially responsible manner when establishing a presence in a regional market. We examine the management of stakeholder relationships and communication, and identify the challenges associated with implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Our findings highlight the importance of ongoing and broad stakeholder identification, prioritization and management. This case study demonstrates the key role of commitment from senior management and front‐line employees and the importance of a CSR champion. Commitment must be demonstrated at a local level to facilitate community engagement, feedback and monitoring. Finally, the findings highlight the externality of stakeholder networks and their non‐centric relationship with the company. Thus, a company is not the centre of the stakeholder network; the network has a life of its own, regardless of a company's involvement or non‐involvement. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

邓蕊 《价值工程》2011,30(4):302-303
近年来,虚假广告严重侵害消费者利益的案件层出不穷。当人们纷纷把矛头指向代言人、广告商等主体时,却忽略了虚假广告的发布者——媒体的责任。文章介绍了虚假广告的界定、特征以及危害,对媒体的角色扮演和原因进行分析,并从归责原则和构成要件两个方面阐述了媒体责任的认定,最后,为虚假广告的防范提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Citizens’ trust in a government is critical when the government utilizes Twitter to communicate with the public. This research collected 398 questionnaire samples from Korean citizens who communicate with a central government department via Twitter and employed a structured equation analysis. The study discovered that tweets coming from a leading (or an executive) government officer (e.g., a minister) played mediation role in increasing citizens’ perception of credibility in governmental Twitter feed. Furthermore, the citizens’ trust in governmental media functioned as a moderator for expanding their trust in government from an agency level to the overall government.  相似文献   

Public organizations are using sustainable public procurement (SPP) as a policy tool to address societal and environmental issues. Having a policy on SPP however does not guarantee implementation. Several barriers have for example been identified that prevent public procurers from implementing SPP in their procurement projects, such as financial constraints, lack of knowledge or motivation. The question therefore arises how much SPP public organizations actually implement in their procurement projects. However, existing studies often focus on the environmental part of SPP and often rely on using interviews or surveys to assess the perceived degree of SPP (which have been accused of being subject to social desirability bias and low response rates). Little is therefore known about what SPP is in practice, and how frequently it is implemented. In this study, we therefore provide a detailed operationalization of SPP that encompasses the full concept. We subsequently assess the implementation of SPP in practice using text mining techniques to analyse over 140.000 Belgian public procurement notices that were published between 2011 and 2016. The research shows that in more than 70% of the notices (with an annex) SPP is implemented, but there appears to be a downward trend. It seems that SPP is implemented less over time, rather than more. Environmentally friendly procurement was, relative to other types of SPP, prevalent over time and across regions. For SPP to live up to its potential there are thus still barriers to be overcome.  相似文献   

互联网的高速发展催生社会化媒体,给旅游业带来不可忽视的影响,它的应用贯穿于旅游者的旅游购买行为的各个阶段。鉴于现阶段已有的关于社会化媒体以及旅游者的旅游购买行为的相关研究多为营销对策研究,较少涉及社会化媒体影响旅游者购买行为的作用机制研究,本文则针对此方面,使用实证研究的方法来探究社会化媒体对旅游者购买意愿的影响因素。结果表明,社会化媒体的有用性和社区性与社会化媒体的依赖性成正相关关系,社会化媒体的有用性同时还与感知价值成正相关关系;而感知价值及社会化媒体的依赖性则正向影响旅游者的购买意愿。本文最后建议企业在利用社会化媒体对其旅游产品进行营销时,选择有用性程度高的社会化媒体作为宣传,并且注重与旅游者的双向的沟通而不是单向的宣传。  相似文献   


Co-production, the involvement of clients in the delivery of public services, is believed to foster trust. However, there is insufficient research on this topic to prove what is at present merely an assumption. This article gives theoretical insights into this relationship. First, it is identified that co-production relates to identification-based trust. Second, the most important theoretical mechanisms are identified that link the two concepts: increasing self-efficacy and the creation of trust networks. A third step is to move towards a more contingent perspective. This involves not only favourable conditions, but also obstructions to trust-building, such as crowding-out motivations and free-riding.  相似文献   

在我国社会转型和快速城市化的背景下,城市人口发展所面临的风险呈现出多元化特征,人口流迁与社会融合逐步成为影响城市公共安全的现实因素。流动人口缺乏在城市的原始积累,生存状态不体面,对城市社会缺乏认同感和归属感,而户籍制度仍然是制约流动人口城市融合的主要障碍。在风险治理和安全保障方面,政府需要通过合理的制度安排解决农民工在城市体系中的制度化生存问题,通过扩展流动人口的社会支持网络,增强其归属感。同时,还必须加强流动人口的常态性、制度性管理和政府公共服务能力建设,提高流动人口素质和对城市社会的自适应能力。  相似文献   

公安行政案件调解书体现了多方面的社会价值,加强公安机关行政调解,可以妥善处理民间纠纷,减少处罚打击对象,化解社会矛盾,增进社会和谐,促进社会治安的稳定和发展。  相似文献   

李永生 《价值工程》2011,30(31):302-303
目前,我国高校培养的公共管理人才与社会需求严重脱节,造成公共管理人才需求萎缩的尴尬局面。提高公共管理人才的社会适应力,有针对性地培养适应社会需求的公共管理人才,需要深入思考公共管理人才培养的具体环节。  相似文献   

西方规划理论新思潮与社会公平   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对西方规划理论新思潮中可能促进资源公平配置的相关方面进行评述,对比其各自特点,理清相互间的逻辑联系,明确权力制衡下公众参与的基础作用以及联络性规划、新城市主义理论在规划方法层面上的创新,并在分析我国特定规划背景的前提下,探索这些理论对于中国城市规划促进社会公平的启示和可能的实践指导。  相似文献   


This article accounts for the logic of building of an accountability mechanism with elements of civic engagement in an authoritarian regime. It is elaborated by a performance evaluation programme ‘Democratic Review of Administrative and Business Style’ (DRABS) in Wuhan in central China. The author argues that the DRABS does help form government agencies’ responsiveness to the public with various public scrutiny instruments including mass media and the internet, and that it is more accurate to frame the mechanism as having the function of building horizontal accountability to enhance vertical accountability.  相似文献   

Many companies still view Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as solely philanthropy rather than addressing their material issues. A few companies that have began to see the strategic advantages of being socially responsible and addressing their social, environmental and economic challenges. Developing an effective strategy can reward companies with reputation enhancement, license to operate, avoiding litigation, recruitment and retention of employees and developing process, product and strategic innovations. One company who has realized the value of investing and integrating CSR into the business model is the apparel retailer Gap Inc. This article will examine the evolution of Gap Inc. and its work developing an effective labor standards assurance program and stakeholder engagement strategy transformed historically adversarial relationships with key stakeholders into collaborative multi-stakeholder partnerships. Particular attention is put towards Gap Inc.’s learnings in the process and how these new insights innovated the company’s CSR strategy over time. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

This paper analyses the uptake of a voluntary green public procurement policy in Sweden. The policy, decided in 2006, stated a national goal for the public sector to increase its share of organic food purchases to 25% by 2010. The overall purpose was to increase organic farming. Municipalities, which are highly independent authorities with self-determination, were encouraged to formulate own political goals. Based on survey data on organic food purchases for the period 2003–2016, supplemented with data on municipality characteristics, we analyse the determinants of the local uptake of the national policy, accounting for potential selection bias. The main finding is that local political goals are set and that these have in turn, a significant and positive effect on the share of organic food purchases. This suggests that there is an uptake of the voluntary policy. Also, we find that the increase in expenditures per capita devoted to organic food is quite substantial following the adoption of a local policy.  相似文献   

社会企业在创业过程中如何选择市场逻辑与公益逻辑,以平衡社会价值和经济价值之间的冲突,促进企业的可持续发展?其作用机理是怎样的?影响不同逻辑选择背后的因素是什么?基于制度逻辑视角,以三家典型社会企业为研究对象,对上述问题进行了研究,发现:①相对于单一的公益逻辑、单一的市场逻辑,混合逻辑是社会企业最佳的创业策略,可以很好地...  相似文献   


This article reviews the New Public Management (NPM) literature in central and eastern Europe (CEE) with the aim of assessing whether reforms have ‘worked’. Increasingly, academics have tended to argue against the suitability of NPM instruments in this region. To understand the impact of this much-debated policy, we first propose a classification of the impacts of NPM geared to the realities of central and eastern European states. Then, we use this classification to carefully review empirical studies across the region over the past 10 years. Unlike much of the recent academic literature, we suggest that NPM can work. NPM policy has not always been successful to the extent expected and promoted, but there is enough evidence to show that some of the central ideas in NPM have led to improvements in public service organization or provision across different organizational settings. An adequate degree of administrative capacity, sustained reform over time and a ‘fitting context’ are the main factors that can tip the scale for the success of these management instruments. The article provides a fresh and transparent assessment of a major administrative development in a growing region with implications for other parts of the world that experience similar challenges and opportunities.  相似文献   

服务型社会的建设需要政府职能转变,而政府职能转变则意味着某些原属政府的社会治理功能将转移给非政府主体,因此,政府职能的转变即为社会治理模式的变迁,政府职能转变后,多元主体的公共治理格局将取代传统的一元主体的社会管理体制和社会治理模式,呈现为社会治理的开放性、公共性、合作性及民主性。在期待和乐见公共治理格局形成的同时,尤为值得关注的是:尽管政府在社会治理的某些职能领域能够退出、应该退出,但其始终不可推卸的责任是对公共治理中非政府行为的规范与引导。  相似文献   

政府社会保障公共服务标准的制定和实施,有利于实现政府社会保障服务的规范化、透明化,开展政府社会保障服务的评估和比较,并促进社会保障服务的均等化。根据科学性、可比性、系统性、简洁性和可操作性等原则,本文选取了社会救助、社会保险、社会福利等方面的指标,构建了地方政府社会保障公共服务指标体系,并根据国际比较、国内比较和可及性等原则,对"十二五"时期北京市区县社会保障公共服务标准进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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