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In this paper, we investigate two questions. First, we explore which entity (the NHTSA or the manufacturer) is more likely to initiate a given auto safety recall campaign. Second, we analyze the determinants of owner response rates to safety recalls. Our data spans nineteen years (1980–1998) for the six largest auto manufacturers. We find evidence that the government initiates larger, less hazardous recalls involving older models and financially weak firms. Inexpensive recalls are more likely to be manufacturer initiated. The largest owner repair responses are associated with newsworthy hazardous defects of new domestic vehicles in their inaugural model year.  相似文献   

在2002年底,中国纺织工业协会首批选择了纺织产业集中度较高、规模效益比较明显、对纺织市场影响力较大、对产业发展和区域经济贡献较突出的19个市(县),19个镇作为全国纺织产业集群化发展的试点,开始重点跟踪和指导服务,同时分别授予了他们中国纺织产业基地市(县)和特色城(镇)称号.  相似文献   

随着日化行业竞争激烈的加剧,众多日化企业都使出浑身解数想使自己的产品被消费者所认可,当然企业在包装上花的气力也颇大。然而,消费者又是如何看待这些日化产品的包装呢?企业的努力是否得到了消费者的认可呢?关于日化包装,让我们从三方面来聆听一下来自消费者——“上帝”的声音:  相似文献   

当互联网公司强大的内部IT系统及计算能力成为中小企业的外骨骼时,万亿美元级的市场便成形了。这时,谁会在这个市场里充当类似于IBM这样的企业IT架构师的角色呢?  相似文献   

Four international organizations based in Rome are concerned with food and nutrition worldwide: FAO, WFC, WFP and IFAD. This article analyses their power structure, considering first the constitution and history of each organization, as background to the central question: Who governs? The effectiveness of each organization is also weighed, and the options for the power structure towards the close of the century are examined. The authors conclude that the four-organization structure has brought some positive results, and that it is optimal for balancing the interests of competing factions. It provides the various political blocs (OECD, OPEC, Third World, etc) with multiple channels to pursue their varied interests.  相似文献   

利多棉农无可争议 在今年中央一号文件和政府工作报告中屡次强调"工业反哺农业,城市支持农村"的大背景下,以保护棉农利益为目的的滑准税一经出台,就因其目的的政治性让人无话可说.  相似文献   

Stipp D 《Fortune》2003,147(7):68, 70

包装就是品牌的一张脸面。好的包装设计可以起到不同凡响的魅力,让人动心的同时也建立起产品的形象,从而达到销售的目的。 时下,一些厂家商家为牟取暴利,不惜在包装上做手脚,让商品包装的成本大大高于商品自身的生产成本,靠“货卖一张皮”使消费者多花冤枉钱。据报载,某男士买了一盒豪华包装的保健品,可打开这个十分漂亮、大气  相似文献   

2007年春季广告中,心理咨询所用的躺椅(见上部)变成了一张产床(Dolce Gabanna)。我们的女主角范思哲女郎在安娜妓院三个姐妹的帮助下,人工产下了一个女婴,这里既没有男性,也没有痛苦:通过无性繁殖孕育的小生命使范思哲女郎获得了永生。在2001范思哲女郎广告5~7到2007年分娩广告这六年中,到底孕育了怎样的故事?  相似文献   

Farnham A 《Fortune》1991,124(8):71-2, 76, 78 passim
In a faster spinning world, managers are finding new ways to ease stress in workers and themselves. Wisdom comes from surprising sources--like the Army--and pays off.  相似文献   

可能现在我们和GE、西门子这样的企业还不是很相同,我们有作为日本企业的特殊心态和形态,但也许未来几年、几十年,我们也会变成和他们一样性质的企业,至少在心态上,我们已经开始更加开放。这将会是我们的一个很大变化。  相似文献   

Innovations in the automotive industry are increasingly building on contributions from different technological fields. Correspondingly, firms in this industry more than ever tend to form research and development (R&D) alliances that aim at innovating new products through integrating separate fields and transferring knowledge. While, in symmetrical R&D alliances, each partner intends to ultimately maintain their distinctive and specialized knowledge base, overlapping knowledge facilitates cooperation and ultimately alliance success. Thus, the capability for knowledge transfer between partners is crucial in such R&D alliances. The literature provides ample evidence that such knowledge transfer is more likely to succeed if the recipient firm has absorptive capability. However, whereas the characteristics of the knowledge transfer process and the recipient firm are well understood, limited attention has so far been given to the issue of the knowledge source firm's ability to transfer knowledge to R&D alliance partners. This study focuses on the impact of source firm capability on successful knowledge transfer in R&D alliances. The study develops a theoretical framework of disseminative capability consisting of five dimensions and tests it on a sample of 59 projects in R&D alliances in the automotive industry. To ensure content validity and avoid common source bias, data were collected from both alliance partners. To test the hypotheses, multiple regression analyses were performed. The results reveal that the source firm's disseminative capability including the attainment of expert knowledge, assessing the recipient firm's knowledge base, and encoding knowledge are positively related to knowledge transfer success, while, surprisingly, detaching knowledge and support of knowledge application in the recipient firm are negatively related. Intentionally or unintentionally, disseminating knowledge across firm boundaries is widely perceived as detrimental to a firm's competitive advantage. Accordingly, the literature tends to downplay disseminative capability as an important means of exploiting external knowledge in collaborative settings. By demonstrating potential benefits for the source firm to transfer knowledge to the allying R&D partner firm, this paper reinvigorates the collaborative dimension in knowledge transfer. Further, the paper is the first of this kind to theoretically explain and empirically show that dimensions of disseminative capability of collaborators in R&D alliances are important for knowledge transfer, whereas disseminative capability is the complementary inverse of an organization's absorptive capacity.  相似文献   

This study reports novel facts about the UK gender pay gap. We use a representative, longitudinal and linked employer–employee dataset for 2002–2016. Men's average log hourly wage was 22 points higher than women's in this period. We find that 16 per cent of this raw pay gap is accounted for by estimated firm-specific wage effects. This is almost three times the amount explained by gender occupation differences. When we decompose a pre-adjusted measure of the pay gap, we find less than 1 percentage point or a 6 per cent share is accounted for by the gender allocation across high- and low-wage firms. In other words, only a small share of what is traditionally referred to as the ‘unexplained’ part of the pay gap is explained by the differences between men and women in whom they work for.  相似文献   

第二届国际农业展览会于2004年10月在北京举行,参展厂家有550余家,是近几年来国内少见的大型农业展览会,而且在展馆外面的广场上还设置了一个露天展区。专门展览农业机械和加工设备。笔者走遍了每个展台,深感我国农产品经过近些年来的发展,使很多企业认识到产品包装就是产品的门面,是产品的第二生命。农产品要想生产上档次,  相似文献   

2008 Fabrics China Creation Competition, oriented with the theme of promoting product innovation, turns out to be one of the most influential and authoritative professional  相似文献   

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