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浅析我国征信业存在的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜曙光 《商业研究》2003,(19):46-47
征信业作为社会信用体系的重要组成部分,对完善市场体系、促进市场经济的发展具有重要作用。然而,我国征信业目前现状远远不能适应市场经济发展的客观要求。发展我国的征信业既要充分发挥政府的作用,加快信用立法,积极扶持我国征信业的发展,又必须加强行业内部的交流与自律,促进行业自身的健康发展。  相似文献   

王锐  熊键 《商业研究》2003,(6):125-129
个人信用征信是解决我国目前信用缺位、维护市场经济秩序的有力手段。我国加入WTO的服务贸易特定义务承诺对国内个人信用征信业的长远发展产生了较为不利的影响 :由于我国对消费者个人信息隐私权保护立法的缺失而创设的行业经济租可能导致大量的寻租活动和巨大的社会成本。为了使我国建立伊始的个人信用征信体系能得到较全面的法律基础支撑、与国际惯例接轨 ,需要以立法的形式保护消费者的个人信息隐私权以使个人信用征信业的外部成本内在化。  相似文献   

我国信用征信业起步于20世纪80年代,随着经济的发展,社会对征信的需求日益加大。尤其是近几年来,随着计算机技术的发展、信用信息在社会经济生活中的应用和我国社会信用体系建设的全面推进,征信引起了社会各界的高度关注,作为新型服务行业的征信业呈现出快速发展的态势,社会对征信的监管要求越来越紧迫。本文结合山西省征信监管工作实际,分析考察了我国征信监管中存在的问题、教训和不足,借鉴发达国家的先进经验,尝试提出我国征信监管的对策思路和建议。  相似文献   

我国征信业的发展现状评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用经济依赖信用管理系统的正常运转 ,而征信作为信用管理系统的平台 ,起着至关重要的作用。我国征信业的发展仍处于初步阶段 ,就国际范围内的比较而言 ,许多方面仍亟待规范。  相似文献   

安瑞萍 《品牌》2011,(2):66-67
<正>美国是世界上信用交易额最高的国家,也是征信业最发达的国家,他们有一套完善的征信运行体系,并以此来保障和规范征信活动的正常开展。美国的征信运行体系涵盖以下三方面:一、高度市场化运作的信用服务公司随着信用市场壁垒的消除和近年来信息技术的快速发展,美国信用行业几乎  相似文献   

高有为 《现代商业》2008,(12):24-25
我国个人银行业务依赖于个人征信体系的建立和完善。目前发展征信业面临的主要障碍是专门管理机构未建立、市场化运作机制不健全和信用法规不完善。征信业的发展必须从建立管理机构、建立科学有效的运作机制、加快征信立法等方面着手。  相似文献   

本文在对美国次贷危机形成机理分析基础上提出信用危机是这次危机的实质,而征信才是维护信用和金融系统安全、稳定的重要手段。在回顾我国征信业发展历程的基础上,结合美国次贷危机中所暴露出的征信问题,分析了我国现有征信体系建设中存在的问题,并提出相应的建议和措施。  相似文献   

人工智能和大数据技术相继被运用到互联网金融后,我国征信业发展日趋成熟,配套的征信服务越来越完善。相对于个人征信体系的不断发展,大学生个人消费信用体系的建设却十分落后。大学生个人消费信用体系建设对各高校普及信用教育、对传统的金融机构以及政府机关都带来挑战。应通过新技术完善信用评估体系,金融机构应健全信用评估机制,政府应出台针对大学生信用的相关政策,并加强对大学生的信用教育,为打造诚信社会建立一个良好的基础。  相似文献   

信用经济是现代市场经济发展的必由之路,而互联网金融平台的蓬勃兴起对传统的征信体制带来了不可忽视的影响。基于互联网金融平台的大数据征信凭借自身海量资源和数据深度挖掘等独特优势,正在成为发展信用经济的新标准。文章以蚂蚁金服为研究对象,分析其技术背景和征信体系、风险控制体系及创新。通过蚂蚁金服的大数据征信实践得出大数据征信对我国互联网金融和征信业的有益启示。  相似文献   

近年来,随着个人征信的广泛运用,征信信息安全防控形势面临严峻挑战。做好新时代征信信息安全管理工作,切实维护信息主体合法权益,已成为当前形势下迫切需要解决的问题。文章梳理了我国目前个人征信信息主体权益保护的现状,对欧盟《一般数据保护条例》中的个人征信信息主体保护进行了分析,总结了我国在这方面存在的问题,并参照欧盟经验,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper quantifies financial market integration in the European Union, using a large array of credit and bond market indicators, stock market indicators, as well as indicators based on household and firm decisions. It focuses on comparing the evolution of the European Union before the Eastern enlargement (EU15) with that of the 12 New Member States (NMS) that joined after 2000. It documents improvements in the integration of the credit and bond markets as well as stock markets for both groups within the EU27, the heightened heterogeneity brought about by the NMS, but also a reversal of the integration process over the recent years (corresponding to the financial crisis), divergence disrupting both the EU15 core and the NMS. For all the decades of achievements within both the EU15 and NMS groups in terms of credit and stock market integration, the ultimate goals of financial market integration, perfect capital mobility and full international risk sharing remain out of reach.  相似文献   

In many regions of the globe today outside the US and Canada, existing networks for evaluating borrowers' credit histories, for recording borrowers' pledges of assets backing loans, and for the legal enforcement of creditor claims are often poorly developed. Inside North America these problems with credit information flows and legal enforcement systems are most evident inside Mexico, where credit reporting networks and the courts work under a somewhat different set of rules than in Canada and the United States. A national mail survey of more than 300 US banks lending across international boundaries into Mexico found that many US bankers have reservations about the credibility of credit reporting and credit security systems inside Mexico. If these reservations persist, they can lead to a fundamental restructuring of that developing nation's industry that could discourage international capital inflows and curtail the emergence of small business. Indeed, unless current credit information flows are more fully integrated and are of more uniform quality throughout North America, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is likely to continue to fall short of its promise of significant job growth and improved living standards throughout the continent. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

刘清生 《商业研究》2002,(15):118-121
个人信用信息的非对称已成为制约我国消费信贷发展的“瓶颈”,建立我国的个人信用报告制度已势在必行,但个人信用报告与公民隐私权联系紧密,给个人信用报告制度的建立造成了很大障碍。从个人信用报告制度建立的必要性入手,从确保信用情报担保功能真实原则、确保公民隐私权不受侵害原则两个基本原则方面论述了个人信用报告制度的构建。  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国流通业虽取得了举世瞩目的成就,但仍滞后于整个国民经济发展的步伐,同样面临着发展方式转变的问题.流通业发展方式的转变应通过做大做强连锁经营、培育大型流通企业集团、建立流通业征信体系、构建现代商品流通服务体系和培养流通业人才、开展流通科技研发与推广等方式进行.为达到转变流通发展方式的目标,应制定国家和区域流通业发展规划与实施细则,健全并完善流通业法律法规,并使对流通业的调控常态化.  相似文献   

This research aimed to study young adults’ use of and knowledge of credit. A large representative sample of Quebec young adults aged 18–29 years participated in a telephone survey. Results reveal that their use of credit has increased remarkably over the last decade. The mean score on the credit knowledge scale used in this study is 49.4% for the entire group. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis show that credit knowledge is positively related to personal income, number of debts, amount of total debt, number of credit cards and favourable attitude towards credit and debts. Young adults reporting either personal experience or family and relatives as their main source of learning about personal finances were found to have a lower level of knowledge about credit in general than those reporting having learned of this subject from courses, the media or financial counsellors. The learning of basic knowledge about credit and personal finances, with stress on the sensible use of credit, should be part of the educational agenda for young consumers.  相似文献   

Rowena Olegario has written a narrative about the importanceof information in the development of the U.S. economy by exploringthe development of mercantile agencies, organizations that pioneeredthe practices of credit evaluation and reporting in nineteenth-centuryAmerica. The main argument throughout the book is that the establishmentof credit evaluation and reporting moved business behavior frombehind a veil of secrecy and institutionalized a culture oftransparency throughout the economy. Mercantile agencies accomplishedthis transformation by commodifying credit  相似文献   

Classifying credit union industry types as Mature, Transition or Nascent provides a useful heuristic device by which to better understand grorwth ancl development issues facing the world- wide credit union movement. By defining the key attributes of each industry type an evolutionary linkage can be established between Transition and Mature industries, where Muture industries provide a demanstrations of the likely developrnenr path for Transition industries. The importance of Nascent industries to the future grorwth of the credit union movement makes this industry type of particular importance. Use of an industry type classification provides a platforn to better explore the economic and social significance of credit unions world- wide.  相似文献   

Cost efficiency scores for banks in ten new EU member countries of Central and Eastern Europe are estimated using a parametric approach (data envelopment analysis) for the period prior to and immediately following their accession (2000–2010). These are then used in both fixed effects and dynamic panels to estimate the impact of regulation on bank specific efficiency in the transition economies of the EU. Using the Fraser Index of Economic Freedom (Gwartney, Hall, and Lawson 2012) we find that, among all the indices of economic freedom, the composite regulation index that includes regulation in credit, labour and business has more importance for the banking sector as results suggest a positive and statistically significant impact on bank efficiency. By decomposing the regulation index into its three components (credit, business and labour regulation) we find that strict labour regulation is associated with lower bank cost efficiency while certain aspects of credit regulation such as foreign ownership and competition as well as private ownership are significantly associated with improved efficiency. The dynamic panel vector autoregression (VAR) results using impulse response functions and variance decomposition further support the validity of these results. These findings are valuable for both academics and policy makers in their attempts to understand the drivers of bank efficiency.  相似文献   

从信息呈报和信息治理的角度,分析了我国信贷市场存在严重信息约束的原因。认为现阶段信息约束导致了我国信贷市场局部信用膨胀和局部信用紧缩同时并存的局面,严重制约了我国信贷效率。指出要解决我国信贷市场的信息约束问题,必须在信息呈报的基础上完善信息治理,并着重探讨了信息治理的几种主要方式,提出了缓解信贷市场中的信息约束、提高信贷效率的政策建议。  相似文献   

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