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两年前发动"绿色革命"攻势,两年中践行"绿动未来"战略,两年后在节能汽车推广目录中拔得头筹,这就是节能先锋——上海通用汽车留给人们的最直观印象。上海通用汽车的"绿动攻势"既充满"谋定而后动"的智慧,又有"一气呵成"的效果 相似文献
Gordon H. Hanson 《Journal of urban economics》1996,39(3):255-281
This paper models industry location as a process of successive stages of agglomeration, dispersion, and reagglomeration. External economies lead firms to agglomerate in an industry center. Agglomeration drives up wages in the center, compelling firms to move low-skill activities to low-wage regions. A pioneer firm provides intermediation services between outlying regions and the center. The result is a regional production network: an industry center served by high-volume production sites, where pioneers are active, and low-volume production sites, where they are not. Evidence from the Mexican garment industry supports the theory. 相似文献
在分析了品牌社群、生活形态和品牌联盟内各自原理基础上,研究了三者之间的内在联系,提出了品牌联盟建立的新模式,为企业的品牌联盟策略提供了新的思路。 相似文献
2009年,沈浩波领军的磨铁图书,克服金融危机的影响,销售码洋达5亿元,比上年业绩翻番。而这一销售业绩,比排行第二的民营出版企业高出近一倍。这让磨铁图书稳坐在民营出版商的头把交椅上。 相似文献
社区生活圈的界定与测度:以北京清河地区为例 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
在对人居环境关注的宽度与深度发展之下,居住区规划正在向注重社会生活质量的社区规划转变。在中国,社区存在概念不清,边界不明的问题,亟须从生活空间视角,对社区的概念和空间进行重构。在梳理了国内外社区建设模式、生活空间、生活圈等相关研究的基础上,以北京清河地区为案例,采用GPS数据和活动日志数据,基于个体行为方法,依照功能和可达性两个维度提出日常生活圈的基本概念;并运用Alpha-shape方法,选择18个社区进行社区生活圈的实证测度。研究结果表明,较之以往居住小区,社区生活圈更能反映居民真实生活空间。研究还证明,Alpha-shape方法较之传统方法在测度生活圈方面更具优势。 相似文献
中星微电子的成功对于邓中翰而言,似乎还有着更深层的意义."如何在中国这样一个技术欠发达国家打造出世界一流的技术?"对于在硅谷已经取得了成绩的邓中翰和他的创业团队、包括国内众多的实验室,甚至中国政府在内,当时也不知道该怎么样"下手." 相似文献
林孝达之所以会回来,完全是因为台湾宝来证券创始人白文正的意外去世。林孝达期待着宝来证券的各项工作能够尽快走上正轨,好让他将董事长的职位尽快而且顺利地交出去 相似文献
Georg Stamatis 《Economic Systems Research》1999,11(1):15-30
This paper exposes mathematically Charasoff s results on linear production systems. Charasoff developed an algorithm for the iterative calculation of the Leontief inverse, the concepts of basic and non-basic commodities, as well as the Srajfian standard system. This allowed him, given the real wage rate, to calculate the profit rate independently of prices as the ratio of two physically homogeneous magnitudes, and then the prices for an already given profit rate. Therefore, as early as 1910, Charasoff had developed significant concepts of the theory of linear production systems, which long afterwards became more broadly known through the works of Leontief and Sraffa. 相似文献
Alan Bryman 《Journal of Management Studies》1997,34(3):415-438
This paper examines the debate about whether early entrants/pioneers to an industry enjoy long–term advantage over their successors. While most of the research suggests that pioneers are advantaged, there are methodological problems with these studies that tend to enhance the likelihood that pioneers will be found to be more successful. Through a case study of the US animation industry, it is shown that being a late entrant was almost certainly advantageous to some of the companies concerned. The paper explores the reasons why some late entrants prevailed over others and some of the mechanisms that allowed late entrants to overcome pioneers. The factors involved in survival relative to pioneers include the limited protection of patents, complacency, the mobility of staff with expertise in a new technology (in this case cel animation), and the neglected importance of managerial and organizational factors. It is shown that the findings also have implications for the population ecology approach. 相似文献
Frank C. Genovese 《American journal of economics and sociology》1989,48(4):501-502