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This article presents a framework for the consideration of employment as a property right using the relationships of basic rights as outlined by John Locke. The framework is applied to modern American corporations, and typical voluntary job protection mechanisms are reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper applies the property rights theory to study both positive and normative aspects of legislative delegation in a setup where interest groups directly influence lawmaking by initiating regulatory bargaining. A self-interested legislature choosing between the direct exercise of its legislative authority and delegation to an administrative agency must therefore trade off the value of bureaucratic competence against bureaucratic drift and, importantly, loss of control over bargaining. Our analysis, first, clarifies when the legislature’s choice between delegation and no delegation is socially efficient or socially inefficient; second, highlights the role of political bargaining and shows that precluding interest group influence through bargaining may actually increase the scope for socially inefficient outcomes; and, third, illustrates the model’s predictions in light of selected stylized facts and the practice of scant empirical work on legislative delegation.  相似文献   

This article offers a perspective that serves as an alternative to dealing with workplace issues within the framework of managerial capitalism. In accomplishing this, the article questions managerial capitalism by drawing from some of the same arguments used to justify it—such as those based on corporate morality, the law, notions of bureaucracy, and social construction of reality. Introducing and applying a strategy of inquiry known as deconstruction helps fulfill the underlying analysis. The result is an articulation of a stakeholder perspective of employee responsibilities and rights. This is an extended version of an Invited/Guest Paper presented to the Study Group on Employee Rights and Industrial Justice of the International Industrial Relations Research Association, at the 43rd IRRA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 27, 1990.  相似文献   

近几十年,中国学者不断讨论这样的问题:中国是有几千年文明史的泱泱大国,一直到两百多年前还是世界上首屈一指的经济强国,为什么到近代突然被西方各国所超越,直到近三十年才猛然发力?有人说中国的文化思想过于"早熟",缺乏  相似文献   

Dramatic changes in both the business environment and practitioner attitudes have made many of the traditional views of management rights moribund. Based on an analysis of the pertinent literature and a series of field interviews, this article sketches the rough dimensions of a managerial perspective of the parties' respective rights that is far more specific, pragmatic, and reciprocal in nature than the erstwhile global normative views were. In the future, management rights researchers should strive for the following goals: (1) conducting both inductive and deductive studies, (2) considering both positive and normative elements, (3) achieving a better balance between global, middle range, and particularitstic theories, and (4) recognizing the diverse disciplinary approaches that can be brought to bear on the subject.  相似文献   

The issue of intellectual property rights (IPRs) is assuming increasing importance, especially for innovative firms seeking international growth. This leads to an increasing need for IPR research. Nevertheless, so far it is not known how well the current research answers to this emerging need. Hence, this study finds out how IPR research has evolved in the literature on innovation management and identifies the current trends. In order to do this we analysed articles published in the years 1970–2009 in the seven leading innovation management journals. We found 111 articles focusing on IPR issues for our systematic content analysis. The results indicate that IPRs are a fast-growing research field in innovation management, but there is a need to develop coherent constructs and conceptual frameworks that would strengthen the theoretical basis of the research. Most of the studies emphasise patents, rely on secondary data, and focus on North American and European contexts. The article concludes with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Answering a call for a more fully developed concept of work-life balance (WLB), we use person-environment fit and control theories to develop a model of WLB incorporating the work, family, and personal domains. We propose a cybernetic model which recognizes that individuals have a desired balance among the three domains that serves as a standard against which they compare their perceptions of WLB at any given point in time. Our cybernetic model suggests that individuals will seek to restore balance when a negative imbalance is perceived. Further we propose that role senders and resources in the domains, as well as anticipated future WLB and retrospective perceptions of WLB also affect desired balance and actions. We discuss the implications of the proposed model for future research and practice.  相似文献   

Transferable development rights markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several legislative proposals utilizing the concept of transferable development rights have been advanced in recent years. A chief claim made by their proponents is that the concept enables the same kind of constructive land market intervention as direct land-use controls but without an inequitable distribution of development gains. The validity of this claim is established for certain circumstances in this paper and two specific cases where the concept may be useful are described.  相似文献   

庆祝中华人民共和国成立十周年的时候,倾全国之力,在北京搞了十大建筑,如今任何一个城市到处都是高楼林立,为什么会出现这样的现象呢?其中有一个最重要的因素,政府开始重视土地是值钱的资源,如何进一步利用好土地资源,让土地资源利用得最有效益,是摆在城市经营和发展面前一个非常重大的课题.这个问题我是一个外行,所以我不想多讲.我想结合中国入世以后半年多的情况,分析一下中国加入世界贸易组织以后,一些基本的形势,对照一下我们当初在加入世界贸易组织当中我们所作出的估计和现实所发生的一些事情,来看看当初中国作出关于入世决策确实是完全正确的.  相似文献   

In een populatie wenst men de fractie personen te schatten, die een zeker kenmerk vertoont. Bij het interview krijgt men vaak een weigering of een ontwijkend of een bewust onjuist antwoord op vragen m.b.t. delicate kenmerken, waardoor de schatter van de fractie onzuiver kan worden. Door gebruik te maken van statistische technieken, die de laatste tien jaren in de V.S. zijn ontwikkeld, kan men deze fractie toch zuiver schatten. Ook van kwantitatieve kenmerken, zoals de hoogte van het inkomen, kan men m.b.v. deze technieken het populatiegemiddelde zuiver schatten. Een overzicht van deze “randomized response”-technieken wordt behandeld. Een bibliografie van de tot nu toe verschenen publikaties wordt gegeven.  相似文献   

城市拆迁中的维权博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先依据外部性原理和博弈论方法,构建了被拆迁人维权行为博弈模型,并对此进行了分析.研究表明,增加对被拆迁人的补偿比加大对拆迁人惩罚力度的效果要好;政府行政执法机关积极履行职责,要比被动查处拆迁人的侵权来保护被拆迁人的合法权益成本更低.最后,据此提出了建议.  相似文献   

In this article I analyze the impact that capital mobility has on employee rights in the workplace by studying the effects of the relocation of General Motor’s Corvette plant from St. Louis to Bowling Green, Kentucky. This relocation not only afforded GM an opportunity to increase its control over its hourly work force, but it also set in motion a process in which the rights’ claims of management and workers were redefined. Through a number of planned and unplanned mechanisms, management invaded spaces created by workers, and, as a result, workers’ ability to pursue their interests was diminished. In the concluding section, I discuss the implications of this for research on employee rights and for combining the concern for rights with labor process theory.  相似文献   

Rights are very important concepts in everyday life. And they are especially important to participants in organizations. Yet, our theories of organization and management have largely ignored rights — stressing, instead, other concepts, such as goals, roles, etc. This article describes the historical significance of rights and their relevance in understanding social behavior. The advantages of a right-based organizational theory (versus traditional goal-based theories) are discussed.This article draws on the author's forthcoming book,A Social-Contract Theory of Organizations (University of Notre Dame Press, 1988).  相似文献   

在当今中国文坛,女性作家写作愈来愈蔚为大观,越来越惹人眼目。文坛内外叫好又叫座的作品,多数出自于女性作家之手。与本世纪“五四”之后陡然崛起的现代女作家群相比,当代的女性写作,无论是作家的数量、创作的质量,抑或是风格的多样、作品的影响,都大大超过世纪之初的现代时期。可以毫不夸张地说,现在的女性文学写作已真正进入了它前所未有的黄金时期。  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of constructing a Pareto-efficient social welfare function that respects individual rights when preferences are defined over the location of a public facility. Restricting individual preferences to be either single-peaked or single-dipped, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Pareto-efficient social welfare function that respects individual rights.  相似文献   

公司治理是指使投资者将公司创造价值所需要的资源投入公司,以保证公司有效地利用这些资源,并有效地进行收益分配的机制.本文以MM无关性定理为基准,分析了所有权与控制权分离导致的代理问题,进而分析人们用财务约束和控制权配置两种机制来解决代理问题所带来的新问题.资本市场和产品市场的不完美性、公司价值信息在内部人与外部人之间分布的不对称性,以及不同的利益集团之间的目标冲突,使公司的融资活动和分配活动对公司价值产生一定的影响.从最大化经济福利的内在目标出发,解决上述公司治理问题的方式大致可以分为四类:权衡各种成本和利益;减少信息不对称性;缓和目标冲突;降低所有权和控制权的分离程度.  相似文献   

From 1944 to 1986, 19 states held 27 referendums on right-to-work legislation, with 22.5 million people voting on the proposals. Despite its prominence as a public issue, most research on right-to-work laws focuses on their industrial relations impacts, and not on employees’ individual rights to refrain from joining unions or those same employees’ responsibilities to support their bargaining unit representative. Nor has there been any research on what citizen groups determine those rights and responsibilities in a right-to-work referendum. This study explores a potential operational model of anti-right-to-work voting with a multiple regression analysis of Missouri’s 1978 right-to-work election results, and hopes to serve as a stimulus to additional research on these particular dimensions of the right-to-work issue.  相似文献   

It is unlawful under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act for employers to discriminate against applicants or employees because of their sex unless sex is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ). During the past two decades, a number of courts were asked to decide whether sex is a BFOQ for the purpose of protecting clients’ privacy rights (i.e., whether employers could insist that employees be of the same sex as their clients for those jobs which required employees to touch or view clients’ bodies in various stages of undress). This investigation examined relevant judicial opinions rendered throughout the United States to determine how the courts resolved this conflict between clients’ privacy rights and employees’ equal employment opportunity rights.  相似文献   

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