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不同国家首次公开发行市场的新股平均抑价存在显著差异.研究结果表明,是否为转轨国家以及不同国家间的人均GDP、股票市场发展历史、新股发行方式等因素的差异在很大程度上解释了该现象. 相似文献
公平原则是民法基本原则之一。它贯穿于民法的立法、司法、守法始终。在商品房交易的过程中当然也涉及到大量关于公平原则的运用。本文将以商品房买卖合同为例,浅谈一下公平原则的适用和实现问题,以期厘清商品房买卖纠纷中的法律关系,并对纠纷的解决起到一定指导作用。 相似文献
目前,世界上多数海洋边界尚未解决。长期以来,公平原则作为一项习惯法规则存在着争议。虽然《联合国海洋法公约》强调大陆架和专属经济区划分应公平解决,但公平解决并非公平原则,因此它没有提供确定的规则以便指引。本文将重点讨论公平原则在大陆架和专属经济区划界中的适用,同时建立在前人研究成果之上,从公平原则在海洋划界中的理论与实践入手,对其法律地位进行探究。 相似文献
税收是政府财政的一个重要手段。税收分配自身也存在公平税负的政策问题。在税收理论中提到“公平”,人们自然而然地会想到经典的税收公平原则。在税收实务中提到“公平”.如果仍然套用税收公平原则.似乎有些牵强。“公平”之所以会产生这种模棱两可的含义。其原因在于虽然“公平”的字面意思相同,但是两种情形下的“公平”已经有了不同的内涵,具体说就是“税制”建设中的公平原则与“税治”建设中的感觉公平有差别。 相似文献
我国《个人所得税法》调节功能乏力,如何解决个人所得税存在的“为富不税”问题,为实现社会公平、保护公民财产权提供有效的法律保障,成为我国正在紧锣密鼓进行的所得税法修改和急待推进的所得税制改革的焦点问题。本文从税收公平原则的角度,就我国《个人所得税法》的修订,现阶段的税收政策在这方面的缺失及相关建议作一些具体的探讨。 相似文献
笔者撰写的《不可抗力与意外事故在货 运合同作为免责事由的区别》一文在《上海保险》杂志2003年第6期发表后,厦门海事法院对吴某等13人诉武汉某航运有限责任公司货运合同纠纷一案作出一审判决。本文就判决中有关责任分担的法律适用问题提出不同看法。 一、案情简介及判决 2002年8月24日吴某等13人(以下 相似文献
唐芳 《河南财政税务高等专科学校学报》2005,19(5):8-10
我国的个人所得税制一直以调节收入分配为主要政策目标.随着经济的迅速发展和居民收入水平的普遍提高,现行个人所得税制在税制模式、税率设计、扣除费用、征收范围等方面的问题和矛盾日益显现.必须遵循税收公平原则弥补我国现行个人所得税制存在的缺陷. 相似文献
我国IPO询价制度实施效果研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
本文运用均值检验与逐步回归等实证分析工具,对我国IPO询价制度的实施效果进行了检验与研究.结果显示,目前我国的IPO询价制度并未使IPO效率获得大幅提升,IPO的首日与首周平均收益率仍处于较高水平.询价过程缺乏信息激励与甄别是影响询价制度实施效果的主要因素.IPO发行改革的方向是正确的,但询价制度仍需要进一步完善. 相似文献
在当今发达的市场经济国家中,公平原则已成为公认的税法基本原则。所谓税法基本原则,是指贯穿于一国全部税收法律制度之中,对税收法律制度的制定和实施具有普遍指导作用的准则。它是税法目的、作用、任务和调整方法的综合反映。税法基本原则是税收立法的基础,也是税收执法的依据和税法实现的基本保证。 相似文献
This paper examines the role of lockup agreements on the survival of 580 UK Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) during the period of 1990–2011. Our accelerated failure time (AFT) survival model shows a statistically and economically significant effect of lockup length on the post‐IPO survival. A 12 month increase in median lockup period increases the (median) survival time by 27%. Furthermore, the failure rates for IPOs with longer lockups are consistently lower than the failure rates for IPOs with shorter lockups regardless of delisting reasons. The results are robust to choice of different survival estimation models, heterogeneity, clustering, and alternative specification of variables. Our results highlight the importance of lockup characteristics on the subsequent survival of newly listed firms and inform recent debate regarding alleged short‐termism in the UK equity market. 相似文献
Timothy R. Burch 《Review of Financial Economics》2003,12(4):345-362
We examine the pricing of U.S. initial public offerings (IPOs) by foreign firms that are already seasoned in their domestic countries. Presumably, these equity offers have less downside risk for investors than typical IPOs since domestic share prices can be used to help establish a preoffer value for the firm's equity. In spite of the presumed diminished downside risk, we find that offers by firms from countries that impose foreign ownership restrictions and capital controls are on average underpriced, experiencing an average first-day return in the United States of 12.7%. This result stems in part from the underwriter's failure to price the issue to fully reflect the postoffer premium that often arises for the U.S. shares. In contrast, offers by firms from countries without ownership restrictions have an average first-day return of 0.0%. 相似文献
The Pricing of IPOs Post-Sarbanes-Oxley 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) imposes new requirements for firms going public. Many provisions of SOX should improve the transparency of U.S. firms going public and therefore reduce the uncertainty surrounding their valuation. We find that initial returns of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the United States have declined since SOX. Furthermore, the aftermarket performance of IPOs since SOX is significantly higher. While the expense of public reporting has increased in the United States because of SOX, the valuations of newly public firms at the time of the IPO are subject to less uncertainty and smaller aftermarket corrections. 相似文献
This paper estimates the duration from offering to listing of Chinese A-share IPOs issued from 1994 to 2005. We firstly compare the effects of the two issuing systems on the length of this duration and find that the waiting time to listing has been shortened greatly after the Approval System is adopted. Secondly, this study emphasizes on exploring endogenous factors related to an issuer itself, including the issuer's quality, market sentiment, allocation mechanism, and underwriter, etc. Then a Cox proportional hazard model is employed to examine these factors' influences on this issuer's final listing. Further, this paper extends the analysis to explore the role of the issuing system and issuing year respectively. Most endogenous factors are found to still be functioning when we take into account the effect of the issuing system, but the effects of underwriter, allocation mechanism, offering price and floatation size diminish in favour of the effect of issuing year. 相似文献
This study examines how various aspects of underwriter peer network affect IPOs. We use different network measures to capture underwriter centrality in the global network, cohesion and diversity within network, and prior industry experience of network partners. Our results show that IPOs underwritten by book managers with more central and cohesive networks and partners with previous industry experience are associated with a higher likelihood of an offer price revision and larger price revisions. We also find book managers with more central networks and partners with previous industry experience are associated with higher short-run stock returns, while book managers that maintain more reciprocated peer relationships tend to underprice more. These results indicate that underwriters use peer networks to produce information and place securities, and network structure and characteristics have implications for the quantity and quality of information and the level of cooperative efforts shared among underwriters. 相似文献
In this paper, we examine the premarket underpricing phenomenon within a group of venture-backed and a group of non-venture-backed initial public offerings (IPOs), using a stochastic frontier approach. Consistent with previous research, we find that venture-backed IPOs are managed by more reputable underwriters and generally are associated with less underwriter compensation. However, unlike other papers in the literature, we find that the initial-day returns of venture-backed IPOs on average, are, higher than the non-venture-backed group. We observe a significantly higher degree of premarket pricing inefficiency in the initial offer price of venture-backed IPOs. Further, our results show that a significant portion of the initial day returns is due to deliberate underpricing in the premarket. 相似文献
Firms from emerging markets, including China, increasingly seek to raise capital outside of their home markets. We examine the short‐term performance of U.S.‐bound Chinese initial public offerings (IPOs) and find that these IPOs have significantly lower underpricing than a matched sample of U.S. counterparts. We also find that the magnitude of IPO underpricing for U.S.‐bound Chinese firms is positively related to revisions in offer price. 相似文献
We compare Chinese single with dual-class firms cross-listed on US exchanges. We find that dual-class firms are larger in terms of assets and sales, possess ownership concentration, and have higher institutional ownership. Chinese firms in IT industry are especially likely to use dual-class structure. We find that, contrary to the literature, dual-class firms underprice 30.42% more and firm underprices less when governance practices are adequate. Insiders need to bear underpricing cost for retaining control. Interestingly, we find that dual-class firms hire more independent directors to show commitment toward shareholder’s rights but control them through CEO Chairman Duality and superior voting rights. 相似文献
Following Brounen and Eichholtz (2002) this paper adds to the international literature investigating the underpricing of REIT
initial public offerings (IPOs), with a study into Australian property trusts. This study finds that initial day returns can
in part be explained by forecast profit distributions (or dividends) and the market sentiment towards property trusts from
the date of the prospectus to the date of listing. There is some support for the “winners curse” explanation of underpricing
with evidence that large investor or institutional involvement at the outset of the IPO also has some explanatory power. 相似文献