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本文从外商直接投资(FDI)与环境之间的关系入手,结合"污染避难所"有关假说,在FDI区位选择理论中加入地方政府环境规制因素。从理论和实证的角度分析是否存在地方政府以降低环境规制为手段策略性争夺FDI以及地方政府环境规制"竞争到底"(race-to-bottom)的事实。基于2005年至2013年28个省区的面板数据,本文对以上两个假说进行实证检验。根据经验分析结果,地方政府降低环境规制水平的确能够吸引更多的FDI,出于辖区利益最大化的目标,地方政府有动机降低环境规制水平;考察环境规制策略性的空间计量模型显示,地方政府之间的环境政策博弈的确存在着"竞争到底"的特征。  相似文献   

目前对FDI流入影响因素的研究主要集中在非制度和制度因素中的政府效率方面,而对政府官员尤其是地方政府官员的作用还少有涉及。本文利用省级地方官员(省长、省委书记)交流数据,采用倍差法定量考察了省级地方官员对FDI区位选择的影响。研究发现,省长(省委书记)交流会对FDI的区位选择产生显著的正影响,使辖区FDI流入量提高20%左右。这种官员交流效应在弱内生性以及稳健性检验中依然显著。本文研究将为中央完善官员交流机制、吸引FDI以促进地区经济协调发展提供理论和经验上的支持。  相似文献   

张天阵  王贵民 《财贸研究》2010,21(3):66-70,79
东道国地方政府与外商投资之间的博弈是一个不完全信息博弈模型,通过对此模型进行分析,得出其最优贝叶斯纳什均衡结果的FDI规模。进一步,通过对影响上述均衡的各种参数条件进行比较静态分析,得出影响最优投资规模的因素:市场容量、人力资本、产业集聚及其关联效应、基础设施、投资自由化。在此基础上,结合中国FDI发展的实际情况,提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

顾剑华 《商业时代》2011,(30):57-58
本文利用动态面板数据模型和GMM估计,考察了政府公共支出、FDI对经济增长的溢出效应。研究结果表明:政府公共支出和FDI对经济增长的溢出效应都呈现显著为正,但FDI并不是主要因素,长期以来政府公共支出成为拉动西南地区经济增长的最重要因素;地方政府公共支出竞争对经济增长的溢出效应为正,其中地理相邻的政府公共支出对经济增长产生了显著影响,但经济发展水平相邻的政府公共支出对经济增长的影响较小且不显著。  相似文献   

江苏省产业集聚对FDI流入影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FDI在经济发展中的作用日益明显,地方政府之间围绕吸引FDI的竞争日趋激烈,如何吸引更多FDI是各地区政府所面临的问题,学术界关于FDI区位决定因素的研究兴趣也不断增强。本文拟从产业集聚理论入手,对江苏省产业集聚与FDI流入的关联度进行深入研究,最后得出结论和政策建议。  相似文献   

本文将地方政府引资环境因素进行量化并建立数据模型进行实证分析。通过使用计量统计工具STATA,对283个地级市的相关数据进行了回归分析,更准确地找出各个因素对FDI影响程度。  相似文献   

以蒂布特模型的"用脚投票"理论为基础,利用中国30个省市1997~2005年的Panel Data建立Panel Data模型,实证分析各地区的地方公共物品供给对吸引FDI的影响,结果表明,地方公共物品的供给与FDI的吸引呈显著正相关,各地区公共物品供给差异是FDI区域分布差异的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

人力资本水平是东道国获得FDI技术溢出效应的一个重要条件。利用2004—2008年江苏省13个主要城市的经济数据,按人力资本水平高低对样本城市进行分组回归,分析其对FDI技术溢出效应的影响。结果显示人力资本水平越高,FDI技术溢出效应越好。为此,江苏省应加大教育投入,提高人力资本水平;地方政府应创造条件吸引具有技术溢出效应的外资企业进入江苏省;促进内外资企业间人才的流动。  相似文献   

在我国财政分权体制下,地方政府针对FDI展开了激烈的引资竞争,各地针对FDI的优惠措施不断强化,使得外资企业对国内私人投资企业形成了过度的竞争优势,导致FDI对私人投资的"挤出"。实证表明:各地对FDI的引资优惠引致并强化了FDI对我国私人投资的挤出效应;我国中西部地区对外资的优惠强度明显高于东部,由此导致的挤出效应也最为显著。即使在"两税合并"后,分权体制所导致的引资冲动仍使得地方政府有足够激励采取各种变相优惠吸引FDI,因此,应从根本上调整地方政府激励机制,规范区域间引资竞争行为。  相似文献   

本文从成本视角分析了FDI区位决策的价值取向,即影响FDI区位决策的成本因素分解为三大类:生产成本、运输成本和交易成本。其中,劳动力成本是构成生产成本的主体部分,而运输成本和交易成本相对于生产成本来讲,对FDI区位决策影响较小。文章特别提出,劳动力成本影响FDI区位决策具有特殊性,即外资企业对劳动力成本的敏感度与企业类型有关,大多数外资企业在做区位决策时将低廉的劳动力成本视为主要考虑因素,但资本密集型、技术密集型企业主要考虑劳动者素质而不是劳动力成本。因此,地方政府制定引进外资政策时,要根据外资企业类型制定差异化引资政策。  相似文献   

本文使用世界银行的城市数据定量比较了国际贸易成本与产权保护水平、契约执行效率和政府干预程度等制度环境对FDI区位分布的影响。研究发现,外企高度依赖国际市场,国际贸易成本显著影响了FDI区位分布;融资的便利和母国政府的支持,推行纵向一体化导致其产业链有闭合趋势等因素,使外企对当地制度环境并不敏感。本文分析表明有必要进行全国性运输改革,以提升中西部内陆地区对FDI的吸引力。  相似文献   

Government policies are integral to the internalization theory of foreign direct investment (FDI). However, the role of government policies in affecting FDI as a strategic choice of firms has not been fully explored. This article therefore expands the analysis of the role of government policy in the internalization theory of FDI. Some government policies reduce market imperfections while others create them. Some of those policies and their effects on market imperfections furthermore make FDI less attractive as a strategic alternative, while other policies and their effects on market imperfections make FDI more attractive. This study also argues that a comprehensive integration of political variables in FDI theory requires several levels of analysis of both political and economic variables.  相似文献   

This paper analyses regional Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Thailand. Its determinants are identified using a unique assembled panel dataset comprising all 76 Thai provinces during the period 1985–2005. The work is premised on the view that foreign investors consider various determinants of location choices in each province (including labour costs, Gross Provincial Products (GPP) per head, areas of industrial estates, communication and transportation issues, population characteristics, educational attainment, population density and distance from the centre of town to the main ports of Thailand) as well as government incentives, before deciding to undertake FDI in a given region. Our econometric model estimates suggest that government regional policy, and the effect of zoning in particular, however, has a significant and positive effect on regional FDI, drawing FDI to those zones where the greatest incentives are on offer. The other possible determinants of FDI amongst regions are largely shown to be insignificant.  相似文献   

基于房地产市场各利益主体的博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来房地产价格的持续暴涨引起了各方面的关注,虽然政府出台了一系列调控政策,然而房价反而出现了不降反涨的局面。这与房地产市场中各利益主体间的相互博弈与合谋有着密切的关系。从博弈论的视角出发,实现房地产市场健康稳定发展,必须解决房地产市场中地方政府、中央政府、房地产商和消费者之间的利害关系;必须让居民能够承受起房价负担;必须针对房地产市场中各方参与者的行为进行合理的规制和监管。要实现这一目标,关键在于完善相应规制、激励机制和博弈规则,使房地产市场各方参与者利益均衡化。  相似文献   

綦建红  鞠磊 《财贸研究》2007,18(3):10-15,31
从理论上看,环境管制与外资区位分布之间的关系一直存在着较大的争议;从实践上看,我国近年来环境污染问题日趋严重,且各地区的环境管制水平呈现出明显的差异。本文通过采用协整分析和格兰杰因果检验,对中国东部、中部和西部地区的环境规制与外资分布之间的关系进行了实证分析,并得出如下结论:东部地区的环境规制与吸引外资之间存在着稳定的正相关关系,而中部地区和西部地区则表现为明显的负相关关系。同时,环境规制不是引起外资变化的格兰杰原因,但外资是引起环境规制变化的格兰杰原因。  相似文献   

Japanese manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have actively undertaken Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Asia since the mid-1980s. FDI contributes to economic growth of the FDI recipient countries, as it brings in not only financial resources for investment but also technologies and managerial know-how, which are important factors for promoting economic growth. Recognizing these benefits of receiving FDI, policy makers in developing countries have formulated various strategies to attract FDI. This paper examines the factors in the host countries that would attract FDI by Japanese SMEs. Our results show the importance of both supply-side and demand-side factors in the recipient countries for attracting FDI by Japanese SMEs. Supply-side factors include abundance of low-wage labor, availability of well-developed infrastructure, and good governance of the host government, while an important demand-side factor is the presence of sizable local market. In addition, Japanese SMEs regard industrial agglomeration, which has a element of both supply and demand factors, as an important factors making FDI decision. Supply-side factors are found to be important for attracting Japanese FDI in developing countries, while demand-factors play a role in attracting Japanese FDI in developed countries. A comparison of the results for SMEs to those for large firms reveals that SMEs are more sensitive to the conditions in the host countries in making their FDI decision. In particular, SMEs regard the availability of low-wage labor, well-developed infrastructure, and industrial agglomeration as important elements much more than large firms. High sensitivity of SMEs to local economic conditions in their decision on FDI location may be explained by their limited availability of financial and human resources and high dependence on overseas production in their business. In light of these findings, we conclude that countries interested in hosting FDI have to provide a very attractive business environment.  相似文献   

This article investigates the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) location across Italian provinces. Specifically it examines the relationship between industry‐specific local industrial systems and the location of inward FDI. This extends previous analysis beyond the mere density of activity, to illustrate the importance of the specific nature of agglomerations in attracting inward investment. The article develops a model of FDI location choice using a unique FDI database stratified by industry and province. The results also suggest that the importance of agglomeration differs between industries, and offers some explanation for this.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of greenfield foreign direct investment (FDI) and cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on government size in host countries of FDI. Using panel data for up to 130 countries for the period from 2003 to 2011, the study specifically tests the compensation hypothesis, suggesting that by increasing economic insecurity, economic openness leads to larger government size. It is found that greenfield FDI increases labour market volatility and thereby economic insecurity while M&As are not significantly associated with labour market volatility. The main results of this study are that greenfield FDI has a robust positive effect on government size, while M&As have no statistically significant effect on government size in the total sample of developed and developing countries, as well as in the sub-samples of developed and developing countries.  相似文献   

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