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张成林 《价值工程》2011,30(14):288-289
民办教育在我国教育事业中有着举足轻重的地位,《民办教育促进法》的颁布,带来了民办教育的快速发展。因民办学校自身问题和教育体制方面的问题,挫伤了投资人投资办学的积极性,影响了民办教育的发展。对此必须在实践中不断完善民办教育立法,规定界定营利性民办学校与非营利性民办学校的条件,制定不同的税收政策;完善民办学校法人财产权的立法,确保民办学校法人财产不受非法侵害;细化民办学校投资人获得合理回报的立法,鼓励投资人投资办学的积极性;细化民办学校联合办学的立法,优化教育资源的使用效率。  相似文献   

为评估限购政策对城市住房市场的调控效应,借助灰色系统理论的灰色关联分析法构建数学模型,以天津市为例,对限购政策实施前后城市住房市场的变动情况进行了比较分析。结果显示,与限购政策实施前相比,天津市的住宅现房销售面积、住宅期房销售面积在时间上均出现了明显的滞后;住宅施工面积在时间上则未明显的变化;住宅投资完成额和住宅新开工面积在时间上则有少许提前。由此可以认为,限购政策的实施引起了住房市场供需双方行动方向的分异,降低了需求者群体的住房需求量,加快了供应者群体的供应速度,增加了市场住房供应量。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的快速发展,失地农民住房安置问题不容忽视。通过对南宁市失地农民住房安置现状调查,发现存在经济基础薄弱,补偿金分配不均;安置区规划不合理,管理滞后;土地征用制度滞后,抢建、违建情况突出;住房成本高,失地农民就业困难;新建住房安置项目进展缓慢,过渡期较长等诸多问题。进而提出即时调整拆迁补偿标准;成立专门小组全程协调住房安置工作;设立专项资金,用于安置住房项目建设与售价之间的差价补贴;加大"两违"整治工作力度;完善社区管理机制等对策建议。  相似文献   

蔡卓 《价值工程》2012,31(28):79-81
论文从澳门大三巴周边历史街区重整着手,提出现状存在问题,改造意向与模式及重整规划设想,使其成为具有古老精神风貌的新城。  相似文献   

武强 《价值工程》2014,(6):74-76
BT(建设-移交)是当今国际基础设施项目建设领域中被普遍采用的投资建设模式。这种模式的广泛运用,加快了西方国家基础设施建设,促进了经济发展,缓解了政府的资金压力。国内BT模式于上个世纪90年代,开始在全国陆续出现。不同BT项目在不同地区,不同行业都会有所侧重,应该说国内的BT项目一直在不断的创新,一直在探索一种适合中国国情的具有中国特色的投融资模式。例如深圳地铁采取了"投融资+设计施工总承包+回报"的深圳BT模式;福州地铁采取了"资本金+BT"的新模式。本文就当前经济发展现状,结合某大型国有建筑企业对BT项目的探索经验,探索BT项目引进产业基金的新型投融资模式,最后给出实施该模式的几点建议。  相似文献   

我国城市景观规划建设的进展、问题及反思   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
198 0年代以来 ,我国城市景观发生了巨大变化 ,城市景观规划建设方面取得了显著进展 ,表现在制度规范建设、生态与人居环境、历史风貌保护以及理论研究等方面 ;同时也存在着突出的问题 ,如 :城市形象趋同 ,整体景观不协调 ,重形式、轻功能 ,历史风貌破坏等。面对现实情况和问题 ,对我国当前城市景观规划建设从环境与制度建设、经济、心态、文化以及理论研究等方面进行了全面反思。  相似文献   

随着中国城镇化建设的加快,配套的公共设施也亟待建设,仅靠政府的力量远远不能满足社会需求,BOT方式由于自己独有的特点被各国政府青睐。我国作为最大的发展中国家,对私有资本投入BOT的需求更加大。而由于BOT投资大、回收期长、风险难以估计等特点,私有资本者对BOT一直处于观望态度。笔者认为,政府作为BOT的主要负责者,应当在法律、政策、金融三方面做出改善,增强投资者信心。  相似文献   

What is the role of legal ambiguity in the creation and institutionalization of private property regimes? In what ways does the (ab)use of legal ambiguities affect market‐making processes? I address these questions through a detailed analysis of two large‐scale urban renewal projects in Istanbul that impose a formal private property regime on informal settlements. My research reveals that without the strategic utilization of legal ambiguities and administrative arbitrariness by public and private actors, private property cannot be easily created and hence capitalist markets cannot function efficiently. My findings challenge the assumptions of several social science traditions such as neoclassical and neoinstitutionalist economics, as well as most works within the law and economics tradition regarding the relationship between law, property and economic development. These approaches to economic development are underpinned by the legal certainty that private property entails as the most important element for an efficient economic order. However, in their unconditional support for private ownership, they fail to realize the degree of legal ambiguity and administrative arbitrariness needed to create the private property regime in the first place. As such their arguments remain theoretically and empirically incomplete. A more complete analysis of the relationship between law and economic dynamics must focus on how private property is constructed, and the extent to which legal ambiguities and loopholes are utilized in this process.  相似文献   

This article draws on Margaret Radin's theorization of ‘contested commodities' to explore the process whereby informal housing becomes formalized while also being shaped by legal regulation. In seeking to move once‐informal housing into the domain of official legality, cities can seldom rely on a simple legal framework of private‐law principles of property and contract. Instead, they face complex trade‐offs between providing basic needs and affordability and meeting public‐law norms around living standards, traditional neighbourhood feel and the environment. This article highlights these issues through an examination of the uneven process of legal formalization of basement apartments in Vancouver, Canada. We chose a lengthy period—from 1928 to 2009—to explore how basement apartments became a vital source of housing often at odds with city planning that has long favoured a low‐density residential built form. We suggest that Radin's theoretical account makes it possible to link legalization and official market construction with two questions: whether to permit commodification and how to permit commodification. Real‐world commodification processes—including legal sanction—reflect hybridization, pragmatic decision making and regulatory compromise. The resolution of questions concerning how to legalize commodification are also intertwined with processes of market expansion.  相似文献   

This study develops a continuous time model to examine a complete two-stage decision process for venture capitals (VCs), including investment in the private market at Stage 1 and exit through IPO in the public market at Stage 2. Optimal timings, investment terms, and exit decisions are investigated using the real options game theory under two cases: the same required returns in the public and private markets and a higher required return in the private market than in the public market. Our results indicate that the same required returns in the public and private markets generate an optimal investment decision at Stage 1 without relation to the exit decision in Stage 2. However, when the required return in the private market is higher than that in the public market, the exit decision will influence the investment decision. The size of the initial capital, ownership structure, growth rate and risk of industry, required returns in public and private capital markets, extent of lock-up period price pressure, and transaction costs of financing are important factors influencing the equilibrium results.  相似文献   

随着南宁市经济发展,居民收入增长,居民汽车拥有量激增,停车场地的需求量相应增大,住区地下停车场成为城市交通设施的重要组成部分。近期笔者参与了若干住区地下车库的施工图设计,针对工作中所遇到的各种问题做了分析与比较,并记录下来,为进一步的研究或将来的工作提供参考。  相似文献   

胡敏  赵中枢 《城市发展研究》2012,19(5):135-138,143
论文分析了历史水圳保存现状和保护困境,认为按照历史聚落的格局和环境要素进行保护,不能全面保护历史水圳的价值内涵。提出宜从历史景观视角重新审视历史水圳,应构建以多学科理论支持、以功能逻辑和文化内涵为主线的保护整治技术方法,探索实现遗产系统保护、水圳功能恢复、水体自我清洁、生活场景再现、景观意境延续的综合目标。最后,通过绩溪古城历史水圳实例对提出的理论方法进行实证论述。  相似文献   

建设新型智慧城市是我国城市化建设的重要内容,也是我国新时期科研发展的要求。从我国新型智慧城市的实际建设现状来看,其在建设过程中虽然取得了一定的成效,但是还有一定的问题。因此,需要政府继续加大投入,应用新型智慧城市理论制定相关的建设措施,促进我国的城镇化发展。为此,论文就新型智慧城市的应用概论、新时期下新型智慧城市的升级、新型智慧城市在建设中存在的问题和相关优化措施作了简单论述。  相似文献   

徐多  徐耀生 《价值工程》2012,31(29):79-82
随着我国经济社会的持续发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的小汽车进入普通家庭。城市住宅小区停车问题已成为改善居民生活,评价城市建设不可忽缺的重要内容。本文以江苏省淮安市住宅小区的停车问题为例进行研究,发现在城市不断发展的过程中,无论是八十年代以前建设的老小区或是上世纪九十年代左右出现的小区,甚至是近几年刚刚建成的新小区,都存在不同程度的停车难问题。停车难问题不仅对住宅小区的居住环境和交通安全造成极大影响,也制约着城市的发展。因此,本文将对以上三个时期的住宅小区分别进行调查研究,通过对三类住宅小区的现状分析,从而提出对不同住宅小区停车问题的不同解决方案,以此改善住宅小区中居民的停车环境与生活质量。同时也希望本文能对未来住宅小区的停车规划设计起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

宋翼 《价值工程》2012,31(35):40-41
随着人类社会的不断发展,城市化水平的逐步提升,城市现已经成为人们的主要居住聚落形式。伴随着构建和谐社会伟大战略的提出,以及实现"城市让生活更美好"的目标,人们对于城市居住区园林景观设计又提出了新的要求。城市在居住区建设园林景观将大大的提升人们的居住舒适度和幸福感,是有助于提高民生水平,整合调节城市功能,促进和谐绿色发展的重要工程。因此,积极探讨城市居住区园林景观的设计,应对与解决当前城市园林景观规划设计中存在的问题与遗憾,是当下城市发展与规划,构建和谐新城市的重要课题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative contribution of public and private investment to per capita GDP growth in developing countries. It extends the basic neoclassical model of growth by separating investment into its public and private components, and estimates this model for a sample of 95 developing countries over the period 1970–90 using both cross-sectional and panel data. Using data on relative supplies of public and private capital stock, rates of return to public and private investment are also computed. The results suggest that once other determinants of growth, such as human capital formation, population growth, and technical progress, are taken into account, public and private investment have different effects on growth, and that these effects are characterized by marked regional and inter-temporal variations.  相似文献   

Many cities in the United Kingdom are upgrading the streetlights to white light-emitting diode (LED) lamps for reducing the electricity costs and attaining the sustainable energy solutions. Installation of LED lamps on urban street requires higher installation costs and a long-term period to payback benefits of replacing outdated streetlights in terms of energy savings and costs. To achieve the short-term energy efficiency of urban street lighting, city councils sometimes adopt the part-night lighting system particularly in the residential areas. The Coventry City Council recently replaced 29,701 existing sodium lights with LED lamps. This paper performs the economic analyses to understand the feasibility of two street lighting systems: LED lamps and ‘part-night’ lightings on the Coventry streets during the twenty-year period assuming the return period of investment is twenty years. The projection of energy consumption and costs for LED lamps and part-night lighting systems shows that electricity can be saved by 44% and 21% comparing to current electricity usages, respectively. Considering the budgetary constraints of Coventry City Council, this paper concludes that the part-night lighting system may be beneficial in short-term period, but it is economically feasible to replace the existing lower efficiency lights with LED lamps.  相似文献   

Firms in a monocentric city conforming in substance to the “new urban economics” produce an export commodity under agglomeration economies and employ homogeneous labor and capital. Workers reside about the CBD in decreasing densities with distance. A developer establishes a second export production center within the city's residential area. Conditions for economic viability and growth of the subcenter are examined, and its impacts on short-run and long-run city location patterns are discussed. A limiting condition on subcenter employment size is provided.  相似文献   

吴静  白旭 《价值工程》2014,(17):116-117
历史建筑记载了大量城市历史文化的信息,它们是不可复得的文化载体。但是,在当今社会经济快速发展的大背景下,部分历史建筑的保护与再利用成为棘手的问题。本文以云南陆军讲武堂为例,分析其纪念价值、文化价值,找出历史建筑创造经济价值的一般规律,对如何处理好经济发展、城市建设、历史建筑保护之间的关系展开讨论,从而给城市管理者提供一个新的思路来摆脱大拆大建的模式,既解决了经济发展问题,又使城市文化得到了传承。  相似文献   

从法律政策、短期住宅建设用地使用权到期续期的现实案例可以看出,住宅建设用地使用权到期后自动续期并不代表不需要缴纳续期费用.因此,研究续期费用的测算方案就显得尤为关键和重要.城镇住宅建设用地使用权到期续期费用测算应以家庭拥有住宅实际分摊的土地使用权面积为对象,并统筹考虑续期缴费对象的价格时点、续期年限、续期次数、土地出让...  相似文献   

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