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This paper presents the results of an evaluation of the WinEcon computer-based learning (CBL) software released into the academic community in September 1995. The focus of the paper is the impact of continued and directed WinEcon use on students' learning as measured by their examination results. The subjects of the study were the 240 Leicester University students enrolled on the 1995/96 introductory microeconomics course who were categorised by their use of WinEcon. Using traditional regression and decomposition techniques, we show that directed use of WinEcon can enhance exam performance by a small but significant proportion, enough to improve the pass rate of the overall course.  相似文献   

迪克史密斯电子公司世界领先的零售配送实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过近40年的稳步发展,澳大利亚迪克史密斯电子公司(Dick Smith Electronics,简称DSE)在亚太地区电子零售业占据着市场领导者的地位。随着业务规模的逐渐扩大,DSE公司不断引入创新理念与先进技术,以提高物流管理与运作水平。2001年,DSE公司启用了由德马泰克公司规划、建设的大型配送中心;2006年,在该配送中心率先引入了语音拣选系统,使拣选效率大幅提高。  相似文献   

Abstract . How the level of amenities in surrounding communities affects the residential location decisions of households is considered. The amenities specifically taken into account are the crime and racial composition of the household's community and the contiguous communities. The theory of the household's valuation of neighborhood amenities through a housing value equation is expanded to include how the household's valuation of amenities is affected by the amenities in surrounding areas. An empirical model using data for 71 suburban communities in the Chicago Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area is specified to measure the simultaneous interaction between housing values, crime, and police effort. A revenue equation is included to determine how the household's valuation of crime and racial composition could affect the community's revenue-raising ability. The empirical results indicate that the crime and racial composition of surrounding communities as well as within the household's community have a statistically significant negative effect on housing values. While the magnitude of the effect is small, the empirical results suggest that households consider the crime rate and racial composition of surrounding communities as negative externalities.  相似文献   

贾广敏 《价值工程》2010,29(32):84-85
伴随着全球数字娱乐时代的到来,动漫产业在我国也有了初步发展,但我国动漫产业要想进入良性发展的轨道还将有一个艰难曲折的过程。动漫产业作为科技信息发展的产物,动漫产业链更可以促进经济的发展,本文从目前我国动漫产业链的研究入手,提出了动漫产业链的内涵、阐述了动漫产业链上每一环节的核心与如何有效发展,动漫产业链的发展有助于虚拟经济向实体经济的发展。  相似文献   

王冀茹 《价值工程》2013,(2):258-259
会计控制运行评价是对内部会计控制执行有效性的检测,目前我国内部会计控制的评价标准体系尚未健全,需要健全一套完善的、符合实际的、具有可操作性的评价标准体系。本文以会计规范为指导,从某高校会计控制体系的现状和财务状况入手,并逐一分析了影响高校内部会计控制有效运行的关键控制点、高校会计控制的运行机制,并在此基础上初步构建高校内部会计控制体系。  相似文献   

Australia's carbon tax has been in place since July 2012. Following the 2013 federal election and change of government, it is likely that the tax will be abolished. This paper evaluates Australia's carbon tax experience and draws lessons for policymakers in other jurisdictions who may be considering following the Australian example and implementing their own carbon taxes or cap and trade schemes. Overall, the policy was poorly thought through, badly implemented, and lacked majority public support before it began. Australia's carbon tax experience is an interesting case study in how not to go about implementing climate change policy.  相似文献   

A core objective of corporate development relates to scope decisions, which regularly involve mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The dominant idea behind M&A is often captured by the umbrella term ‘synergy’. Yet, while performance is the key variable of most M&A studies, how firms arrive at a particular synergetic value for a target firm is not well understood. In this article, we contribute to this body of research. We argue that understanding the determination of synergies in M&A requires a look at the mechanisms that guide managerial attention towards specific valuation practices and synergy types. Specifically, by drawing on the attention-based view of the firm, we show that the evaluation of synergies cannot be divorced from the underlying attention structure in the M&A context and the various valuation practices that constitute different synergy types. Our analysis suggests that synergies often do not reflect the true potential of acquisitions. We reveal that this is due to an attentional crowding-out effect: The congruence of M&A attention structures with valuation practices for functional synergies crowd out the attention allocation to business models and strategic synergies. We describe the characteristics of this crowding-out effect as well as its implications.  相似文献   

Trust in Business to Business Relationships: An Evaluation of its Status   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The concept of trust has been used in a growing number of empirical and theoretical marketing studies of business to business relationships. Examination of a number of influential studies indicates a lack of clarity in their conceptualization of trust. The nature of this lack of clarity is examined and it is proposed that there are a number of features of trust which account should be taken of when conducting such studies.  相似文献   

Crime supply functions are reestimated in this paper using data corrected for victim underreporting. It is found in both a mean-variance specification and a conventional crime supply function, which includes measures of the offender's gains and losses involved in property crimes, that certainty and severity of punishment still deter. When correction for underreporting is made, the effects on the rates of robbery, burglary, larceny, and auto theft of increases in prison admission rates and prison sentence lengths remain negative. This seeming support for the “deterrence hypothesis” must be balanced against the strong evidence that improved legitimate opportunities have a negative effect on crime. Use of improved crime data and a more intuitive economic specification of the offense supply function leads to the conclusion that higher income is a better deterrent to some crimes than increased punishment.  相似文献   

安全问题是城市可持续发展的基础和重要前提,"安全"逐渐引起人们的重视。通过物质空间环境的规划设计提高城市公共空间安全是城市安全规划的重要内容,而物质空间环境是城市设计研究的重要对象,因此将"安全"引入城市设计尤为重要,进而形成"安全城市设计"的理念,对"安全城市设计"的概念进行了解析。灾害和犯罪是影响城市安全的两个重要因素,首先从土地利用、公共服务设施、交通网络、公共空间四个角度综述了城市设计与防灾减灾规划的结合,然后从犯罪空间分布、犯罪空间分布与空间环境结合、通过环境设计预防犯罪三个角度综述了城市设计与犯罪预防的结合。同时从心理安全的角度对城市设计的研究进行了综述,归纳总结了国内外安全城市设计研究的  相似文献   

In this study we analyze the performance of 602 level 1 Colombian hospitals for the period 2009–2013. The analysis is carried out from both static and temporal perspectives in order to evaluate the evolution of total factor productivity (change in hospital performance) and its components throughout the period. The study also explores a question relevant not only to the Colombian health system, but to many others around the world, of whether primary care centers excessively refer patients to high-level hospitals, thereby negatively affecting the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of all healthcare service provision. The results demonstrated that adjusted production (service provision) and levels of quality and referrals to higher-level hospitals could be improved, on average, by 44%. This increase in health service provision levels and their quality can be achieved by reducing personnel expenditure (by an average of 22%), expenditure on medicines (by 20%), and purchasing expenses (by 11%). The temporal analysis shows that total factor productivity (hospital performance change) worsened by 1% during the period, mainly due to the technological backlash experienced despite a slightly positive evolution in efficiency.  相似文献   

Time series data of interest to social scientists often have the property of random walks in which the statistical properties of the series including means and variances vary over time. Such non-stationary series are by definition unpredictable. Failure to meet the assumption of stationarity in the process of analyzing time series variables may result in spurious and unreliable statistical inferences. This paper outlines the problems of using non-stationary data in regression analysis and identifies innovative solutions developed recently in econometrics. Cointegration and error-correction models have recently received positive attention as remedies to the problems of ``spurious regression' arising from non-stationary series. In this paper, we illustrate the relevant statistical concepts concerning these methods by referring to similar concepts used in cross-sectional analysis. An historical example is used to demonstrate how such techniques are applied. It illustrates that ``foreign' immigrants to Canada (1896–1940) experienced elevated levels of social control in areas of high police discretion. ``Foreign' immigration was unrelated to trends in serious crimes but closely related to vagrancy and drunkenness. The merits of cointegration are compared to traditional approaches to the regression analysis of time series.  相似文献   

A bstract . Clarence E. Ayres was unfortunate in certain of his critics; they missed the point. With the publication of a new edition of his classic. The Theory of Economic Progress , the time is ripe to re-evaluate Ayres' contributions. Ayres, like Thorstein Veblen before him, assimilated into economics the findings of other social science and humanistic disciplines, particularly anthropology. Both portrayed clearly the role in the economy of what Veblen called the matter-of-fact and Ayres 'technology,' The understanding of the role of technology and its extension in economic progress , implicit in Veblen, is made explicit by Ayres. Similarly the insight that certain entrepreneurial and financial activities which are ceremonial are non-essential to the technological process and hence dispensable is a contribution by Ayres to the one by Veblen that enables us to distinguish the scientific elements in economic theory from the theological.  相似文献   

Has there been an economic miracle during Mrs Thatcher's decade in office? Richard Layard and Stephen Nickell describe the government's achievements, but ultimately conclude that despite benefits there nave been major costs.  相似文献   

相关性评价中合谋现象的主从博弈模型及其改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据相关性评价的特点,建立了两方(一主一从)博弈模型来分析其中可能出现的欺诈性合谋现象,并且从主从关系的角度对这种合谋现象的处理提出了建议。进一步对模型加以改进,建立一主多从博弈模型,以分析公司与被评者、被评者与被评者之间的博弈关系,并得出相应的结论。  相似文献   

Abstract . At the onset of the Great Depression, John Maynard Keynes made some startlingly optimistic predictions about the economic possibilities his grandchildren might face a century later. Within the next 100 years, Keynes proclaimed, technological progress would solve the economic problem facing human beings, individuals would devote themselves to noneconomic pursuits instead, and no one would continue to strive for relative goods. Was Keynes right? This article examines each of Keynes's three main prophecies and concludes that, even though over 75 years have transpired since they were made, and even though they were founded in part on the belief held by most classical economists in the value of technological progress and economic growth, not one of Keynes's predictions has been realized.  相似文献   

基于某企业人力资源主管人员岗位,首先运用行为事件访谈法,根据访谈结果,进行编码,确定胜任特征,建立胜任力过渡模型;然后通过抽样调查,进行科学分析,完成人力资源主管人员胜任力模型。并将其与通用模型做比较,发现二者的差异。研究结果表明:企业人力资源主管人员胜任力模型由知识、技能和素养三个维度八个胜任特征组成,与通用模型有不同的侧重。  相似文献   

How is it possible to study crime as an economic problem? George Brower, of the University of Connecticut, shows how the original argument of Professor Gary Becker has been tested and developed.  相似文献   

虽然有舆论不无担忧地指出,内地部分企业有通过讨论企业公民和社会责任来沽名钓誉之嫌,但是至少就目前提倡的理念来说,还是和国际接轨的  相似文献   

笔者通过在陕西省女子监狱进行查阅档案、问卷调查、座谈、个别谈话等方式,对陕西省女子监狱共计1540名罪犯进行调研。根据女犯构成结构的不同,具体分析女性罪犯的犯罪原因和其行为特征,以期为我国监管工作针对女犯的改造工作提供实际的研究论据和新的思路。  相似文献   

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