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随着社会主义经济的发展,我国科学技术水平也得到了相应的发展,其对相关矿产资源的需求量越来越大。就我国目前的情况来看,其在地质矿产相关方面的发展还没有进入先进状态,矿产资源的发展已经无法满足不断前进的经济的发展需求,如何提高我国矿产资源的开发,成了目前相关人员做为关注的问题。文章通过对我国采矿技术中具体存在的问题进行研究,阐述其在未来的发展前景,对地质矿产的勘查技术以及采矿技术也作做了一定的分析探究。 相似文献
随着经济的高速发展,对于能源的需求量也随之增大。随之带来的资源问日益增加:矿产的勘测,矿产的开采,矿产的可持续发展战略等等,都需要我们去解决。在我国高科技迅猛发展的现阶段,经济仍以生产制造业为主体。大家是知道的,这样的经济发展形势是以大量的矿产资源基础为代价的。这种经济发展的现状我们无法改变,但是我们可以从另个角度去改变这个不利的局面,走可持续发展的道路,保护生态环境,提高勘探开采的水平。对于矿藏的勘测在当今的科学领域得到了很大的发展,通过对地质地貌规律的勘测,借助于先进设备进行定位。政府应该加大鼓励绿色环保的开采方式,加大在技术方面投入,采取相关的扶植政策。我相信未来的地质矿产勘查及找矿技术研究方面一定会取得很大的发展。 相似文献
当今时代,矿产资源的重要性不容忽视。作为人类生存与发展的物质基础,我国现阶段的地质矿产勘察及找矿技术仍有一些不完善现象,因此必须加大对该项技术的研究力度,提升地质矿产资源开采的效率,从而为国家的经济发展提供物质保障。 相似文献
当今时代,矿产资源的重要性不容忽视。作为人类生存与发展的物质基础,我国现阶段的地质矿产勘察及找矿技术仍有一些不完善现象,因此必须加大对该项技术的研究力度,提升地质矿产资源开采的效率,从而为国家的经济发展提供物质保障。 相似文献
创新地质矿产勘察及找矿技术,并将其有效应用于实践之中,可以提高我国地勘行业整体水平,促进采矿业快速发展,所以,需要在有关方面增加研究投入。基于此,本文以地质勘察和找矿技术为对象,总结我国这一领域中存在的技术问题和应用问题,并介绍新形势下的地质矿产勘察及找矿技术,提高工作人员对其的认识深度和使用能力,合理选择方法,减少应用误差,充分发挥这一技术的作用,更好的服务于新时期矿业产业的发展。 相似文献
近几年国家逐渐重视地质矿产勘查,但在这方面存在不少的困难。文章从目前地质矿产勘查重点的转型、地质勘查人才的缺失、勘查经费的保障、新的勘查技术的应用及现有的地质勘查体制等方面作分析,并提出加快地质勘查人才的培养、尽快组建大型的地质勘查公司、加强地质勘查人员的福利待遇、进一步规范矿产勘查市场等合理性的建议。 相似文献
我国的地质矿产勘查近年来得到了国家越来越多的重视,这对未来地质矿产勘查的逐渐成熟是一个很好的开端.矿产资源一直是我国自然资源的重要组成部分,可以说它是人类社会向前发展的重要的物质基础,所以对地质矿产的勘查意义非常重大,虽然我国在这方面尚且有许多困难需要克服,相信都会在实践中得以解决. 相似文献
基于我国社会经济的飞速发展,地质矿产勘查工作已经引起人们的重视。在地质矿产勘查过程中,应用地理信息系统,能够有效提高资源的利用率,减轻地质勘测人员的工作压力,保证其工作质量。因此,文章主要研究地理信息系统在地质矿产勘查中的具体应用,希望能够给相关工作人员提供一定的参考。 相似文献
<正>谈当前我国地质矿产勘查行业的基本态势,我认为应从矿产资源勘查投资、危机矿山的勘探潜力,以及在油气领域勘探等三个方面做具体分析。第一方面,投资。地质矿产资源勘查在"十五"的中期走 相似文献
未来十几年,既是我国经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期,也是矿产资源供需矛盾的进一步凸显期。现结合实际主要对地质勘查与找矿技术进行分析。 相似文献
基于Ansys的结构随机振动疲劳寿命分析模块,在随机路面不平度激励下,以陕汽SX3255DM354型工程车辆前桥为研究对象,结合Miner线性累积损伤理论和材料P-S-N曲线,预测车桥结构理论疲劳寿命。 相似文献
文章利用大型有限元分析软件Ansys,对兆瓦及风电机组轮毂的疲劳强度进行了分析、计算,通过有限元方法有效解决了异型结构件变载荷多轴疲劳问题,为现代工业产品优化设计提供了高效的计算模式。 相似文献
The main aim of the article is to present two new innovative concepts of reliability of a functioning manufacturing system in the process of making bread in small-scale bakeries. Reliability is understood as one of the representations of an operator acting on specific streams in time to to t. One of these represents the global reliability of a system as a function of parallel action of all the streams of the system in time to to t and is denoted as Pg(t). The second representation of reliability is a scalar value, Pss It shows a new function of global reliability of a manufacturing process as a product of system stream reliability. In order to plot the flow of the manufacturing process’s global reliability function, we need to perform detailed calculations, computations, and analysis of the differences of individual values in real time, as well as plan an algorithm of the flow of system streams. This needs a lot of effort, translating however, to a detailed picture of the process. In the analysed example, measurements and research revealed an important increase of the value of reliability in a transition from a traditional to a robotised bakery. The article also presents a new concept of the reliability of a technological process, based on the analysis of relations of elements of the following streams: energy, matter, information, time, and finances. It shows the method of specifying streams and the method for defining the reliability of important and supportive relations. Important relations between stream elements are defined as having the reliability value of one in time. Supportive relations bear the reliability within a continuum between zero and one. Important relations are designated based on research, experience, and knowledge. Stream systemic reliability Pss is a scalar value, i.e. a number from the continuum between zero and one. The Pss value characterises failure-free operation of the whole system. Its average value in the normative time tn expresses the efficiency of the manufacturing system. The value Pss is a quotient of the number of important relation and the sum of important and supportive relations. The formula for Pss shows the method of optimising the process through the increasing of the number of important relations between the input stream components. The concept has been applied to study the efficiency of operation of a small-scale bakery. Systemic analysis of a bakery allows for important increase in the reliability of baking bread if robotisation has been implemented. The concept of systemic-stream reliability Pss may be applied to analyse the efficiency of any technological process and optimisation of any manufacturing process. 相似文献
Goodman [1963] generalized the real normal multivariate model to the complex case. Goodman [1963], and Khatri [1965] derived the sampling distribution theory underlying this model. The present paper generalizes the complex multivariate normal theory to the hypercomplex case. The hypercomplex case studied here includes Hamilton's quaternions, biquaternions, octonions, and bioctonions. It is shown that the complex case results straightforwardly generalize to the hypercomplex case. 相似文献
大多数企业在对财务分析的时候,都会存在一些问题,本文将针对基于企业经营的财务分析过程做剖析,提出应该注意的事项,可以帮助企业更好地利用财务分析开展经营决策。 相似文献
本文以工作分析方法为切入点,讨论了评测指标的关系,在此基础上运用动态规划方法提出了模块化处理的思路,并且采用模糊理论对评测指标加以运用,旨在讨论在现实中无法或者不必要明确全部评测指标时,组织获得、处理并使用评测指标,尽可能高效地进行员工招聘、绩效考核的方法。 相似文献
文章以消费认知为分析基础,分析品牌忠诚的作用机制问题,指出完善的品牌信息作用机制,强化文化信息的塑造等途径,能有效提高品牌忠诚程度,提高品牌竞争力。 相似文献
For reasons of methodological convenience statistical models analysing judicial decisions tend to focus on the duration of custodial sentences. These types of sentences are however quite rare (7% of the total in England and Wales), which generates a serious problem of selection bias. Typical adjustments employed in the literature, such as Tobit models, are based on questionable assumptions and are incapable to discriminate between different types of non-custodial sentences (such as discharges, fines, community orders, or suspended sentences). Here we implement an original approach to model custodial and non-custodial sentence outcomes simultaneously avoiding problems of selection bias while making the most of the information recorded for each of them. This is achieved by employing Pina-Sánchez et al. (Br J Criminol 59:979–1001, 2019) scale of sentence severity as the outcome variable of a Bayesian regression model. A sample of 7242 theft offences sentenced in the Crown Court is used to further illustrate: (a) the pervasiveness of selection bias in studies restricted to custodial sentences, which leads us to question the external validity of previous studies in the literature limited to custodial sentence length; and (b) the inadequacy of Tobit models and similar methods used in the literature to adjust for such bias. 相似文献