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Public procurement has struggled to fulfill its mission to create public value due to a narrow interpretation of value emphasizing the costs of procured goods and services. A holistic view of multidimensional value creation in the context of public procurement has received limited research attention despite a significant body of research on the potential benefits associated with public procurement. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by analyzing the value components and means of value creation developed through public procurement activities. We conduct a systematic literature review and content analysis of 171 research articles to determine the constituents of the value of public procurement and the practices needed to achieve them. Using the theoretical lens of the practice-based view, we propose a conceptual framework that holistically integrates different components of the value of public procurement for the public buyer, supplier, and user, along with the practices needed to achieve them. The study contributes to the literature by offering a multidimensional conceptual framework, a structured review of value components and associated practices, and the application of the practice-based view as the theoretical lens, all of which have implications for practice and theory.  相似文献   

When public service success is dependent upon creating value that attracts users, public managers can benefit from adopting private sector principles. This article draws on the theory of attractive quality and strategic management research to focus on the theoretical and managerial implications of how organizations’ resource allocations affect user experiences. The present study shows how public transit organizations’ achievement of twenty-five different service requirements affected their offerings’ relevance and preference among 930 users. This article increases the understanding of how strategic choices and prioritization between various service requirements affect both the effectiveness and efficiency of (public) service offerings.  相似文献   


Public sector organizations (PSOs) continue to undergo pressures for change due to economic globalization and the changing role of the state, resulting in increased focus on performance management, particularly employee performance appraisal. New public management’s emphasis on transparency, accountability, efficiency and performance highlights the multiple and often conflicting roles and performance outcomes of PSOs, the social and economic contexts in which PSOs operate, and the multiple ways they measure and manage performance. Responding to this special issue and calls for a richer understanding of performance management in PSOs we examine the impact of context on performance appraisal in Chinese PSOs. As China continues its transitions to a market-driven economy, Chinese PSOs have engaged in managerial reforms to improve governance, efficiency and productivity, including the strategic implementation of western-based HRM practices to manage employee performance. Our analysis demonstrates the challenges context poses for analysing HRM practices in Chinese PSOs.  相似文献   

IT商业价值是信息系统管理领域最为热门的研究课题之一,然而现有文献囿于一种固有的研究范式,即从IT投资、经过一些中间因素到IT影响,再到企业绩效。通过对此研究范式的研究,发现其中存在的一些不足之处。在此基础上,从供应链、流程和信息价值等方面提出一个新的研究范式,作为对现有研究的一个延伸和补充。  相似文献   


This article presents a systematic review of 122 articles and books (1987–2013) of co-creation/co-production with citizens in public innovation. It analyses (a) the objectives of co-creation and co-production, (b) its influential factors and (c) the outcomes of co-creation and co-production processes. It shows that most studies focus on the identification of influential factors, while hardly any attention is paid to the outcomes. Future studies could focus on outcomes of co-creation/co-production processes. Furthermore, more quantitative studies are welcome, given the qualitative, case study, dominance in the field. We conclude with a research agenda to tackle methodological, theoretical and empirical lacunas.  相似文献   

Public procurement partnerships represent a new approach to conducting government acquisition. These partnerships are predicated on the notion that governments today simply lack the requisite knowledge, skills and financing to provide core public services and acquire sophisticated services, IT and knowledge development by themselves. Instead, governments need to enlist the collective energies of the governmental, business and non-profit (third) sectors. This research looks at the concept of public procurement partnerships in the United States and the major trends promoting their use. Two case examples of public procurement partnerships are presented; one from the perspective of a government partner, the other from the perspective of a private (third) sector partner.  相似文献   


This article illustrates how advice services create diverse public values within welfare reform. It develops a social impact framework using public value, realism, and complexity literature. Starting from a social return on investment study of advice, qualitative interviews are analysed with twenty-two clients, who sought advice for welfare benefits, and had disabilities, or physical or mental health conditions. Integrating these clients’ experiences with wider evidence illustrates how advice services advocated for people’s needs within a complicated (and controversial) welfare system. However, advice services face funding cuts, benefit assessment costs have risen, and welfare reforms have yet to meet their aims.  相似文献   

This research seeks to investigate the role of paternalistic leadership in fostering job crafting among public employees, which may in turn foster citizen value co-creation with the public organization. The data were collated from public employees working in public legal service agencies in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and citizens whom they served. The data analyses verified the negative association between authoritarian leadership behavior and job crafting, as well as the positive associations between benevolent and moral behaviors and job crafting. The results also revealed the positive effect of job crafting on citizen value co-creation via citizen-organization identification as a mediator.  相似文献   

Governance is an emerging theme that has been associated in the public sector with a real political need to satisfy stakeholders by demonstrating accountability and transparency while effectively implementing policy. Many initiatives relating to governance are generated by a need for improvement of organizational performance and ability to implement and adapt to change. These generally take the form of projects and programs encouraging a variety of project management implementations in the public sector. This article reports on examination of the expectations and realization of value from investment in project management in four Australian public‐sector organizations with particular reference to the government context, the perspective of public value management (PVM), and the support that project management provides in meeting the demands of public‐sector governance.  相似文献   

In order to identify the determinants of market (donor) orientation in blood transfusion centers and services (BTCS), this study seeks to analyze whether connectedness and interpersonal trust represent a fundamental basis for interfunctional coordination that leads to market (donor) orientation. An empirical study was carried out with 147 participants from 14 Spanish BTCS. The measurement scales were validated through CFA and the proposed relationship model was tested using SEM. Both interpersonal trust and connectedness that exist among BTCS members foster interfunctional coordination and, ultimately, their donor orientation. Thus, BTCS must emphasize their internal relationship networks, rearranging them in favor of their donor orientation. This paper integrates social capital literature with market orientation literature, and it proposes empirical evidence on the role played by internal social links on interfunctional coordination, which leads to market orientation. This research proposes a reliable and valid measure of blood donor orientation, which could be useful for the future testing of theory and research in the non-profit context. BTCS should adopt an organizational design which allows the introduction of a new managerial paradigm. People in charge of different areas at BTCS must pay particular attention to the climate of trust and the level of connectedness in cross-functional relationships. The negative evolution of blood donation and the results of this research suggest that BTCS need to apply a management model focused on the donor, in order to achieve a sustainable donation system.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether a firm's environmental orientation influences corporate brand value. In the discussion on sustainable development, corporate participation is a given, and increasingly firms are adopting environmental policies and practices. This paper observes corporate environmentalism from two perspectives: environmental embeddedness – the level to which environmental values are incorporated in brand identity; and environmental performance – the level of a firm's accordance with environmental policies and good practices. Cross‐analysis of these two perspectives generates four types of corporate environmental orientation: leaders, performers, advocates and laggards. The results do not provide conclusive evidence for whether consumers reward environmental leaders and punish environmental laggards by converting their environmental opinions into brand perceptions and purchasing decisions. It is believed that the hypothesized relationships are moderated and mediated by other stimuli, so managers are advised not to negate corporate social responsibility, but rather to invest wisely in environmental activities and its communication. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   


Building on Meynhardt’s public value concept, which has been developed to make transparent an organization’s contributions to the common good, we investigate the influence of organizational common good practices in the perceptions of employees (measured as public value) on employees’ work attitudes and life satisfaction. The proposed model is tested on a sample of 1045 Swiss employees taken from the 2015 Swiss Public Value Atlas data-set. Study findings reveal that organizational public value is positively related to employee life satisfaction, and that this relationship is partially mediated by work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior. Further, we show that employee common good orientations strengthen the positive impact of organizational public value on employee work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior. Results also provide evidence that the indirect effects of organizational public value on employee life satisfaction via work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior are stronger at higher employee common good orientation levels.  相似文献   

Based upon the existing theoretical framework, empirical research on successful generic strategies has resulted in various recommendations for strategic management in declining sectors. However, these studies do not consider (aspects of) strategy implementation, and thus ignore the importance of aspects of the implementation for the ultimate success of the proposed strategy. Consequently, it is difficult to uncover some important factors that contribute to the success or failure of the proposed strategies. One such factor is the congruence between the generic 'decline strategy' and its concurrent social strategy. Although some theoretical proposals on this congruency exist, empirical studies on this topic are lacking.

Given the exploratory, 'real-life' and process nature of the study, the case-study method is used. This allows us to establish a dialectic relationship between the theoretical proposals available and the empirical observations. The company that is studied is a Spanish state-owned shipyard. Following a brief analysis of the sector and its specific characteristics of decline, the evolving congruence between the generic and social strategies within the company is analysed. Basically, the study focuses on the process of continuously adjusting and balancing the two types of strategies. Also, the resulting implementation issues and difficulties are assessed. Conclusions are based on the permanent comparison and confrontation of field data and theoretical insights.  相似文献   

Organizations investing in project management need to be assured of a concrete return. Without the ability to clearly define its value, project management joins the long line of initiatives (i.e., TQM, information systems, training, human resources) struggling to prove their worth to organizations. However, demonstrating a concrete value in organizations has been illusive and even paradoxical. This paper describes the conceptual model underlying a major international research project designed to yield a broad perspective on the value of project management. This model and research design will be of interest to researchers, project managers, professional organizations, and senior executives.  相似文献   

Using a laboratory experiment with monetary rewards to explore the effect of self-reported public service motivation (PSM) on choosing to study public administration and on trust behaviour reveals that students of public administration behave more trusting and trustworthy than business sciences and law students. Self-reported PSM is positively associated with trust behaviour, but does not explain trust differences between the three groups. This indicates that the normative orientation that underlies self-reported PSM exerts a stronger influence on behaviour in a low-cost decision than in a high-cost decision with long-term consequences such as choosing a field of study.  相似文献   

The transition to a circular economy (CE) requires companies to evaluate their resource flows, supply chains, and business models and to question the ways in which value is created. In the high value manufacturing (HVM) sector, this evaluation is critical, as HVM enables value in nonconventional forms, beyond profit, including unique production processes, brand recognition, rapid delivery times, and highly customized services. We investigate the role of value, cost, and other factors of influence in the selection of a circular business model (CBM) for HVM. Explored through five case studies using a qualitative evaluation of circularity, we then contribute to the emerging field of CBMs by modifying the CBM canvas that can capture the nontraditional value, traditional value, cost, and other influencing factors enabled via CBM adoption in HVM. Finally, the important role of digital technologies for incentivizing and enabling CBM adoption, is clarified.  相似文献   


Integrating new employees so that they perform well, fit in well and are committed to the agency is a salient concern for public managers. Organizational socialization is the process by which new employees learn the knowledge, skills and values required to become organizational members. This article develops a model of organizational socialization grounded in newcomer social networks and set within a context of public service identity. Social network theory and methods offer a means for examining and interpreting patterns of interactions between newcomers and organizational members. This article concludes with propositions for future studies of organizational socialization and social networks.  相似文献   

The intent of the research was to examine the relationships between support, trust, satisfaction, commitment and work outcomes. The framework of social exchange theory was used as a guide. The research described in this study replicates in the public sector (N = 704) and previous findings obtained in a study conducted in the private sector. Consistent with the study in private sector, support is related to intention to leave and helping behavior to trust and satisfaction. Results are discussed.  相似文献   

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