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The present Chinese insolvency law is under the process of legislative reform, and one focus point among legislators and academics is cross-border issues. China is slowly opening up its market to foreign insolvency proceedings, as demonstrated by the 2021 Chinese Mainland-Hong Kong cross-border insolvency cooperation mechanism. This first attempt, however, is only available in three trial cities in the Mainland and does not apply to jurisdictions other than Hong Kong. Nevertheless, it does not undermine the intention of the Mainland to advance its cross-border insolvency framework. Based on a thorough examination of Chinese legislation and judicial practices, this article submits that China would be willing to accept international standards and be a more active player in international insolvencies.  相似文献   

We examine a sample of 1458 divestitures of domestic assets by U.S. firms to foreign and domestic buyers over the period 1998–2008. Cross-border asset sales yield higher abnormal returns to the seller than domestic sales. This incremental return is driven by liquidity-seeking sellers engaging in cross-border transactions. Larger seller returns in these international deals are associated with favorable economic conditions in foreign buyers' home markets relative to the U.S. We also find positive abnormal returns for buyers, albeit smaller than seller returns, but no significant difference between buyer returns in cross-border and domestic transactions.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is a constant theme when corporations are in financial distress. Yet any successful restructuring of an insolvent corporation requires numerous stakeholders, including creditors, employees and suppliers, repose some degree of trust in those corporate officers who are trying to continue to operate the firm while restructuring it into a viable entity. This article looks at the issue of the positive and negative incentives that can be generated for corporate officers and directors from both their continuing control of corporate assets and their potential personal liability arising from corporate activity both before and after the corporation became insolvent. The potential role these incentives can play in providing a basis for the trust needed to meet the other governance challenges that arise in a restructuring is reviewed in the context of recent developments in Canada concerning the duties of corporate directors to creditors during insolvency. Also reviewed is the role of directors' insurance and indemnification in altering the incentives' effects on directors' behavior. Finally a critical appraisal is given of the present legal regime's provision for compromise of claims against corporate officers during restructuring, as well as the proposal to amend the law to allow complete exoneration of corporate directors from certain liabilities on insolvency. The article urges caution in altering the effects of incentives that may create the necessary basis for trust in the distressed corporation's officers amongst those stakeholders whose co‐operation is crucial to restructuring. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop a strategy to effectively and dynamically hedge risk by considering regime transitions of spillover effects between assets. We take six assets (stocks, bonds, real estate, currency exchange, crude oil, and gold) that are commonly used to construct investment portfolios as examples and analyze asset price data between September 2002 and January 2022. In doing so, we aim to examine the information spillover of different asset prices in both bear and bull market environments to determine whether state transformation affects dynamic hedging effectiveness. Using Markov-Switching Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregression (MS-FAVAR), we construct a regimen-switching model using variables from finance and economic conditions as endogenous variables to define the state transformations of the information spillover. Empirical results reveal that the MS-FAVAR model highlights changes in information spillover during a financial crisis/economic recession. Using dynamic-weighted hedging portfolios constructed with different indicators, we find that hedging effectiveness and volatility vary depending on the state of information spillover between different asset markets and that bear markets significantly impacted hedging effectiveness. Results also show that the panic sentiment (the fear index) explains the probability of a bear market. It is suggested that the state transformation of information spillovers should be monitored periodically, and hedging portfolios should be dynamically adjusted (bear or bull market) with shifting fear sentiment.  相似文献   

How and when to determine the value of cryptoassets in insolvency proceedings? This question becomes more topical with the increasing adoption of volatile cryptoassets such as Bitcoin. As many of these assets do not have an ‘apparent’ value that may be readily ascertainable, it is not always clear how their value may be established. This presents significant challenges to their proper valuation in the context of insolvency proceedings and requires certain attention to efficiently confront the implications on the assessment of claims, the calculation of their value and the determination of the recoverable amount. Accordingly, this Article exposes the arising challenges and implications from an EU insolvency perspective, with the aim to trigger considerations for legislative interventions at EU level.  相似文献   

Multiple-bank lending is the most prevalent form of bank-firm credit relationships in nearly all countries. It results in high asset commonality and interconnectedness, allows idiosyncratic risks to become systemic, and makes the banking system more fragile and vulnerable to shocks. Using detailed, granular-level, supervisory data on large corporate loans, we show that multiple bank lending is driven, inter alia, by regulatory limits on large credit exposures. These limits, aimed at mitigating an individual bank's concentration risk, force firms to explore alternative sources of funding, making the common borrowers' phenomenon more prominent. We find that multiple bank lending is determined endogenously, and its likelihood increases with the level of portfolio similarity between lenders. The size of the original lender and its systemic importance magnifies this effect. We argue that banks do not internalize the systemic effect of their lending decisions and that multiple bank lending constitutes an insurance mechanism related to an implicit "too-many-to-fail" guarantee. Its externalities are suboptimal and should be reinforced with better monitoring by the related authorities.  相似文献   

This paper explores the equity of the way losses from bank insolvencies and their avoidance through intervention by the authorities have been distributed over creditors, depositors, owners and the population at large in transition and emerging economies. It suggests a number of regulatory reforms that would alter the balance between seeking to avoid insolvency and lowering the costs of insolvency should it occur. It considers whether a lex specialis for dealing with problem banks by prompt corrective action and if necessary resolving them if their net worth falls to zero, at little or no cost to the taxpayer can be applied in the circumstances of transition and emerging economies.  相似文献   

Being a post‐communist, central‐eastern economy, Croatia and its insolvency system resembles many transitional countries in the region. In order to achieve a better perspective of the current situation, problems, and their possible solutions, a broad research of the Croatian insolvency system was carried out. Questionnaires were sent out to bankruptcy practitioners, interviews with some of the most experienced experts in the field were performed, and extensive databases have been obtained. The findings show a high level of tolerance of government institutions towards insolvency, making insolvency procedure in practice non‐compulsory even though the Corporations law (Article 626) proclaims non‐filing as punishable, with the penalties rising up to 2 years of imprisonment. As the data present, filing for bankruptcy does not necessarily have to be expected even in the case of long‐term (over 1 year) insolvency. This tolerance was present long before the recession and the global crisis of the late 2000s began. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the existence and extent of non-fundamental bubbles in both U.S. and Japanese asset prices by employing a flexible empirical method which allows us to decompose asset prices into fundamental and non-fundamental bubble components. This study finds that a substantial fraction of U.S. and Japanese asset prices is accounted for by non-fundamental bubble components and that these asset prices overreact to non-fundamental bubble shocks. In addition, allowing for time-varying interest rates as another fundamental factor does not change any qualitative results about the role of non-fundamental bubble components. This suggests that the present value model fails to explain volatile asset price behavior even with time-varying interest rates. This paper was initially written when I was visiting Keio University in Japan. I benefited from several discussions with Mike Dothan, Pat Hess, and Steve LeRoy in my department, Takashi Kaneko, Yukitami Tsuji and Naoyuki Yoshino at Keio University, and Yong-Seok Park at the International University of Japan. Special thanks are due to the anonymous referee and the editor of this journal, who provided many useful and insightful comments that helped to improve the paper. This research was in part supported by a grant from the International Program Development.  相似文献   

This paper reviews critical legal and policy issues created by cross-border banking insolvencies. These include (I) Insolvency principles, such as (1) criteria for intervention; (2) deposit insurance; (3) power to manage; (4) ability to maximize recoveries. Also included is (II) International legal complications. Critical issues in cross-border crisis management involve: (1) division of labor between home and host countries; (2) the availability of information; (3) the legal, regulatory and supervisory framework; (4) the law governing initiation of proceedings; (5) grounds for intervention; (6) deposit insurance; (7) legal powers of controlling authorities; (8) the potential financial and economic effects. We conclude with a few proposals for cooperation.  相似文献   

美国次按危机爆发至今,已给美国以及全球金融市场带来了巨大的冲击。面对中国资产证券化发展方向的探讨,文章通过分析美国次贷危机的成因、中国证券化业务发展的现状,对比出美国次贷与中国已开展的证券化业务的本质区别,指出我们应从美国次贷危机中吸取教训,加强业务风险的防范,充分利用我国此项业务开展的后发优势,适当加快试点的步伐。  相似文献   

University endowments, sovereign wealth funds, and foundations support spending. In this paper, we analyze how different spending policies affect future asset values and spending opportunities. We show that the covariance between the asset returns and the spending rate implied by the spending policy is important in this regard. Many of the spending policies used in practice aim at smoothing the spending level by letting current spending be a function of both current asset values and earlier spending levels. One feature of these types of spending policies is that the funds can be depleted. Depleted funds cannot support spending.  相似文献   

In the last decade, transaction avoidance in insolvency law has been in the limelight of the academic discussions. In particular, the scholarship has highlighted how the European Insolvency Regulation gives rise to several private international law issues. Moreover, the scholarship has explored solutions to these issues and proposed to harmonise the regime of transaction avoidance at European Union level. However, the recent legislative developments on the cross‐border insolvency law seem resistant to the proposed harmonisation. This article focuses on the transaction avoidance regime in the Recast European Insolvency Regulation. In particular, it seeks to evaluate whether the Recast has solved the issues arising within the original European Insolvency Regulation in relation to transaction avoidance. Secondly, it questions the suitability of the private international law approach to transaction avoidance in cross‐border insolvency within the European Union framework. The research suggests that the efforts required to the private international law framework to deal efficiently with transaction avoidance make the harmonisation of the regime of transaction avoidance at the European Union level a more appealing option.  相似文献   

厉诗 《国际融资》2010,(3):12-16
2009年是非同寻常的一年。这一年,全球性金融危机愈演愈烈,带给全球几十年来最为严重的经济衰退和贸易崩溃;这一年,中国已经走过了改革开放37年的岁月,融入全球经济的程度前所未有;这一年,全球大多数国家政府都有着同样的担忧,忙碌着解决彼此休戚相关的问题,开展了叹为观止的政策救助。目前艰难时局并未过去,如何加强国家风险管理,积极应对海外市场挑战,已经成为中国企业走向国际市场、参与国际竞争必须面对的重要问题之一。2010年中国“走出去”企业面临着怎样的新风险?有关专家就如何抓住机遇应对新挑战提出了可供借鉴的建议  相似文献   

During the last two decades South Africa has witnessed not only a sharp increase in consumer debt but also a strong increase in the granting of credit to individuals. This paper briefly examines the philosophy underlying the contemporary South African insolvency law and also highlights some of the practical problems stemming from its creditor oriented philosophy. In May 2001 INSOL International published a report which is of the view that the solution to over‐indebtedness is to be found, inter alia, in the idea that prevention is better than cure. This paper therefore also investigates the extent to which existing measures of the South African consumer protection law are aimed at the prevention of problematic debt situations. In conclusion we suggest that the existing insolvency and consumer protection legislation is not equal to the task of combating over‐indebtedness and overspending by individuals and that law reform is therefore essential. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of ambiguity on returns of both individual stocks and stock portfolios in an emerging market setting. First, an ambiguity index is derived and then the sensitivity of stock returns to ambiguity is analyzed while controlling for the other risk factors commonly cited in the literature. Results show that stocks with a high (low) sensitivity to ambiguity generate higher (lower) excess returns. These results are intuitive in the sense that investors seem to ask for lower returns from those stocks that serve as a natural hedge against ambiguity. Our findings are also in line with the earlier studies that provide similar evidence from the US stock markets.  相似文献   

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