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While nonprofit accountability literature recognizes many stakeholders, even theoretically grounded approaches to fundraising ethics tend to focus more narrowly on donors, organizations, and their missions. This paper draws on business ethics scholarship by proposing a stakeholder management approach to ethics in fundraising. This approach foregrounds intentional examination of the multiple stakeholders in the fundraising process: the organization; its donors; current beneficiaries; the broader population within the issue; the fundraisers themselves; and the community. Following stakeholder theory, ethical fundraising activities must align with the charitable mission of the organization, and take into account the legitimate interests of those groups and individuals who can affect, or be affected by, its activities. The process of intentionally identifying, prioritizing, mapping claims, engaging with, and monitoring stakeholders offers fundraisers, nonprofit executives, and members of governing and advisory boards a pragmatic means of aligning fundraising efforts with the mission, values, and long-term strategy of their organizations.  相似文献   

Fundraisers, managers, and boards in the charitable sector are faced with an ongoing concern: how do they produce sustainable, predictable financial returns for their causes while minimizing the cost of fundraising? One way to address this is to improve the measurement of fundraising activities and this study asks how fundraising results should be communicated within organizations to support sustainability. This case study focuses on the fundraising program from one Canadian charity with a large, diversified fundraising program to examine how fundraisers can move beyond simple end-of-year financial ratios and implement one managerial technique, leading and lagging indicators, to improve long-term financial performance. A literature review, internal interviews, and internal document review are used to identify 81 potential leading and lagging indicators that fundraisers can use to develop a suite of indicators that fit their context, activities, and goals and to identify potential challenges with implementing indicators. The role of organizational context and characteristics in selecting an appropriate suite of indicators is also discussed.  相似文献   

The topic of fundraising is garnering increased attention from nonprofit practitioners due to the worldwide growth of the nonprofit sector and the subsequent competition for private funds. Despite this surge, academic literature on fundraising and bequest fundraising, in particular, has remained mainly limited to narrow aspects of the discipline. Based on a systematic review of literature published over the past 25 years, we synthesize various research perspectives into a comprehensive framework of studies linking the different issues highlighted by the authors. The purpose of this article is to consolidate the state of academic research on bequest fundraising by not-for-profit organizations. The literature review underscores how research efforts have not paid much attention to bequest fundraising from the NPO's perspective, although as it has become an increasingly important source of income for charitable organizations. The majority of studies focus on the Donor's perspective, striving to understand what drives the desire to leave a charitable bequest. The findings of the SLR show a gap in the knowledge of NPOs' internal mechanisms concerning the particular topic of charitable bequests; from these insights, the future research directions are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper examines interpretivism as an approach for researching fundraising practice as context and practice specific. In doing so, it highlights the agency of fundraisers and extends critical analysis of fundraising practice and its broader implications in ways that the dominant positivistic, functionalist literature does not. Building on previous comparisons of positivist and interpretivist approaches, we consider two fundraising studies, and benefits and challenges of using an interpretivist approach. These observations highlight both the complexity and messiness of interpretivist studies, and of the fundraising process. The paper concludes by discussing how these challenges can be managed through analytical iteration, adjustment, and pragmatism throughout the research process; while advocating for including more critical and dialectic approaches to research fundraising and fundraisers' broader practice.  相似文献   

There is a long‐standing ethical debate regarding the ‘right’ representation of recipients in charity marketing materials that are intended to accurately define and represent social problems whilst also prompting the maximum response in voluntary income. The study presented in this article makes a contribution to that debate by highlighting the views of charity beneficiaries regarding their representation in fundraising campaigns. Drawing on data from five focus groups conducted in cities across England, we explore the views of young homeless people regarding the images of homelessness that appeared in major charity campaigns aimed at raising money to fund homelessness services. Participants displayed a high level of reflexivity, demonstrating that they understood the issues involved with homelessness and the perceptions of people like themselves that exist in the public sphere and in the consciousness of potential donors. Although the participants held the view that maximising revenues through the use of simple, eye‐catching images is the prime goal of fundraising, they also expressed a desire for more nuanced campaigns that tell the dynamic stories of how people become homeless and the use of imagery that elicits empathy rather than merely arouses sympathy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At its core, fundraising is relationship building. Therefore, ethical fundraising requires cultivating genuine, care-based relationships between various stakeholders by considering relational goals and communicative practices. We advance an ethics of care-oriented approach toward fundraising based in nurturing authentic relationships with multiple organizational stakeholders, including donors, employees, beneficiaries, and volunteers. Drawing upon ethics of care and stewardship scholarship based in public relations, the purpose of this article is to propose relational care in communication through dialogue as an ethical springboard of nonprofit fundraising.  相似文献   

Fundraisers play a crucial role in helping arts and culture organizations obtain the financial resources they need to carry out their missions and support their causes. However, research on fundraisers' careers is still in its infancy. As the profession gains importance, understanding the main motivating factors of fundraisers' career paths is key. This study investigates the effects of three variables that emerged as relevant motivations for fundraiser careers, that is, education, career promotion and sector experience, on fundraising executives' tenure and career switching. In addition, this research identifies profiles of fundraising executives in the arts and culture organizations in the United States. Moreover, this study explores the role of non-profit orientation as a moderator of the relationship between career switching and tenure, and parallel titles as a moderator of the relationship between sector experience and tenure. Managerial implications are outlined.  相似文献   

夏桂云 《价值工程》2011,30(18):210-210
人类社会在21世纪创造了巨大的物质财富,人类不论是在经济方面,还是在政治方面,其水平都得到了极大地提高。但是,人类的精神文明、思想道德水平并没有得到相应提高。本文笔者就以语文教材中的"三生教育"为例探讨了"三生教育"在学校德育中的重要性。  相似文献   

何凡 《价值工程》2010,29(23):195-196
"大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。"《大学》里的这句名言为当今高校德育工作指明了方向。认真研究高校德育内容中存在的问题,努力提高高校德育工作的实效性,促进当代大学生的全面发展,是摆在各高校面前一个亟待解决的问题。本文在分析我国高校德育工作目标和主要研究内容的基础上,着重以诚信教育为例,阐述了在高校德育中开展大学生诚信教育的必要性,并有针对性地提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

Resume screening is the first hurdle applicants typically face when they apply for a job. Despite the many empirical studies showing bias at the resume‐screening stage, fairness at this funnelling stage has not been reviewed systematically. In this paper, a three‐stage model of biased resume screening is presented. We first discuss relevant theoretical perspectives (e.g., job market signalling and impression formation theories) to explain why resume screening is vulnerable to biased decision‐making and ethnic discrimination in particular. On the basis of the best available evidence, we consider contingencies of ethnic discrimination in the applicant, the decision‐maker, and the broader context (e.g., organisation), as well as the effectiveness of interventions that might counter ethnic bias in resume screening. The paper ends with a critical agenda for further research and practice.  相似文献   

The literature on employee (moral) rights has been limited to workplace human rights. This essay focuses on Employee Moral Rights defined as the moral claims individuals are entitled to due to their role as employees. Noting they make significant (although implicit) financial investments in the firm they work for, this essay argues dedicated employees should be treated as financial investors, which implies dedicated employees have the moral right to (1) be treated as every other financial investor; (2) share in the firm’s profits; (3) timely, accurate, and sufficient disclosure of significant information; (4) protection from senior managers’ abusive self-dealing; and (5) mechanisms to protect their financial investment including fair severance payments and effective pension protection.
Edilberto F. MontemayorEmail:

感恩教育:高校德育工作必须直面的课题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨雅琼 《价值工程》2010,29(25):208-208
感恩是大学生应该具备的道德品质,然而,随着社会多元化的发展,感恩教育成为高校德育工作的软肋。为此,明确感恩教育的内涵,重构实施感恩教育的措施,对于大学生自身素质的提高、人格的完善有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

曾文雄 《价值工程》2011,30(19):185-186
社会经济的发展带动产业结构调整,技术的更新换代不断加速,社会对于职业技术人才的要求也逐步提高。职业学校如何围绕学生的专业技能成长和职业道德素质提高,开展有效的德育教育活动,本文从当前教育体制下的职业学校的实际情况出发,结合新时期德育模式,探讨职业学校德育工作实施的几个步骤,提出相应的策略和方法。  相似文献   

Crowdfunding through social media has presented challenges and opportunities for nonprofit and voluntary sector organizations. To better understand how organizations can harness the power of social media in fundraising, the current research examined the effects of different types of Facebook fundraising posts on donor engagement. Based on Social Impact Theory, three factors of social influence were investigated, including relationship strength with the fundraiser creator, immediacy or urgency of the fundraising need, and number of donations. An online experiment was conducted using samples recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk. A repeated measures test was performed to explore the effects of three social influence factors on perceived source credibility, feeling of social presence, attitude toward the post, and intention to click, share, and donate. Strongest main effects were found for immediacy of needs. Facebook fundraising posts for an urgent need generated much more positive responses than posts for a nonurgent need. Interaction effects were also found among three variables in perceived credibility and intention to click. Personal relevance and perceived risk moderated the effects of number of donations on intention to donate. Implications for nonprofit and voluntary sector organizations were discussed.  相似文献   

This research studies the factors that favour the establishment of high-investment infrastructure public-private partnership (PPP) projects. We analyse 9121 PPPs, hosted in 107 developing countries, in the period 1997–2017. We find that PPP projects adopting contractual forms in which the private party takes more risks, awarded through competitive methods and benefitting from indirect government support programmes, are characterized by a larger investment volume. A more business-friendly economy and robust institutions configure the most conducive environment to establish larger investment PPPs. Furthermore, multilateral development banks’ support of the projects relates positively to their investment volume.  相似文献   

A prominent way for firms to manage their moral legitimacy is to invest in sustainability certifications. However, a significant subset of firms remain reluctant to invest in sustainability certifications even decades after the establishment of such certifications. Our paper seeks to elucidate this variance by exploring how firms in the coffee, tea, and chocolate industries legitimise themselves on moral grounds through external communication to stakeholders. Drawing on insights from French Pragmatist Sociology, we suggest that firms primarily rely on two distinct sets of legitimacy principles that reflect their identity orientation: the ‘civic and green’ world and the ‘domestic’ world. Specifically, our results show that reliance on the domestic world is negatively related to firms' investment in sustainability certifications. Our findings also suggest that the strength of the relationship between these distinct methods of moral legitimising and certification varies depending on whether firms are characterised by first‐ or multi‐generation family control.  相似文献   

Regression Toward the Mean (RTM) in extreme-group quasi-experiments is a thoroughly theoretical matter, not a simple mathematical necessity, so results of extreme-group before-and-after treatment effectiveness studies should not be doubted simply because of the theoretical possibility of RTM. The estimation of RTM, wherever one has a treatment group with a pretreatment mean off to one side of its population’s mean, requires knowledge of the population mean, standard deviation, and regression slope. RTM ought not be presumed to be operative in studies unless its several theoretical assumptions have been justified and its implications for sample data have been corroborated on that data. RTM can properly be adjusted for only when it has been adequately estimated from the relevant population data.  相似文献   

I study the effect of cheap talk between bidders on the outcome of a first-price procurement auction in which participation is costly. Although no side payments or commitments are allowed, there exists a family of equilibria in which sellers use communication to collude on a subset of participants and/or reveal information about their cost. Cheap talk matters in the sense that it strictly enlarges the set of Nash equilibria (symmetric and asymmetric) and the set of public correlated equilibria of the game. I show that the buyer may benefit from cheap talk between sellers and that the surplus increases in the amount of information revealed in equilibrium under one fairly general condition. This is because when communication is cheap, sellers cannot directly collude on higher prices. Rather, communication leads to competition between fewer, but more aggressive bidders, which entails greater allocative efficiency and a decrease in the total wasteful entry cost.  相似文献   

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world in March 2020, it impacted all areas of society. Most conspicuous were the lockdowns that were quickly imposed in many countries along with other restrictions. These interventions into the everyday life of ordinary citizens were, perhaps not surprisingly, often met with resistance by citizens and businesses that felt their rights were being trampled on by governments. In this paper, we analyse reactions towards the far-reaching measures taken by the Danish government to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the fur industry and thereby prevent the development of new mutations of the virus: to cull all minks and temporarily ban mink production in Denmark. We argue that by studying this case, valuable lessons can be learned regarding how a business community reacts when faced with a great reset. Taking the current climate crisis into consideration, it must be expected that emission-heavy industries, like agriculture, will be faced with calls to radically change their mode of production in the near future. In this sense, we propose to view the Danish mink case as an early example of what a great reset could look like, how it is perceived by those who experience it first-hand, and how feelings of resentment and resistance can develop following a logic of (mis)recognition.  相似文献   

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, ‘Do you want to pick door No. 2?’ Is it to your advantage to switch your choice? The answer is ‘yes’ but the literature offers many reasons why this is the correct answer. This article argues that the most common reasoning found in introductory statistics texts, depending on making a number of ‘obvious’ or ‘natural’ assumptions and then computing a conditional probability, is a classical example of solution driven science. The best reason to switch is to be found in von Neumann's minimax theorem from game theory, rather than in Bayes’ theorem.  相似文献   

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