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在现行体制下实施可中断电价能有效促进用电公平和效率,可中断电价比峰谷/丰枯分时电价和需求响应确定性更强,可中断负荷作系统备用比发电备用更具实效性和经济性。  相似文献   

合理确定上网电价控制水电站工程造价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对目前上网电价制定过程中存在的一些问题的探讨,提出经由控制水电上网电价来控制水电工程造价。在电力系统中,为合理制定水电上网电价,应扩大两部制电价和分时电价的实行范围,大力推行峰谷电价和丰枯电价,确定合理的水电上网电价形成机制,从而一方面保证投资者的利益,一方面保证水电事业的健康良性发展。  相似文献   

电力工业作为资金密集型企业,资金回报率相对较低。为使有限的电力能够对社会发挥最大的作用,世界各国普遍制定峰谷分时电价,充分发挥电价杠杆的调节作用。早在80年代中期,京津唐电网即开始试行峰谷电价,并于1994年底开始大规模推广。4年来执行峰谷电价取得了...  相似文献   

本文论述了现行电价存在的问题,分析了销售电价中电价分类、基本电价、优惠电价及峰谷电价、特殊用户电价诸方面存在的不合理情况,并提出改革建议。  相似文献   

峰谷分时电价体现了电价“公平负担”的原则,有效维护了电力工业和电力用户双方的利益。当前,进一步扩大峰谷分时电价实施的范围,科学制定电价浮动比例,实行尖峰电价,加快电价改革等,是完善现行峰谷分时电价的有效途径,以实现供电的经济效益最大化。  相似文献   

<正>山东公司执行新的峰谷分时电价政策自2008年6月10日抄见电量起,山东省开始执行新的峰谷分时电价政策。主要内容包括调整峰谷时段和峰谷电价浮动比例,并将试行尖峰电价政策。  相似文献   

实施峰谷阶梯电价的计费方法及执行措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了浙江永康为了既保证基本生活用电水平又倡导节约用电和合理用电而执行峰谷阶梯电价的具体方法、阶梯电价计费方式和实施过程,以及居民用户在实施峰谷阶梯电价中采取的降低电费的相应措施;指出执行居民峰谷阶梯电价既有移峰填谷的作用又有促进节约用电的功能,并可引导人们改变用电习惯,是一项利国利民的电价政策。  相似文献   

从1999年11月起,江苏省通州市对受电量在315千伏安以上的机械、建材等6大行业的135家企业试行“峰谷电价”。即把一天分为峰、谷、平3个时段各8小时,并根据不同时段实施不同的电价。7~11点、17~21点为峰段,电价为原价的1.5倍;23~次日7点为谷段,电价为原来的一半;而11~17点、21~23点则为平段,电价与原来持平。  据统计,135家试行“峰谷电价”企业的变压器容量约占通州市工业负荷的70%,用电量占全市的40%左右。因此,如果135家企业能合理调整生产时间和负荷,对减少峰谷差、提高全市的负荷率具有举足轻重的作用。东边日出西…  相似文献   

本文介绍了当前浙江省对地方小水电上网峰谷电价的定价原则,详细分析了峰谷电量比和电价比两个因素对定价的影响程度,并在此基础上,分析了实际上网平均价与指导价和价格比的关系,给定价部门和发、供电企业分析定价和对成本、利润的影响有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

薛建凡 《中国电业》2005,(10):58-59
实行峰谷分时电价政策,能够有效缓和缺电矛盾,最大限度地保障社会电力的供应,提高电力资源的利用率,并从总体上提高社会的能源利用效率。但是,峰谷分时电价水平会引导社会对电能的消费观念,涉及发、供、用电企业之间的利益分配,因此峰谷分时电价政策的制定应当尽可能周密。  相似文献   

峰谷分时电价的现状分析与发展趋势探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分时电价以经济学均衡价格为理论依据。它在引导客户合理用电、削峰填谷、优化电力资源配置等方面起了积极的作用。但它也存在分时价差幅度小、时段划分长、缺乏灵活性及实施范围窄等问题。完善分时电价运行机制,由分时电价向实时电价转变。  相似文献   

上网电价定价方法比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了还本付息测算方法、经营期电价测算方法及市场定价方法,对我国目前并存的上述3种测算方法进行了比较,并应用这几种电价测算方法对我国某地区新建电厂的上网电价进行了测算。  相似文献   

中国与世界主要国家电价比较分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过对世界部分国家电价进行对比,剖析了我国在上网电价、输配电价、终端销售电价以及电力与其他能源产品比价方面存在的问题,认为我国电价总体水平偏低,需要适时调整电价水平和电价结构,尽快形成独立的输配电价。  相似文献   

电力备用辅助服务的电价测算   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
分析了备用辅助服务的成本构成,指出了当前电力备用辅助服务存在的问题;针对我国电力市场处于初期阶段,尚未建立电力辅助服务市场的情况,设计了一种基于成本的备用辅助服务电价测算方法,并结合电网运行的实际情况。测算了电网备用辅助服务电价水平。测算备用辅助服务电价有助于推动备用辅助服务市场的建设,理顺对提供备用辅助服务电厂的经济补偿关系,调动各类电厂承担备用辅助服务的积极性。  相似文献   

日韩居民阶梯电价经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国销售电价结构存在较大矛盾,居民电价偏低,不利于引导居民节约用电。而对于是否引入居民阶梯电价,以减轻交叉补贴的程度,促进居民节约用电,社会上存有疑虑。介绍了日本、韩国实行居民阶梯电价的主要政策,分析了实施阶梯电价制度的背景与改革方向,结合我国的实际情况,对我国引入居民阶梯电价提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

本文利用UNCTAD数据和中国人口普查微观数据,基于地区就业的行业结构和贸易对象国对中国征收的行业层面的进口关税,构建地区层面外部关税变动指标,研究外部关税变动对中国区域劳动力就业的影响。研究发现:(1)外部关税下降幅度越高的地区,总体就业、可贸易部门和不可贸易部门的就业增加也越多;(2)出口和内销规模扩张的就业创造效应、生产率提升的就业破坏效应,是外部关税下降影响地区可贸易部门就业的重要渠道;(3)外部关税下降带来的地区可贸易部门出口扩张、就业增加和工资上涨,通过产业关联和消费驱动等正向溢出效应增加地区不可贸易部门就业,通过就业的部门间再配置效应减少地区不可贸易部门就业;(4)外部关税下降对地区不可贸易部门就业的影响呈现出先抑制后促进的动态演进过程,这与外部关税变动下中国区域劳动力供给的调整紧密相关。此外,外部关税变动对地区不同属性劳动力就业的影响效果存在显著差异。本文的研究结论对于外部关税变动下稳定区域劳动力就业的相关政策制定具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

用电信息采集系统具有促进营销工作机制创新、推动电网企业管理现代化等作用,对比分析了电价改革前后的输配电价政策,分析了用电信息采集系统设备投入成本、管理费用、线损降低效益等因素对输配电价的影响,通过案例,量化分析了各因素的影响程度,提出了把握电价改革进程确定项目电价水平、重视项目关键技术参数核定、争取项目优惠政策等建议。  相似文献   

Tariff escalation (i.e. higher tariffs on processed agricultural products than on their input commodities) has been one of the obstacles for developing countries in their efforts to establish processing industries for exports. This article assesses the changes in tariff escalation resulting from the Uruguay Round (UR) tariff concessions, examining the agricultural import markets of EU, Japan and the US. The approach consisted of comparing the base and bound tariffs, as listed in the UR tariff schedules, of actual input/output processing relationships, taking also specific tariffs into account. Three main conclusions can be drawn. First, more than half of the commodity pairs have positive tariff wedges (escalating tariffs), about 10 per cent have no tariff wedges (input and output tariffs are equal) and the remaining one-third of the commodity pairs have negative tariff wedges (de-escalating tariffs). These numbers are roughly the same for both base and bound tariff wedges. Second, as a result of the UR tariff concessions more than 80 per cent of the tariff wedges have decreased (in absolute values, i.e. positive wedges have become less positive and negative wedges have become less negative). Convergence towards zero is therefore a common feature. Third, after the full implementation of the UR tariff concessions, high levels of nominal tariff escalation will still remain for a number of commodity pairs, highest in Japan and lowest in US. Considering only the positive tariff wedges, these will average 17 per cent after the implementation of the UR (down from 23 per cent of the base years). Finally, the study has certain methodological shortcomings, and a degree of caution is in order for countries contemplating export diversification and investing in valued-added industries. There are well known problems with “water in the tariffs” and the difference between applied and bound rates of duty that are common to all studies on this subject. In addition, a number of factors that are beyond the scope of this study should also be taken into account when export diversification is considered. These relate, inter alia, to the competitiveness of the export commodities or industries in question, availability of appropriate technologies and infrastructure, product standards, technical regulations and a host of consumer preference issues having to do with brand recognition as well as product characteristics.  相似文献   

Tariff escalation (i.e. higher tariffs on processed agricultural products than on their input commodities) has been one of the obstacles for developing countries in their efforts to establish processing industries for exports. This article assesses the changes in tariff escalation resulting from the Uruguay Round (UR) tariff concessions, examining the agricultural import markets of EU, Japan and the US. The approach consisted of comparing the base and bound tariffs, as listed in the UR tariff schedules, of actual input/output processing relationships, taking also specific tariffs into account. Three main conclusions can be drawn. First, more than half of the commodity pairs have positive tariff wedges (escalating tariffs), about 10 per cent have no tariff wedges (input and output tariffs are equal) and the remaining one-third of the commodity pairs have negative tariff wedges (de-escalating tariffs). These numbers are roughly the same for both base and bound tariff wedges. Second, as a result of the UR tariff concessions more than 80 per cent of the tariff wedges have decreased (in absolute values, i.e. positive wedges have become less positive and negative wedges have become less negative). Convergence towards zero is therefore a common feature. Third, after the full implementation of the UR tariff concessions, high levels of nominal tariff escalation will still remain for a number of commodity pairs, highest in Japan and lowest in US. Considering only the positive tariff wedges, these will average 17 per cent after the implementation of the UR (down from 23 per cent of the base years). Finally, the study has certain methodological shortcomings, and a degree of caution is in order for countries contemplating export diversification and investing in valued-added industries. There are well known problems with “water in the tariffs” and the difference between applied and bound rates of duty that are common to all studies on this subject. In addition, a number of factors that are beyond the scope of this study should also be taken into account when export diversification is considered. These relate, inter alia, to the competitiveness of the export commodities or industries in question, availability of appropriate technologies and infrastructure, product standards, technical regulations and a host of consumer preference issues having to do with brand recognition as well as product characteristics.  相似文献   

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