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自2007年10月武汉出现“房贷新政”后的首次土地“流拍”,接下来全国连续发生几十次土地“流拍”事件并迅速蔓延,就此形成的地价“拐点”争论也不断升温。  相似文献   

知春 《中国拍卖》2021,(3):78-81
多件高估价拍品流拍3月17日,纽约苏富比在2021年纽约亚洲艺术周期间"重要中国艺术品专场"闪耀开拍。商末或约公元前1072年小口簋以543.45万美元价格拔得本专场头筹。本专场拍前估价最高的"唐银局部鎏金石榴莲花纹花式大碗"流拍.  相似文献   

在司法实践中,拍卖标的物极少有拍卖一次就成交的例子,大部分都是经过一到两次流拍才在下次拍卖中成交,甚至三次拍卖后依然未成交导致最终流拍。通过实践我们认为流拍的频繁出现主要存在以下原因:  相似文献   

于闯 《中国拍卖》2008,(9):8-12
2008年7月29日,三联商社部分股权被国美电器关联方北京战圣投资有限公司以每股5.94元的价格竞得,历经五次拍卖的三联商社(600898)2276万股股权终于有了归宿。三联集团将手中的部分三联商社股权一次次的拍卖,却又一次次的流拍,流拍背后的真正原因是什么呢?在三联商社一次又一次的拍卖中,总会直接或间接的看到国美的身影,收购三联商社一直是国美的战略之一,早在08年2月,国美便从山东龙脊岛建设有限公司手中收购了三联商社价值5亿多元的2700万股股权,成为控股股东,在经过五次具有戏剧性的股权拍卖后,国美终如愿将三联商社上拍股权成功收购,占三联商社总股本的19.7%,稳居三联商社第一大股东地位。  相似文献   

本地榜非住宅用地上市无人竞价也不会流拍北京新上市的非住宅用地将能规避流拍。近日,北京市土地整理储备中心的网站显示,在6月即将上市的商业、多功能地块(不含住宅用地的地块)的出让公告中,报价期限更有弹性,挂牌竞价截止日并非一个固定日期,而是自收到第一份有效竞买报价单当日起的第11个工作日。业内人士认为,此举意在避免非住宅地块再次出现流拍。  相似文献   

《21世纪经济报道》讯:进入6月,土地市场重现了2008年的惨淡局面:各地土地出让频繁遭遇流拍,而即使成交,地块的价格也“紧贴地皮”,以底价或微超底价成交。在土地最“热”的一线城市北京,6月22日上午,房山两块居住用地现场开标,  相似文献   

3月下旬,提出“舒默-格雷厄姆法案”的美国两位参议员查尔斯·舒默和林赛·格雷厄姆生平第一次来华访问。虽然两位议员称此次中国之行让其“大开眼界”,使他们亲身了解了中国经济的“复杂局势”,但他们在批评中国人民币汇率制度问题上的强硬立场似乎没有太多松动。陪同两位参议员在华访问的美中贸易全国委员会副会长溥  相似文献   

吴迪 《中国拍卖》2013,(9):32-33
春生 参加“中拍杯”的我,如同故事中的小孩,平生第一次扔帽子到了栅栏的另一边。2011年5月收到北京拍卖行业协会的群发短信.通知本市拍卖师报名参加第三届“中拍杯“北京赛区的预赛。看后并没在意.一向对各类比赛敬谢不敏.美日得自在,其实怵争战。之后某天.公司同事问询我一个资产拍卖的问题,一时竟答不上来。  相似文献   

“当我第一次知道要拍洗发水广告的时候……”代言人成龙令人信服的“说教词为霸王品牌的崛起,起了事半功倍的作用。  相似文献   

“和”哲学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅华 《商业时代》2005,(2):32-33
经济的进步要有两个翅膀,一个是技术,叫“技术致富”另一个是文化,叫“和气生财”“和 气生财”是中国传统商 人挂在嘴边的一句生意 经,也许第一次说这四 个字的商人想到的只是 脸上多些笑,见人打躬作揖,一团和气,能 揽点回头客,混点好人缘,使自己的小本 生意能细水长流。但时至今日,我们通过 观察经济生活的演变规律,经济理论深化 的趋势,深深感到“和气生财”道破了中 国经济哲学的天机,简单但经典地反映了 经济和文化之间的关系。文化作用于经 济,经济植根于文化。“和”是中国文化哲 学词典出现频率最高,最能反映中国民族 精…  相似文献   

Objective: To study the frequency and distribution of swimming pool injuries in The Netherlands. Data and methods: We used data of the Dutch Injury Surveillance System, which collects national data on patients treated in a hospital emergency department anywhere in The Netherlands. This system is based on a sample of 16 hospitals, which is representative for the whole country. With the help of pooled data for the years 1995 and 1996, we estimated the annual frequency of swimming pool injuries treated in a hospital emergency department. We made a comparison with the epidemiology of sports injuries with respect to the observed distribution by age, gender, type of injury and injury severity. Results: The average annual number of people seeking treatment at an emergency department after a swimming pool accident is small compared with the average annual number of sports injuries. Almost half of the swimming pool injuries (45%) concern 5–14 year-old children, a much higher proportion than found in sports injuries (27%). In addition, the relative importance of head injuries is considerably higher in swimming pool injuries (35%) than in sports injuries (12%). Swimming pool injuries and sports injuries have equal proportions of patients who are subsequently admitted to hospital (3%). Conclusion: The epidemiology of swimming pool injuries is characterized by a high proportion of 5–14 year-old children and a high share of head injuries. Although the frequency of swimming pool injuries is low, preventive efforts should not be neglected.  相似文献   


In advertising literature, an area rarely explored is cross-cultural studies on celebrity endorsements. A good deal may be learned from understanding how a culture's communication style can shape the type of advertising most effective for that culture. This study examines the creative styles (creative executional factors) found in the advertising of Korea and America. The two countries represent two distinct cultures—Korea being a collectivistic culture and the United States being individualistic. Both cultures affect the norms and rules that guide their inhabitants’ behavior, directly affecting communication styles. The study finds that embedded in the use of celebrity endorsement are cross-cultural characteristics. The details of these findings will be useful to international advertisers executing celebrity endorsement campaigns in different cultural settings.  相似文献   

目前,欧美的经济形势并不乐观。美国经济泡沫破裂之后,至今仍然没有恢复,增速非常缓慢,失业率居高不下,贫富不均现象越来越严重,很多美国人将失去自己的房屋。欧洲经济衰退的危机和风险也非常严重,前景也比较悲观,且目前欧洲普遍采用财政紧缩政策,会产生负面影响。而新兴市场特别是中国很有可能保持增长,当然为保增长,中国必须转变发展方式,实现经济增长的转型。文章认为,美国最严重的问题并不是金融和赤字问题,而是没有增量的需求问题,是严重的失业问题。为更好地应对危机,恢复经济,应充分发挥政府的作用,正确处理储蓄及储备之间的关系,让市场更加高效、稳定运行。文章指出,2012年全球经济增长的水平和稳定性将比2011年进一步提升,但长期来看,全球经济的稳定性在一定程度上取决于国际社会是否有能力对全球货币和经济系统进行相应的改革。当今世界,需要一个全新的经济政策、经济秩序来更好地反映经济力量再平衡的过程。新兴市场将在全球治理以及全球机构重组的过程中发挥重要作用。中国应在创建新的全球经济秩序和推动全球货币与经济体系改革方面发挥更为积极的作用,要在关注全球经济动荡的同时,更多关注全球变暖问题。  相似文献   

The decade of the 1980s was a difficult time for companies marketing goods and services in Ireland. The business environment was dominated by high unemployment and economic recession, due to a combination of internal and external factors, which dampened consumer confidence and restrained spending. Fortunately, the economy is recovering rapidly in the 1990s, with low interest rates leading to greater confidence which, in turn, is promoting both increased investment and consumer spending. The prospects for the remainder of the 1990s look favourable assuming stability in the business environment.This paper describes key features of the Irish economy, demography and society which determine the nature of the consumer market, and examines the variables that affect its performance. It also outlines the structure of the macromarketing environment and highlights important trends. It concludes with a discussion of the future outlook for the market and examines some of the implications for marketing management.  相似文献   


A peculiar note from a neighbor of a consumer culture theorist stationed at Miskatonic University who has gone missing arrives for you. The Arkham police have tasked the neighbor with sorting out some seemingly-incoherent academic notes left behind by the professor. In particular, they have tasked him with reaching out to you in order to determine the meaning of a peculiar phrase, “the lurker waits in the object” scrawled into the missing professor's desk. The notes concern several topics, but seem, in the neighbor's opinion, to revolve around object-oriented ontology, horror reality, genre horror, and information by allusion. The neighbor emphasizes that the missing professor may have suffered some mental illness or other tragedy, but has no other viable leads aside from the phrase and notes and begs your expert advice on the topic.  相似文献   

The 1980's for Portugal was a period of remarkable changes and a number of events influenced the decade significantly. Changes in environmental variables had great impact on the behaviour of Portuguese consumers and the marketing management of firms. This article reviews the changes along a number of variables which are relevant for decision-making in marketing in Portugal. Economic environment, demographic developments, cultural and attitude changes, variables related to Portuguese consumers and changes in macro marketing-mix will be assessed. The future trends of these variables will be reviewed and their implication for marketing management in the remaining years of this century will be considered.  相似文献   

荔枝系列产品深加工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了糖水荔枝罐头、荔枝汁、荔枝酒、速冻荔枝等产品的加工技术。  相似文献   

介绍了MobileIP的基本概念和其中的切换问题,分析了影响切换时通信性能的3个因素:移动检测、重新注册以及与上层协议的相互作用,提出了新的切换方案:将链路标识嵌入到FA的代理广播消息中,使得MH可以据此进行快速的移动检测;MH为发送端时,切换后主动发送未应答的TCP包;MH为接收端时,切换后通过主动发送多个TCPSACK包来请求发送端发送已丢失的TCP包。计算机仿真结果表明新的方案具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to extend the understanding of self-congruity theory to the domain of restaurant patronage. In combination with sociometer theory, we propose a set of relationships among self-image, place commitment, and post-consumption behavior including loyalty and word-of-mouth. The hypotheses are tested on a sample of restaurant consumers in the United States. Analysis of the data demonstrates that while the consumer’s ideal self-image is a significant driver of place commitment and post-consumption behavior, his/her actual self-image is not a significant predictor of these constructs. These findings are considered, and implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The plurality of languages and ethnicities, the geographic fragmentation, the predominant Roman Catholic religion, together with the still relatively short experience in nationhood account for a very peculiar understanding of "business ethics" in the Philippines. The rapid growth and liberalization of the economy, coupled with the inequitable distribution of wealth, the destruction of the environment and corruption are the main ethical concerns. Businesspersons and the academe endeavor to find creative solutions for these unique challenges.  相似文献   

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