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私小说在日本近代文坛占主流地位,在日本几乎所有的近现代作家都创作过私小说,而探究私小说中封闭的自我环境的成因是研究私小说的主要途径。从真实性、传统性、封闭性、社会性四个方面进行研究有助于全面阐述封闭的自我环境的成因,进而深入剖析私小说中自白的人性。  相似文献   

严闻广 《经济师》1999,(5):21-21
改革开放这20年来,在思想史上的种种飞跃,我看莫过于我们对“公”与对“私”这两个字有了客观的、公正的认识。公有经济和私有经济都应受到国家法律保护,都是社会任何组织、任何个人都不可侵犯的,简言之,全国人民认识到公和私都是神圣的。这是近50年来,我们社会...  相似文献   

明代"私钱"述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在明代 ,民间非法铸造的铜钱称“私钱”。同“制钱”相比 ,“私钱”具有种类多、质量差、价值低等特点。“私钱”在明代前即存在 ,但影响不大 ,至中叶后则成为一个严重问题 ,出现了“劣币驱逐良币”现象。明代中叶后“私钱”泛滥的直接原因是铸造、贩卖“私钱”可获利 ,深层次的原因则在于人们对“私钱”持认可甚至欢迎态度。造成人们对“私钱”持这种态度的原因 ,既有国家方面的 ,亦有经济方面的。明朝为禁止“私钱”采取了多种措施 ,但由于经济上的原因和政治腐败 ,这些努力总的来说是失败了 ,非但未能达到杜绝“私钱”的目的 ,至明末更成了一场闹剧。  相似文献   

“公”和“私”在政治伦理中是两个相对的范畴。从一般意义上讲,公与私的所指是完全相反的,二者的关系是全体与个体、社会与个人的关系。“公”代表的是一个群体全体成员的利益,集中体现公众的整体意志;“私”是个人意志和利益的代名词。如何处理公私关系,协调公共利益和个人利益之间的矛盾,始终是政治伦理和政治实践的一个重要问题。在不同的时代、不同的政治和文化背景下,人们在处理公私关系的时候,往往会采取迥然不同的原则和方式。公与私的具体内涵和实现途径,会因不同的政治体制在不同的历史时期表现为完全不同的内容和形式。  相似文献   

近日,河北省委书记周本顺谈到,京津冀协同发展是国家的大局,河北必须服务这个大局。京津冀协同发展,需要河北扮演什么角色,我们就演好什么角色,绝不以河北一地之小私损京津冀三地之大公。 “小私”与“大公”的说法,一时引起舆论关注。回顾过去磕磕绊绊的京津冀协同发展进程,地方的“小私”确实成为一大障碍。现在,京津冀一体纳入国家层面的战略发展规划,就不只是要求河北放弃“小私”,而需要三地均能如此,以更加开放的心态看待三地的合作与发展。  相似文献   

公房私租急待加强管理周敏,孔庆平最近,笔者在对公有住房情况调查中发现,近年来,公房私租即“二房东”现象,正在城镇各个角落俏然蔓延,且有愈演愈烈之势。公房私租怪象多据调查,某市健康东路街道公房私租共有142户,转租公房2600余平方米,每年非法牟取暴利...  相似文献   

敦煌私社的“义聚”   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在敦煌为数众多的私社中,有一部分置有“义聚”.“义聚”是私社的公共积累①.敦煌遗书斯二○四一“唐大中某年儒风坊西巷社补充社条”中云.“所置义聚,备凝凶祸 相共助诚,益期赈济急难”②.据我们所知,在敦煌遗书中,”义聚”一词仅此一见,但置有公共积累的私社却不是个别现象.本文拟对敦煌私社的这种公共积累所贮备的内容、来源、用途、作用、渊源等问题略作探讨.为了叙述方便,我们暂把私社的公共积累称为“义聚”.  相似文献   

从“公款私存”到“私款公存”,占银行便宜的手法变了,谋求非法利益的欲望却没有改变。这都需要引起金融监管部门的注意。 个人存款利息税开征后,公款私存的现象呈减少趋势。与公款私存相反的私款公存却露出了  相似文献   

赵文卿 《财富时代》2022,(9):98-100
<正>自2019年起全面取消企业银行账户开户许可核发后,对于企业账户个人账户进行转账的要求更加严格,随着金融业电子商务化水平和社会经济主体对现金支付结算效率的要求加快,电子渠道及柜面的公转私交易越来越多,但在具体实行中,产生了很多社会问题和风险隐患,文章就公转私业务的风险防范进行分析和论证。1“公转私”的业务背景根据中国人民银行《企业银行结算账户管理办法》相关规定,企业银行结算账户是为企业法人、  相似文献   

近年来,随着环境问题的激增,公众开始以自己的方式参与环境保护事业。实践中,针对污染企业的私力救济不断涌现,有些颇有成效,而有些衍化为暴力事件,破坏社会和谐。然而,法治国家需要依法行事,因此,必须对环境侵权私力救济进行法律规制。从环境侵权私力救济概念出发,阐述了环境侵权私力救济存在的价值和正当性,分析了环境侵权私力救济弊端,并试图对通过法律途径规制私力救济提出若干建议。  相似文献   

民营经济的金融困境与融资次序   总被引:350,自引:1,他引:349  
民营经济的发展对中国的渐进改革与经济增长至关重要 ,但近年来却面临着严重的金融困境。作为渐进改革的一种内生现象 ,民营经济的金融困境源于国有金融体制对国有企业的金融支持和国有企业对这种支持的刚性依赖。民营经济一时无法在国家控制的金融体制中寻求到金融支持 ,其要害在于 ,它与国有金融体制处于不同的信用联系之中。国有银行向国有经济提供信贷的纵向信用逻辑也就不能套用于民营经济。从理论上讲 ,依托于国有银行的纵向金融支持固然可以实现民营经济的短期增长 ,但却要以损害其长期增长机制尤其是资本结构为代价 ,并由此影响整个经济的民营化与市场化进程。本文认为 ,解除民营经济金融困境的根本出路既不在于改变国有银行的信贷行为与资金投向 ,也不在于由政府出面发育多少外生性的中小金融机构 ,更不在于给其提供进入股票市场的方便 ,而在于营造内生性金融制度成长的外部环境 ;只有内生性金融制度的存在和发展才不至于损害民营经济可贵的内源融资基础。  相似文献   

姚文  张成君 《生产力研究》2004,(2):29-31,34
本文运用马克思主义基本原理分析了所有制结构与社会主义社会性质的关系。我们应该不拘泥于任何所有制形式 ,大力发展生产力。现在大力发展私有制是为了将来更好、更彻底地消灭私有制。最后 ,本文提出要按照生产力发展要求改造各种所有制。  相似文献   

文学创作是童年经验的重塑和变形。通过对萧乾童年时代的生活贫穷、民族歧视和宗教压迫等因素的分析,发现童年经验对萧乾小说艺术风格的形成有着密不可分的联系。  相似文献   

Decision making in public companies follows an organized structure dominated by risk aversion. The decisions in private entrepreneurial firms tend to be driven by overconfidence and reliance on trial and error. Such entrepreneurial attitudes are reinforced by high levels of profitability. The authors argue that this difference in decision-making paradigms limits the wealth effect of blockholder formation by the profitable private target's owners in mergers and acquisitions. Blockholder formation by private target owners is associated with substantial acquirer shareholder gains in the acquisitions of targets with relatively low and moderate profitability levels. To the opposite, the market reacts to blockholder formation by the owners of highly profitable targets with skepticism. Such announcements are associated with insignificant wealth effects overall and substantial acquirer losses in acquisitions in human capital-intensive sectors whereby disagreements are likely to be consequential. Acquirers understand these wealth effects and reduce the extent of stock financing when acquiring highly profitable targets.  相似文献   

阶层地位感知是影响民营企业家经营决策的重要因素,然而当前仍缺乏对其阶层地位感知形成机制的解释。从市场化转型历史背景出发,本文认为民营企业家阶层地位感知受其创业时特定历史情境的影响,并会通过世代效应长期共享、强化这一认知模式。基于五次中国私营企业抽样调查数据,具体考察1992年前后两个不同时期创业的民营企业家群体地位感知差异来检验世代效应。结果表明:与市场经济体制确立之前(1992年前)创业的民营企业家群体相比,市场经济体制确立之后(1992年后)创业的民营企业家群体地位感知相对较高。同时,进一步异质性检验发现,对于无体制内经历和经济力量较强的民营企业家群体,市场化转型对其阶层地位感知的提升作用更强。通过聚焦于中国市场化转型的历史变迁进程,本文为深化民营企业家阶层地位感知的认识提供了宏观历史视角解释。  相似文献   

In Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life, Edward Stringham explains that private ordering is sufficient to secure full exploitation of gains from trade within a society. After describing the logic of Stringham’s claim on behalf of private ordering, the remainder of this essay examines an enigma that Stringham’s argument entails: private ordering is sufficient for social coordination and yet public ordering is ubiquitous. The exploitation of gains from trade might offer a useful ideology, but this provides but an incomplete basis for a theory of society. In this respect, societies are rife with antagonism and envy, though these often manifest themselves ideologically as claims about justice and fairness. Politics goes where the money is; private ordering reveals targets that public ordering subsequently exploits. The challenge for political economy is to integrate the autonomy of economizing action with the autonomy of political action, for these dual autonomies provide the crucible out of which emerges the material of political economy. Stringham has deepened our appreciation of what private governance can accomplish, but much unfinished analytical work confronts theorists of political economy.  相似文献   

The idea of a kaleidic economy or society is strongly associated with George Shackle and his vision of Keynesian kaleidics. This essay asserts that the central thrust of the Austrian tradition in economic analysis can be described by the term Viennese kaleidics. In either version of kaleidics, the analytical stress is placed on treating time seriously and not just notionally. Either version of kaleidics leads to recognition that economic processes are better treated as turbulent than as equilibrated. While that turbulence is a natural feature of the unavoidable incompleteness of intertemporal coordination, it is subject to mitigation. This essay explains how it is that individual liberty and private ordering is generally superior to state policy and public ordering in calming the turbulence that naturally characterizes a kaleidic economy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the effect of the change in infrastructure capital on the cost structure of the Chilean economy, and thereby on productivity, differentiating between two key institutional periods. A further aim is to establish the extent to which infrastructure capital formation affects private capital. The authors use an econometric estimation of the cost elasticity of infrastructure. Conclusions indicate that an increased infrastructure capital reduces the production cost of the economy, thereby increasing productivity, mostly in the second period. In turn, especially in this latter period, infrastructure capital formation appears to assert both a positive cost‐share effect on private capital and a negative cost‐share effect on labor. These effects can be explained to a large extent by the significant differences between the institutional structures of the two consecutive periods studied.  相似文献   

This article analyses the theoretical and empirical links between key economic variables and private investment spending in Latin America during the 1980–2001 period. The Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) estimates for the pooled investment model suggest that real (lagged) public investment, the output gap, lagged domestic credit to the private sector, and the national savings rate have a positive and significant effect on private capital formation, while the standard deviation of the real exchange rate index has a negative effect on private capital formation. A major contribution of the study is the application of recently developed panel unit roots test on the stacked residuals of the pooled regressions. The tests indicate that the included variables have a stable, non‐spurious (cointegrated) relationship. All in all, the findings in this article make an important contribution to the ongoing debate about which policies need to be promoted to raise and sustain the rate of private capital formation – Latin America's future source of employment and income creation.  相似文献   

Public Investment, Congestion, and Private Capital Accumulation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper analyses the impact of public investment on the dynamics of private capital formation in an intertemporal optimising market-clearing framework. The key feature characterising the analysis is that the public good is treated as a durable capital good, subject to congestion. We show how in the presence of congestion the effect of government investment on private capital formation involves a tradeoff between the degree of substitution between private and public capital in production and the degree of congestion. Both lump-sum and distortionary tax financing are considered, with this tradeoff being tightened in the latter case  相似文献   

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