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We revisit the relationship between two theoretical perspectives on joint ventures—the asymmetric information view and the indigestibility view. The former emphasizes the ex ante valuation challenges firms confront in combining resources, while the latter attends to ex post transaction costs arising from the extraction and integration of indivisible resources. We argue that these two views are complementary, rather than competing, in explaining the usefulness of joint ventures. We also suggest that the perspectives are overlapping inasmuch as resource indivisibility contributes to asymmetric information. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a transaction costs theory of equity joint ventures. It distinguishes between ‘scale’ and ‘link’ JVs. Scale JVs arise when parents seek to internalize a failing market, but indivisibilities due to scale or scope economies make full ownership of the relevant assets inefficient. Link JVs result from the simultaneous failing of the markets for the services of two or more assets whenever these assets are firm-specific public goods, and acquisition of the firm holding them would entail significant management costs.  相似文献   

The resource-based view of joint ventures (JVs) posits that JV performance is driven by JV partners’ ability to create synergy by joining complementary resources. We examine the synergy generated from resource complementarity in the context of JVs formed between developed market firms and local Korean firms. Besides the independent effects of both partners’ complementary resources on JV performance, we examined whether a joint effect on JV performance existed. We found that both technology-related resources and local knowledge-related resources affect JV performance independently and simultaneously. The impact of local knowledge-related resources on JV performance increased with the level of technology-related resources, and the impact of technology-related resources on JV performance increased with the level of local knowledge-related resources. Technology- and local knowledge-related resources are thus not simply additive; mutually enhancing synergies exist between the two resources. This finding further suggests that the synergistic effect of both partners’ complementary resources on JV performance can be substantive.  相似文献   

To succeed in R&D strategic alliances requires not only strategic fit and cultural fit at the organisational level, but also managerial fit at the micro, inter–personal interaction level. This paper provides the results from a cross–cultural study of managerial fit between British and Chinese managers in joint ventures (JVs) initiated in 1993–1998 with a focus on two important issues: the perceived competence and managerial roles of the partners. Managerial fit between partners is critical for the success of R&D strategic alliances including JVs. Misfit in partners' managerial behaviour often results from the fact that JVs are characterised by the lack of specificity of various managerial tasks shared by the partners at the operational stage. In addition, a manager's managerial competence as perceived by the counterpart is a contributory factor to trust and supportive reaction from the counterpart, both of which are important for cohesive interaction between partners. This study has revealed that (1) there are similarities and significant differences in some of the characteristics of managerial competence perceived by the counterpart between the British and Chinese managers; and (2) there is often a mismatch of perceptions between the British and Chinese managers with regard to who plays a particular managerial role in a JV. Managerial implications are discussed and issues for further research are highlighted.  相似文献   

This study examines the moderating effects of a host government's local ownership restrictions on the linkage between the choice of foreign entry mode and its performance, using a sample of 917 Japanese foreign subsidiaries in Asia. The study focuses on two foreign entry modes, joint ventures (JVs) and wholly-owned subsidiaries (WOS), and two performance measures, financial performance and termination rate. The results suggest that the extent of local ownership restrictions is negatively and significantly associated with the financial performance of WOS, whereas it does not directly influence that of JVs. There is no clear association between the extent of local ownership restrictions and the termination rate for the JV and WOS samples.  相似文献   

Are joint ventures (JVs) characterized mainly by cooperative behavior or noncooperative behavior? In this research, we address this question by examining the interrelationship between the values created for two partners when they announce a JV. We argue that, on average, if cooperative behavior and common benefits are more influential than noncooperative behavior and private benefits, there will be a positive association between the values created for the two partners. Conversely, if private benefits and noncooperative behavior are more influential, there will be a negative association as partners derive value at the expense of each other rather than by creating new opportunities through the JV. Using a sample of 344 JVs we find evidence of a positive association between the values created for the two partners after controlling for various factors. This suggests that the stock market perceives JVs to be positive sum games rather than zero sum games, and that value creation in JVs is mainly attributable to synergies rather than appropriation of resources. Our analysis also reveals other conditions under which cooperative behavior and noncooperative behavior become dominant, such as the strength of the resources of the two partners, product market competition, and JV experience. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Influences on Sino-Western joint venture negotiations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper attempts to increase the reader's knowledge of the influences present when negotiating in China. The current environment of Sino-Western joint venture (JV) negotiations is examined, and negotiating suggestions resulting from this examination are presented. The paper, the result of the author's research in China in 1987–1989, posits that the major influences on Sino-Western JV negotiations are the ideological and theoretical foundations for such JVs, their history, the problems they experience, and the political, economic, governmental, and cultural contexts of negotiations. The paper's importance lies in two areas: it contributes to the literature on the international transfer of capital and technology, and it provides valuable information to Western firms and individuals who consider entering into JV negotiations in China.  相似文献   

This study examines how joint venture partners' opportunism is influenced by environmental volatility in a drastically changing emerging economy. Building on transaction cost and information‐processing theories, we develop the hypothesis that opportunism increases to cope with industry structural instability, information unverifiability, and law unenforceability, the three interrelated yet distinct characteristics that jointly describe environmental volatility in an emerging economy. Our analysis of 188 foreign joint ventures in an emerging market suggests that opportunism increases with information unverifiability and law unenforceability. These relationships are even stronger when joint ventures depend more on the host country environment, but weaker when joint ventures operate in faster‐growing industries. Finally, opportunism is found to play a mediating role in the relationship between environmental volatility and joint venture performance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Joint ventures (JVs), defined as independent organizations formed by the pooling of resources and sharing of equity by two or more firms, are being formed at an increasingly rapid pace. While much empirical research has examined the conditions which favor the formation of JVs, less attention has been paid to the equally important issues of control and implementation which are the focus of interest in this study. We identify two factors which are expected to influence the design of control mechanisms, i.e., (1) the strategic interdependence between the JV and each parent and (2) the environmental uncertainty faced by the JV. Our empirical examination confirms the importance of the degree of strategic interdependence and the moderating role of environmental uncertainty in explaining the design of control mechanisms. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Innovation creates significant challenges for firms in high‐technology industries. This article examines how the use of external knowledge acquired from mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and joint ventures (JVs) influence the nature of innovative competence in the global pharmaceutical industry. We create a unique database on never‐before approved products that measure the scientific merit of new, exploratory product innovations, ranging from radical to incremental. We then follow their market success by recording the number of new exploitative product innovations that stem from these product innovations and that are later approved and subsequently marketed. Using a large data set spanning a 15‐year period, we find that firms were able to “make up” for their lack of exploitation or exploration innovative capabilities through the use of M&As and JVs. These external knowledge acquisition strategies were found to overcome internal processes that otherwise could cause firms to overemphasize exploitation over exploration and vice versa. Our findings suggest that acquiring external knowledge via M&As is associated with diminished exploratory product innovation, while assimilating external knowledge sourced from JVs is associated with a reduction in new exploitative product innovation.  相似文献   

This paper identifies how dialectical tensions influence the conflicts in and unplanned terminations of international joint venture (IJV) relationships. The findings from case studies of two Finnish-Chinese JVs show how initial tensions and institutional imprints set the IJV processes in motion; how critical junctures influence perception of the IJV relationship and its evolution; and how a lack of efficient communication, interlinks between dialectical tensions, and insufficient movement of trust between cultural, organizational, and individual levels in the relationship lock in action patterns of confrontation which lead to the termination of the IJV. In essence, this study contributes to international business research by explaining the path-dependent nature of dialectical tensions in the evolution and survival of cross-cultural JVs.  相似文献   

Joint venture activity and internal corporate venturing represent two administrative innovations receiving increased attention in strategic management research. This study investigates a new hybrid form of administrative innovation: internal corporate joint ventures, which combine the equity involvement typically found in joint ventures with the internal staffing of a semiautonomous unit typical of internal corporate ventures. Drawing on both a process model and a variance model, the structuring, development and performance of 53 such ventures in an industry-specific setting is examined.  相似文献   

The rise and decline of foreign entry strategies in transition economies is an important yet largely overlooked issue in the literature. This study is a step toward filling this gap by examining how mimetic entry within reference groups and the emergence of a competing strategy affect the bandwagon phenomenon of a dominant strategy in the context of China, where international equity joint ventures (EJVs) used to be a dominant entry strategy among foreign firms in the 1990s. Findings from a sample of 1,123 EJVs formed in China's non-restricted industries from 1990 to 2003 show that the impact of home and host-country industry effects are not symmetric between the EJV rise and decline periods. Cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) as a competing strategy has an important impact during the EJV decline period but not the rise period. The interactive effects between EJV and M&A strategies occur only in the host-country industries. We discuss such results and offer suggestions for future research. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Partners not only transfer knowledge to each other but also can jointly create new ideas and practices. This research examines knowledge co-creation (KCC) in international joint ventures (IJVs). Drawing on matching theory, we propose that partners' compatibility is positively related to KCC, whereas complementarity has a curvilinear relationship with KCC. Furthermore, according to institutional theory, the effect of KCC on performance is contingent upon the institutional environment. Specifically, information verifiability—an under-researched but important institutional factor—strengthens the positive influence of KCC on performance. We collected survey data from 372 senior and middle managers in China-based IJVs, and the results largely support our hypotheses. This research sheds new light on B2B collaboration and we conclude with its theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

Joint ventures: Theoretical and empirical perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper compares the perspectives of transaction costs and strategic behavior in explaining the motivation to joint venture. In addition, a theory of joint ventures as an instrument of organizational learning is proposed and developed. Existing studies of joint ventures are examined in light of these theories. Data on the sectoral distribution and stability of joint ventures are presented.  相似文献   

This paper explores the reasons that firms form research joint ventures by focusing on a particular type of venture — namely, ventures that are developing new processes to reduce toxic air emissions. The legislative expression of government concern and intent to develop regulations for toxic chemicals prompts firms to join forces in joint ventures that address the problems posed by the chemicals. The cooperative R&D ventures do not appear to be a way for companies to avoid Schumpeterian competitive pressures that stimulate R&D investment. New, primary data at the disaggregated level of a particular type of R&D for particular companies support the belief that cooperative R&D ventures among manufacturing companies may well promote economic efficiency.  相似文献   

We develop a mediation model in which the number of partners in a joint venture affects venture performance through contract completeness and partner cooperation. In a sample of 224 international joint ventures, we find that the number of partners is negatively related to venture contract completeness and partner cooperation, both of which are positively related to joint venture performance. The number of partners is inversely related to joint venture performance and the relationship is mediated by contract completeness and partner cooperation. We discuss theoretical and managerial implications for joint venture research and practice. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

<In response to our empirical findings that, contrary to the predictions of the information asymmetry hypothesis, joint ventures are not more, but instead less likely when parents belong to different industries, Balakrishnan and Reurer argue that (1) the information asymmetry and the indigestibility hypotheses are theoretically complementary and (2) our results may be affected by the characteristics of our sample. In fact, the goal of our study was not to deny the theoretical validity of alternative theories of joint ventures, but only to ascertain their relative explanatory power. We therefore agree that both theories are complementary, but show that our findings are not explained by our sample, but instead by the way we test the information asymmetry hypothesis. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a theoretical explanation of why the cultural trait of power distance represents greater perceptions of transaction costs and lower perceptions of governance costs across societies. It demonstrates that cultural differences in perceptions of transactions and governance costs as represented by Hofstede's (1980) power distance index explain national differences in the preference for international joint ventures after market size, government limitations on sole ownership and uncertainty avoidance have been controlled. The study concludes that cultural differences in transaction costs provide an important extension to the transaction costs theory of joint ventures.  相似文献   

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