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企业参与兼并重组的动机是很复杂的,如为了进军新市场,消除竞争对手,扩大企业规模和利益,增强企业自身的竞争力等.这些动机基本上都是指向经济利益的,也确实是企业参与兼并重组的基本动机.尽管企业的具体动机可能有别,但企业总的动机或目的主要还是取得重组的溢出效应,即实现"1+1>2"的效果.其实,除了这些指向经济的动机之外,文化也是企业参与兼并重组的重要动机.  相似文献   

在中国经济不断深化改革的背景下,混合所有制企业通过股权结构的不断优化来提高企业竞争力,但在此过程中我们更应该从企业长远发展的角度来重视社会责任的履行情况。本文选取上海证券交易所A股上市的制造业232家国有企业作为研究样本,从国有股持股比例、管理层持股、股权集中度和股权制衡度等方面分析股权结构对企业社会责任履行的影响,以期制造业国有企业上市企业能够不断提高公司治理水平,积极履行企业社会责任。  相似文献   

据资料显示,在全球范围内,资产重组的成功率只有40%左右。在那些失败的重组案例中,80%以上直接或间接起因于新企业文化整合的失败。严峻的现实迫使我们把注意力从兼并的量上转移到质上,现在,兼并后企业文化的融合问题正日益引起全社会的高度重视。  相似文献   

并购浪潮席卷全球的大环境,促使我国企业为提高自身竞争力纷纷进行重组.本文首先分析了当前我国并购现状及采用股权收购的动因,在此基础上,研究股权收购可能带来的财务风险和法律风险,最后提出相应的风险防范措施,推进企业并购的顺利进行.  相似文献   

外资并购境内企业特点分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李志军 《商业研究》2005,(10):17-19
跨国并购在外国直接投资中的地位日趋重要。外资并购境内企业属跨国并购范畴,是特指中国境外企业与境内企业间的并购与重组行为。与绿地投资相比,外资并购境内企业还处于起步阶段,尚未成为中国利用外资的主流方式。但近年来,外资并购境内企业呈现了发展速度不断加快、规模不断扩大、领域不断拓宽、并购方式日益多样化、目的多元化、地区集中化的特点。  相似文献   

本文从企业兼并重组过程中存在的问题入手,提出了若干政策建议,对我国企业改革的深入有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

近年来随着国家淘汰落后水泥产能、鼓励大型水泥企业联合重组的政策出台后,大型水泥企业集团加快了兼并重组步伐。本文从水泥工业发展现状出发分析水泥企业的重组动因,并对水泥企业并购重组后易出现的潜亏现象进行探讨,同时提出相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

兼并重组是有效配置资源、转变行业整体经济形势的重要手段和方式。对于快递行业而言,兼并重组是快递服务业优化产业布局、加快产业转型升级的必然需求,同时也是快递企业转变发展方式,提高运营质量和企业效益,增强服务能力的现实选择。本文从分析快递企业兼并重组的必然性入手,对快递企业兼并重组中面临的财务问题以及解决对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

张栋益 《中国市场》2012,(26):81-82
随着电子商务的发展,快递行业的发展也迅速发展起来。行业整体经济形势得到了根本转变,企业兼并重组已成为资源有效配置的重要方式。国家邮政局印发《关于快递企业兼并重组的指导意见》(国邮发〔2011〕108号),充分认识促进快递企业兼并重组的重要意义。本文重在探讨快递企业兼并重组中的有关财务问题。要想使兼并落到实处,不走形式,只有率先在财务管理方面和会计核算方面进行全方位的解析,才能真正把企业做大做强,使企业高效、长期稳健的运转下来。  相似文献   

自经济全球一体化以来,为企业的发展和提升同时带来了机遇与挑战。而近几年国有企业改革的势头愈演愈烈,各种改革模式、企业优化、结构调整的方式层出不穷,为适应当代的市场竞争,增强国有企业的综合实力,完善管理机制和优化产业结构,国有企业的兼并与重组势在必行。而在改革进程中,各种问题和弊端也逐渐暴露出来,我国现有国有企业的规模数量以及兼并重组的进程相比西方国家还较为落后,研究探讨也不够深入,缺乏成功案例去依据,所以本文就实施国有企业兼并重组的意义所在,分析了改革进程中存在的问题,提出了一些建设性的措施和建议,以期能为国有企业的兼并重组改革的实践研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

Using a newly created panel of domestic Chinese firms who receive foreign direct investment (FDI), this paper finds that Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)‐acquired firms outperform those acquired by investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan (HMT). To control for possible endogeneity of the FDI decision, I employ propensity score matching combined with a difference‐in‐differences approach. The results indicate that relative to HMT‐acquired firms, OECD‐acquired firms experience significantly higher productivity in the initial year of acquisition and this productivity differential persists in subsequent years, reaching 27.8 per cent by the third year. Further, OECD‐acquired firms exhibit higher profits, average wages and capital per worker compared to HMT‐acquired firms. These results suggest that the origin of the foreign investor differentially affects target firm performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the factor exposures of foreign equity capital in a domestic stock market in order to understand its risk‐taking behavior and sources of returns in the market. Using data from Korea for the 1999–2013 period, we find that foreigners are strongly exposed to the idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) factor, which is long on low‐IVOL stocks and short on high‐IVOL stocks. That is, foreign equity capital is typically allocated to low‐IVOL stocks and profits from the return differential between low‐IVOL and high‐IVOL stocks. We also find that foreign equity capital moves in a way that it is loaded more on the IVOL factor when the IVOL factor premium is larger. We discuss the comparative advantage of foreign equity capital in bearing the IVOL factor risk and the role of information asymmetry between locals and foreigners in this risk sharing. We also provide additional empirical results that support our interpretation.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of foreign ownership on a firm’s economic performance. We use a unique panel data set to test the foreign ownership premium by comparing our sample of firms based in Italy and owned by a foreign subject to a sample of purely domestic firms that, in order to have a proper counterfactual, were selected using propensity score matching. Our difference-in-differences results show the existence of a premium for the size, profitability, and financial soundness of the foreign-owned companies. The premium increases with time, is concentrated in the service sector, and disappears if the foreign investor is based in a fiscal haven.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of institutional ownership on the performance of private equity placements (PEPs) for listed firms in China. We find that the presence of institutional investors can alleviate the information asymmetries between listed firms and the market. The market reaction to PEP announcements is significantly smaller if there is a higher portion of institutional shareholdings. Long‐term firm operational performance after PEPs is positively correlated with institutional shareholdings. Moreover, we find that the relationship between institutional shareholdings and PEP performance is mainly driven by nonlisted corporate investors and mutual funds. Finally, the relationship between PEP performance and institutional shareholdings is stronger in smaller PEP issuers.  相似文献   

Firms cluster their economic activities to exploit technological and informational spillovers from other firms. Spillovers from multinational firms can be particularly beneficial to firms in less developed economies, because technological superiority and management expertise of foreign multinational firms yield various opportunities for learning. Yet, the importance of foreign firms’ spillovers might vary with respect to two key features of domestic firms: their productivity level and their export status. In line with theories on the absorptive capacity of firms, we argue on the basis of an empirical analysis of Hungarian firms that larger and more productive firms are more able than smaller firms to reap spillovers from multinationals. However, the export status is found to be of minor importance once higher productivity is controlled for.  相似文献   

本文以49起外资并购中国上市公司的事件和52起国内并购事件为样本,运用事件研究法对外资并购和国内并购的财富效应进行了比较研究。研究结果表明:从总体上看,外资并购公司股东获得的累积超额收益要大于国内并购公司股东获得的累积超额收益,尤其在并购公告前后的几个短期累积区间内,外资并购的累积超额收益(CAR)要显著高于国内并购。  相似文献   

本文通过建立理论模型的方式,采用静态均衡分析的方法,讨论了竞争效应对外商投资企业向国内企业技术外溢的刺激作用。通过分析,本文证明了当东道国劳动力工资受到内外资企业劳动力需求的影响,且国内经济有一个有效的研发部门时,那么外商投资企业生产技术的改进会通过竞争效应推动国内企业的技术进步,且东道国的整体国民收入亦会随着外商投资企业技术水平的上升而增加。  相似文献   

We analyse a sample of foreign firms issuing equity in the USA to determine the factors that affect IPO and SEO pricing. The average SEO discount, defined as the percentage difference between the price in the local market on the offering date and the SEO offer price, is 2.07%, and is significantly lower for stocks that are ultimately listed on the NYSE/AMEX than for stocks that are listed on the Nasdaq. Foreign equity issues are underpriced; the traditional underpricing discount, which is defined as the percentage difference between the closing price on the first day of trading and the offer price, is 18.75% on average. Equity issuers from industry groups with the largest six–month pre–IPO return in the US market experience a higher level of underpricing. For the subsample of emerging market issues, we document that, in the after–market, the ADR price remains persistently above the dollar denominated price in the domestic market for up to 90 days following the date of the issue.  相似文献   

Most studies on the link between exporting status and firm productivity find no evidence of learning‐by‐exporting, whereas self‐selection of more productive firms into exporting is most often confirmed. Furthermore, empirical tests of the learning‐by‐exporting hypothesis rarely rely on a specific learning mechanism and instead estimate very general tests of the effects of exporting on improvements of firm efficiency. Lack of explicit controls for specific learning mechanisms in turn biases the empirical estimates against finding the learning effects. Here I undertake a more targeted approach to learning‐by‐exporting by using data on Slovenian manufacturing enterprises between 1994 and 2002 to explore a specific channel for learning in the export markets. Using a variety of empirical tests, I show that competition in exporting markets serves as an added criterion in firm self‐selection as only the most productive and fastest growing firms choose to enter more competitive foreign markets. Once home‐market competition is explicitly controlled, a significant productivity adjustment effect of exporting firms in response to intensification of export market competition is revealed. Crucially, this provides tentative evidence of learning‐by‐exporting, which has so far been elusive in the relevant literature.  相似文献   

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