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李蕾 《北方经贸》2014,(6):105-106
由支付宝首创的第三方担保支付交易方式在开创了一种全新的电子商务交易模式的同时,也构建了一种新的法律关系。对于这种法律关系的性质,现有学说都只反映了其某一个侧面,无法全面概括第三方支付法律关系的整体性质。笔者认为第三方支付法律关系是一种构成的法律关系。各方当事人之间形成了一种无名合同——其中与典型法律关系相似的,则准用民法中相近似的规定。  相似文献   

电子认证的主要作用是为了促进网上交易,通过电子认证服务,使交易双方有效确认对方真实身份,防止欺诈和否认。电子认证是一种新型的附保护第三人利益的合同,是用户与信赖方“双赢”的概念。电子认证机构的归责原则为过错推定责任原则,其民事责任的损害赔偿应有责任限制。  相似文献   

<正>电子认证服务是一种产品电子认证服务是一种产品,这个产品就是数字证书,电子认证服务机构就是生产这个产品的生产单位。规划电子认证服务标准体系, 就要从数字证书这个产品的属性、生产过程和质量控制全过程进行分析和归纳:  相似文献   

合同是平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间设立、变更终止民事权利义务关系的协议,是两个或两个以上法律地位平等的当事人意思表示一致的协议.合同是确立各方义务和权利以及解决纠纷的法律依据.因此合同具有措辞准确、结构严谨、格式规范等特点.  相似文献   

第三方物流合同法律关系与法律适用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文认为,第三方物流合同是第三方物流活动的法律形式,与一般民商事合同相比,它涉及运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等诸多环节,合同当事人之间形成的法律关系也更为复杂,除运输、储存等一般物流服务法律关系外,也有代理、居间和行纪等法律关系.因此,第三方物流合同将受到不同层次 和不同内容的法律规范的调整,而不同法律调整的结果可能会使物流争议发生时其处理结果大为不同.其法律适用过程也具有特殊性,不同法律关系法律适用的具体原则和方法也不同.作为第三方物流合同当事人,必须签订好物流服务合同,明确有关合同不同的法律关系和法律性质,确定责任分担,控制合同风险;提高物流法律意识,既要具备物流专业知识,还要深入了解物流法律,以准确使用物流相关法律妥善处理各种物流活动争议和纠纷,保障物流当事人合法权益.  相似文献   

我国合同法上的保证,是指合同当事人以外的第三人(保证人)向债权人(保证权人)担保债务人履行债务的一种担保方式。在被担保的债务人(被担保人)不履行债务时,保证人负有代为履行或连带赔偿的民事责任。保证实质上是一种民事法律关系,是主合同(被担保合同)的从合同,在保证合同的双方当事人(保证权人和保证人)之间,  相似文献   

刘玉娟 《商》2015,(4):199
合同生效反映的是法律对于当事人各方合意的肯定评价,发生法律行为上的效果即当事人预期的法律效果,法律确认和保障合同债权对内和对外的效力,当事人各方要依约履行相关的权利义务。因此判断合同生效的时间是十分重要的问题。本文通过对合同生效的典型历史国家的阐述以及根据我国法律对合同生效的规定,对合同生效的要件进行归纳,以便在实践中更好地判断合同的生效。  相似文献   

一、代理合同概念及其作用 一般合同具有四个基本特征、三个方面作用。合同又称契约,是指两个以上当事人,依据法律通过协商、确立、变更或终止民事法律关系或经济法律关系的协议。一般具有四个基本特征:(1)合同是一种法律行为。(2)合同是两个或两个以上的当事人的法律行为,是当事人的意思的一致的表现。(3)合同是当事人合法的法律行为。(4)合同中当事人的法律  相似文献   

《合同法》的颁布实施,激发了合同关系当事人的主动性和积极性。但《合同法》在促进交易的同时,其所秉持的合同自由,随着现代社会交易关系的复杂化,只要当事人的不谨慎或者心存恶意,双重买卖情况的发生对合同效力发生影响,因此当事人需要正确判断合同的效力,从而采取适当的补救措施维护自身的合法权益  相似文献   

一、修改商标使用许可合同备案制度商标使用许可合同从本质上讲是当事人之间就商标权这一无形财产在经济活动中达成的协议 ,是经济合同的一种 ,《民法通则》规定 ,合同是当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事关系的协议 ;合同的订立应当本着合同当事人平等、互利、自愿、有偿的原则。商标权是一种民事权利 ,当事人就其达成的一致意见所产生的后果是民事法律关系后果 ,应当同其他经济合同一样 ,遵循一般经济合同普遍遵循的原则。如果商标使用许可合同当事人就合同问题产生不同意见 ,可以就其纷争进行调解、申请合同仲裁或者向人民法院提起诉讼。大…  相似文献   

The largest shareholders of issuing firms in Hong Kong are eligible to underwrite rights issues and open offers. We hypothesize that the largest shareholders as underwriters who possess more information are better than investment banks in certifying firm value. Our analyses show that the largest shareholders self‐select into their preferred issuing firms, and a selection bias in the choice of underwriters arises. After controlling for firm and issue characteristics and addressing the selection bias, our findings support our hypothesis. We also find that investment banks with greater access to information through prior underwriting relationship provide better certification than investment banks without such relationship.  相似文献   

美国亚利桑那大学教授古德克和商业作家威尔史在2000年合著的《勇敢的新服务策略》一书中,提出了相知服务与相遇服务的概念,在服务内容、顾客获取服务的方式、服务速度、服务便捷性、服务成本、服务人员与顾客情感交流方式、顾客反馈问题方式、服务效率度量难易程度、管理服务供求关系难易程度、顾客忠诚度、服务提供者报酬方式、员工满意度、经理职责、企业盈利水平方面存在差异,区分这些差异,有助于指导不同类别的服务企业制定有针对性的营销和管理对策。  相似文献   

Franchising contracts are designed to bring together two kinds of entrepreneurs, the franchiser and the franchisee, and to maintain their relationship in the long run. In contrast to standard exchange contracts in law, which are specifically designed to bring about the completion of an exchange efficiently, franchise contracts are designed to make it possible for the entrepreneurs to initiate, to maintain, and to eventually terminate their relationship without dispute. The research reported in this article is an attempt to see how the dual purpose of franchising contracts are achieved. The article first describes the internal organization of franchise contracts (what we called the micro-contractual aspects) and how different kinds of rights and obligations are allocated to accomplish these multiple ends. The second part of the article provides an empirical examination of 30 franchise contracts to see if the internal organization of the contracts influence both the expansion of the franchise operations through new franchises and the amount of dispute between the two sides of franchise contracts.Every franchise contract includes a set of provisions that define the commencement, termination, and ongoing operations of franchise relations. The internal organization of franchise contracts specifies what kinds of rights and obligations are distributed to the parties and the nature of this allocation within each domain of provisions. We argue that the commencement and termination aspects of franchise contracts are usually written in order to make the relationship between the parties clear, and the contingencies specific. In these provisions, the contract is written in discrete terms in which each party's rights and duties are specifically delineated. The contractual provisions dealing with the ongoing operations and the conduct of the parties, on the other hand, cannot be made specific because it is impossible to define all the future contingencies and possible business opportunities. Under these conditions, the contract is usually written in relational terms in which each party's rights and obligations are defined in terms of powers and liabilities towards each other rather than in terms of specific duties and rights.One critical consequence of writing contracts that include powers and liabilities, however, is that it may lead to disputes and undesirable conflict that are detrimental to the success of the franchise. In order to deal with these conflicts among the parties, the contract needs to specify conflict resolution mechanisms that are an integral part of franchise contracts.These general arguments are tested with the use of 30 randomly selected franchise contracts from a diverse set of businesses. Our results show that, indeed, different parts of franchise contracts allocate rights and obligations differently and the more relational a contract becomes the more likely that it would include various dispute resolution mechanisms. We also found that the success of a franchise contract, which is measured by the number of legal disputes it generates and the growth of franchised units, is influenced by the existence of relational provisions and the explicit dispute resolution mechanisms included in the contract.We recommend that franchise contracts should be written to make the commencement and termination aspect of the relationship as discrete as possible. The operations and conduct provisions of the contract, on the other hand, should be written in relational terms to give the parties the ability to respond to changes in business conditions without renegotiating the contract.It is usually the tendency on the part of franchise lawyers to write discrete contracts that attempt to specify every conceivable contingency to avoid future disputes. We argue here that a better strategy is to limit the discrete aspects of the contract to the commencement and termination clauses and to concentrate more on the dispute resolution mechanisms that can become an integral part of the contract. Thus, we also recommend that various dispute resolution mechanisms, such as franchisee associations, franchisee councils, and third party arbitration should be set up within the contract to address the possible disputes early on rather than to wait for potentially very costly court proceedings for both parties.  相似文献   

论企业财务总监职能定位及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业资本的不同特点、公司治理结构的功能、企业的契约关系等决定将财务总监的职能定位为财务监督、参与决策、协调关系。为了保证财务总监职能的充分实现,使其发挥出最大的作用,需要采取以下措施:尽量选择稳定的中小股东作财务总监或使财务总监成为股东;完善对财务总监的激励和监督;划清财务总监与经营者的权责,并将责权利相结合;提高财务总监素质;改善企业环境。  相似文献   

传统服务质量和电子服务质量已广受关注,但同时基于人-人交互和人-技术交互的混合服务质量还缺乏深入探索。文章基于我国线上线下融合情境构建并实证分析了混合服务质量对双线服务忠诚的影响模型。实证分析表明,实体服务质量、电子服务质量、整合服务质量对感知价值和线上忠诚有积极影响,实体服务质量、整合服务质量对关系质量和线下忠诚有积极影响;感知价值和关系质量对线上线下忠诚均有积极影响;并且,感知价值和关系质量在混合服务质量三维度与线上线下忠诚之间起到一定程度的中介作用。此外,跨渠道质量不一致负向调节了电子服务质量、整合服务质量对感知价值的影响,负向调节了实体服务质量、整合服务质量对关系质量的影响;渠道使用模式负向调节了电子服务质量、整合服务质量对感知价值和关系质量的影响。研究从线上线下融合视角深入挖掘了混合服务质量影响服务忠诚的顾客心理机制和多渠道异质性特征,对混合服务提供商的服务质量和顾客忠诚管理有一定启示作用。  相似文献   

We consider how funding from informed investors such as banks certifies the quality of the recipient firms to investors uninformed of it. We show that informed finance leads to full separation of firms’ quality types, with a larger quantity of it certifying a better quality. Moreover, the increase in the market value of the recipient firm is a convex, increasing function of the quantity of informed finance that it obtains. Lastly, firms with attribute X derive a greater value from the certification service of informed finance than those without it if the distribution of firms’ quality conditional on X is second‐order stochastically dominated by that conditional on its absence. The informed finance could be commercial bank loans or the purchase of a firm's equity preceding its IPO by renowned investment banks.  相似文献   

While it is commonly accepted that corporations have negative duties to respect human rights, the question of whether rights also imply positive duties for corporations is contentious. The recent reports of the United Nations special representative on business and human rights contend that corporations do not have positive duties, but the arguments this is based on are flawed from an ethical point of view. In particular, the reports fail to consider the implications of interactions between corporations and states. For rights to be secured, corporations may face duties to use their power to pressure governments into performing their assigned duties, and duties not to undermine the role of the government. The interaction of corporations and governments also has implications for choosing effective instruments to advance human rights. International initiatives that do not take this interaction into account will be ineffective or, at worst, counterproductive.  相似文献   

论品牌关系生命周期中消费者品牌信任与心理契约的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业之间的竞争,集中体现为品牌统治权的争夺,实质是对消费者的争夺。只有与消费者建立长期持久的关系,才能取得竞争的先机。而信任是长期关系的基础,是关系营销取得成功的关键,与心理契约存在正相关关系。系统梳理、借鉴有关品牌信任和心理契约研究成果,并从理论上论证了品牌关系生命周期中消费者品牌信任与心理契约建立的横向动态关系与纵向互动关系同时存在,它们共同形成了消费者品牌信任与心理契约建立的动态整合模型。  相似文献   

产权经济学与会计学有着天然的联系。从产权角度来看,会计信息是企业产权结构变化的产物,是为监督企业契约签订和执行而产生的。会计信息具有反映企业产权关系,检验企业契约履行的标准,反映企业价值的替代变量和联接企业与资本市场的桥梁的产权经济功能。  相似文献   

Back in 2002, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) implemented the final national standards and began certifying foods as having met the criterion in the production, handling, and processing of organically grown agricultural products. Consumers began seeing the USDA seal displayed as well as, the word “certified” and various levels of organic content on the front display panel of the product. The USDA stresses that the organic standard and label requirements do not imply organic foods are healthier. This research analyzes possible implications of consumers incorrectly inferring that food products with the USDA-organic certification label are healthier than food products without that certification.  相似文献   

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