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2011年10月14日IEC主席克劳斯·乌赫勒博士ISO主席鲍里斯·埃里森博士ITU秘书长哈马德·图尔博士当今世界,我们越来越强烈地期待,世间万物都能像我们希望的那样可靠地工作和运转。拨打电话时,我们希望可以立刻接通全球任何一部电话。登陆互联网时,我们希望可以快速地获取新闻和信息。身患疾病时,我们希望可以依赖可靠的医疗器械来治愈疾  相似文献   

2011年10月14日,是全世界标准化工作者的节日——世界标准日。国际电工委员会(IEC)、国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电信联盟(ITU)为今年世界标准日确定的主题是“国际标准树立全球信心”。  相似文献   

10月14日,2011年世界标准日大会在京召开。今年世界标准日的主题是——国际标准树立全球信心。国家质检总局局长、党组书记支树平,北京市副市长洪峰,工业和信息化部副部长刘利华,国家质检总局党组成员、国家标准委主任陈钢等出席会议并致辞。  相似文献   

璎珊 《上海质量》2011,(10):49-49
在经济全球化时代,信息和通信技术快速发展,面对多重风险的挑战,如何保持消费者对产品、服务和全球贸易的信心?国际标准是树立全球消费者信心的关键。  相似文献   

10月14日,是全世界标准化工作者的节日——世界标准日。国际电工委员会(IEC)、国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电信联盟(ITU)为今年世界标准日确定的主题是”国际标准树立全球信心”。  相似文献   

2000年 10月 14日 IEC主席 Mathias Funfschilling先生 ISO主席 Giacomo Elias先生 ITU秘书长 Yoshio Utsumi先生 专稿  在技术、经济和各种国际关系以前所未有的速度发展和变化的今天,人类对稳定有着强烈的渴求。人类一方面不断地探索、创造和发展世界,另一方面又希望世界更加有序、更加和平和繁荣。在这个表面上相互矛盾的环境中,人类几乎永远需要一个众人皆知的起始点,一些“程序规划”,及一个共同的基准以衡量进步、满意度和成就。   从哲学或理性的范畴来说,共同的基准和程序规则在理论上是指那些可以被社会各界人士所…  相似文献   

<正>国际电工委员会(IEC)、国际标准化组织(ISO)、国际电信联盟(ITU)2013年世界标准日祝词:当前,国际社会既要面对全球市场变化,又要在世界经济复苏和有效应对气候变化等亟待解决的问题之间维持平衡。在这种复杂形势下,国际标准是打开全球市场,营造良好商业氛围,刺激经济增长,减缓并适应气候变化,引领积极改变的最强有力手段。国际标准是全球最优秀专家所形成的共识,其范围涉及用能、能效、交通、管理体系、气候变化、医疗健康、安全和信息通讯技术等各个领域。为了公众的共同利益,来自各行各业的专家奉献出  相似文献   

<正>2010年10月14日是第41届世界标准日,国际电工委员会(IEC)、国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电信联盟(ITU)联合发出世界标准日祝词,主题是"标准让世界更畅通"。  相似文献   

正2014年10月14日IEC主席野村淳二博士ISO主席特里·希尔先生ITU秘书长哈马德·图尔博士当今世界的方方面面都正在发生着深刻的变革。全球各经济体的相互依存也变得空前紧密。今天我们看到市场上的产品,往往不再是单个国家制造,更多的是国际制造。消费者使用的产品,凝结了多个国家的智慧和资源。  相似文献   

“政府已经在无形地支持房地产,不要太刻意地要求政府做什么,实际些更好,政策越少越好。以前出了很多政策,大家其实都有点无所适从。”扶伟聪认为,要让市场慢慢发展,慢慢改进。“就像象森林中的小树,虽然风吹雨打,但总是在不断地成长,终有一天会长成参天大树”。“如果把楼市比喻为海洋,那么,我们时而滑翔,时而冲浪。”扶伟聪的箴言是“不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步!”正导在大海中嬉戏,才有了合富今天的成长。  相似文献   

Integrated thinking (IT) is a managerial mindset increasingly discussed in the context of value creation. Through the lens of systems theory, this study examines how the degree to which IT is embedded in a firm's strategy and day-to-day business processes is associated with the firm's social and environmental value creation. Using a broad international dataset, we find strong evidence that our measure of IT is positively related to a firm's sustainability performance (SP), which we use to operationalize social and environmental value creation (or erosion). Our results also reveal that the increase in a firm's SP might come at the cost of a short-term decrease in financial performance (FP). We find no indication, however, that IT induces a trade-off between SP and long-term FP. Integrated thinking appears to stipulate long-term financial value creation instead. We further explore moderating factors within the organizational and institutional context of our sample firms and highlight implications for society, corporate practice, and policymaking.  相似文献   

打造长白山国际矿泉城是中国矿泉水之乡吉林安图县十三五期间构建的重点产业集群之一。本文试对该县打造长白山国际矿泉城的现状进行分析,提出加强品牌建设、提高要素保障水平、走可持续发展道路三条对策建议,促进安图县矿泉水产业的发展。  相似文献   

In latent theory the measurement properties of a mental test can be expressed in the test information function. The relative merits of two tests for the same latent trait can be described by the relative efficiency function, i.e. the ratio of the test information functions. It is argued that these functions have to be estimated if the values of the item difficulties are unknown. Using conditional maximum likelihood estimation as indicated by Andersen (1973), pointwise asymptotic distributions of the test information and relative efficiency function are derived for the case of dichotomously scored Rasch homogeneous items. Formulas for confidence intervals are derived from the asymptotic distributions. An application to a mathematics test is given and extensions to other latent trait models are discussed.  相似文献   

随着社会、经济的不断发展,标准化在公共服务和社会管理领域的技术支撑和基础保障作用日益凸显.在国际标准化交流合作广泛深入的今天,如何运用标准化理念和手段来进一步完善公共服务、创新社会管理,更好地为企业创造价值?带着这些问题,本刊对来沪访问的国际标准化组织(ISO)秘书长罗博·斯蒂尔(以下简称"Steele")进行了独家专访.  相似文献   

One–sided confidence regions for continuous cumulative distribution functions are constructed using empirical cumulative distribution functions and the generalized Kolmogorov–Smimov distance. The band width of such regions becomes narrower in the right or left tail of the distribution. To avoid tedious computation of confidence levels and critical values, an approximation based on the Poisson process is introduced. This approximation provides a conservative confidence region; moreover, the approximation error decreases monotonically to 0 as sample size increases. Critical values necessary for implementation are given. Applications are made to the areas of risk analysis, investment modelling, and analysis of fault–tolerant systems.  相似文献   

Rapidly increasing globalization, the expanding use of technology, and intercultural competency have been discussed in the leadership literature for more than three decades. Simultaneously, the urgency to academically prepare globally competent organizational leaders has acclerated exponentially. Recommendations for global leadership competencies have been developed and undoubtedly have provided useful guidance in academic program and curricula development. In contrast, the preparedness of the leadership professoriate to prepare globally competent leaders has received little attention through research or discourse. The ongoing professional development of the leadership professoriate in terms of a global mindset and intercultural competencies are questioned and discussed. Recommendations are made for institutional and programmatic initiatives to increase the global learning and capital of faculty. Questions and recommendations are offered for personal and collective reflection and critical discourse on the need to expand and develop the international currency of faculty so that we can ensure the professoriate is prepared to educate students to be global leaders.  相似文献   

Corporate industrial activities of the past are environmentally unsustainable. Many of today's environmental crises are rooted in an unsustainable pattern of industrialization. Sustainable economic development can be ushered in only if corporations, the main economic engines of the future, are made environmentally sound. This can be facilitated through ‘total environmental management,’ and ‘sustainable organizational design’. Although many companies have embraced the practice of environmental management, few have seriously engaged the idea of sustainability. Those that do might reap competitive and financial benefits.  相似文献   

Economists, observers, and policy-makers often emphasize the role of sentiment as a potential driver of the business cycle. In this paper, we provide three contributions to this debate. First, we give an overview of the recent literature on the nexus between sentiment (considering both confidence and uncertainty) and economic activity. Second, we review existing empirical measures of sentiment, in particular consumer confidence, stock market volatility (SMV) and Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU), on monthly data for 27 countries, 1985–2016. Third, we identify some new stylized facts based on international evidence. While different measures are surprisingly lowly correlated on average in each country, they are typically highly positively correlated across countries, suggesting the existence of a global factor or sizeable international spillovers of sentiment. Consumer confidence has the closest co-movement with economic and financial variables, and most of the correlations are contemporaneous or forward-looking, consistent with the view that economic sentiment is indeed a driver of activity.  相似文献   

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