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The Directive 2014/17/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 February 2014 on credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property (Mortgage Credit Directive) was complemented by new regulations regarding the assessment of customers’ creditworthiness through the Act Implementing the Mortgage Credit Directive and Amending Accounting Rules (Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Wohnimmobilienkreditrichtlinie und zur Änderung handelsrechtlicher Vorschriften) of 11 March 2016 in the law of obligations (Section 505a ff. Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB) and the regulatory law (Section 18a Kreditwesengesetz). Firstly, the dangers of the ‘extraordinary’ monetary policy of the ECB to the real estate market and a possible connectivity regarding the regulatory initiative are indicated. The contribution describes the purpose of the Directive, compares the new principles of creditworthiness assessment with the previous practice and analyses the consequences for banks and potential borrowers. It closes with a critical assessment of the EU wide regulation in this field and specifies approaches concerning a different German implementation in accordance with the Directive.  相似文献   

So schwer ist Therapietreue — Menschen, bei denen eine der typischen Volkskrankheiten diagnostiziert wurde, tun sich schwer, Verhaltensweisen zu entwickeln, zu denen ihr Arzt (und auch ihre Vernunft) ihnen r?t. Ern?hrungsregeln, wie sie beispielsweise Diabetikern empfohlen werden, werden entweder nur in Ausnahmef?llen eingehalten oder in stark abgeschw?chter Form. Aber warum ist das so?  相似文献   

The federal legislature has adopted a new system of intergovernmental fiscal relations from 2020 onwards which will change the federal structure of Germany considerably. In particular, the abolition of the horizontal equalisation among the Länder (Länderfinanzausgleich) and its replacement by an equalisation of fiscal power (Finanzkraftausgleich) within the distribution of the revenues of sales taxes changes the underlying structure of the German federal state fundamentally. The new legislation indicates this shift of the federal balance: the federation will take over the construction of motorways completely. Federal authorities also gain new powers in controlling the use of federal funds by the Länder. Instead of a balance of the federation and the Länder we will get a dominance of the federation.  相似文献   

Werding  Martin  Niemeier  Ernst 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2021,101(7):565-571
Wirtschaftsdienst - In der Juniausgabe 2021 veröffentlichte der Wirtschaftsdienst einen Aufsatz mit dem Titel ?Beitragsfinanzierung im ?demografiegestressten‘ Rentensystem...  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Die Corona-Krise führt bei vielen Unternehmen zu andauernden Umsatzeinbrüchen, die einen akuten Liquiditätsbedarf verursachen, sofern laufende Kosten nicht...  相似文献   

The debt brake for the German Länder, which forbids them from taking on new net debt beginning in 2020, has two major shortcomings. First, the Länder do not have tax autonomy. In fiscal crises, they can only adjust on the expenditure side, not on the revenue side. Given the fact that most expenditure is predetermined by law, in such a crisis, a balanced budget without new debt would hardly be feasible. Second, it is not taken into account that, in particular in small regional units, large investments can hardly be financed by current expenditure. Thus, there is a very high probability that at least some Länder will still take on new net debt after 2020 and, therefore, violate the rules of the debt brake.  相似文献   



? Die Marketinglogik von Greenpeace: Lobby, Medien und Spenden ?  相似文献   

Wagner  Gert G. 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2021,101(6):473-480
Wirtschaftsdienst - Der Sachverständigenrat für Verbraucherfragen hat erstmals ein breit angelegtes Gutachten zur Lage der Verbraucher:innen in Deutschland vorgelegt. Gert G. Wagner,...  相似文献   

Die Eurogruppe hat Griechenland mit dem Argument vor dem Staatsbankrott gerettet, diese Situation sei durch die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise ausgel?st und damit kurzfristig und vorübergehend. Die Autoren weisen demgegenüber nach, dass Griechenland schon seit langem über seine Verh?ltnisse lebt. Sie machen Vorschl?ge, wie das Land seine verlorene internationale Wettbewerbsf?higkeit wiedererlangen kann.  相似文献   

To illustrate the reductions in the benefits of the pension system over the past three decades, the actual insurance history of the author’s father is contrasted with an identical, fictitious insurance history of the author, who was born 28 years later. This illustrates that the devaluation of periods of training and unemployment under pension law leads to drastically lower pension entitlements for the son. The actual pension reductions created by the lack of coverage of social risk situations is not reflected in the much discussed pension level.  相似文献   

Regardless of the latest tax reform the fiscal drag brings an additional tax burden of € 6.2 billion for the period 2016-2021 to Austrian taxpayers. In 2021 alone this fiscal drag will levy an additional € 2.17 billion. The study in hand gives an overview how other countries control the fiscal drag and analyses the effect of such adjustments in the Austrian tax system. Depending on the adjustment model, the range of the fiscal drag by 2021 lies between a tax burden of € 4 billion (tax brackets adjusted once the cumulative inflation reaches the 5 percent threshold) and between a tax reduction of € 1.6 billion (the tax system is adjusted to the development of nominal wages). In the latter case an adjustment leads to an over-compensation of the fiscal drag yielding a constant tax burden relative to income. For the entire elimination of the fiscal drag an annual inflationary adjustment of the tax brackets, tax credits and deductibles is necessary.  相似文献   

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