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Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin may revolutionise the financial system by at least partially replacing intermediaries such as central banks and commercial banks. The blockchain technology enables users to perform financial transactions on a peer-to-peer basis. This imposes a serious threat on the financial intermediaries as well as on monetary policy authorities. In this paper, we examine how well cryptocurrencies fulfill the functions of a fiat money and discuss the comparative advantages of cryptocurrencies. We proceed by exploring the implications of digital currencies for the concept and conduct of monetary policy.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the merits of including pluralist methods, theories and paradigms into the traditionally mainstream. They also evaluate the progress made by German faculties in this regard. The pluralism debate is in itself plural. There are numerous international and Germany specific dimensions and associated critiques of mainstream economics. Different approaches to economic policy must be organised in a manner which guarantees theoretical and paradigmatic pluralism — on which economic policy proposals ought to be based. Another view focuses on the educational effect and states that the mental frames of economics students are subject to manipulation; the foundation of their thinking is narrowed and recontextualised in an emotionally and politically highly charged semantic environment.  相似文献   

Im Zuge der Griechenlandkrise hat die EZB zu unkonventionellen Ma?nahmen gegriffen: Sie akzeptiert Wertpapiere mit geringem Qualit?tsniveau als Sicherheiten und kauft Staatsanleihen. Dies l?sst befürchten, dass die EZB Reputation verliert und Moral-Hazard-Probleme entstehen. Die Liquidit?tssteuerung w?hrend der Krise war eine gro?e Herausforderung für die Zentralbanken, die m?glicherweise die Bedeutung der externen Kommunikation untersch?tzen. Der liberalisierte Ordnungsrahmen für die Finanzm?rkte hat es ihnen allerdings schwerer gemacht hat, eine wirksame Geldpolitik zu betreiben.  相似文献   

Pflegestandards versus individuelle Pflege — In der Palliativpflege genügen die herk?mmlichen Qualit?tsma?st?be nicht. Denn hier geht es um Beziehungen, Trauer, Liebe, Leben, existentielle Fragen und Krisen. Das kann mit Uhren, Ma?b?ndern, Waagen, Skalen und Tabellen nicht erfasst werden. Ein Zwischenruf von Susanne Kr?nzle.  相似文献   

The ECB decision to cut its benchmark interest rate in November 2013 has been severely criticised in Germany. Against this background, the President of the Bundesbank justified the ECB’s monetary policy stance in recent speeches. At the same time, however, he argued that this stance carries risks and has adverse effects. By noting this, he leaves it open to interpretation whether a more restrictive stance would be appropriate even if inflation is well within the target range. If this interpretation were to be correct, it would indicate a deviation from elements of the pre-crisis consensus, namely that policy makers should aim at a clear target and should justify their measures in a consistent way.  相似文献   

As economic conditions improve in the euro area, the European Central Bank (ECB) has to decide how to sequence the normalisation of monetary policy. Phasing out asset purchases first would mainly increase long-term rates and help to mitigate some of the most negative side effects of the extremely expansionary monetary policy, such as misallocations in asset markets. In contrast, starting with an increase of the rate on the deposit facility would reduce the implicit tax on banks’ liquidity holdings at the ECB, which could improve financial stability. Forward guidance and clear communication from the ECB are crucial to safeguarding a smooth transition back to a more conventional monetary policy.  相似文献   

From the beginning of EMU, it has been obvious that the currency area does not constitute an optimum currency area. Instead, hope was put on further convergence after its start. Yet, thus far there is no sign of area -wide convergence. In light of the continuing crisis, which is above all a crisis of missing competitiveness, the claim for convergence is also obsolete, because the divergent development of earlier years must first be equalised via divergent development in the opposite direction..  相似文献   

The EU suffers from a democratic deficit that arises not first and foremost from a lack of institutional competencies, but rather from the double weakness of politics vis-à-vis economics and law at the European level. This “functional democratic deficit” renders the existing mechanisms of democratic control increasingly ineffective. Especially for its citizens, a politically integrated Europen Union might be difficult to grasp, and it may only be reached gradually through a continuous process of dynamic development; however, “United in Diversity” seems to be the better alternative, and not only for historical reasons. The direct elections for the European Parliament, although not denying deficits of democratic legitimacy and participation at the Union level, should not be underestimated in their legitimising influence for the Union as an associated structure of members without obvious hierarchies.  相似文献   

Hüther  Michael  Vogel  Markus 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2021,101(6):439-445
Wirtschaftsdienst - Der Subsidiaritätsgedanke sollte von den politischen Entscheidungstragenden sowie von im europäischen Mehrebenensystem mitwirkenden Akteur:innen beachtet werden. Dazu...  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - In Heft 2/2018 muss in dem Aufsatz von Berend Diekmann, Katrin van Dyken „Die NAFTA-Verhandlungen — Wohin steuert die USHandelspolitik?“, S. 100-107, DOI:...  相似文献   

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