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当前,我国正处于新旧动能转换进程中,一些产能过剩行业面临出清,导致部分企业破产。银行在破产重整中通常作为最大的债权人,在破产重整具体执行过程中常常面临债权损失等诸多问题,直接影响金融机构支持实体经济发展的积极性。为最大限度地维护商业银行合法权益,应在充分把握破产重整程序相关制度的基础上,树立全流程风险防范意识,加大风险项目担保清收力度,积极参与债务人破产重整过程。  相似文献   

银行、企业和政府间的关系一直处于改革变动之中,改革的许多焦点在破产法律制度中得以体现,其间是以转移和牺牲银行利益为代价的.正式破产法基本结束了企业关闭破产的行政程序,在一定程度上有利于银行债权受偿率的提高.但司法实践层面卜银行仍面临担保物权合同制度设计、诉讼方式选择等方面的压力.作为一种司法干预机制,破产申请程序对市场风险具有再分配功能,并对银行自主经营和风险防范提出了更高的要求.  相似文献   

在破产案件的税收监管过程中,由于破产企业本身经营困难、资金紧张,甚至资不抵债,债权的收回存在不确定性,因此一直以来,税务机关对其的税收监管工作不太重视;但由于近年来,个别企业利用破产程序逃避纳税义务,导致国家税源流失,因此各地税收机关已经逐渐重视破产案件中的税收债权监管工作。基于税收债权在破产案件中的特殊性,其一定程度上成为影响破产程序顺利推进的关键因素。  相似文献   

2007年6月1日施行的《企业破产法》引入了破产重整制度,但其制度的实施环境和具体设计均存在缺陷,使银行债权面临风险。要使银行债权得到法律保护,必须完善相关司法制度,维护破产重整程序的公平与公正,并借鉴国际经验,完善重整准入资格审查程序。同时,银行也应该加强内部管理,主动应对制度的变化。  相似文献   

余长虹 《会计师》2010,(5):23-24
<正>破产抵销权、破产债权等问题,在《中华人民共和国企业破产法》(以下简称《破产法》)中做了规定。但如何进行会计处理,会计准则中却没有规定或没有明确规定,本文拟就此谈一下笔者自己的看法。  相似文献   

赵广宇 《中国外汇》2013,(11):58-61
外国进口企业突然破产,中国公司因投保出口信用保险得以全身而退。国内出口商K于2009年5月向德国买方Q出口价值120万美元的服装,约定支付条件为提单日后120天付款。货物出口后,K立即向买方提交了全套单据,等待买方付款。然而,2009年6月中旬,  相似文献   

法律通过对多元利益主体进行规制实现利益均衡,进而促进社会生活的有序运转。基于利益均衡的思想,各国公司法不仅关注公司与股东、股东和董事、股东和董事、公司与雇员、公司和社会公众之间的权利义务关系,而且还关注对公司债权人合法权益的保护。我国目前正在酝酿修改公司法,在修改过程中立法机关对完善公司治理结构、保护中小股东利益等问题给予了很大的关注,但同时对公司债权人保护问题却没有给予足够的重视,理论界也缺乏系统的研究。基于此,本文在外国和中国相关立法进行分析的基础上,就完善我国公司法债权保护制度进行了探讨,并就现行公司法律制度下银行债权保护工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

2006年8月27日, (<中华人民共和国企业破产法))的颁布,标志着我国破产程序从清算主导型向再生主导型的转变.而随着破产重整这一新制度的引入,包括银行在内的破产债权人的保护问题也被寄予了更高的期望.然而,从我国企业破产法生效至今近两年的司法实践来看,重整制度不仅没有达到其加强对债权人利益保护的立法本意要求,反而有被债务人利用成为其合法逃债依据的趋势.  相似文献   

We studied accelerated death benefit (ADB) claims at the Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company (Dai-ichi Life). The ADB provision is designed to pay all or a portion of the death benefit if the insured is expected to die within 6 months. Dai-ichi Life paid 243 ADB claims and did not pay 17 ADB claims between December 1994 and March 1998. Of the 260 ADB claims, 253 (97.3%) were caused by malignant neoplasm, 2 by intracranial hemorrhage, 2 by angina pectoris, 1 by dilated cardiomyopathy, 1 by hepatic cirrhosis, and 1 by bleeding gastric ulcer. The age range of the 243 paid claims at the time when the attendant physician predicted a life expectancy below 6 months was 21.6-72.6 years (48.7 +/- 8.7 years [Mean +/- SD]). By the end of March 2000, 236 cases were followed up among the above 243 paid ADB claims. Of the 236 followed-up cases, 149 (63.1%) died within 6 months and 203 (86.0%) died within 1 year. The range of survival periods of these 236 cases was 6-1516 days (210 +/- 237 days). Of the 217 dead cases due to malignant neoplasm, 45 (20.7%) died of gastric cancer, 44 (20.3%) of lung cancer, 24 (11.1%) of liver cancer, 16 (7.4%) of colon cancer, 13 (6.0%) of rectum cancer, and 12 (5.5%) of pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop and evaluate a model that seeks to measure the impact of Accounting Information System Quality, Internal Control System Quality and Non-Financial Information Quality on company success (Decision-Making Success and Non-Financial Performance). This model is empirically tested with data obtained from the managers of 381 Portuguese companies. We use structural equation modelling in the analysis of causal relationships between different constructs. The results show that information and control systems quality (accounting and internal control) have a direct impact on Non-Financial Information Quality and an indirect impact on Decision-Making Success. The results also indicate that Quality Non-Financial Information does not contribute directly to Non-Financial Performance but contributes indirectly via Decision-Making Success. The exploratory variables prove to be crucial for the companies’ Non-Financial Performance, accounting for its 62% variance. Previous research focuses primarily on financial information quality and financial performance. This study is the first to empirically prove that information and control systems contribute favourably to the transparency and value-relevance of non-financial information and, consequently, to business success.  相似文献   

How does bankruptcy contagion propagate among industry peers? We study the debt recovery channel of industry contagion by examining whether the cost of a company's debt is affected by the observed recovery rates of its bankrupt industry peers. Our results show that lower industry recovery rates are associated with higher loan spreads, but only when the contracts were originated during industry bankruptcy waves. Consistent with the debt recovery channel of industry contagion, we find that the negative effects of industry recovery rates are significantly stronger under situations where the effect is expected to be more salient.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how a misclassification cost matrix can be incorporated into an evolutionary classification system for bankruptcy prediction. Most classification systems for predicting bankruptcy have attempted to minimize misclassifications. The minimizing misclassification approach assumes that Type I and Type II error costs for misclassifications are equal. There is evidence that these costs are not equal and incorporating costs into the classification systems can lead to better and more desirable results. In this paper, we use the principles of evolution to develop and test a genetic algorithm (GA) based approach that incorporates the asymmetric Type I and Type II error costs. Using simulated and real-life bankruptcy data, we compare the results of our proposed approach with three linear approaches: statistical linear discriminant analysis (LDA), a goal programming approach, and a GA-based classification approach that does not incorporate the asymmetric misclassification costs. Our results indicate that the proposed approach, incorporating Type I and Type II error costs, results in lower misclassification costs when compared to LDA and GA approaches that do not incorporate misclassification costs. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the characteristics of bankruptcy procedures that may impact on creditors’ recoveries. We propose 132 legal indexes accounting for the main functions of bankruptcy codes: namely, the accessibility of the procedures, their ability to disclose information, the protection of debtor’s assets, the coordination of the claimants and their decision power, and the sanction of management. The French procedures are more protective of the debtor’s assets and prioritize the coordination of claims. In England, liquidation procedures protect more secured claims, while unsecured creditors have more decision power under reorganization procedures. Our indexes are then used to explain recovery rates on a set of 833 bankrupt SMEs. Several bankruptcy rules are associated with higher recoveries: namely, accessibility of the procedure, protection of the debtor’s assets, protection of claims, and sanction of faulty management. On the contrary, information disclosure has negative impact on recoveries, probably due to the breach in confidentiality.  相似文献   

Distressed Canadian public firms usually file for bankruptcy protection under either the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) or the more flexible Companies Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA). The latter targets reorganization while the BIA focuses on both reorganization and liquidation. This paper examines the factors that enter into the choice of either of these two regimes by bankrupt filing public firms. We document that firms are more likely to file under the CCAA when the global stock market is bullish. Larger firms, more leveraged firms and firms with higher quality bankruptcy trustees are more likely to file under CCAA. The worst performing firms also tend to file under the CCAA. Finally firms in Ontario and Quebec have a tendency to file more frequently under the BIA compared to other provinces.  相似文献   

袁华江 《国际融资》2010,112(2):38-41
本文对美、德、法、中四国部分企业的破产保护、破产融资事件进行了总结和对比,分析了政府的行政调控职能在破产法律事务中的导向功能.  相似文献   

企业上市要提前考虑好种种弊端   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业上市有种种好处,但是,也有种种弊端,如财务要公开,不能一个人说了算,花钱的地方也多了  相似文献   

中国信保专家提醒:一旦遭遇严重拖欠,出口企业只有通过专业追偿机构,联合起来采取快速有效的追偿行动才能尽量挽回损失  相似文献   

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