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刘伟 《财经论丛》2012,(4):96-101
本文采用2002-2008年18个一线城市家电零售企业层面的数据,对家电零售行业市场结构与利润的关系进行了研究。结果表明,我国家电零售行业市场份额和市场集中度对利润率的影响都比较微弱,无论是基于合谋的SCP假说还是基于单方面效应的相对市场势力假说都不成立。而X-效率变量既与利润率呈显著正相关,又与市场份额呈显著正相关,因此相对于其他三种假说,X-效率结构假说对家电零售行业市场结构-利润关系更有一定程度的解释力。由于国美对永乐、大中的并购既没有提升利润,也没有增加市场势力,所以不应采取过分严厉的反垄断并购政策。  相似文献   

<正>携资本与上游产业优势进军零售,打通从种植、养殖、农资、产品加工、品牌产品生产到零售终端的整条环节在零售商正通过农超对接、海外直采等方式寻求供应链变革以应对未来竞争时,农产品生产巨头正悄无声息地向零售渠道延伸。  相似文献   

规模的扩大促成了零售商在上游市场形成买方势力,大型零售商行使买方势力的行为对下游零售市场的同业竞争者产生三方面的影响:市场圈定效应、水床效应、反水床效应,针对零售商买方势力的政府竞争政策应考虑到零售商买方势力的正面影响和负面影响。  相似文献   

周勤 《财贸经济》2004,(8):55-58
本文重点分析我国连锁超市模式高速增长的原因,认为零售厂商采用连锁超市模式是为了解决市场势力与赢利之间的矛盾,实现对上游制造业企业的纵向控制.而目前连锁超市过低的市场进入壁垒诱发过度进入而导致纵向产业链的崩溃,形成"超市黑洞".因此,要采取提高连锁企业的进入壁垒,保护纵向产业链;防止零售商卡特尔;降低制造商向零售商交纳的"负特许费",建立必要的行业规范和建立必要法规制度,健全市场信用体系等政策措施.  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的加剧,零售企业竞争也在不断向更高层次发展。21世纪的竞争将不再是企业与企业之间的竞争,而是供应链与供应链之间的竞争。任何一个零售企业只有与上下游企业结成战略联盟,形成稳定的供应链,并不断使供应链整体价值增值,才有可能在竞争中取胜。一、我国零售企业实  相似文献   

王宇 《中国市场》2014,(1):15-20
当前,我国零售市场的买方势力日益增强,而且由加入WTO时的大型超级市场一家独大逐渐发展为超级市场与百货行业零售商的双寡头主导、不断挤压边缘零售商的竞争格局。针对零售业市场结构的这一新变化,本文通过建立数量竞争的斯坦克尔伯格寡头动态竞争模型,研究寡头垄断零售商产量竞争的效率及其福利效应。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的加剧,零售企业竞争也在不断向更高层次发展。21世纪的竞争将不再是企业与企业之间的竞争,而是供应链与供应链之间的竞争。任何一个零售企业只有与上下游企业结成战略联盟,形成稳定的供应链,并不断使供应链整体价值增值,才有可能在竞争中取胜。  相似文献   

余凯 《商场现代化》2005,(19):13-14
随着市场竞争的加剧,零售企业竞争也在不断向更高层次发展.21世纪的竞争将不再是企业与企业之间的竞争,而是供应链与供应链之间的竞争.任何一个零售企业只有与上下游企业结成战略联盟,形成稳定的供应链,并不断使供应链整体价值增值,才有可能在竞争中取胜.  相似文献   

本文基于不同分销渠道猪肉零售商视角,从上游渠道猪肉批发价格变化、短时间猪肉供需情况变化、物流费用和检测检疫费用、零售环节经营成本变化、各环节中间交易费用等方面分析我国猪肉零售价格波动的原因,并建立猪肉零售价格波动影响因素评价体系,运用专家评议层次分析法确定评价模型各指标权重,进而在单因素比较分析的基础上,得出上游渠道猪肉批发价格变化和零售环节经营成本变化是影响猪肉零售价格的最重要因素。同时,对猪肉不同分销渠道进行模糊综合比较,最终得出社区便民市场是最容易受到波动因素影响的猪肉零售渠道,其次是早市猪肉零售渠道、农贸市场零售渠道、街边食杂店零售渠道,最后是超市零售渠道的结论。  相似文献   

我国批发与零售环节的地位、作用与演变趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘星原 《财贸经济》2004,(10):66-70
本文研究了我国市场经济体制下批发与零售环节地位与作用的演变趋势,对比、分析、描述与探讨了近年来我国批发与零售环节销售业务的数据及其总量、结构、演变趋势和原因等.在此基础上,提出了如下观点:批发环节不会在流通市场化过程中消亡,而是呈现出淘汰、整合、创新与发展的趋势;我国传统"批发环节主导零售"的地位,正在发生"批发环节服务于零售环节与用户"的根本性变化,而零售环节在商品流通渠道中的主导地位与作用越来越明显;由商品自然属性和社会属性的差异性决定,商品流通渠道向多样化的构成方向演变,批发环节已不是商品流通过程的必经环节.  相似文献   

We study how the intensity of competition and the degree to which manufacturers enjoy market power depends on the retail environment in a given market. Past research has discussed the growing importance of retailers and the power they enjoy over manufacturers. Yet, the empirical literature to date has not determined which retail characteristics have the largest impact on competitive behavior.Our starting point is the estimation of a structural demand-and-supply model, where both consumers’ decisions and the strategic interactions between manufacturers and retailers are explicitly modeled. We identify the type of competitive behavior of manufacturers by measuring the deviation from a Bertrand-Nash equilibrium. This measure of competitive conduct is expressed as a function of key retail characteristics such as size of the retailer, its assortment depth, and category expertise.We illustrate the proposed approach using data for the ground coffee category in Germany. Our findings indicate that retail characteristics have indeed a significant effect on competitive intensity among upstream firms and on their ability to exercise market power. Hence, a manufacturer considering entry into a new market should not only take into account its competitors but also the specifics of the retail environment in this market.  相似文献   

For many goods consumers do not make a special trip to a store. Especially for a convenience good such as fuel they will buy the product while on-the-way to some final destination. This paper introduces on-the-way choice of retail outlet as a form of convenience shopping. It presents a model of on-the-way choice of retail outlet and applies the model in the context of fuel retailing to explore its implications for segmentation and spatial competition. The model allows analyzing how choice of retail outlet varies not only with spatio-temporal variables (distance, detour, local competition and agglomeration) but also with trip-related characteristics such as time of day and prior awareness of one's purchase need. The model is a latent class random utility choice model. An application to gas station choices observed in a medium-sized Asian city show the model to fit substantially better than existing models. The empirical results indicate consumers may adopt one of two decision strategies. When adopting an immediacy-oriented strategy they behave in accordance with the traditional gravity-based retail models and tend to choose the most spatially convenient outlet. When following a destination-oriented strategy they focus more on maintaining their overall trip efficiency and so will tend to visit outlets located closer to their main destination and are more susceptible to retail agglomeration effects. The paper demonstrates how the model can be used to inform segmentation and local competition analyses that account for variations in these strategies as well as variations in consumer type, origin and time of travel. Simulations of a duopoly setting further demonstrate the implications.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to demonstrate that the French Galland Act, outlawing below-cost resale via new and more severe invoicing regulation, has reduced the intensity of price competition among retailers in relation to branded goods. Moreover, the reduced intensity of price competition in the retail industry has encouraged a lessening of competition among the manufacturers of major industrial brands. Together, these two effects have sown the seeds of a sustained increase in the price of major brands, accentuating retail competition based more on differentiation than on price. These sustained policies have favoured the development of retailer brands and of hard discount stores and finally encouraged new types of reactions from major retailers and leading manufacturers, such as new types of promotions circumventing the Galland Act and a more intense lobbying activity in order to reform it.  相似文献   

We investigate how incumbent manufacturers and retailers alter their pricing behavior in response to new product introduction. In performing our analysis, we need to be cognizant of the fact that the observed price changes can be due to entry-induced changes in a) demand conditions or b) costs or, on the other hand, to the competitive behavior of c) manufacturers and/or d) the retailer. In order to separate these four changes, we posit that manufacturer and retailer pricing is an outcome of maximizing a combination of shares and profits. This enhanced objective function allows us to measure competitive conduct benchmarked as less or more competitive than under the Bertrand-Nash framework. Our empirical analysis is based on the toothpaste category for the time period January 1993–February 1995. During this period, there were three brand introductions in two rounds of entry. Using the estimates from the demand and the supply model, we compute the changes in the retail and wholesale prices that are attributable to changes in demand conditions, manufacturer and retailer competitive conduct, and cost changes. These results support our conjecture that inferring the change in conduct solely based on a change in observed prices is likely to be erroneous. For the first new brand entry, we find that the brand introduction did not significantly increase competition between manufacturers. As a result, the balance of channel power between the manufacturers and the retailers remained unaltered. Both retailer and manufacturer profit margins increased after the first entry. However, subsequent to the second entry, retailer share of channel profits increased at the expense of the manufacturers; manufacturers even saw a decline in their absolute profit margins. We believe that this research will provide insight for manufacturers and retailers regarding how the various channel participants are likely to react to new product introduction. Furthermore, policymakers interested in understanding competitive reactions to new product introduction should find this research useful.  相似文献   

The enforcement record of the 1990s has demonstrated that international private cartels are neither relics of the past nor do they always fall quickly under the weight of their own incentive problems. Of a sample of forty cartels prosecuted by the United States and European Inion in the 1990s, twenty‐four cartels lasted at least four years. And for the twenty of the cartels in this sample where sales data are available, the annual worldwide sales in the affected products exceeded US$30 billion. Prevailing national competition policies are oriented towards addressing harm done in domestic markets, and in some cases merely prohibit cartels without taking strong enforcement measures. In this paper we propose a sequence of reforms to national policies and to international cooperation that will strengthen the deterrents against international cartels. Furthermore, aggressive prosecution of cartels must be complemented by vigilance in other areas of competition policy. If not, firms will respond to the enhanced deterrents to cartelisation by merging or by taking other measures that lessen competitive pressures.  相似文献   

Views abound on the impact of the Internet and e-commerce on traditional forms of retailing. Scenarios range from on the one hand, the almost total devastation of existing physical retailing to, on the other, limited if any impact upon “real” retailing.Despite excessive hype, spectacular failures and the myriad of conflicting views and crystal-ball gazing, e-commerce processes and procedures provide the potential for a fundamental reassessment of how retailing operates and how retailers behave. Without doubt, the existing ways of operating and the associated cost structures within retailing will be reassessed under the onslaught of new technology and new retail structures.This paper reviews the published evidence on the impact of e-commerce on the retail process. It reviews the situation rather than introducing new evidence. The focus is on the process as it supports B2C activity and how retail processes and procedures could be affected by e-commerce, rather than a pre-occupation with sales impact through traditional merchandise and product sector typologies.Three conclusions are drawn. First, the largest retailers are now pursuing Internet-enabled advantages and cost reductions in operations, which could translate to an enhanced competitive position in process, structure and relationship terms. Secondly, consumer reactions to the new real and virtual offers will be fundamental to their success and failure, but as yet consumer reactions are not fully understood. Thirdly, existing retail floorspace will need enhancement in quality and presentation if it is to continue to provide retail functions.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of the Internet, many manufacturers nowadays use online technology to engage in direct sales. The mix of retailing with a direct channel adds a new dimension of competition and complementarity to a product's distribution channels. Our model focuses on the strategic role played by the retail services in a dual-channel competitive market. The manufacturer uses a direct channel as an effective tool to motivate the retailer to improve its retail services and profits from it. While operated by the manufacturer to motivate retailer to perform more effectively from the manufacturer's perspective, the direct channel may not always be detrimental to the retailer because the retailer can obtain a lower wholesale price from the manufacturer and a higher sales volume from the improved retail services. In our research, our results suggest that the improved retail services effectively alleviate the channel competition and conflict and improve the supply chain performance in a competitive market.  相似文献   

以往文献关于平行进口问题的最优贸易政策分析,一般是从全球福利最大化的角度加以审视和探讨,这和现实有一定差距。对平行进口问题采用何种贸易政策为最优,更加现实的判断标准应是本国的福利最大化,而不应是全球福利最大化。为此,延伸以往文献的分析,建立一个三国三阶段的博弈模型,按照制造商是采用两部定价还是歧视定价的不同,分别分析一国的最优贸易政策。结论发现,无论制造商采用何种方式定价,若一国的自主品牌较少,应当允许平行进口,和以往文献不同。  相似文献   

This article describes the effects of manufacturers' brand advertising on the costs, margins and prices of firms in a real-life, 'dual-stage' world where manufacturers sell to retailers who resell to consumers. Unlike 'single-stage' models, which are frequently used by economists, in which manufacturers appear to sell directly to consumers or to deal with them through an inert distribution system, retailers in a dual-stage world neither buy nor sell as perfect competitors. Although in some industry structures advertising will raise prices to consumers, the welfare effects of advertising are far more benign in a dual-stage world. In intensively advertised categories consumers are more disposed to switch stores within brand than brands within store (just the opposite of relationships in categories where brand franchises are weak) causing there to be an inverse association between margins at the two stages. Thus, while intensive advertising will normally raise factory prices it will drive down retailer margins, often to the point that retail prices are below the levels that would be obtained if the industry were only lightly advertised.  相似文献   

城市零售流通系统的空间竞争结构及其变化--以日本为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以日本为例,对城市零售流通系统的空间竞争结构及其变化问题进行了较为深入的研究。研究的初步结论是:城市零售流通系统的空间结构会随着城市的发展而不断发生变化,城市发展阶段不同,城市零售流通系统的空间结构也不同;大城市首先发生零售流通系统规模结构的变化,进而波及到地方城市或中小城市;随着城市的发展,城市零售流通系统出现了许多相互区隔、相互竞争的零售市场空间;零售商业集聚的竞争优势会不断发生变化,一些新的零售商业集聚区也会不断出现。  相似文献   

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