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2014年6月6日上午9时,国务院参事、调研组组长葛志荣在张元方、刘秀晨、郭廷结、蒋明麟、黄当时、秦小明、雷武科等参事以及陈志峰处长和国务院参事室干部金道鹏同志等陪同下一行10人莅临中国品牌建设促进会(以下简称"品牌促进会"),进行品牌发展专项调研。调研组组长葛志荣参事主持了调研座谈会。中国品牌建设促进会理事长刘平均、秘书长郑志受,特邀嘉宾刘卓慧等领导出席了调研座谈会,以及促进会的相关工作人员参加了会议。  相似文献   

为解决线下传统调研难度大、成本高,以及网络访问固定样组调研和大数据调研样本代表性不足,难以进行统计推断等问题,本文重点研究利用数据融合(Data Fusion)方法逐步搭建大数据调研、云Panel调研、传统线下调研三种方式融合贯通的新型调研模式。具体利用基于倾向得分匹配的样本匹配(Sample Matching)方法,将来自三种调研方式的样本及调查数据有效融合,创造三种调研方法相互结合、相互补充、相得益彰的新型调研方式,提高运作效率,提升调研质量。研究表明,基于倾向得分匹配的样本匹配方法可以实现不同调研方式的融合贯通,在实际市场调查中具备可应用价值。  相似文献   

前一阶段,周伯华局长和刘玉亭、付双建、刘凡、王东峰、钟攸平、石见元等总局领导分别带队深入基层调研。总局各司局、直属单位负责同志也都带队深入各地调研。通过调研座谈,广泛听  相似文献   

市场调研是辅助企业决策的基本工具,企业市场调研时存在着问题界定不清,方法、对象及工具选取不当,调研人员不合格等误区,因此需要清晰明确界定调研问题、科学合理选择方法、培训调研人员.  相似文献   

王永明  王美霞 《北方经贸》2012,(12):151-152
市场营销调研教学中存在理论和实践脱节、忽视学生实践能力提升等突出问题。为此,笔者分析了研究性教学方法在营销调研教学中的可行性、重要性及可选择的运用模式。通过开展区域性的实地调研、丰富案例教学、优化数据分析教学、改革考试评估等形式,运用研究性教学法能够取得较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实全国科技创新大会精神,加快推进全省科技创新工作,7月18日上午,福建省委书记孙春兰深入福建省计量院开展科技调研工作。福建省委常委、秘书长叶双瑜随同调研,福建省质监局局长黄维礼、党组书记施文、副局长赵雪萍等人陪同调研。  相似文献   

Ci Ci 《市场研究》2007,(6):21-23
<正>在线调研又称网上调研,网络调研,是一种利用网络来收集数据的方式,用于区别传统的电话访问、街头拦截等访问方式。  相似文献   

11月4日,中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中组部部长李源潮到工商系统调研为民服务创先争优。中组部常务副部长沈跃跃,国家工商总局党组书记、局长周伯华等参加调研。  相似文献   

"政策好不好,要看群众笑不笑。"任何一项价格政策的制定实施,执行过程中群众有何看法、声音?实践是检验真理的唯一标准。根据浙江省直机关工委的部署和要求,笔者在春节期间就农村地区价格改革、价格政策、日常生产生活中遇到的价格问题、意见建议等方面内容,认真开展了回乡调研走访。一、调研基本情况笔者着重对浙江省长兴县画溪街道姚家桥、南石桥等相关村的亲朋和乡里进行了调研走访。调研  相似文献   

该调研报告以咸阳市袁家村经营户为调研对象,通过问卷调查、深入访谈等方式对袁家村经营户经营现状进行了解,通过对调研结果的分析,找出其中存在的不足,以期为袁家村更好的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

地方政府预算是我国预算管理体制中一个重要的内容。新形势下构建和谐社会离不开地方政府的积极行动,同时地方政府预算关系到许多方面的利害得失。全面认识我国地方政府预算的现状和可能的改革思路是必要的。基于此本文从地方政府预算的存在原因等五个方面回顾了学者们对地方政府预算的研究,为进一步研究和实践地方政府预算提供一个研究基础。  相似文献   

近年来,中国对巴西投资迅猛增长,2010年中国成为巴西外国直接投资的第一大来源国。中企赴巴西投资在面临巴西地理位置优越、自然资源丰富、经济发展稳定、市场潜力巨大、劳动力资源丰裕、基础设施完备、经济政策稳定且开放、科技水平和研发能力较强、外债风险持续缓解、中巴双边贸易快速增长等良好机遇的同时,也面临整体税负偏重、基础设施滞后、社会治安状况堪忧、教育水平不高、居民素质参差不齐、资金和劳动力成本高企、劳工法律苛刻、币值波动较大等挑战。中国政府和企业要从完善投资保险机制、签订投资协定、做好市场调查、政策分析、实行"本地化"策略等方面沉着应对。  相似文献   

Knowledge-intensive industries tend to concentrate geographically, because of the many spillovers that they generate. Thus new biotechnology firms often set up in regions that have innovative firms, government laboratories and universities, which attract them to enter. In this paper we unveil some of the characteristics of Canadian clusters in biotechnology: the key regions, their relative importance, and the main firms and government laboratories that attract new entrants. Moreover, we develop the concept of regions as nexus of competencies, a notion already put forward for firms, but that may be relevant to regions within nations and, ultimately, to nations as well. Capabilities of organizations and regions vary, and a thorough study of organizational and regional capabilities should precede the analysis of knowledge spillovers.Toronto is the main center of biotechnology in Canada, followed by Montreal, and Vancouver. The total population of the metropolitan area (a proxy for immediate market size and venture capital) explains the size, location and characteristics of most Canadian clusters. University research is also a key factor explaining the size of the biotechnology clusters, once population is held constant.Within nations, scientific and technical competencies vary strongly among regions. Some regions within countries concentrate a disproportionate share of the capabilities of all developed and developing nations. Moreover, regions tend to concentrate competencies on a few domains of expertise. This is what literature calls "agglomeration effects": companies active in the same field of technology tend to cluster geographically. They do so in order to share a common labor pool, and to obtain ready access to research institutions such as government laboratories and universities, or to key markets and customers, such as large assemblers or government facilities (Feldman et al., 1999). The specialized literature calls these institutions and key markets/customers "entry attractors" (Swan et al., 1998).In many types of science-based industries (SBIs), such as biotechnology, information technology and advanced materials, the major attractors are universities and government laboratories. In a few more mature SBIs, including aerospace and aircraft, large assemblers tend to naturally attract smaller producers of, components and specialized software.In this respect Canada is similar, to other nations (Niosi, 2000). Its competencies cluster around a few large and medium-sized urban agglomerations, such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, and Calgary. Specialized clusters have also developed around smaller cities. This study builds a theory of the competencies of regions using biotechnology as a case study. Government laboratories, as well as universities and a few large firms, attract entry. The goal of the paper is to examine – using quantitative data – the relative competencies of regions in biotechnology, and the role of NRC laboratories and university research.  相似文献   

随着“万村千乡”市场工程等各项支持农村商业发展政策的实施,我国农村商业得到较大发展,但其发展情况还不尽如人意,农民消费需求仍得不到有效满足。文章采用访谈和问卷调查结合的方式,对湖南省醴陵市农村商业网点进行实地调研,发现镇区商业网点数量大量增加而村级商业网点数量却存在相对减少的趋势。认为人口数量和居住地的变化、镇区和村级商店商品质量和价格的差别、农村家庭收入和支出水平的增加、交通条件的改善是其主要原因,而改善农村流通现状的根本在于大力发展镇区商业,同时注重发展偏远地区村级商业。  相似文献   

The historical absence of formal political borders in the mainland Southeast Asian region, combined with the nature of the geography, mean that unofficial and illegal forms of crossborder movement and economic activities are pervasive and significant throughout the region. This is particularly true in Myanmar (formerly Burma), where pressure on international firms to comply with a boycott of the country, togeth‐er with the covert activities of the government conspire to make border trade a viable form of international business. Although illegal trade such as smuggling is perhaps a universal feature of international economic activities, what is more interesting is the phenomenon of quasi‐legal trade, which includes such activities as parallel importing and reimporting, and advertising by proxy. In many cases, there is evidence that multinational firms collude with distributors, quasi‐legal importers, and government officials to enable the continuation of the marketing of their brands within a country in which this would otherwise be prohibited. This article reports on research conduct‐ed in Myanmar during 1997 and 1998 concerning this issue. The study included a wide‐ranging program of qualitative research with in‐depth interviews of leading overseas executives, intermediaries, and government officials. This research in Myanmar is unique, and it was conducted under considerable difficulties and extreme need for security and provision of confidentiality. In describing the role of multinational companies and others in pursuing quasi‐legal border trade, the article makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the business environment in Myanmar and, more generally, in Southeast Asia. The wider implications of this for international marketing are also described. ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

随着高水平科技人才竞争日益激烈,科技人才流动受到全球政治、经济、文化和地理等诸多因素的影响。对于不同的经济体,筛选不同水平下影响科技人才流动的关键因素,并估计出这些因素的影响程度,成为颇具价值的研究课题。在真实数据中,由于变量数量众多、数据存在缺失、不同经济体影响因素差异较大,现有模型面临诸多挑战。本文通过利用带自适应Lasso罚的分位数回归,构建缺失数据插补后的科技人才流动模型,以刻画不同分位数水平下全球各经济体科技人才流动的重要影响因素,以期为政府及相关部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

政府的主要职能应是提供公共物品,但公共物品却并非只能由政府来提供。政府直接供给公共物品面临诸多困境,如政府的经济人特征、有限理性、信息不对称以及如何由个人效用函数得出社会的福利函数及政府自身低效率等问题。与此同时,政府部门生产缺乏竞争机制和监督机制及多重代理特征决定其效率低下难以克服。  相似文献   

近年来,我国城镇化发展速度不断加快,城市发展水平不断提高,随之而来的是地方政府在城市基础建设方面产生了大量的资金需求。投融资平台作为地方政府进行投融资运作的新型实体,在此过程中得到了迅速发展,平台数量和债务水平持续增长。然而,地方政府投融资平台在管理和运作过程中存在着公司治理结构不规范、债务结构不清、负债率过高等问题,这给我国地方经济发展、金融市场乃至宏观经济都带来了不可忽视的风险。治理地方政府投融资平台问题可以从提高债务能力、市场化经营、宏观调控和财税体制改革多方面入手。  相似文献   

浅谈我国责任政府建设现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国责任政府理论研究经过多年的发展,在理论和实践方面取得了积极成果,特别是行政问责制的发展和完善使我国责任政府建设取得了重大进步,但还有许多问题值得我们关注,特别是近几年,社会突发事件和重大安全事件的发生给政府以新的压力与期待,因此在新时期进一步研究中国责任政府的建设是很有意义的。  相似文献   

企业参与职业教育,是加拿大社区学院职业教育的重要特征。它突出地表现在企业参与社区学院的课程建设,与社区学院开展合作教育和研究以及向社区学院捐助办学经费等方面。为确保企业参与职业教育,加拿大采取了政府支持、设置机构和人员保证等多种保障措施。企业参与职业教育,有利于促使学生获得最新的实用专业技术,有利于把学生培养成为符合雇主需要的人才,有利于解决熟练技术工人的不足以及有利于促进企业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

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